/* -> c.ckausr */ char *userv = "Arthur User Interface (based on C-Kermit 4C(046)) 19 Dec 85"; /* C K A U S R -- "User Interface" for Arthur Kermit (Part 1) */ /* Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC@CU20B), Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, January 1985. Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is retained. */ /* The ckuser module contains the terminal input and output functions for Unix Kermit. It includes a simple Unix-style command line parser as well as an interactive prompting keyword command parser. It depends on the existence of Unix facilities like fopen, fgets, feof, (f)printf, argv/argc, etc. Other functions that are likely to vary among Unix implementations -- like setting terminal modes or interrupts -- are invoked via calls to functions that are defined in the system-dependent modules, ck?[ft]io.c. The command line parser processes any arguments found on the command line, as passed to main() via argv/argc. The interactive parser uses the facilities of the cmd package (developed for this program, but usable by any program). Any command parser may be substituted for this one. The only requirements for the Kermit command parser are these: 1. Set parameters via global variables like duplex, speed, ttname, etc. See ckmain.c for the declarations and descriptions of these variables. 2. If a command can be executed without the use of Kermit protocol, then execute the command directly and set the variable sstate to 0. Examples include 'set' commands, local directory listings, the 'connect' command. 3. If a command requires the Kermit protocol, set the following variables: sstate string data 'x' (enter server mode) (none) 'r' (send a 'get' command) cmarg, cmarg2 'v' (enter receive mode) cmarg2 'g' (send a generic command) cmarg 's' (send files) nfils, cmarg & cmarg2 OR cmlist 'c' (send a remote host command) cmarg cmlist is an array of pointers to strings. cmarg, cmarg2 are pointers to strings. nfils is an integer. cmarg can be a filename string (possibly wild), or a pointer to a prefabricated generic command string, or a pointer to a host command string. cmarg2 is the name to send a single file under, or the name under which to store an incoming file; must not be wild. cmlist is a list of nonwild filenames, such as passed via argv. nfils is an integer, interpreted as follows: -1: argument string is in cmarg, and should be expanded internally. 0: stdin. >0: number of files to send, from cmlist. The screen() function is used to update the screen during file transfer. The tlog() function maintains a transaction log. The debug() function maintains a debugging log. The intmsg() and chkint() functions provide the user i/o for interrupting file transfers. */ #ifdef PANOS extern int XFindOutput() asm; #endif #include "ckcdeb.h" #include #include #include "ckcker.h" #include "ckucmd.h" #include "ckuusr.h" #ifdef ANSI #include #include #include "ckafio.h" #include "ckatio.h" #include "ckamis.h" #endif #ifdef ARTHUR #include "plib.h" #include "arthur.h" #endif #ifdef vax11c #define KERMRC "kermit.ini" #else #define KERMRC "kermrc-cmd" /* Arthur needs changed - see also '/' */ #endif /* External Kermit Variables, see ckmain.c for description. */ extern int size, spsiz, rpsiz, npad, timint, rtimo, speed, local, server, displa, binary, fncnv, delay, parity, deblog, escape, xargc, flow, turn, duplex, cxseen, czseen, nfils, ckxech, pktlog, seslog, tralog, stdouf, turnch, chklen, bctr, bctu, dfloc, mdmtyp, rptflg, ebqflg, warn, quiet, cnflg, timef, mypadn; extern long filcnt, tlci, tlco, ffc, tfc, fsize; extern char *versio, *protv, *ckxv, *ckzv, *fnsv, *connv, *dftty, *cmdv; extern char *dialv, *loginv; extern char *ckxsys, *ckzsys, *cmarg, *cmarg2, **xargv, **cmlist; extern char mystch, stchr, sstate, mypadc, padch, eol, seol, ctlq, filnam[], ttname[]; extern char *DIRCMD, *PWDCMD, cmerrp[]; #ifndef ANSI char *strcpy(), *getenv(); #endif /* Declarations from cmd package */ extern char cmdbuf[]; /* Command buffer */ /* Declarations from ck?fio.c module */ #ifdef ANSI extern int conect( void ); extern int dial( char * ); extern int login( char * ); extern char *SPACMD; /* Space command. */ /*extern*/ int doarg( char ); /*extern*/ int docmd( int ); /*extern*/ void shopar( void ); #else extern char *SPACMD, *zhome(); /* Space command, home directory. */ #endif extern int backgrd; /* Kermit executing in background */ /* The background flag is set by ckutio.c (via conint() ) to note whether */ /* this kermit is executing in background ('&' on shell command line). */ /* Variables and symbols local to this module */ char line[CMDBL+10], *lp; /* Character buffer for anything */ char debfil[50]; /* Debugging log file name */ char pktfil[50]; /* Packet log file name */ char sesfil[50]; /* Session log file name */ char trafil[50]; /* Transaction log file name */ int n, /* General purpose int */ cflg, /* Command-line connect cmd given */ action, /* Action selected on command line*/ repars, /* Reparse needed */ tlevel, /* Take command level */ cwdf = 0; /* CWD has been done */ #define MAXTAKE 20 /* Maximum nesting of TAKE files */ FILE *tfile[MAXTAKE]; /* File pointers for TAKE command */ char *homdir; /* Pointer to home directory string */ char cmdstr[100]; /* C M D L I N -- Get arguments from command line */ /* Simple Unix-style command line parser, conforming with 'A Proposed Command Syntax Standard for Unix Systems', Hemenway & Armitage, Unix/World, Vol.1, No.3, 1984. */ #ifdef ANSI int #endif cmdlin() { char x; cmarg = ""; /* Initialize. */ cmarg2 = ""; action = cflg = 0; while (--xargc > 0) { /* Go through command line words */ xargv++; debug(F111,"xargv",*xargv,xargc); if (**xargv == '-') { /* Got an option (begins with dash) */ x = *(*xargv+1); /* Get the option letter */ x = doarg(x); /* Go handle the option */ if (x < 0) exit(GOOD_EXIT); } else { /* No dash where expected */ usage(); exit(BAD_EXIT); } } debug(F101,"action","",action); if (!local) { if ((action == 'g') || (action == 'r') || (action == 'c') || (cflg != 0)) fatal("-l and -b required"); } if (*cmarg2 != 0) { if ((action != 's') && (action != 'r') && (action != 'v')) fatal("-a without -s, -r, or -g"); } if ((action == 'v') && (stdouf) && (!local)) { if (isatty(1)) fatal("unredirected -k can only be used in local mode"); } if ((action == 's') || (action == 'v') || (action == 'r') || (action == 'x')) { if (local) displa = 1; if (stdouf) displa = 0; } if (quiet) displa = 0; /* No display if quiet requested */ if (cflg) { conect(); /* Connect if requested */ if (action == 0) { if (cnflg) conect(); /* And again if requested */ doexit(GOOD_EXIT); /* Then exit indicating success */ } } if (displa) concb(escape); /* (for console "interrupts") */ return(action); /* Then do any requested protocol */ } /* D O A R G -- Do a command-line argument. */ #ifdef ANSI int #endif doarg( #ifdef ANSI char x) #else x) char x; #endif { int z; char *xp; xp = *xargv+1; /* Pointer for bundled args */ while (x) { switch (x) { case 'x': /* server */ if (action) fatal("conflicting actions"); action = 'x'; break; case 'f': if (action) fatal("conflicting actions"); action = setgen('F',"","",""); break; case 'r': /* receive */ if (action) fatal("conflicting actions"); action = 'v'; break; case 'k': /* receive to stdout */ if (action) fatal("conflicting actions"); stdouf = 1; action = 'v'; break; case 's': /* send */ if (action) fatal("conflicting actions"); if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -s"); z = nfils = 0; /* Initialize file counter, flag */ cmlist = xargv+1; /* Remember this pointer */ while (--xargc > 0) { /* Traverse the list */ #ifdef ANSI xargv++; #else *xargv++; #endif if (**xargv == '-') { /* Check for sending stdin */ if (strcmp(*xargv,"-") != 0) break; z++; } nfils++; /* Bump file counter */ } #ifdef ANSI xargc++, xargv--; /* Adjust argv/argc */ #else xargc++, xargv--; /* Adjust argv/argc */ #endif if (nfils < 1) fatal("missing filename for -s"); if (z > 1) fatal("-s: too many -'s"); if (z == 1) { if (nfils == 1) nfils = 0; else fatal("invalid mixture of filenames and '-' in -s"); } if (nfils == 0) { if (isatty(0)) fatal("sending from terminal not allowed"); } debug(F101,*xargv,"",nfils); action = 's'; break; case 'g': /* get */ if (action) fatal("conflicting actions"); if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -g"); #ifdef ANSI xargv++, xargc--; #else xargv++, xargc--; #endif if ((xargc == 0) || (**xargv == '-')) fatal("missing filename for -g"); cmarg = *xargv; action = 'r'; break; case 'c': /* connect before */ cflg = 1; break; case 'n': /* connect after */ cnflg = 1; break; case 'h': /* help */ usage(); return(-1); case 'a': /* "as" */ if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -a"); #ifdef ANSI xargv++, xargc--; #else *xargv++, xargc--; #endif if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) fatal("missing name in -a"); cmarg2 = *xargv; break; case 'l': /* set line */ if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling after -l"); #ifdef ANSI xargv++, xargc--; #else *xargv++, xargc--; #endif if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) fatal("communication line device name missing"); strcpy(ttname,*xargv); if (strcmp(ttname,dftty) == 0) local = dfloc; else local = 1; break; case 'b': /* set baud */ if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling"); #ifdef ANSI xargv++, xargc--; #else *xargv++, xargc--; #endif if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) fatal("missing baud"); z = atoi(*xargv); /* Convert to number */ if (chkspd(z) > -1) speed = z; /* Check it */ else fatal("unsupported baud rate"); break; case 'i': /* Treat files as binary */ binary = 1; break; case 'w': /* File warning */ warn = 1; break; case 'q': /* Quiet */ quiet = 1; break; case 'd': /* debug */ debopn("debug-log"); break; case 'p': /* set parity */ if (*(xp+1)) fatal("invalid argument bundling"); #ifdef ANSI xargv++, xargc--; #else *xargv++, xargc--; #endif if ((xargc < 1) || (**xargv == '-')) fatal("missing parity"); switch(x = **xargv) { case 'e': case 'o': case 'm': case 's': parity = x; break; case 'n': parity = 0; break; default: fatal("invalid parity"); } break; case 't': turn = 1; /* Line turnaround handshake */ turnch = XON; /* XON is turnaround character */ duplex = 1; /* Half duplex */ flow = 0; /* No flow control */ break; default: fatal("invalid argument, type 'kermit -h' for help"); } x = *++xp; /* See if options are bundled */ } return(0); } /* Misc */ #ifdef ANSI void #endif fatal(msg) char *msg; { /* Fatal error message */ fprintf(stderr,"\r\nFatal: %s\n",msg); tlog(F110,"Fatal:",msg,0l); doexit(BAD_EXIT); /* Exit indicating failure */ } #ifdef ANSI void #endif ermsg(msg) char *msg; { /* Print error message */ if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr,"\r\n%s - %s\n",cmerrp,msg); tlog(F110,"Error -",msg,0l); } /* Interactive command parser */ /* Top-Level Keyword Table */ struct keytab cmdtab[] = { "!", XXSHE, 0, "bye", XXBYE, 0, "c", XXCON, CM_INV, "close", XXCLO, 0, "connect", XXCON, 0, "cwd", XXCWD, 0, "dial", XXDIAL, 0, "directory", XXDIR, 0, "echo", XXECH, 0, "exit", XXEXI, 0, "finish", XXFIN, 0, "get", XXGET, 0, "help", XXHLP, 0, "log", XXLOG, 0, "quit", XXQUI, 0, "r", XXREC, CM_INV, "receive", XXREC, 0, "remote", XXREM, 0, "s", XXSEN, CM_INV, "script", XXLOGI, 0, "send", XXSEN, 0, "server", XXSER, 0, "set", XXSET, 0, "show", XXSHO, 0, "space", XXSPA, 0, "statistics", XXSTA, 0, "take", XXTAK, 0 }; int ncmd = (sizeof(cmdtab) / sizeof(struct keytab)); /* Parameter keyword table */ struct keytab prmtab[] = { "baud", XYSPEE, CM_INV, "block-check", XYCHKT, 0, "delay", XYDELA, 0, "duplex", XYDUPL, 0, "end-of-packet", XYEOL, CM_INV, /* moved to send/receive */ "escape-character", XYESC, 0, "file", XYFILE, 0, "flow-control", XYFLOW, 0, "handshake", XYHAND, 0, "line", XYLINE, 0, "modem-dialer", XYMODM, 0, "packet-length", XYLEN, CM_INV, /* moved to send/receive */ "pad-character", XYPADC, CM_INV, /* moved to send/receive */ "padding", XYNPAD, CM_INV, /* moved to send/receive */ "parity", XYPARI, 0, "prompt", XYPROM, 0, "receive", XYRECV, 0, "send", XYSEND, 0, "speed", XYSPEE, 0, "start-of-packet", XYMARK, CM_INV, /* moved to send/receive */ "timeout", XYTIMO, CM_INV /* moved to send/receive */ }; int nprm = (sizeof(prmtab) / sizeof(struct keytab)); /* How many parameters */ /* Remote Command Table */ struct keytab remcmd[] = { "cwd", XZCWD, 0, "delete", XZDEL, 0, "directory", XZDIR, 0, "help", XZHLP, 0, "host", XZHOS, 0, "space", XZSPA, 0, "type", XZTYP, 0, "who", XZWHO, 0 }; int nrmt = (sizeof(remcmd) / sizeof(struct keytab)); struct keytab logtab[] = { "debugging", LOGD, 0, "packets", LOGP, 0, "session", LOGS, 0, "transactions", LOGT, 0 }; int nlog = (sizeof(logtab) / sizeof(struct keytab)); /* Show command arguments */ #define SHPAR 0 /* Parameters */ #define SHVER 1 /* Versions */ struct keytab shotab[] = { "parameters", SHPAR, 0, "versions", SHVER, 0 }; /* C M D I N I -- Initialize the interactive command parser */ int RawFrig; #ifdef ANSI void #endif cmdini() { RawFrig = XFindOutput("RAWVDU:", 7); setbuf(stdin, NULL); /* Arthur */ printf("%s for %s\nType ? for help\n",versio,ckxsys); cmsetp("Arthur-Kermit>"); /* Set default prompt. */ tlevel = -1; /* Take file level */ /* Look for init file in home or current directory. */ homdir = zhome(); lp = line; lp[0] = '\0'; if (homdir) { strcpy(lp,homdir); if (lp[0] == '/') strcat(lp,"/"); } strcat(lp,KERMRC); if ((tfile[0] = fopen(line,"r")) != NULL) { tlevel = 0; debug(F110,"init file",line,0); } if (homdir && (tlevel < 0)) { strcpy(lp,KERMRC); if ((tfile[0] = fopen(line,"r")) != NULL) { tlevel = 0; debug(F110,"init file",line,0); } else { debug(F100,"no init file","",0); } } congm(); /* Get console tty modes */ } /* T R A P -- Terminal interrupt handler */ #ifdef ANSI void #endif trap() { debug(F100,"terminal interrupt...","",0); doexit(GOOD_EXIT); /* Exit indicating success */ } /* P A R S E R -- Top-level interactive command parser. */ #ifdef ANSI int #endif parser() { int xx, cbn; char *cbp; concb(escape); /* Put console in cbreak mode. */ conint(&trap); /* Turn on console terminal interrupts. */ /* sstate becomes nonzero when a command has been parsed that requires some action from the protocol module. Any non-protocol actions, such as local directory listing or terminal emulation, are invoked directly from below. */ sstate = 0; /* Start with no start state. */ while (sstate == 0) { /* Parse cmds until action requ'std */ while ((tlevel > -1) && feof(tfile[tlevel])) { /* If end of take */ fclose(tfile[tlevel]); /* file, close it */ tlevel--; /* and forget about it. */ cmini(ckxech); /* and clear the cmd buffer. */ } if (tlevel > -1) { /* If in take file */ cbp = cmdbuf; /* Get the next line. */ cbn = CMDBL; /* Loop to get next command line and all continuation lines from take file. */ again: if (fgets(line,cbn,tfile[tlevel]) == NULL) continue; lp = line; /* Got one, copy it. */ #ifdef ANSI while ( (*cbp++ = *lp++) != '\0' ) #else while (*cbp++ = *lp++) #endif if (--cbn < 1) fatal("Command too long for internal buffer"); if (*(cbp - 3) == '\\') { /* Continued on next line? */ cbp -= 3; /* If so, back up pointer, */ goto again; /* go back, get next line. */ } stripq(cmdbuf); /* Strip any quotes from cmd buffer.*/ } else { /* No take file, get typein. */ prompt(); /* Issue interactive prompt. */ cmini(ckxech); } repars = 1; displa = 0; while (repars) { cmres(); /* Reset buffer pointers. */ xx = cmkey(cmdtab,ncmd,"Command",""); debug(F101,"top-level cmkey","",xx); switch (docmd(xx)) { case -4: /* EOF */ doexit(GOOD_EXIT); /* ...exit successfully */ case -1: /* Reparse needed */ repars = 1; continue; case -2: /* Invalid command given */ if (backgrd) /* if in background, terminate */ fatal("Kermit command error in background execution"); if (tlevel > -1) { /* If in take file, quit */ ermsg("Kermit command error: take file terminated."); fclose(tfile[tlevel]); tlevel--; } cmini(ckxech); /* (fall thru) */ case -3: /* Empty command OK at top level */ default: /* Anything else (fall thru) */ repars = 0; /* No reparse, get new command. */ continue; } } } /* Got an action comd; disable terminal interrupts and return start state */ if (!local) connoi(); /* Interrupts off only if remote */ return(sstate); } /* D O E X I T -- Exit from the program. */ #ifdef ANSI void #endif doexit(exitstat) int exitstat; { #ifdef ARTHUR extern int ConsoleIn; /* Close kb in order to release keyboard interrupts */ XCloseStream( ConsoleIn ); #endif ttclos(); /* Close external line, if any */ if (local) { strcpy(ttname,dftty); /* Restore default tty */ local = dfloc; /* And default remote/local status */ } if (!quiet) conres(); /* Restore console terminal. */ if (!quiet) connoi(); /* Turn off console interrupt traps.*/ if (deblog) { /* Close any open logs. */ debug(F100,"Debug Log Closed","",0); *debfil = '\0'; deblog = 0; zclose(ZDFILE); } if (pktlog) { *pktfil = '\0'; pktlog = 0; zclose(ZPFILE); } if (seslog) { *sesfil = '\0'; seslog = 0; zclose(ZSFILE); } if (tralog) { tlog(F100,"Transaction Log Closed","",0l); *trafil = '\0'; tralog = 0; zclose(ZTFILE); } { reg_set rs; error *ret; /* This is a hack, I cant't figure out where the keypad gets disabled. The only place is in ckacon, but great care is taken there to restore the keypad! */ /* enable cursor editing and fn key nums to cursor and copy keys */ rs.r[0] = 4; rs.r[1] = 0; ret = osbyte( &rs ); } printf("\nKermit done.\n"); exit(exitstat); /* Exit from the program. */ } /* B L D L E N -- Make length-encoded copy of string */ char * bldlen(str,dest) char *str, *dest; { int len; len = strlen(str); *dest = tochar(len); strcpy(dest+1,str); return(dest+len+1); } /* S E T G E N -- Construct a generic command */ #ifdef ANSI int #endif setgen( #ifdef ANSI char type, char *arg1, char *arg2, char *arg3) #else type,arg1,arg2,arg3) char type, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3; #endif { char *upstr, *cp; cp = cmdstr; *cp++ = type; *cp = NUL; if (*arg1 != NUL) { upstr = bldlen(arg1,cp); if (*arg2 != NUL) { upstr = bldlen(arg2,upstr); if (*arg3 != NUL) bldlen(arg3,upstr); } } cmarg = cmdstr; debug(F110,"setgen",cmarg,0); return('g'); } /* D O C M D -- Do a command */ /* Returns: -2: user typed an illegal command -1: reparse needed 0: parse was successful (even tho command may have failed). */ #ifdef ANSI int #endif docmd(cx) int cx; { int x, y; char *s; switch (cx) { case -4: /* EOF */ if (!quiet) printf("\r\n"); doexit(GOOD_EXIT); case -3: /* Null command */ return(0); case -2: /* Error */ case -1: /* Reparse needed */ return(cx); case XXBYE: /* bye */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (!local) { printf("You have to 'set line' first\n"); return(0); } sstate = setgen('L',"","",""); return(0); case XXCON: /* connect */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); conres(); /* restore tty to normal mode */ x = conect(); concb(escape); /* tty back in character mode */ return(x); case XXCWD: if (cmtxt("Name of local directory, or carriage return",homdir,&s) < 0) return(-1); if (chdir(s)) perror(s); cwdf = 1; #ifdef ARTHUR printf("%s\n",pwd()); #else system(PWDCMD); #endif return(0); case XXCLO: x = cmkey(logtab,nlog,"Which log to close",""); if (x == -3) { printf("?You must tell which log\n"); return(-2); } if (x < 0) return(x); if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); switch (x) { case LOGD: if (deblog == 0) { printf("?Debugging log wasn't open\n"); return(0); } *debfil = '\0'; deblog = 0; return(zclose(ZDFILE)); case LOGP: if (pktlog == 0) { printf("?Packet log wasn't open\n"); return(0); } *pktfil = '\0'; pktlog = 0; return(zclose(ZPFILE)); case LOGS: if (seslog == 0) { printf("?Session log wasn't open\n"); return(0); } *sesfil = '\0'; seslog = 0; return(zclose(ZSFILE)); case LOGT: if (tralog == 0) { printf("?Transaction log wasn't open\n"); return(0); } *trafil = '\0'; tralog = 0; return(zclose(ZTFILE)); default: printf("\n?Unexpected log designator - %ld\n", x); return(0); } case XXDIAL: /* dial number */ if ((x = cmtxt("Number to be dialed","",&s)) < 0) return(x); return( dial(s) ); /* return success 0=connected -2=fail*/ case XXDIR: /* directory */ if ((x = cmtxt("Directory/file specification","@",&s)) < 0) return(x); lp = line; sprintf(lp,"%s %s",DIRCMD,s); system(line); return(0); case XXECH: /* echo */ x = cmtxt("Material to be echoed","",&s); if (x < 0) return(x); printf("%s\n",s); return(0); case XXQUI: /* quit, exit */ case XXEXI: if ((x = cmcfm()) > -1) doexit(GOOD_EXIT); else return(x); case XXFIN: /* finish */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); if (!local) { printf("You have to 'set line' first\n"); return(0); } sstate = setgen('F',"","",""); return(0); case XXGET: /* Get */ if (!local) { printf("\nYou have to 'set line' first\n"); return(0); } x = cmtxt("Name of remote file(s), or carriage return","",&cmarg); if ((x == -2) || (x == -1)) return(x); /* If foreign file name omitted, get foreign and local names separately */ if (*cmarg == NUL) { if (tlevel > -1) { /* Input is from take file */ if (fgets(line,100,tfile[tlevel]) == NULL) fatal("take file ends prematurely in 'get'"); stripq(line); cmarg = line; if (fgets(cmdbuf,CMDBL,tfile[tlevel]) == NULL) fatal("take file ends prematurely in 'get'"); stripq(cmdbuf); if (*cmdbuf == NUL) cmarg2 = line; else cmarg2 = cmdbuf; } else { /* Input is from terminal */ char psave[40]; /* Save old prompt */ cmsavp(psave,40); cmsetp(" Remote file specification: "); /* Make new one */ cmini(ckxech); x = -1; prompt(); while (x == -1) { /* Prompt till they answer */ x = cmtxt("Name of remote file(s)","",&cmarg); debug(F111," cmtxt",cmarg,x); } if (x < 0) { cmsetp(psave); return(x); } if (*cmarg == NUL) { /* If user types a bare CR, */ printf("(cancelled)\n"); /* Forget about this. */ cmsetp(psave); /* Restore old prompt, */ return(0); /* and return. */ } strcpy(line,cmarg); /* Make a safe copy */ cmarg = line; cmsetp(" Local name to store it under: "); /* New prompt */ cmini(ckxech); x = -1; prompt(); /* Prompt */ while (x < 0) { /* Again, parse till answered */ x = cmofi("Local file name","",&cmarg2); if (x == -2) return(x); if (x == -3) { /* If bare CR, */ printf("(cancelled)\n"); /* escape from this... */ cmsetp(psave); /* restore old prompt, */ return(0); /* and return. */ } } cmsetp(psave); /* Restore old prompt. */ if ((x == cmcfm()) < 0) return(-2); } } sstate = 'r'; /* All ok, set start state. */ if (local) displa = 1; return(0); case XXHLP: /* Help */ x = cmkey(cmdtab,ncmd,"Arthur-Kermit command","help"); return(dohlp(x)); case XXLOG: /* Log */ x = cmkey(logtab,nlog,"What to log",""); if (x == -3) { printf("?You must specify what is to be logged\n"); return(-2); } if (x < 0) return(x); return(dolog(x)); case XXLOGI: /* login to remote system */ if ((x = cmtxt("Text of login script","",&s)) < 0) return(x); return( login(s) ); /* return success 0=completed -2=fail*/ case XXREC: /* Receive */ cmarg2 = ""; x = cmofi("Name under which to store the file, or CR","",&cmarg2); if ((x == -1) || (x == -2)) return(x); debug(F111,"cmofi cmarg2",cmarg2,x); if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); sstate = 'v'; if (local) displa = 1; return(0); case XXREM: /* Remote */ if (!local) { printf("\nYou have to 'set line' first\n"); return(-2); } x = cmkey(remcmd,nrmt,"Remote Kermit server command",""); if (x == -3) { printf("?You must specify a command for the remote server\n"); return(-2); } return(dormt(x)); case XXSEN: /* Send */ cmarg = cmarg2 = ""; if ((x = cmifi("File(s) to send","",&s,&y)) < 0) { if (x == -3) { printf("?A file specification is required\n"); return(-2); } return(x); } nfils = -1; /* Files come from internal list. */ strcpy(line,s); /* Save copy of string just parsed. */ debug(F101,"Send: wild","",y); *cmarg2 = '\0'; /* Initialize send-as name */ if (y == 0) { if ((x = cmtxt("Name to send it with","",&cmarg2)) < 0) return(x); } else { if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); } cmarg = line; /* File to send */ debug(F110,"Sending:",cmarg,0); if (*cmarg2 != '\0') debug(F110," as:",cmarg2,0); sstate = 's'; /* Set start state */ if (local) displa = 1; return(0); case XXSER: /* Server */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); sstate = 'x'; if (local) displa = 1; return(0); case XXSET: /* Set */ x = cmkey(prmtab,nprm,"Parameter",""); if (x == -3) { printf("?You must specify a parameter to set\n"); return(-2); } if (x < 0) return(x); return(doprm(x)); case XXSHE: /* Local shell command */ { int pid; if (cmtxt("Arthur command to execute","",&s) < 0) return(-1); conres(); /* Make console normal */ system(s); concb(escape); /* Console back in cbreak mode */ return(0); } case XXSHO: /* Show */ x = cmkey(shotab,2,"","parameters"); if (x < 0) return(x); #ifdef ANSI if ( (y=cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); #else if (y = (cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); #endif switch (x) { case SHPAR: shopar(); break; case SHVER: printf("\n%s\n%s\n",versio,protv); printf("%s\n",fnsv); printf("%s\n%s\n%s for %s\n",cmdv,userv,ckxv,ckxsys); printf("%s for %s\n%s\n",ckzv,ckzsys,connv); printf("%s\n%s\n\n",dialv,loginv); break; default: printf("\nNothing to show...\n"); break; } return(0); case XXSPA: /* space */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); system(SPACMD); return(0); case XXSTA: /* statistics */ if ((x = cmcfm()) < 0) return(x); printf("\nMost recent transaction --\n"); printf(" files: %ld\n",filcnt); printf(" total file characters : %ld\n",tfc); printf(" communication line in : %ld\n",tlci); printf(" communication line out : %ld\n\n",tlco); printf(" block check type used : %d\n",bctu); printf(" compression : "); if (rptflg) printf("yes\n"); else printf("no\n"); printf(" 8th bit prefixing : "); if (ebqflg) printf("yes\n"); else printf("no\n\n"); return(0); case XXTAK: /* take */ if (tlevel > MAXTAKE-1) { printf("?Take files nested too deeply\n"); return(-2); } if ((y = cmifi("Arthur-Kermit command file","",&s,&x)) < 0) { if (y == -3) { printf("?A file specification is required\n"); return(-2); } else return(y); } if (x != 0) { printf("?Wildcards not allowed in command file name\n"); return(-2); } strcpy(line,s); /* Make a safe copy of the string */ if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); if ((tfile[++tlevel] = fopen(line,"r")) == NULL) { perror("take"); printf("Can't open command file - %s\n",line); debug(F110,"Failure to open",line,0); tlevel--; return(0); } return(0); default: printf("Not available - %s\n",cmdbuf); return(-2); } } /* S H O P A R -- Show Parameters */ #ifdef ANSI void #endif shopar() { int i; extern struct keytab mdmtab[]; extern int nmdm; printf("\nLine: %s, speed: %d, mode: ",ttname,speed); if (local) printf("local"); else printf("remote"); for (i = 0; i < nmdm; i++) { if (mdmtab[i].val == mdmtyp) break; } if (i < nmdm) printf(", modem-dialer: %s",mdmtab[i].kwd); printf("\n Parity: "); switch (parity) { case 'e': printf("even"); break; case 'o': printf("odd"); break; case 'm': printf("mark"); break; case 's': printf("space"); break; case 0: printf("none"); break; default: printf("invalid - %d",parity); break; } printf(", duplex: "); if (duplex) printf("half, "); else printf("full, "); printf("flow: "); if (flow == 1) printf("xon/xoff"); else if (flow == 0) printf("none"); else printf("%d",flow); printf(", handshake: "); if (turn) printf("%d\n",turnch); else printf("none\n"); printf(" Delay: %d\n",delay); printf(" Send timeout: %d, receive timeout: %d\n",rtimo,timint); printf(" Send padding: %d, pad character: %d\n",npad,padch); printf(" Receive padding: %d pad character: %d\n",mypadn,mypadc); printf(" Send Packet start: %d, end: %d, length: %d\n",mystch,eol,spsiz); printf(" Receive Packet start: %d, end: %d, length: %d\n", stchr,seol,rpsiz); printf("Block check: %d\n",bctr); printf("\nFile parameters:\n"); printf(" Names: "); if (fncnv) printf("converted\n"); else printf("literal\n"); printf(" Type: "); if (binary) printf("binary\n"); else printf("text\n"); printf(" Warning: "); if (warn) printf("on\n"); else printf("off\n"); printf(" Display: "); if (quiet) printf("off\n"); else printf("on\n"); #ifdef KERMRC printf("\nInit File: %s",KERMRC); #endif printf("\nLogs:"); #ifdef DEBUG printf("\n Debugging: "); if (deblog) printf("%s",debfil); else printf("none"); #endif printf("\n Packets: "); if (pktlog) printf("%s",pktfil); else printf("none"); printf("\n Session: "); if (seslog) printf("%s",sesfil); else printf("none"); #ifdef TLOG printf("\n Transactions: "); if (tralog) printf("%s",trafil); else printf("none"); #endif printf("\n\n"); } /* D O L O G -- */ #ifdef ANSI int #endif dolog(x) int x; { int y; char *s; switch (x) { case LOGD: #ifdef DEBUG y = cmofi("Name of debugging log file","debug-log",&s); #else y = -2; s = ""; printf("%s","- Sorry, debug log not available\n"); #endif break; case LOGP: y = cmofi("Name of packet log file","packet-log",&s); break; case LOGS: y = cmofi("Name of session log file","sess-log",&s); break; case LOGT: #ifdef TLOG y = cmofi("Name of transaction log file","trans-log",&s); #else y = -2; s = ""; printf("%s","- Sorry, transaction log not available\n"); #endif break; default: printf("\n?Unexpected log designator - %d\n",x); return(-2); } if (y < 0) return(y); strcpy(line,s); s = line; if ((y = cmcfm()) < 0) return(y); switch (x) { case LOGD: return(deblog = debopn(s)); case LOGP: zclose(ZPFILE); y = zopeno(ZPFILE,s); if (y > 0) strcpy(pktfil,s); else *pktfil = '\0'; return(pktlog = y); case LOGS: zclose(ZSFILE); y = zopeno(ZSFILE,s); if (y > 0) strcpy(sesfil,s); else *sesfil = '\0'; return(seslog = y); case LOGT: zclose(ZTFILE); tralog = zopeno(ZTFILE,s); if (tralog > 0) { strcpy(trafil,s); tlog(F110,"Transaction Log:",versio,0l); tlog(F100,ckxsys,"",0); ztime(&s); tlog(F100,s,"",0l); } else *trafil = '\0'; return(tralog); default: return(-2); } } /* D E B O P N -- Open a debugging file */ #ifdef ANSI int #endif debopn(s) char *s; { #ifdef DEBUG char *tp; zclose(ZDFILE); deblog = zopeno(ZDFILE,s); if (deblog > 0) { strcpy(debfil,s); debug(F110,"Debug Log ",versio,0); debug(F100,ckxsys,"",0); ztime(&tp); debug(F100,tp,"",0); } else *debfil = '\0'; return((deblog > 0) ? 1 : 0);/*GT*/ #else return(0); #endif }