.TITLE KERCMN - COMMON BLOCK .SBTTL Robert McQueen/S Hecht/D Stevens ; This is the common storage for KERMIT.TSK and KERFIL.TSK ; Version number .IDENT /1.0.02/ ; Directives .LIBRARY /KERMLB/ ; Kermit library .SBTTL Revision History ;++ ; 1.0.00 By: Authors On: Many days ; Create this module ; ; 1.0.01 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 15-Feb-1984 ; Remove some unused locations. ; ; 1.0.02 By: Robert C. McQueen On: 13-April-1984 ; Move some of the KERCON storage to the common, so that KERCON ; can become a seperate task. ;-- .SBTTL External macro references ;++ ; The following will allow the external macro references. ;-- .MCALL CHRDEF CHRDEF ; Get the character definitions .MCALL KERDEF ; Kermit definitions KERDEF ; Get the kermit definitions .PSECT $GLOB$, RW, D ; ; Intertask communication information ; RUN:: .BLKW 1 ; Contains a bit to say if ; KERFIL is running or not GENCMD::.BLKW 1 ; Contains the specific generic command ; to execute. ; ; KERCON data locations ; ESCCHR::.WORD .CHCBS ; Connect escape character TRMTRN::.WORD FALSE ; Transparent terminal emulation flag TRM7BT::.WORD TRUE ; 7-bit character codes LCLECH::.WORD FALSE ; Local echo flag CONCHR::.ASCII .^\. ; Contains the text of the connect .BLKW 2 ; escape character. ; ; Data section ; YPOS:: .BLKW 1 ; Temp locs for absolute cursor XPOS:: .BLKW 1 ; movement routine BASE:: .BLKW 1 ; Ascii conversion base location. TEMP:: .BLKW 1 ; Temporary locations TMPADR::.BLKW 1 ; STATUS:: .BLKW 1 ; Status returned from system routines STAT1:: .BLKW 1 ; Second word of status (error subcode) FILFLG:: .word modasc ; Flag for file-mode BUFF1:: .BLKW 50 ; Buffers for moving information from BUFF2:: .BLKW 50 ; the static buffer to the dynamic BUFF3:: .BLKW 50 ; buffNm is the max length of buffer ; ; Number of choices possible in old file system call ; and locations for file names and their sizes. ; MSG1:: .BLKB 80. ; First message for menus MSG2:: .BLKB 80. ; Second message block for menus FILES:: .blkb 1400. ; Block to hold the filenames chosen. FSIZE:: .blkw 20. ; Block to hold the length of each name NOCHOS::.word 20. ; The number of possible choices. IOMSG:: .asciz '*I/O ERROR*' ; Error message to be printed if the .even ; I/O call is rejected for any reason. .sbttl Buffers and Data for Qios DSKBUF::.blkb 1400. ; User buffer for sent file. GRCLOC:: .byte tc.tbf,0 ; Type ahead buffer count IOBLEN::.BLKW ; Length of iobuff IOBUFF::.BLKW 200. ; Block to hold data buffer for Io.wvb LENIOB == .-IOBUFF ; length of I/O buffer RCVBUF:: ; Block of words to hold the filenames .blkw 50. ; specified in receive. IOSTAT:: .blkw 1 ; Block to hold status returns IOSTA1:: .blkw 1 BUFPOS:: .word iobuff ; Pointer to the current position in ; the I/O buffer. The insbuf ; routine uses this to put the next ; character in the buffer. TIMLOC:: .blkw 10 ; Data returned from Get Time macro ; .sbttl Status Display Data ; ; Data for Status Display ; FLSTFG:: .word 1 TOUTCT:: .blkw 1 NAKCT:: .blkw 1 SPACL:: .blkw 1 RPACL:: .blkw 1 DELFLG:: .blkw 1 BAUD:: .blkw 1 SIZE:: .blkw 1 SPCCNT:: .blkw 1 RPCCNT:: .blkw 1 .SBTTL XK port data ; The following contains the current port setup data for the XK port. CURXKP::.BLKW 14. ; Allocate 14 words (enough for all interesting items) CURXKL==.-CURXKP ; Length of block DEFXKP::.BLKW 14. ; Default XK parameters ORGXKP::.BLKW 14. ; Orginal XK parameters .SBTTL End of KERCMN .END