Note: The IBM PC implemention of CC-DOS/MS-DOS Kermit Version 2.32(named CC-Kermit) is a Chinese/English version of the old MS-DOS Version 2.32. It can runs on most of the IBM PC family, including the PC,XT,AT, Portable PC, PCjr, PC Convertible, and the PS/2 series, true IBM-compatibles like the Compaq, AT&T 6300, and DEC VAXmate,and near-compatibles like the Olivetti M24, Seequa Chameleon, and DG/1. In MS-DOS environment, CC-Kermit 2.32 is same as MS-Kermit 2.32 completely, while in CC-DOS (Chinese Code DOS) environment, all message is automatically changed into Chinese and some functions of MS-Kermit 2.32 is disabled. I don't rewrite User Guide of CC-Kermit. All commands and user guides of MS-Kermit 2.32 can be used in CC-Kermit. --- Quanfang Zhang, Zhejiang University, P.R.China 7/11/91 The following is the "MSKERM.HLP" file of MS-Kermit 2.32. MS-DOS KERMIT FOR THE IBM PC FAMILY, COMPATIBLES, AND OTHER MS-DOS SYSTEMS Version 2.32, 11 Dec 1988 PROGRAM SUMMARY C. Gianone (Columbia University) J.R. Doupnik (Utah State University) See the MS-DOS KERMIT USER GUIDE for complete details Kermit-MS can be run interactively, from a batch file, as an "external" DOS command, or with redirected or piped standard input and output. Upon initial startup, the program executes any commands found in the file MSKERMIT.INI in the current disk or DOS path, or the file specified by "-f filename" on the Kermit command line. * Interactive Operation: To run Kermit-MS interactively, invoke the program from DOS command level by typing its name, usually "kermit". When you see the command's prompt, "Kermit-MS>", you may type Kermit commands repeatedly until you are ready to exit the program. The commands EXIT or QUIT return you to DOS. While typing commands, use BACKSPACE to erase the character most recently typed, Ctrl-W to delete the most recent field, or Ctrl-U to delete the entire command, and enter the command by typing RETURN (Carriage Return, Enter), or Ctrl-L. A question marked typed at any point in a command (except in a filename or character string) will give you a brief hint about what's expected at that point. Pushing ESC key will complete the command current field, if possible, and position the cursor at the next field. If completion is not possible, Kermit will beep. You can cancel any command during its execution by typing Ctrl-C. * Command Line Invocation: Kermit-MS may be invoked with command line arguments from DOS command level, for instance: A>kermit set port 1, set speed 9600, connect In this case, help and completion are not available and Kermit-MS will exit back to DOS after completing the specified commands unless you include the "stay" command. Several commands may be given on the command line, separated by commas. * Batch Operation: Like other MS-DOS programs, Kermit-MS may be operated under batch with command line arguments. If you invoke it without command line arguments, it will run interactively, reading commands from the keyboard and not the batch file. When it exits, batch processing will continue to the end of the batch file. An ERRLEVEL number is returned by Kermit to assist batch file controls. * Remote Operation: The MS-DOS CTTY command allows an MS-DOS system to be used from a terminal connected to its communication port, e.g. "CTTY COM1". You can then use DOS, and Kermit, from a terminal or computer connected to the PC's COM1 device. Notation: - Replace this with an actual number, or filename, etc. - Replace with an actual decimal number - A file specification, which may include disk & directory - Time of day in 24-hour notation, less than 12 hours from now [] - An optional field, which may be omitted {A,B,C} - Choose one of the items listed [{A,B,C}] - Optionally choose one of the items listed * Top-Level Kermit-MS Commands: -F (From DOS command line only) Use instead of MSKERMIT.INI as initialization file. "kermit -f nul" runs Kermit without any initialization file at all. ASK Prompt user, store what user types in variable. ASSIGN Copy the value of variable 2 to variable 1. BYE Shut down a remote Kermit server and log out its job. CLEAR Clear the communications input buffer. CLOSE {PACKET, SESSION, TRANSACTION, ALL} Close the specified log file and stop logging. COMMENT For adding comments to a TAKE command file. CONNECT Make a terminal connection to another computer. CWD or CD Change local working directory. DEFINE [] Group Kermit-MS commands together into a macro, or define a variable. DELETE Delete local files DIRECTORY [] List names, sizes, and dates of local files DISABLE Prevent the specified function to be performed when in server mode. DO Perform the commands in a macro, with parameters for substitution. ECHO Display the on the screen ENABLE Allow the specified function to be performed when in server mode. EXIT Exit from Kermit-MS FINISH Shut down a remote Kermit server GET Ask a Kermit server to send the specified file(s). GOTO