#!/bin/sh # most terminal emulators do not understand the '-hold' option # which is often used when running xterm. This wrapper # simulates that behaviour no matter which terminal is used # this program expects the window title as the first argument # so it should be called like this: # terminal-wrapper "src2pkg-dnd - Help" -hold -e echo "$HELP_TEXT" # where "src2pkg-dnd - Help" is the desired window title if [ "`echo -n ${*} | grep '\-hold '`" != "" ];then EXECCOMMAND="`echo -n ${*} | grep -o ' \-e .*' | sed -e 's/ \-e //'`" if [ "$EXECCOMMAND" != "" ];then echo '#!/bin/sh' > /tmp/hold_terminal.sh echo "$EXECCOMMAND" >> /tmp/hold_terminal.sh echo 'echo' >> /tmp/hold_terminal.sh echo 'echo Use SHIFT+PG_UP or SHIFT+PG_DN to scroll contents' >> /tmp/hold_terminal.sh echo 'echo -n "Press ENTER key to close this window. "' >> /tmp/hold_terminal.sh echo 'read ' >> /tmp/hold_terminal.sh chmod +x /tmp/hold_terminal.sh TITLE=$1 $TERMINAL_EMULATOR -title "$TITLE" -e /tmp/hold_terminal.sh rm -f /tmp/hold_terminal.sh exit 0 fi fi #exec $TERMINAL_EMULATOR "${@}" & TITLE=$1 shift ; CMND="${@}" exec $TERMINAL_EMULATOR -title "$TITLE" -e $CMND