! Syntax Highlighting Patterns for SKILL-Code (script-language of the Cadence ! Design System). ! ! These are written for the "c" type syntax vs the lisp syntax. In these ! patterns a procedure call, "function(" will be highlighted differently from ! a variable + paren, "function (" so you can tell if you have a white space ! error. ! ! Contributed by Andrew Stanaski ! ! In NEdit Version 5.0.1 and beyond, load this pattern by starting nedit with: ! ! nedit -import ! ! Then, check that the patterns were loaded correctly, and choose Save Defaults ! from the Preferences menu. The new patterns will now be incorporated into ! your own .nedit file, so the next time you start NEdit, you will no longer ! need to use -import. ! ! In version 5.0, without -import, you must edit your .nedit file by hand and ! add the contents of each resource below to the corresponding list in your ! .nedit file. Be sure to separate new entries with \n, and continue resource ! strings by escaping all newlines within a resource value with \ (backslash), ! leaving only the last line of the resource value not ending in \. ! Skill:1:0{\n\ comment:"/\\*":"\\*/"::Comment::\n\ skill comment:";":"$"::Comment::\n\ string:"""":"""":"\\n":String::\n\ string escape chars:"\\\\(.|\\n)":::String:string:\n\ numeric constant:"<((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f)?>":::Preprocessor::D\n\ procedure calls:"<(procedure|return)\\(":::Plain::D\n\ procedure color:"\\1":""::Storage Type:procedure calls:DC\n\ control calls:"<(if|when|unless|cond|case|caseq|while|for|foreach)\\(":::Plain::D\n\ control color:"\\1":""::Subroutine:control calls:DC\n\ control then else:"<(then|else)>":::Subroutine::D\n\ function calls:"<([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_?]*)\\(":::Plain::D\n\ function color:"\\1":""::Identifier1:function calls:DC\n\ braces:"[{}]":::Comment::D\n\ } nedit.languageModes: Skill:.il .tf::::::\n\