:-) ----------------- Welcome to the WDM Login & Display Manager -------------- LOGIN : Choose options and login by typing your user name and then pressing ENTER. Then type the correct password and click the 'Go!' button. WDM will only accept usernames with NO capital letters and passwords that DO contain capital letters or numbers. OPTIONS: - Start WM - Click here to Change the Window Manager(WM) for this session. * 'No Change' runs the same WM as last time you logged in. * List of available Window Managers follows... * 'Fail Safe' starts an 'xterm' if no WM can be run. - If enabled and available, Global-xinitrc starts /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc. - If enabled and available, User-xinitrct starts the users ~/.xinitrc. - Options - * 'Login' - Login after giving a valid username and password. * 'Reboot' - Shutdown & Restart the computer. * 'Halt' - Shutdown the computer. * 'ExitLogin' - If enabled, allows exiting from the Display Manager into 'text-mode' (also called the CLI or Command Line Inteface). - The Reboot and Halt commands may require a password for non-root users. - Help - Show or Hide this help message. - Start Over - * If you make a mistake while entering the username or password, Click 'Start Over' to begin the login process again.