This package was debianized by Enrique Zanardi on Sun, 19 Nov 2000 12:13:16 +0000 Upstream Author(s): Manual de instalación de Debian GNU/Linux: Bruce Perens, Sven Rudolph, Igor Grobman, James Treacy and Adam Di Carlo Tutorial de Debian GNU/Linux 2.1: John Goerzen and Ossama Othman Documentación sobre dselect para principiantes Stéphane Bortzmeyer Notas de publicación de Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (`potato') Josip Rodin, Bob Hilliard, Adam Di Carlo and Anne Bezemer COMO de Compatibilidad de Hardware con Linux Patrick Reijnen Historia del Proyecto Debian Bdale Garbee Copyright: This book is licensed under the GNU GPL and the Copyright is held by Software in the Public Interest. Debian GNU/Linux users may find the GPL in /usr/share/common-license/GPL.