# File MSVHPX.MAK 2 March 1991 # Make file for MS Kermit using Microsoft's Make version 4.00 # Written by Joe R. Doupnik # Edit this file for your system dependent modules. Blank lines are mandatory. # The inference macro below calls MASM to create .obj modules. .asm.obj: MASM $*.asm; # These are the dependency relations (.obj depends on .asm and .h): msscmd.obj: msscmd.asm mssdef.h msscom.obj: msscom.asm mssdef.h mssfil.obj: mssfil.asm mssdef.h mssker.obj: mssker.asm mssdef.h mssrcv.obj: mssrcv.asm mssdef.h mssscp.obj: mssscp.asm mssdef.h msssen.obj: msssen.asm mssdef.h mssser.obj: mssser.asm mssdef.h mssset.obj: mssset.asm mssdef.h msssho.obj: msssho.asm mssdef.h msster.obj: msster.asm mssdef.h msghpx.obj: msghpx.asm mssdef.h msuhpx.obj: msuhpx.asm mssdef.h msxhpx.obj: msxhpx.asm mssdef.h msvhpx.exe: msscmd.obj msscom.obj mssfil.obj mssker.obj mssrcv.obj\ mssscp.obj msssen.obj mssser.obj mssset.obj msssho.obj\ msster.obj msghpx.obj msuhpx.obj msxhpx.obj LINK @msvhpx.lnk Echo Make Kermit is done. # Do the items above when Kermit.exe is rebuilt. Notice the use of a command # file for Link because the list of object files is too long for one line. # A sample command file msvhp1.lnk is: # msscmd+msscom+mssfil+mssker+mssrcv+mssscp+msssen+mssser+ # mssset+msssho+msster+msghpx+msuhpx+msxhpx # msvhpx; # End of Kermit Make file.