IMPLEMENTATION MODULE KermGet; (************************************************************************) (* Get a file from remote server *) (* written: 14.12.85 Matthias Aebi *) (* last modification: 18.03.86 Matthias Aebi *) (************************************************************************) FROM Terminal IMPORT WriteString; FROM KermRecv IMPORT SwitchRecv; FROM KermSend IMPORT SendPacket; FROM KermMisc IMPORT DispMsg; FROM String IMPORT Length; FROM TextScreen IMPORT SetPos; FROM M2Kermit IMPORT Param1, Param2; (************************************************************************) PROCEDURE Get; (************************************************************************) VAR retCd : BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF Param1[0] = "?" THEN WriteString("Specify the file to get from remote server"); ELSE IF Param2[0] = 0C THEN SendPacket("R",0,Length(Param1), Param1); retCd := SwitchRecv(""); ELSE SendPacket("R",0,Length(Param2), Param2); retCd := SwitchRecv(Param1); END; IF retCd THEN DispMsg("Get successful"); END; SetPos(27,0); END; END Get; END KermGet.