/* latin2.c. Produce a table of ISO Latin Alphabet 1. F. da Cruz, Columbia University, 1992. */ char *name[] = { /* 10/00 */ "No-break space", /* 10/01 */ "A ogonek", /* 10/02 */ "Breve", /* 10/03 */ "L with stroke", /* 10/04 */ "Currency sign", /* 10/05 */ "L caron", /* 10/06 */ "S acute", /* 10/07 */ "Paragraph sign", /* 10/08 */ "Diaeresis", /* 10/09 */ "S caron", /* 10/10 */ "S cedilla", /* 10/11 */ "T caron", /* 10/12 */ "Z acute", /* 10/13 */ "Soft hyphen", /* 10/14 */ "Z caron", /* 10/15 */ "Z dot above", /* 11/00 */ "Degree sign, ring above", /* 11/01 */ "a ogonek", /* 11/02 */ "ogonek", /* 11/03 */ "l with stroke", /* 11/04 */ "Acute accent", /* 11/05 */ "l caron", /* 11/06 */ "s acute", /* 11/07 */ "Caron", /* 11/08 */ "Cedilla", /* 11/09 */ "s caron", /* 11/10 */ "s cedilla", /* 11/11 */ "t caron", /* 11/12 */ "z acute", /* 11/13 */ "Double acute accent", /* 11/14 */ "z caron", /* 11/15 */ "z dot above", /* 12/00 */ "R acute", /* 12/01 */ "A acute", /* 12/02 */ "A circumflex", /* 12/03 */ "A breve", /* 12/04 */ "A diaeresis", /* 12/05 */ "L acute", /* 12/06 */ "C acute", /* 12/07 */ "C Cedilla", /* 12/08 */ "C caron", /* 12/09 */ "E acute", /* 12/10 */ "E ogonek", /* 12/11 */ "E diaeresis", /* 12/12 */ "E caron", /* 12/13 */ "I acute", /* 12/14 */ "I circumflex", /* 12/15 */ "D caron", /* 13/00 */ "D stroke", /* 13/01 */ "N acute", /* 13/02 */ "N caron", /* 13/03 */ "O acute", /* 13/04 */ "O circumflex", /* 13/05 */ "O double acute", /* 13/06 */ "O diaeresis", /* 13/07 */ "Multiplication sign", /* 13/08 */ "R caron", /* 13/09 */ "U ring", /* 13/10 */ "U acute", /* 13/11 */ "U double acute", /* 13/12 */ "U diaeresis", /* 13/13 */ "Y acute", /* 13/14 */ "T cedilla", /* 13/15 */ "German sharp s", /* 14/00 */ "r acute", /* 14/01 */ "a acute", /* 14/02 */ "a circumflex", /* 14/03 */ "a breve", /* 14/04 */ "a diaeresis", /* 14/05 */ "l acute", /* 14/06 */ "c acute", /* 14/07 */ "c cedilla", /* 14/08 */ "c caron", /* 14/09 */ "e acute", /* 14/10 */ "e ogonek", /* 14/11 */ "e diaeresis", /* 14/12 */ "e caron", /* 14/13 */ "i acute", /* 14/14 */ "i circumflex", /* 14/15 */ "d caron", /* 15/00 */ "d stroke", /* 15/01 */ "n acute", /* 15/02 */ "n caron", /* 15/03 */ "o acute", /* 15/04 */ "o circumflex", /* 15/05 */ "o double acute", /* 15/06 */ "o diaeresis", /* 15/07 */ "Division sign", /* 15/08 */ "r caron", /* 15/09 */ "u ring", /* 15/10 */ "u acute", /* 15/11 */ "u double acute", /* 15/12 */ "u diaeresis", /* 15/13 */ "y acute", /* 15/14 */ "t cedilla", /* 15/15 */ "Dot above" }; main() { int i, j; printf("ISO 8859-2 Latin Alphabet 2\n"); printf("char dec col/row oct hex description\n"); for (i = 160; i < 256; i++) { j = i - 160; printf("[%c] %3d %02d/%02d %3o %2X %s\n", i, i, i/16, i%16, i, i, name[j]); } }