# /etc/src2pkg/src2pkg.conf Version 2.4 # This file is part of the src2pkg program: # src2pkg - Copyright 2005-2012 Gilbert Ashley # src2pkg is released under the GNU General Public License Version 2 # Only change stuff here that you want to *always* apply. # Most configuration options are set up with sane defaults # in the file /usr/libexec/src2pkg/DEFINES. # This src2pkg.conf file is not required for src2pkg to work # You can use any src2pkg variable in this file, but it really # should only be used for options which are non package-specific. # # Individual users can also have their own src2pkg.conf file. # It should be named .src2pkg.conf and placed in their $HOME directory # - that is the file should be: ~/.src2pkg.conf # Since the GLOBAL_CONF file in /etc/src2pkg/src2pkg.conf is read # afterwards, this gives the system administrator a chance to # override any risky or unwanted settings by using the proper syntax # which declares variables unconditionally, like this(without #): # SRC_BUILDS_DIR="/tmp" instead of: # '[[ $SRC_BUILDS_DIR ]] || SRC_BUILDS_DIR="$CWD"' # SOURCES_DIR=${SOURCES_DIR:-$CWD} # Signature for line 11 of automatically created slack-desc files # PACKAGER="" # SIGNATURE="Packaged by $PACKAGER" # SIG is a suffix to BUILD for 'signing' package names # [[ $SIG ]] || SIG="" # settings for i586-kiss-linux [[ $ARCH ]] || ARCH="i586" [[ $MARCH_FLAG ]] || MARCH_FLAG="i586" [[ $PKG_FORMAT ]] || PKG_FORMAT=tpkg [[ $INIT_DIR ]] || INIT_DIR=/etc/rc.d # Uncomment to turn off color prompting # COLOR_PROMPT="NO" # Uncomment to always see all ouput from commands # QUIET="NO" # src2pkg defaults to using prefix=/usr, but you can # uncomment and edit the next line to change this (not recommended) # [[ $PRE_FIX ]] || PRE_FIX=/usr # specify the program for downloading files # wget, rsync, curl and lynx are supported --wget is used by default # DOWNLOADER=wget # specify options to the downloader program (only for wget or aria2c) # the options shown are the defaults which are used for wget # DOWNLOADER_OPTIONS="--tries=3 --timeout=15 -O" # Do not create md5 schecksums by default # uncomment if you want src2pkg to create md5 checksums for each package # CREATE_MD5_CHECKSUM="YES" ## Extended database features: ## src2pkg can generate files to include in the package which list the package ## dependencies and/or the list of libraries supplied by the package ## Setting EXTENDED_DATABASE="YES" causes both features to be enabled ## Or, they can be controlled individually # [[ $EXTENDED_DATABASE ]] || EXTENDED_DATABASE="YES" # Do not generate a PKG_REQUIRED (slack-required) file by default # uncomment if you want to create slack-required files in the package # [[ $ADD_REQUIRED_FILE ]] || ADD_REQUIRED_FILE="YES" # by default only simple package names are listed in the PKG_REQUIRED file # [[ $INCLUDE_DEP_VERSIONS ]] || INCLUDE_DEP_VERSIONS="NO" # by default, the base packages glibc, aaa_elflibs and gcc are left out of the PKG_REQUIRED file # [[ $INCLUDE_BASE_LIBS ]] || EXCLUDE_BASE_LIBS=NO # Do not generate a PKG_PROVIDES (slack-provides) file by default # uncomment if you want to create slack-provides files in the package # [[ $ADD_PROVIDES_FILE ]] || ADD_PROVIDES_FILE="YES" # you can specify the names to use for the 'required' and 'provides' files # or they will be named 'slack-required' and 'slack-provides' by default [[ $PKG_REQUIRED ]] || PKG_REQUIRED='pkg-required' [[ $PKG_PROVIDES ]] || PKG_PROVIDES='pkg-provides' [[ $PKG_SUGGEST ]] || PKG_SUGGESTS='pkg-suggests' [[ $PKG_CONFLICTS ]] || PKG_CONFLICTS='pkg-conflicts' # note that the standard Slackware pkgtools does not support these features. # However, if the files use the default 'slack-*' name this will not cause # any problems. If you choose another name, installpkg will not remove # them when the package is installed and will fail to remove the /install directory # The 'slack-required' files are used by package managers like slapt-get to # resolve dependencies when installing packages. The slack-provides # are only used to provide a complete listing of libraries installed by the package. # the slack-provides files can only be used with a package installer which # supports them. # options for inclusion of src2pkg scripts inside the package # by default src2pkg build scripts are not included in the package # if you want them to be included uncomment the next line [[ $ADD_SRC2PKG_SCRIPT ]] || ADD_SRC2PKG_SCRIPT="YES" # The default directory for including src2pkg build scripts if ADD_SRC2PKG_SCRIPT="YES" # By default the scripts are placed in the same directory with the package documents (DOC_DIR) # opinions vary greatly as to what is the best place to put them if they are included. # src2pkg provides a directory structure under /user/src/src2pkg where they can be placed # To use that location, uncomment the following line or edit to your preference for another location # [[ $SRC2PKG_SCRIPT_DIR ]] || SRC2PKG_SCRIPT_DIR="/usr/src/src2pkg/scripts" # Do not use program version numbers by default when placing scripts somewhere besides DOC_DIR # uncomment the following line to include the version number # [[ $USE_VERSION_NUMBERS ]] || USE_VERSION_NUMBERS="YES" # By default, if src2pkg scripts are stored outside of DOC_DIR, do not link to them in DOC_DIR # uncomment the following line to have links created # [[ $LINK_SCRIPT_TO_DOC_DIR ]] || LINK_SCRIPT_TO_DOC_DIR="YES" # Summary: if you don't want src2pkg scripts included in your packages leave all the above commented out # If you want to include scripts with the documents, uncomment the ADD_SRC2PKG_SCRIPT="YES" line # If you want to include scripts but in some other location, uncomment the ADD_SRC2PKG_SCRIPT="YES" line # and edit the SRC2PKG_SCRIPT_DIR line to suit your preferences. The directory given should be a # base directory where a directory for each program will exist. By default, each directory will be named # simply with the program NAME. If you want to include the version number in the directory name # uncomment the USE_VERSION_NUMBERS="YES" line. # If you are using any directory other than the DOC_DIR and want links to be created in the DOC_DIR # to the included src2pkg scripts, uncomment the LINK_SCRIPT_TO_DOC_DIR="YES" line # compatibility options # src2pkg normally does quite a few checks and corrections to make sure that # documents, man-pages, info pages and other files are in the 'proper' location # according to the standard Slackware directory layout. The variable FHS_POLICY # allows this to be changed or limited. The default setting is FHS_POLICY=SLACK # setting this to FHS_POLICY=LSB allows for lsb-compliant locations for docs, # man-pages and info pages. Setting this to FHS_POLICY=NONE allows for # all files in a package to be located under a single directory. Do not change this # option unless you have a very good reason and have studied what it does. [[ $FHS_POLICY ]] || FHS_POLICY=LSB # PKG_FORMAT # src2pkg can create packages using bzip2 or lzma instead of gzip. These packages # are not compatible with standard Slackware pkgtools, but can be installed using # the tukaani pkgtools or other installers which support them. This defaults to # the normal 'tgz' packages, or can be set to 'tbz' for bzip2 or 'tlz' for lzma # [[ $PKG_FORMAT ]] || PKG_FORMAT="tgz" # COMPRESS_BINS # src2pkg can automatically compress binaries in the package, using upx, upx-ucl or exepak, if # available on your system. This can save a lot of space in your packages and on your hard-drive. #It may occasionally cause problems, but most binary executables work fine compressed. You need # to have upx-ucl,upx or exepak installed on your system for this to work -src2pkg does not supply them. # BIN_COMPRESSOR # You can choose which compressor to ues. The default is to use upx-ucl since it is open source. # uncomment the following line to use upx (or edit to use some other program like exepak) # [[ $BIN_COMPRESSOR ]] || BIN_COMPRESSOR=upx # You can set the options to upx/upx-ucl here. Possible options include -1 to -9, --best, --brute, --ultra-brute # The default is '--brute' which seems to be the fastest way to achieve the best compression # [[ $BIN_COMPRESSOR_OPTIONS ]] || BIN_COMPRESSOR_OPTIONS="--brute" # If you use 'exepak' as the BIN_COMPRESSOR, the only option is '-b#', where # is the block size. # src2pkg will not attempt to compress files smaller than the COMPRESSION_SIZE_LIMIT # the default size limit is 50K. Files smaller than ~50K may be *larger* after compression. exepak # doesn't compress programs as well as either upx or upx-ucl, but works with files down to 5K. # [[ $COMPRESSION_SIZE_LIMIT ]] || COMPRESSION_SIZE_LIMIT=50 # Uncomment the following line to have binaries compressed # [[ $COMPRESS_BINS ]] || COMPRESS_BINS=YES # Be sure to test compressed programs to be sure they work! # Preferred type of installation -this allows you to set the default method to use # for creating package content. The JAIL installation method uses # the libsentry libraries to install files directly into the PKG_DIR in much # the same was as using the DESTDIR variable -except that this method can # be used with Makefiles that don't support the DESTDIR variable. You can also # set this to REAL to use the method that used to be the src2pkg default. # Using REAL lets the 'make install' command write files directly to your # real root '/' directory. But files which are about to be overwritten are backed up # first and then restored before package creation is finished. # Using DESTDIR is familiar to and trusted by many people. If you choose this # method and it is not supported by the Makefile(s) for a package you are building, # src2pkg will revert to using the JAIL method. # Using the DESTDIR or JAIL method and building packages while logged in # a normal user is probably the safest way to make packages. # The REAL method can only be used while logged in as root, but it is the most # precise -that is it is the most likely to install all the files that are supposed to be # installed and in the right place. Use it when you are having problems with the # other two methods. Some packages can only be built correctly by using the -REAL # option. When possible, avoid using this option to build packages of software which # is already installed to your system. The backup feature works very well with real # directories and files, but may not correctly backup some links. [[ $INSTALL_TYPE ]] || INSTALL_TYPE=DESTDIR ## Options for interactivity # QUERY_FOR_EXTRA_CONFIGS lets you configure sources interactively # by first running './configure --help' to let you see available options and then # waiting for input from the user which will be set in the EXTRA_CONFIGS variable # uncomment the following line for interactive mode # QUERY_FOR_EXTRA_CONFIGS=YES # CONFIRM_BUILD lets you pause after configuring the sources to confirm whether # you want to continue by compiling the sources and creating the package # CONFIRM_BUILD=YES # QUERY_FOR _PKG_DESC lets you pause to add a package description whenever # a default slack-desc (PKG_DESC) is being created # QUERY_FOR_PKG_DESC=YES # You can set the above three options individually by uncommenting the line or lines you want # or use all the interactive features together by uncommenting the line below: # INTERACTIVE_MODE="ALL" ## Working Directories # The default settings for these are like for Slackware SlackBuilds: # # The tarball, or link to it, is in the current directory # SOURCES_DIR="$CWD" # Sources are unpacked and built in /tmp # SRC_BUILDS_DIR="/tmp" # The package build tree is also in /tmp # PKG_BUILDS_DIR="/tmp" # Finished packages are left in /tmp # PKG_DEST_DIR="/tmp" # # libsentry needs a directory to backup overwritten files: # BACKUP_DIR=/tmp # If you keep backup archives they will saved to this directory: # BACKUPS_SAVE_DIR=/tmp # You can create a separate directory for each package # and then do everything in the current directory: # This is the way that I use src2pkg so that I can # easily see both the compiled sources directory # and the uncompressed package tree. [[ $SOURCES_DIR ]] || SOURCES_DIR="$CWD" [[ $SRC_BUILDS_DIR ]] || SRC_BUILDS_DIR="$CWD" [[ $PKG_BUILDS_DIR ]] || PKG_BUILDS_DIR="$CWD" [[ $PKG_DEST_DIR ]] || PKG_DEST_DIR="$CWD" [[ $BACKUP_DIR ]] || BACKUP_DIR="$CWD" # # You can also set it up like rpm does and use the build area # in /usr/src/src2pkg. There are subdirectories with the names # 'packages', 'sources' and 'scripts'. You can place all source # archives in the 'sources' directory. Then for each package # you want to build, create a new directory under the 'scripts' # directory. And you can have all the finished packages placed # in the 'packages directory. If plan to build packages as a normal # user you'll have to make sure that user has permission to # read and write to all these directories. Then you can set up the # directory variables like this: # [[ $SOURCES_DIR ]] || SOURCES_DIR="/usr/src/src2pkg/sources" # [[ $SRC_BUILDS_DIR ]] || SRC_BUILDS_DIR="/tmp" # [[ $PKG_BUILDS_DIR ]] || PKG_BUILDS_DIR="/tmp" # [[ $PKG_DEST_DIR ]] || PKG_DEST_DIR="/usr/src/scr2pkg/packages" # [[ $BACKUP_DIR ]] || BACKUP_DIR="$CWD" # PATCHES_DIR - You can put patches in a common dir # [[ $PATCHES_DIR ]] || PATCHES_DIR="$CWD" # If you are using some architecture besides ix86, you may want to # change the defaults for these. See the DEFINES file for more # info on how these are set by src2pkg # [[ $STD_CONFIGS ]] || STD_CONFIGS= # [[ $STD_FLAGS ]] || STD_FLAGS= # This is a better place to put extra compiler flags -for example '-pipe' # [[ $EXTRA_FLAGS ]] || EXTRA_FLAGS="-pipe" # Here's an example for building really small binaries # [[ $EXTRA_FLAGS ]] || EXTRA_FLAGS="-pipe -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -fomit-frame-pointer -fmerge-all-constants -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2" # You can use EXTRA_LDFLAGS to pass extra options to the linker # This example helps keep binaries smaller # [[ $EXTRA_LDFLAGS ]] || EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-relax,--sort-common,--no-keep-memory" # set some useful, conservative and portable options [[ $EXTRA_FLAGS ]] || EXTRA_FLAGS="-pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-shadow -Wno-unused" [[ $EXTRA_LDFLAGS ]] || EXTRA_LDFLAGS="--relax,--sort-common,--no-keep-memory" # DEFAULT_CONFIG_COMMAND # you may wish to use something else like 'linux32 ./configure' # [[ $DEFAULT_CONFIG_COMMAND ]] || DEFAULT_CONFIG_COMMAND='./configure' # DEFAULT_ MAKE_COMMAND # you may wish to use something else like 'remake', 'pmake' # [[ $DEFAULT_MAKE_COMMAND ]] || DEFAULT_MAKE_COMMAND='make' # JOBS (MAKE_COMMAND) # the default number of concurrent jobs to use with the make command # This is blank by default. If you have a fast processor set it to '-j3' or more # [[ $JOBS ]] || JOBS='-j3' ## User and user conf file authorizations ## To use the following authorization options, the system administrator must # create a new group called 'src2pkg'. Adding a normal user to the group # then allows them to use src2pkg and/or personal src2pkg.conf files in their HOME. # AUTHORIZE_USERS="YES" only allows users in the src2pkg group to run src2pkg # AUTHORIZE_USER_CONF="YES" only disallows the use of personal conf files # for users who are not in the src2pkg group. # uncomment the following line to enable authorization of users # AUTHORIZE_USERS="YES" # uncomment the following line to enable authorization of personal conf files # AUTHORIZE_USER_CONF="YES" ## Both of the options are off (set to NO) by default. ## ALLOW_USER_EXTENSIONS ## this option allows users to extend the src2pkg functions by adding code to # files in their $HOME/.src2pkg/extensions directory. The default setting # for this setting is NO. Uncomment the following line to allow extensions # ALLOW_USER_EXTENSIONS="YES" ## AUTO_CONFIG ## src2pkg can search for options to the configure script and add them automatically # The option AUTO_CONFIG can be set to either FOREIGN or NATIVE # If set to FOREIGN, then src2pkg will try to retrieve options from any RPM *.spec file # or debian/rules file which is found in the sources # If AUTO_CONFIG is set to NATIVE, then src2pkg checks the configure script located # in the sources and adds some valid options among those found there. # Otherwise, src2pkg skips AUTO_CONFIG # AUTO_CONFIG=FOREIGN ## AUTO_CONFIG_OPTIONS ## When using AUTO_CONFIG=NATIVE, src2pkg will search the configure script for # a list of possible configure options. You can se the list of options that it should search for. # The default list is very short: AUTO_CONFIG_OPTIONS="sysconfdir localstatedir" # This is because many of these options will not always be the same from one package # to the next. Also, setting these when not really needed can make your scripts less # portable to other platforms or FHS policy standards. The two defaults listed above are # the ones that most commonly cause problems if not set. Another pretty safe one is datadir # You might also set: docdir, infodir and mandir, but this will make your scripts less portable # by hard-coding these into the script, and these can all be handled automatically anway # by setting FHS_POLICY. Here's a full list of the options which can be searched for: # bindir, sbindir, libexecdir, sysconfdir. sharedstatedir, localstatedir, libdir, # includedir, oldincludedir, datarootdir, datadir, infodir, localedir, mandir, # docdir, htmldir, dvidir. pdfdir, psidir, gamesbindir, gamesdatadir # The default values for these are set in 01-pre_process according to your choice # of FHS_POLICY. Though they can also be set manually inside your scripts # you'll find it much easier to just set them using EXTRA_CONFIGS or the '-e=??' option #AUTO_CONFIG_OPTIONS="sysconfdir localstatedir" AUTO_CONFIG_OPTIONS="sysconfdir localstatedir infodir mandir" ## LINK_LICENSES # Setting this to YES causes src2pkg to create a link to common licenses like GPL or LGPL # src2pkg looks through the document directory to locate copies of the GPL, LGPL and Artistic license # It then identifies the version of the license and moves it into a common-license directory and # creates a link to it from the regular document directory. This doesn't make the package any # smaller, but saves space on the disk being installed to. Saves a few MB on most systems. # Uncomment and set to YES to have the licenses linked in your packages. # LINK_LICENSES=NO ## COMPRESS_DOCS # If you want to have the package documents compressed, uncomment this and set this to YES # Note that if you used LINK_LICENSES above, the link will remain apart from the docs archive. # COMPRESS_DOCS=NO ## DOC_COMPRESSOR # Specify which compression method to use for compressing docs: gzip, bzip2 or lzma (default gzip) # DOC_COMPRESSOR=gzip ## DOCLIST # Setting DOCLIST=MINIMAL will cause only a small subset of the possible documents # DOCLIST=MINIMAL # DESC_WRAP_LENGTH # this variable tells text_wrapper how characters to use for each line # in the PKG_DESC files created -normal range is 70-80. Default is 80 # [[ $DESC_WRAP_LENGTH ]] || DESC_WRAP_LENGTH=70 # [[ $HANDY_RULER_TEXT ]] || HANDY_RULER_TEXT="Use this guide to format your text with" # this variable tells the text wrapper how many lines to pad the PKG_DESC file. ## DESC_MAX_LINES # PKG_DESC files can have from 9 to 13 lines with the default being 11 lines # You can set this to any value from 9-13 # [[ $DESC_MAX_LINES ]] || DESC_MAX_LINES=11 ## EXIT_ON_PATCH_FAILURE ## By default, src2pkg only warns you when patching fails. ## If you want src2pkg to exit when patches fail, uncomment the following line # [[ $EXIT_ON_PATCH_FAILURE ]] || EXIT_ON_PATCH_FAILURE="YES" ## LOG_COMMANDS ## If you don't want src2pkg to keep logs of the output from the 'configure', ## 'make' and 'make install' commands uncomment the following line # [[ $LOG_COMMANDS ]] || LOG_COMMANDS="NO" # By default, logs are written to the $OBJ_DIR. You can change the default here, but you can only use # $CWD or an absolute path # [[ $LOG_DIR ]] || LOG_DIR="$CWD" ## AUTO_DESKTOP ## Setting this to YES makes src2pkg try to create a *.desktop menu file when applicable. [[ $AUTO_DESKTOP ]] || AUTO_DESKTOP=YES ## AUDIO_NOTIFICATION ## Now a little fun -src2pkg can notify you when a build is succesful or has failed ## There are three modes: BEEP, PLAY and SAY. In 'beep' mode, src2pkg plays a beep sound ## on the PC speaker. In 'play' mode, a recorded sound is played. In 'say' mode, src2pkg ## uses flite or festival to speak a sentence. Notification takes place when a build has finished ## successfully, when the build has failed or when the build is cancelled. ## Various sounds are provided in /usr/share/src2pkg/sounds. See the README file there ## if you want to change which sound is played for each event. ## AUDIO_NOTIFICATION is off by default. #AUDIO_NOTIFICATION=SAY ## TTS_ENGINE ## If using AUDIO_NOTIFICATION=SAY, ## you can specify which Text-To-Speech engine to use. ## 'flite' and 'festival' are supported. Defaults to 'flite'. #TTS_ENGINE="flite" ###################################################################################### ## HOST_OS, BUILD_OS and TARGET_OS ## You can set these individually or all three will be set automatically set ## The default value is the same as the output from the command 'gcc -dumpmachine' ## That means they will match the native 'target' of the gcc compiler being used. ## If you are using src2pkg to cross-compile programs, you may need to set ## each of these variables to the appropriate values. These variables are not used ## unless you uncomment one of the options below: ADD_EXPLICIT_HOST or ADD_HOST ## ADD_EXPLICIT_HOST ## Set this to YES to have the explicit BUILD_OS HOST_OS and TARGET_OS ## added to the configuration options where applicable. Using this option means that ## the options are passed to the configure script explicitly as seen below: ## CFLAGS=-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686 ./configure --prefix=/usr --build=i486-slackware-linux --host=i486-slackware-linux ## Normally the --target=?? option does not apply so don't expect to always see it. #ADD_EXPLICIT_HOST=YES ## ADD_HOST ## Set this to YES to have the HOST_OS added to the configuration options ## This is the simple way to add the HOST to the configure options. Using this option ## adds the HOST_OS string at the end of the configure options. Here's an example ## of the optioons to configure that you'd see using this option: ## CFLAGS=-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686 ./configure --prefix=/usr i486-slackware-linux ## This is the syntax seen in most Slackbuild scripts, and unless you are cross-compiling ## you should never need to use any other settings beside setting this to YES: #ADD_HOST=YES ## Adding the HOST string to the configure options is standard practice for most ## SlackBuild scripts, but is rarely needed and only in a few cases will it ## have any effect on the compiled program. Programs like 'bash', the Xorg server ## browser or email clients pick up the HOST information and include it in the ## text which is printed out when running the program with the --version option ## or may be displayed when the program is started. ## The inclusion of these variables is kept separate from the normal configuration ## options to make your src2pkg scripts more portable. These variables and ## their values do not get written into any generated src2pkg scripts. Instead, ## these values are treated as 'transient' values which depend on which machine ## they are being run on. Including them in the src2pkg build scripts would ## mean that the script would have to be edited to use on another architecture. ## For that reason, I discourage you from manually adding these options ## to the EXTRA_CONFIGS variable. ###################################################################################### # UNIONFS_TYPE # You only need to set this if you use the -UNION (INSTALL_TYPE=UNION) option # By default, src2pkg will use unionfs-fuse. If you'd rather use the unionfs kernel # module, uncomment the following line # [[ $UNIONFS_TYPE ]] || UNIONFS_TYPE=unionfs ## COMPAT_NAME_SUFFIX # If building on a 64-bit multilib system, 32-bit compatibility packages should have # a unique name to avoid name conflicts with the normal packages. On Slackware, # the 32-bit compatibility packages add -compat32 to the name. On Slamd64, it's '32' # Uncomment and edit the following line to use anything other than '-compat32' # [[ $COMPAT_NAME_SUFFIX ]] || COMPAT_NAME_SUFFIX='-compat32' ## COMPAT_NAME_PREFIX # Similarly, some multi-lib systems may name 32-bit packages using a prefix to the name # [[ $COMPAT_NAME_PREFIX ]] || COMPAT_NAME_PREFIX='ia32-' ## FAIL_ON_BAD_DIRS # If a build installs 'incorrect' or potentially dangerous directories, src2pkg will, by default # abort the package build. Uncomment the following line to allow builds to continue anyway. # [[ $FAIL_ON_BAD_DIRS ]] || FAIL_ON_BAD_DIRS=NO ### Settings for creating debian *.deb packages ## DEB_COMPAT # set the binary compat level for debian packages( defaults to 2.0) # DEB_COMPAT=2.0 ## PKG_COMPRESSOR # Set the compressor to use for data.tar (defaults to gzip) # Possible choices: gzip, bzip2, lzma, xz # PKG_COMPRESSOR=gzip ## EXTRA_CMAKE_OPTIONS # Set any extra options to be used by cmake -excluding CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, DLIB_SUFFIX # SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR and LOCALSTATE_INSTALL_DIR # the defult setting for this is: "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" # [[ $EXTRA_CMAKE_OPTIONS ]] || EXTRA_CMAKE_OPTIONS="-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" ## EXIT_ON_CHECK_FAILURE # Uncomment if you want builds to abort when 'make check' (or TEST_COMMAND) fails # [[ $EXIT_ON_CHECK_FAILURE ]] || EXIT_ON_CHECK_FAILURE="YES" INSTALLPKG='tpkg-i -s --root=/media/sda2' ## DOC_SPLIT_SIZE # When using SPLIT_PACKAGE with 'docs', only create a 'NAME-docs' package if the documents contents # are above this limit (Total of DOC_DIR,MAN_DIR, INFO_DIR and PKG_DIR/usr/share/gtk-doc) # The figure you give here should be how many KB (kilobytes) to set the limit to. # The default is 100 K (100 kilobytes). If you want *lots* of little docs packages, use 50 or 20 :-( # [[ $DOC_SPLIT_SIZE ]] || DOC_SPLIT_SIZE=100