""" Static Analyzer qualification infrastructure. This source file contains all the functionality related to benchmarking the analyzer on a set projects. Right now, this includes measuring execution time and peak memory usage. Benchmark runs analysis on every project multiple times to get a better picture about the distribution of measured values. Additionally, this file includes a comparison routine for two benchmarking results that plots the result together on one chart. """ import SATestUtils as utils from SATestBuild import ProjectTester, stdout, TestInfo from ProjectMap import ProjectInfo import pandas as pd from typing import List, Tuple INDEX_COLUMN = "index" def _save(data: pd.DataFrame, file_path: str): data.to_csv(file_path, index_label=INDEX_COLUMN) def _load(file_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=INDEX_COLUMN) class Benchmark: """ Becnhmark class encapsulates one functionality: it runs the analysis multiple times for the given set of projects and stores results in the specified file. """ def __init__(self, projects: List[ProjectInfo], iterations: int, output_path: str): self.projects = projects self.iterations = iterations self.out = output_path def run(self): results = [self._benchmark_project(project) for project in self.projects] data = pd.concat(results, ignore_index=True) _save(data, self.out) def _benchmark_project(self, project: ProjectInfo) -> pd.DataFrame: if not project.enabled: stdout(f" \n\n--- Skipping disabled project {project.name}\n") return stdout(f" \n\n--- Benchmarking project {project.name}\n") test_info = TestInfo(project) tester = ProjectTester(test_info, silent=True) project_dir = tester.get_project_dir() output_dir = tester.get_output_dir() raw_data = [] for i in range(self.iterations): stdout(f"Iteration #{i + 1}") time, mem = tester.build(project_dir, output_dir) raw_data.append({"time": time, "memory": mem, "iteration": i, "project": project.name}) stdout(f"time: {utils.time_to_str(time)}, " f"peak memory: {utils.memory_to_str(mem)}") return pd.DataFrame(raw_data) def compare(old_path: str, new_path: str, plot_file: str): """ Compare two benchmarking results stored as .csv files and produce a plot in the specified file. """ old = _load(old_path) new = _load(new_path) old_projects = set(old["project"]) new_projects = set(new["project"]) common_projects = old_projects & new_projects # Leave only rows for projects common to both dataframes. old = old[old["project"].isin(common_projects)] new = new[new["project"].isin(common_projects)] old, new = _normalize(old, new) # Seaborn prefers all the data to be in one dataframe. old["kind"] = "old" new["kind"] = "new" data = pd.concat([old, new], ignore_index=True) # TODO: compare data in old and new dataframes using statistical tests # to check if they belong to the same distribution _plot(data, plot_file) def _normalize(old: pd.DataFrame, new: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: # This creates a dataframe with all numerical data averaged. means = old.groupby("project").mean() return _normalize_impl(old, means), _normalize_impl(new, means) def _normalize_impl(data: pd.DataFrame, means: pd.DataFrame): # Right now 'means' has one row corresponding to one project, # while 'data' has N rows for each project (one for each iteration). # # In order for us to work easier with this data, we duplicate # 'means' data to match the size of the 'data' dataframe. # # All the columns from 'data' will maintain their names, while # new columns coming from 'means' will have "_mean" suffix. joined_data = data.merge(means, on="project", suffixes=("", "_mean")) _normalize_key(joined_data, "time") _normalize_key(joined_data, "memory") return joined_data def _normalize_key(data: pd.DataFrame, key: str): norm_key = _normalized_name(key) mean_key = f"{key}_mean" data[norm_key] = data[key] / data[mean_key] def _normalized_name(name: str) -> str: return f"normalized {name}" def _plot(data: pd.DataFrame, plot_file: str): import matplotlib import seaborn as sns from matplotlib import pyplot as plt sns.set_style("whitegrid") # We want to have time and memory charts one above the other. figure, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) def _subplot(key: str, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes): sns.boxplot(x="project", y=_normalized_name(key), hue="kind", data=data, palette=sns.color_palette("BrBG", 2), ax=ax) _subplot("time", ax1) # No need to have xlabels on both top and bottom charts. ax1.set_xlabel("") _subplot("memory", ax2) # The legend on the top chart is enough. ax2.get_legend().remove() figure.savefig(plot_file)