CLINIQUE's TRUTH/BEAUTY SURVEY -COMPLETE RESULTS- Following are full survey results based on total respondents. This information is not interpreted or analyzed. -FURTHER OPTIONS- For survey background information and a listing of other survey-related files, see file: truth_beauty_survey I. WOMEN AND AGING: THE BIG SURPRISE Q.1 How concerned are you about looking older? (a)Very concerned - 14% (b)Somewhat concerned - 31% (c)Not too concerned - 31% (d)Not at all concerned - 29% Q.2 Which phrase best describes how you are dealing with looking older? (a)"It's part of life and I'm okay." - 53% (b)"I'm enjoying the changes that getting older brings." - 23% (c)"I am concerned but not obsessed." - 22% (d)"I feel a large amount of anxiety." - 2% Q.3 Thinking about your age, would you describe yourself as being "young", "middle aged" or "older". (a)Young - 54% (b)Middle aged - 36% (c)Older - 9% (d)Not Sure - 1% Q.4 Thinking ahead 10 years from now as you get older, which of the following is a big fear, somewhat of a fear, or not a fear at all. % saying big fear or somewhat of a fear: Being less in control of your life - 52% Losing your figure - 52% Having fewer job opportunities - 50% Becoming less sexually attractive - 41% Being more like your mother - 40% Losing society's respect - 34% Losing your mate to someone younger - 25% Q.5 In general, in today's society, do you think it is easier to be a woman or easier to be a man at your age? (a)Easier to be a man - 51% (b)Easier to be a woman - 38% (c)Same/no difference - 7% (d)Not sure - 4% Q.6 Do you think it is easier to be a woman or a man as you age in terms of... >Having your opinions listened to and valued? Man - 61% Woman - 25% >Job opportunities? Man - 60% Woman - 29% >Being sexually appealing Man - 41% Woman - 45% >Having a fulfilling family life? Man - 9% Woman 72% Q.7 How do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror? (a)Happy with what you see - 77% (b)Unhappy with what you see - 18% (b)Don't know - 5% Q.8 Following is a list of attributes often used to determine attractiveness in a woman. Please rank these characteristics as most important, next-most important, and so on to the least important attribute. % who say most or second-most important: Confidence level - 50% Sensitivity to others - 45% Sense of humor - 38% Intelligence - 34% Accomplishment - 22% A beautiful face and body - 10% Q.9 Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly with each of the following statements... % who agree strongly or agree somewhat: "I care a lot about whether or not men like my looks." - 50% "I wish I didn't care as much about how men like my looks." - 45% Q.10 Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly with each of the following statements... % who agree strongly or agree somewhat: "I just want to look the best I can for my age." - 97% "I plan to do everything I can to stay looking young." - 71% "Aging is a natural process and I'm not concerned with looking young." - 74% Q.11 Do you think you have to look young to be beautiful? (a)No - 96% (b)Yes - 4% Q.12 At what age do you think a person stops being young? (Open-ended question. Give any response.) Average age chosen as "the end of youth": 54 Q.13 Which of the following statements applies to you. As I get older, I feel... More confident - 89% More accepting - 88% More capable - 86% That my self-esteem has increased - 84% More relaxed/less uptight - 78% Happier - 76% Q.14 Which of the following women* would you most like to age like? Please take into account her accomplishments, physical attributes (beauty), contribution to society, attitude etc. Katharine Hepburn Barbara Bush Barbara Walters Elizabeth Taylor Lena Horne Joan Rivers Women most often selected Katharine Hepburn as the woman they'd most like to age like. She received 37% of the vote. *Well-known women were listed as choices so that most respondents would recognize them. Respondents' verbatim comments about Katharine Hepburn: "She is very strong and well-respected." "She was able to get out of life what she really wanted." "She did not try to hang on to youth. Even though she has physical problems at this point in her life, she has accepted and deals well with her own limitations." "She enjoys life and is not concerned about what others think." "She's dignified and has aged gracefully." "She seems confident about her looks but not obsessed with them." Q.15 Is there any other woman that comes to mind that you would like to age like? (Open-ended question. Respondents were free to give any response.) Sampling of most popular answers: Mother Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Grandmother Raquel Welch Tina Turner Hillary Clinton Audrey Hepburn Mother Theresa Sophia Loren Helen Hayes Georgia O'Keeffe II. THE BEAUTY BUSINESS Q.16 How much time do you normally spend on your beauty routine in the morning, including cleansing and cosmetic application? (a)Less than 5 minutes - 16% (b)5-9 minutes - 23% (c)10-19 minutes - 33% (d)20-29 minutes - 12% (e)30 minutes or more - 16% Q.17 And how about at night, before going to bed? (a)Less than 5 minutes - 32% (b)5-9 minutes - 28% (c)10-19 minutes - 28% (d)20-29 minutes - 5% (e)30 minutes or more - 6% (f)Not Sure - 1% Q.18 Are you spending more time, less time or the same amount of time on your beauty routine than you did 2-3 years ago? (a)Same - 50% (b)More - 23% (c)Less - 26% (d)Not Sure - 1% Q.19 Are you spending more money, less money or the same amount of money on beauty products than you did 2-3 years ago? (a)Same - 43% (b)More - 34% (c)Less - 23% Q.20 Do you believe the beauty companies are providing the types of products you need? (a)Yes - 88% (b)No - 9% (c)Not Sure - 3% Q.21 Do cosmetic salespeople usually understand your needs? (a)Yes - 78% (b)No - 11% (c)Not sure - 11% Q.22 Which, if any, of the following emotions do you feel when you go to a cosmetics counter? Welcomed - 80% Comfortable - 76% Anticipation - 33% Confused - 26% Overwhelmed - 25% Ignored 17% Intimidated - 14% Don't know - 7% Q.23 Do you feel that cosmetics companies provide you with enough real information on the factors that affect you as you age? (a)Yes - 60% (b)No - 33% (c)Don't know - 7% Q.24 How important would you say cosmetic or beauty products are in helping you maintain your physical attractiveness? Would you say they are: (a)Extremely important - 13% (b)Very important - 30% (c)Fairly important - 27% (d)Only somewhat important - 24% (e)Not important at all - 5% (f)Not sure - 1% Q.25 Would you buy a cosmetic product being presented by an attractive model with visible wrinkles? (a)Yes - 51% (b)No - 40% (c)Not sure - 9% Q.26 Do you think fashion magazines should feature models your own age? (a)Yes - 89% (b)No - 7% (c)Not sure - 4% Q.27 When you read about beauty and aging in magazines and newspapers, do you find the following very believable, somewhat believable, not too believable, or not at all believable? % who say very believable or somewhat believable Articles and editorials - 77% Quotes from Experts - 67% Advertising Claims - 62% Q.28 If you could change anything about how society views aging, what would it be? (Open-ended questions. Respondents could give any answer.) Sampling of answers: >DON'T MAKE SUCH A BIG DEAL ABOUT AGING; ACCEPT IT AS NATURAL. "People should accept aging more easily, put their efforts and concerns into growing old gracefully." >PLACE LESS EMPHASIS ON YOUTHFULNESS AND EXTERNAL BEAUTY. "I wish that people understood that beauty is more than just outward appearance." >RECOGNIZE THAT OLDER PEOPLE HAVE VALUABLE SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE. "I would change the fact that when you hit 50, people just want to put you out to pasture career-wise."