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6442, email kermit@columbia.edu,612 West 115th Street, New York NY 10025-7799, USA; phone +1 (212) 854 3703,For further information, contact the Kermit Project, Columbia University, removed, altered, or obscured.Kermit Project, Columbia University. This copyright notice must not beconcerns to their clients or customers without written permission of thedistributed with commercial products or otherwise distributed by commercialsold for profit as a software product itself, nor may it be included in orYork. The C-Kermit software may not be, in whole or in part, licensed orCopyright (C) 1985, 1996, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of NewC-Kermit Server REMOTE Commands: GET files REMOTE CD [dir] REMOTE HOST command REGET files REMOTE SPACE [dir] REMOTE DIRECTORY [files] RETRIEVE files REMOTE DELETE files REMOTE LOGIN user password SEND files REMOTE PRINT files REMOTE SET parameter value RESEND files REMOTE TYPE files REMOTE QUERY type variable MAIL file user REMOTE WHO [user] REMOTE ASSIGN variable value FINISH, BYE REMOTE HELP Entering server mode. If your local Kermit software is menu driven, use the menus to send commands to the server. Otherwise, enter the escape sequence to return to your local Kermit prompt and issue commands from there. Use SEND and GET for file transfer. Use REMOTE HELP for a list of other available services. Use BYE or FINISH to end server mode. OtherZMODEMYMODEM-gYMODEMXMODEMKermitU1isabsoluteisabsolute returnsOS/2UOWindows-32UNOS-9UDMS-DOSU8UNIXApollo AegisN3Stratus VOSMVAmigaL3Atari STK2MVS/ROSCOEI9CICSI7MUSICI4MVS/TSOI2VM/CMSI1AOS/VSF3RT11DBRSTS/EDAVMSD7MacintoshA3Apple IIA1anonymous0main executing init filemain exits init fileInterrupt during initialization or command-line processing.C-Kermit quitting...cl_commandsmain cfilefckcmai got interruptmain cmdfilCan't initialize!rx %ssx -a %ssx %srbsb -a %ssb %srzsz -a %ssz %skermit -rkermit -irCan't allocate i/o buffers!Can't open device: /dev/ttyCan't allocate packet buffers!main argc after prescan()main 2 cfilefmain argcckcmai setting interrupt trapgetiobs okUNIX Communications support, 6.0.169, 6 Sep 96 Linux/dev/ttynonettgwsiz tt_rowsttgwsiz tt_colssysinit calling priv_iniFatal: setuid failure. Fatal: setgid failure. Fatal: C-Kermit setuid to root! sysinit jchdlr: SIG_IGNsysinit jchdlr: SIG_DFLsysinit jchdlr: otherttopen telnetfdttopen entry modem ttyfd lclttopen MAXNAMLEN definedttopen BSD4 *NOT* definedttopen BSD42 *NOT* definedttopen MYREAD definedttopen netttopen got open network fdttopen net xttopen got open fdttopen fdflagttopen alarmmodemttopen alarm returnttopen ttyfdttopen tty access denied/dev/null%s is not a terminal device ttopen not a tty ttname=CTTNAM cname ttyname ctermid redirected stdinttopen setting ttyfd = 0ttopen stdio redirectedttopen ttlock failsttopen reading lockfile pidLocked by process %d %s %sttopen tcgetattr ttold.c_lflagCan't unset O_NDELAYttopen ttspeedttopen, ttyfd lock filettclos ttyfdttclos closing netttclos ttyfd after netclosttclos about to call ttunlckWarning, problem releasing lock ttclos alarmttclos calling tthang()ttclos calling ttres()ttclos about to call close?Timed out closing device: %s ttclos timed outttclos donetthang POSIX styletthang tcsetattr failsttres tty modes restorettres errnottrpidttrpid PIDSTRING read%dttrpid pid/var/lockLCK..%s%s/%s%s/LTMP.%05dttlock flfnamttlock tmpnamttlock creat failedUUCP not installed or Kermit misconfigured %10d ttlock hdb pid stringttlock fpidttlock killttlock kill errnottlock removing stale lockRemoving stale lock %s (pid %d terminated) ttlock unlinkttlock found tty lockedttlock can't get fpidWarning - Can't remove lockfile: %s tthflow POSIX_CRTSCTS no attrttpkt parityttpkt xflowttpkt speedttpkt ttpmskttpkt netconnttpkt carrierttvt ttyfdttvt tvtflgttvt speedttvt flowttvt network connection, skipping...ttvt modes already set, skipping...ttvt using external fd, skipping...ttvt setting modes...ttvt donettsspd cpsttsspd ttyfdttsspd xlocalttsspd okttsspd sttsspd failsttsspd tcgetattrttsspd spd_flagsttsspd: TIOCGSERIAL failedttsspd: TIOCGSERIAL okttsspd tcsetattrcongspdttgspd ttyfdttgspd Linux ASYNC_SPD_MASK definedttgspd cfgetospeed 1 BSDORPOSIXttgspd cfgetospeed 2 BSDORPOSIXttgspd spd_flagsttgspd codettgspd speedmyfillbuf readmygetbuf errnoTCP/IPSERIALSVORPOSIX myfillbufttflui netfluittflui ttyfdttflui POSIXPOSIX conbgt process groupPOSIX conbgt terminal process groupconbgt process group testSVR4ORPOSIX jc test...jc_POSIX_JOB_CONTROL is definedconbgt jcconbgt jcshellconbgt osigintconbgt signal testconbgt isatty testconbgt backgrdconint backgrdconint jcconint background ignoring signals, jcconint foreground catching signals, jcconint SIGSTSTPconnoiin_chk FIONREAD return codein_chk FIONREAD countin_chk my_countttxin nttxin MYREADttxin myread returnsttol nttol sttol tryttol okttol failedttol partialttoc timeoutttoc flowttoc tcflowttoc errorttinl maxttinl timottinl alarmttinl timoutttinl startttinl eolttinl myread failure, nttinl myread errnottinl myread ittinl untimed network myread failsttinl length^C... ttinl skippingttinl EOP lengthttinl ittinl got eolttinl senses parityttinl packet beforettinl packet after ttinl gotttsndb ttyfdsndbrk POSIXmsleep SELECT 1msleep SELECT 2msleep __linux__ selectgtimerztime: ZTIMEV7congm getting modesconcb cgmfconcb backgrdconcb ttyfdconcb ttfdflgconcb isattyconcb suspendconcb cccbrk.c_flagconcb c_cc[VSUSP]concb c_cc[VINTR]concb returnsconbinconres cgmfconres isatty okconres restoring tcsetattr conchk contypconinc(0) errnoconinc HORRIBLE ERRORconinc alarm setconinc(timo) nconinc(timo) errnottscarrcarrctlttgmdm ioctlttgmdm errnottgmdm bitssuspendpsuspend errorpsuspend ok?Sorry, device is not open ?Can't wait for child process? ?Command exit status: %d ?Command did not exit - cancelling it now. UNIX File support, 6.0.115 6 Sep 96 Linuxrm -f cp mv pwd ls -l cat df who zopeni fpzopeni called with ZSYSFN, failing!Terminal input not allowedzopeni: attempts input from unredirected stdinrzopenizopenozopeno fcb dispzopeno fcb typezopeno fcb charzopeno fcb is NULL zopeno fp[]=stdoutwazopeno appendzopeno fopen argzopeno failed errnozopeno okzclose fclose failszclose error flushing last bufferzclose successzsinlZINFILL feofZINFILL freadZINFILL ferrorZINFILL errnoZINFILL count 0 EOF return -1ZINFILL count 0 not EOF return -2 zoutdump charszoutdump write okzoutdump write errorzoutdump write returns/dev/nullzchki stat failszchki skipping:zchki stat ok: access failed: access ok: lengthMalloc error 46 izchko access failed:zchko access ok:zrtol original nameNONAMEzrtol new namezstrip beforezstrip after tilde-strippingzstrip afterzltor name2zchdirzchdir 2zchdir 3HOME.zgtdir CWDBLzxcmd pipe failure/bin/shzxcmd pidSHELLzxcmd...-czxcmd fork failurezclosf filnumzclosf fp[filnum]zclosf fp[ZSYSFN]zclosf killing pidzxpand entryzxpand after tilde_xzxpand okzxpand fgen1zxpand fgen2 okzxpand 2 not okznextznewn: about to expandznewn matchesznewn number ok.~%d~znewn: too many names.~xxxx~zrename oldzrename new/zrename dirzrename no dirzcopy sourcezcopy destinationzcopy dirzcopy no dirU1zdatstr timelocaltime returns nullzdatstr year%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02dzdatstrzfcdat stat failedzstrdtBad creation date zstime date check 1zstime date check 2zstime date check 3zstime so far so goodzstime yearzstime fails - yearzstime 4 bad date zstime 6 bad date zstime 9 bad date zstime 12 bad date zstime 15 bad date zstimezstime: zstrdt failszstime: tmzstime: A-pkt date ok zstime: Can't stat file:zstime: sb.st_atimezstime 0: can't set modtime for filezstime 0: modtime set for filezstime 1: comparepacketmail %s < %szprint filezprint flagszprint printfilezprint printpipecat %s | %scat %s >> %slp%s %s < %szprint commandecho%s %ssplitpathsplitpath mallocsplitpath malloc failurefgen patfgen string spacefgen can't malloc string space addresultmatch strmatch skipLOGNAMEtilde_expand?Privilege cancellation failure sh-iisdir statisdir errnoisdir statbuf.st_modezmkdirzmkdir tilde_expandzmkdir tp after tilde_expansionzmkdir makingzmkdir failed, errnozfseekC-Kermit functions, 6.0.133, 6 Sep 96Error receiving fileupdateaskdiscardappendbackupreplacerenameencstr string too bigencstr fits OK, sizeputfil zchout write error, setting czseendecode _write error - errnogetpkt: empty stringgetpkt: empty input functiongetpkt funcstrgetpkt: input errorgetpkt empty filegetpkt 1st chargetpkt fmaskgetpkt new rtgetpkt about to call translate functiontcharsetfcharset translate function returnsgetpkt eof crc16getpkt eof ffcgetpkt xlated rnext togetpkt leftovergetpkt osizegetpkt eof/eottinit bestlentinit setting justone=0tinit tcharsettinit fcharsettinit getsbufTransaction beginsbinarytextGlobal file mode:Collision action:resetc fsizefnlist: no memory for cmargbufsinit nfilssinit cmargsinit cmarg2stdinsinit gnfilToo many files match wildcardCancelledRead access deniedFile is not readableNo files matchFile not foundNo filespec given!sinit filnamsinit oksipkt pktnumsipkt ksipkt getsbufxsinit kNONAMErcvfilrcvfil cmarg2Receivingrcvfil substituting cmarg2rcvfil zstripUNKNOWNrcvfil asrcvfil dirflgrcvfil ofn1x/dev/nullrcvfil existsrcvfil appendCan't append to a directory error - can't append to directory appending toCan't rename existing directory error - can't rename directory backup:rcvfil backup ofn1rcvfil backup ofn2rcvfil discard refused: namercvfil overwriteCan't overwrite existing directory error - can't overwrite directoryoverwritingrcvfil updateFile has same name as existing directory error - directory exists:rcvfil bad collision actionrcvfil ofn1rcvfil ofn2rcvfil calling zmkdirzmkdir fails error - directory creation failure:Directory creation failure.rcvfil: nreof fncactreof discardreof discardingreof successreof cxseenreof czseenreof rdatapmailed toprinted with optionsreof returnssfile cmarg2sfile fnspathsfile zstripSATURDAY fncnvsfile pktnamsxpackSending as mode: binary mode: text file character settransparent xfer character setSending from:SFILE fsecssdata entry, first drainsdata draining, winlosdata sbufnumsdata countdownsdata packetsdata cx/zseen, drainsdata spsizsdata eof, drainsdata ttchk *** interrupted, sending discard requestseof can't get s-buffersxeof nxtpkt failssxeof packetrpar 8bq sqrpar 8bq ebqrparentering sparspar 8bq rqspar 8bq sqspar 8bq ebqspar 8bq rqfspar capasspar lscapuspar lscaprspar ebqflgspar swcaprspar swcapuspar yspar lpcapuspar lp lenspar slow-start spsizspar lp spmaxspar windowspar window after adjustmentspar no windowsspar sending, redefine spmaxRemote system type: gnfile sndsrcTransaction cancelledgnfile czseengnfile nfils?Internal error expanding ADD list gnfile addlist filnamgnfile cmlist filnamgnfile ngetpathgnfile getpathgnfile absolutegnfile wildgnfile zxpandgnfile znextgnfile donegnfile skipping:not sent, reasontypefuncnxtnxtdirnxtdir funcbuf %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %11ld %s (directory) %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %11s %s syies%sSummary: %ld director%s, %ld file%s, %ld byte%s%ssnddir./*Listing files: "%s" nxpndsnddir zxpandREMOTE DIRECTORYsinit()skippingdeleted %10s: %s directory: %s %ld file%s deleted, %ld byte%s freed Deleting "%s" REMOTE DELETEDirectory requested: cwdChanged directory tocwd failedFailed to change directory tosyscmdsyscmd zxcmd oksyscmd zxcmd failedremsetremset xfer charset lookupadjpkl lenadjpkl slotsadjpkl bufsizadjpkl new lenwhoarewe xfermodewhoarewe remote sysidL3N3whoarewe flagRTT RECVRTT RECV ERROR spacketsRTT RECV ERROR sequenceRTT SENDRTT SEND ERRORRTT stddev1RTT stddev2RTT delay RTT rcvtimoinput sstate nakstate sndtyp winlo rseqtbl[winlo]input return pre-stashed packetinput recvecho discardedUser cancelled.rpack receive window fullReceive window full.input got E, nakstateZZZ crunched zZZZ xZZZ x not recd yetZZZ x not NAK'd yetZZZ NAKing winloToo many retries.Timed out.input receive-state timeout, winloinput sending NAK for winloinput sent too many naksSent too many NAKs.input rsn=winloinput recv got packet out of orderinput recv rseqtbl[rsn]input recv can't find index for rcvd pktSliding windows protocol error.input recv chkwinXXX checking rbufnumXXX out of buffersXXX winloXXX xXXX missing pktXXX nakinput send returning pre-stashed ACKinput sendReceive window full wslots pktnumCan't allocate receive bufferinput send got E, nakstateinput send state timeout, winloinput send resending winloinput send too many resendsinput T cut packet lengthinput send rsninput send winloinput send chkwinbestlen ack xbestlen ack typebestlen Bbestlen retrybestlen lenbestlen spacketsbestlen Abestlen wslotsbestlen maxsendbestlen spsiz Abestlen spsiz Bbestlen spsiz Cbestlen spsiz Dinput send rotated send windowinput send mark pktinput send ACK for previousinput send ACK out of windowinput send NAKinput N cut packet length in windowNAK for next packet, windowingNAK for next packet, no windowing NAK out of windowNAK out of windowNAK out of window.input send unexpected typeinput about to flushinput returning typeparchk nparchk startchktimo timochktimo flagchktimo spmaxchktimo urpsizchktimo plenchktimo new timospack nspack dataspack len mydata sseqtbl[n]spack sending packet out of windowspack ttol returnsspack about to call screen with mydata=nxtpkt pktnumnxtpkt winlo nxtpkt can't getsbufnxtpkt bumped pktnum toacknsackns kackns can't getsbufackns winloackns nack1nack bad pkt numnacknack can't getsbufresend seqRetransmissionRESEND PKT NOT IN WINDOWRESEND kresend pktinfo index retry(resend)resend ttol returnskstart SOPkstart EOPB00zstart Zmodem SOPentering rpack, pktnumrpack getrbufrpack: ttinl failsrpack ^C serverrpack ^C en_finBad packet headerrpack packet length less than 3Bad packet lengthrpack bad sequence numberBad sequence numberrpack echorpack bctlrpack chklenpacket sticks out too farrpack block check Bchecked charsblock checkshould beChecksum errorCRC errorbad type B block check(crunched)rpack block check OKrpack got dup%c-xx-%02d-%c-%02d-%02d-Transaction complete files transferred total file characters communication line in communication line out elapsed time (seconds) effective data rate complete, sizeinibufs sinibufs rini_pkts: no memory for s_pktinibufs size 1inibufs size zinibufs overflowinibufs bigbuf malloc failedinibufs size 2inibufs bigsbsizinibufs bigrbsizmakebufmakebuf bufsizmakebuf MAXWSmksbuf makebuf returnmkrbuf makebuf returnwindowgetsbuf bad arggetsbuf, packetgetsbuf, sbufnumgetrbuf rbufnumgetrbuf wslotsgetrbuf dum002getrbuf dum003getrbuf new rbufnumgetrbuf foulupfreesbuf sseqtbl[n]freerbuf, slotfreerbuf no such slotfreerbuf, packetfreerbuf, new rbufnumfreerpkt seqfreerpkt kfreerpkt freerbufchkwin packetchkwin winlochkwin slotsSEND BUFFERS:buffer inuse address length data type seq flag retries%4d%6d%10d%5d%6d%4c%5d%6d ...[%.72s%s] [(empty string)] [(null pointer)] free: %d, winlo: %d RECEIVE BUFFERS:%ld%dsattr pkt too longsattr spsizsattr@name>=<;:98765432sys-dependentformatoriginprotectiondispositionencodingaccessblocksizepasswordareaaccountcreatordatetypesizeunknownrsattr: refused refused:rsattr RESEND nrsattr RESEND zrsattr RESEND sendstartgtattr: no memory for dsbufgattr file typegattr binary refused: typegattr attribute A = textgattr attribute B = binary refused: dategattr encodinggattr xfer charset lookupgattr: xfer charset unknown refused: character setgattr tcharsetgattr unk encoding attribute refused: encoding refused: bad disposition refused: mail disabled refused: print disabledgattr RESENDgattr: no memory for spbufgattr length refused: length bytes refused: length Kgattr fsizeN+gattr RESEND not binarygattr RESEND OKN?gattr returnAttributes for incoming file length in K file type creation date creator account area password blksize access encoding disposition lprotection gprotection systemid recfm sysparam length replyopena fopena discardopena xflgopena remfileopena remappdopena dispopen dispositionopena disposopena rename failsCan't create backup fileopena rename okopena [file]=mode: local name: mode: binary mode: text file character-settransparent xfer character-set opena charsetCan't open output fileFailure to openError:opena errorcanned: cxseen czseenopeni sndsrc file numberauthorization failure openi authorization failure ok zopenicould not be opened openi failedopeno: name open cancelled openo authorization failureopeno failedopeno ok, nameclsof dispFailure to closeIncomplete: discarded incomplete: discardedIncomplete: Kept incomplete: keptClosedCharacter Set Translation 6.0.024, 4 Jul 96hebrew-isoI6/138HEBREW, ISO 8859-8cyrillic-isoI6/144CYRILLIC, ISO 8859-5latin2-isoI6/101LATIN2, ISO 8859-2latin1-isoI6/100LATIN1, ISO 8859-1asciiASCIItransparentTRANSPARENTlatinlatilatlalcp862-hebrewCP862 HebrewISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrewhebrew-7Hebrew-7 DECkoi8-cyrillicOld KOI-8 Cyrillicshort-koiShort KOIcp866CP866 CyrillicISO 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillichp-roman8Hewlett Packard Roman8dg-internationalData General Internationalmacintosh-latinApple Macintosh Latincp852IBM Code Page 852cp850IBM Code Page 850cp437IBM Code Page 437next-multinationalNeXT Multinationaldec-multinationalDEC MultinationalISO 8859-2 Latin-2ISO 8859-1 Latin-1swissSwiss NRCswedishSwedish ISO-646spanishSpanish ISO-646portuguesePortuguese ISO-646norwegian/danishNorwegian/Danish ISO-646italianItalian ISO-646hungarianHungarian ISO-646germanGerman ISO-646canadian-frenchCanadian-French NRCfrenchFrench ISO-646finnishFinnish ISO-646dutchDutch ISO-646britishBritish/UK ISO-646US ASCIInorwegianhebrewhebrehebrhebhefr-canadiandanishcp866-cyrillicapple-quickdrawSwissSwedishSpanishRussianPortugueseNorwegianItalianIcelandicHungarianHebrewGermanFrenchFinnishDutchDanishASCII (American English)ukrainianrussiannoneicelandicenglishWart Version 2A(010) 4 Apr 95C-Kermit Protocol Module 6.0.095, 6 Sep 96x justone 1x justone 2User cancelledLogin requiredSEND disabledreceive download dirreceive current dirreceive zchdir okreceive zchdir failedREGET sstateCommand too long for serverRETRIEVE disabled - use GETDeleting files disabled - use GETBadly formed server commandREMOTE HOST disabledCan't do system commandQUIT disabledDid you say RECEIVE instead of GET?Unimplemented server functionXXX userXXX passXXX acctLogged outYou were not logged inLogged inLogin failedNo login requiredREMOTE CD disabledCan't change directoryREMOTE DIRECTORY disabledAccess deniedCan't list directoryREMOTE DELETE disabledCan't remove fileFINISH disabledBYE disabledC-Kermit BYECan't send helpREMOTE RENAME disabledCan't rename fileREMOTE COPY not availableREMOTE SET disabledUnknown REMOTE SET parameterREMOTE TYPE disabledCan't type fileREMOTE SPACE disabledCan't check spaceREMOTE WHO disabledCan't do who commandREMOTE QUERY disabledCan't get valueValue too longCan't send valueREMOTE ASSIGN disabledREMOTE ASSIGN failedUnimplemented REMOTE commandCan't open windowXCan't open fileError writing datackcpro.w B tmpdir restoringZCan't create fileCan't print fileCan't mail fileCan't delete temp fileCan't close fileRESEND capabilities not negotiatedCan't execute command remote name:Can't send attributesD deletingsseot justoneUnknown errorckcpro.w justone at E pktProtocol errorckcpro.w E tmpdir restoringUnexpected packet typexxproto entry justoneSorry, you must 'set speed' firstfailed: proto ttopen localCan't open lineproto ttopen localCan't condition line ?Sorry, no external protocol defined for %s server backgrdserver quietSHOULD NOT SEE THIS IF IN BACKGROUND!KERMIT READY TO SERVE...Entering server mode on Type Ctrl-C to quit.KERMIT READY TO SERVE... Return to your local Kermit and give a SEND command.KERMIT READY TO RECEIVE...Return to your local Kermit and give a RECEIVE command.KERMIT READY TO SEND...Return to your local Kermit and give a SERVER command.KERMIT READY TO GET...KERMIT READY TO SEND SERVER COMMAND...proto calling wart, justoneC-Kermit server doneGET disabledsgetinit whatrusgetinit binary (1)sgetinit binary (2)Command package 6.0.088, 6 Sep 96Command? %s %s%s%s ?Memory allocation failure ?Name too long - %s PROMPT sxPROMPT sy %spushcmd: savbuf:&cmpushcmpush: no memory for cmp&cmpopcmnum: illegal radix - %d cmnum: cmfldcmnum 1st chknum okcmnum xxesc okcmnum zpcmnum 2nd chknum okcmnum xxesc 2 okcmnum exp eval okOutput filecmofi 1cmofi 1.5cmofi 2?Name too long cmofi 3?Wildcards not allowed - %s cmofi 4cmofi 5: is directory/dev/ttycmofi 6: failure?Write permission denied - %s cmofi 7: ok?Default input filename too long cmifi gtwordcmifi switch xCommand or field too long cmifi atxbuf?malloc error 73, cmifi cmifi svcmifi sv wildcmifip add path?No files match - %s ?Too many files match - %s cmifi sv not wild?Read permission denied - %s ?File not readable - %s ?File not found - %s cmifi esc, xc%s Default input filename too long Expanded input filename too long cmifi partialcmifi partial k%scmifi partial cmdbuf?Partial filename too long cmifi partial atmbuf/?Directory name too long cmifi directory atmbuf?Completed filename too long Input file specification %s?Expanded filename too long cmifi ? *xp, cccmifi ? wild, one of the following: %s%s?Default directory name too long cmdir gtword Directory name %s%s?Default too long cmfld: gtwordcmfld xValue too long cmfld returns Please complete this fieldcmtxt, cmflgscmtxt: fresh startcmtxt:cmtxt (*f)cmtxt: gtword xcmtxt calling (*f)cmtxt (*f) returnscmtxt: addbuf Text string?Unexpected return code from gtword() - %d cmkey: cmflgscmkey: cmdbufcmkey: table length cmflgs zzcmkey: gtwordcmkey atxbuf after *fEvaluated keyword too long ?Ambiguous - %s ?No keywords match - %s cmkey: defaultcmkey: esccmkey: addbuf?Evaluated keyword too long No keywords match One of the following: %s, one of the following: or the token %c or one of the tokens: %s %d - Unexpected return code from gtword cmcfm: cmflgscmcfm: atmbuf?Not confirmed - %s Type a carriage return to confirm the command ungword cmflgsgtword ungetting from pp?Saved word too long gtword returning atmbufgtword: cmdbuf bp ppgtword EOF?Field too long error 1 gtword too long #1gtword too long #2?Field too long error 2 Oops, command recall error gtword too long #3?Too long #3 gtword too long #4?Too long #4 %s %s%sgtword quote?Command too long, maximum length: %d.  chknumIf no action command is included, or -S is, enter interactive dialog. = means ignore following words, but place them in array \&@[]. -C "command, command, ..." (interactive-mode commands to execute) other: -m name modem type -R remote-only advisory -v n sliding window slots -z force foreground -e n receive packet length -w write over files -y name alternate init file name -Y no init file -p x parity, x = e,o,m,s, or n -d log debug info to debug.log -b bps line speed, e.g. 19200 -t half duplex, xon handshake -j host network host name[:port] -i binary transfer (-T = text) -l dev communication line device -q quiet during file transfer settings: -n connect (after file transfer), used with -l and -b -c connect (before file transfer), used with -l and -b -a name alternate file name, used with -s, -r, -g -g files get remote files from server (quote wildcards) -x enter server mode -f finish remote server -s - send from stdin -k receive files to stdout -s files send files -r receive files actions: -x is an option requiring an argument, -y an option with no argument. [cmdfile] [-x arg [-x arg]...[-yyy]..] [ = text ] ] Usage: book are the primary source of funding for C-Kermit development and support.It shows you how to use C-Kermit and answers your questions; sales of thisTo order: +1 212 854-3703 or +1 800 366-2665. PLEASE PURCHASE THE MANUAL.2nd Edition, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann 1997, ISBN 1-55558-164-1.DOCUMENTATION: "Using C-Kermit" by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, From system level, type "kermit -h" for help about command-line options. for a menu (context-sensitive help, menu on demand). Press ? (question mark) at the prompt, or anywhere within a command, Type BUG to learn how to get technical support. Type NEWS for news about new features. Type HELP followed by a command name for help about a specific command. Type VERSION for version and copyright information. Type INTRO for a brief introduction to C-Kermit.Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. check with the Kermit Project to see if have been updates. If the release date shown by the VERSION command is long past, be sure to update files that accompanied edits 189, 190, and 191 are no longer needed. in system-specific publications, such as the Kermit 95 manual. The and it is completely described there, with supplementary material found concurrently with the second edition of the manual, "Using C-Kermit", Welcome to C-Kermit 6.0. This version of C-Kermit was released USA New York NY 10025-7799 Fax: +1 (212) 663-8202 612 West 115th Street Voice: +1 (212) 854-3703 Columbia University Web: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ The Kermit Project E-mail: kermit-orders@columbia.edureleases, and information about other Kermit software, contact: where xxx is the name of the command. For documentation, news of new For further information about a particular command, type HELP xxx, FAST (combination of the three above) SET PREFIXING (reduce prefixing overhead) SET WINDOW (use sliding windows) SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH (use bigger packets) To speed up file transfers: SHOW COMMUNICATIONS, SHOW TERMINAL, SHOW FILE, SHOW PROTOCOL, etc. To display other settings: SHOW ESCAPE To display your escape character: Type your escape character followed by the letter C. To return from a terminal connection to the C-Kermit prompt: TELNET select a TCP/IP host and CONNECT to it SET HOST select network host SET NETWORK select network type LOOKUP lookup entries in your network directory SET NETWORK DIRECTORY specify a network services direction (optional) To make a network connection:(*) (For use with optional dialing directory)Further info: HELP DIAL, HELP SET MODEM, HELP SET LINE, HELP SET DIAL DIAL dial the phone number SET MODEM TYPE select modem type LOOKUP lookup entries in your dialing directory (*) SET DIAL AREA-CODE area-code you are dialing from (*) SET DIAL COUNTRY-CODE country you are dialing from (*) SET DIAL DIRECTORY specify dialing directory file (optional) To dial out with a modem: CONNECT begin terminal connection SET SPEED select communication speed SET LINE select serial communication device To make a direct serial connection: SET FILE file settings, for example TYPE TEXT or TYPE BINARY SET FLOW communications flow control, such as RTS/CTS SET PARITY communications parity Important settings: SERVER be a Kermit server REGET recover an interrupted get from a server RESEND recover an interrupted send GET get files from a Kermit server RECEIVE receive files SEND send files Commands for file transfer: TAKE execute commands from a file HELP command request help about the given command HELP request general help EXIT exit from C-Kermit Basic C-Kermit commands: Command words other than filenames can be abbreviated in most contexts. or introduce a backslash code, variable, or function. . \ (backslash) include the following character literally . ESC (or TAB) Attempt to complete the current field. . ? (question mark) Display a menu for the current command field. . CTRL-N: Command recall - go forward in command recall buffer. . CTRL-B: Command recall - same as Ctrl-P. . CTRL-P: Command recall - go backwards in command recall buffer. . CTRL-R: Redisplay the current line. . CTRL-U: Delete the current line. . CTRL-W: Delete the most recent word typed. . DEL, RUBOUT, BACKSPACE, CTRL-H: Delete the most recent character typed. While typing commands, you may use the following special characters: . TCP/IP network connections . Automatic modem dialing . Serial connections, direct or dialed. Supporting: . International character set conversion . Script programming . Terminal connection . Error-free and efficient file transferWelcome to UNIX C-Kermit communications software for:time-of-day format.IF SUCCESS. Also see MINPUT, REINPUT, SET INPUT. See PAUSE for details onwaits for any character. For use in script programs with IF FAILURE andfor the given text to arrive on the connection. If no text is given, INPUTWaits up to the given number of seconds, or until the given time of dayExample: INPUT 5 Login: or INPUT 23:59:59 RINGSyntax: INPUT { number-of-seconds, time-of-day } [ text ]redirected.NOTE: This feature requires REDIRECT and external protocols that can be set proto ymodem rb {rb -a} {sb %s} {sb -a %s} rb rbthe filename(s). Use { braces } if any command contains spaces. Example:files with this protocol. Use "%s" in any of these strings to representprotocol in binary or text mode. s5 and s6 are the commands for receivings3 and s4 are commands used on this computer for sending files with thisRECEIVE process on the other end in binary or text mode, respectively.output prior to SENDing with this protocol, to automatically start theSelects protocol to use for transferring files. s1 and s2 are commands toSyntax: SET PROTOCOL { KERMIT, XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM } [ s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 ]Syntax: BYE Shut down and log out a remote Kermit serverType HELP LOG and HELP OPEN for further info. WRITE READ DEBUGGING PACKET TRANSACTION SESSIONClose one of the following logs or files:Example: CLOSE PACKET Syntax: CLOSE nameAlso see: INPUT, REINPUT, SET INPUT.\v(minput) is set to 0. If none of the strings arrives, the command times out, fails, andvariable is set to the number of the string that was matched: 1, 2, 3, etc.within the timeout interval, the command succeeds and the \v(minput)spaces; use { braces } for grouping. If any of the strings is encounteredcommand waits for any character at all to arrive. Strings are separated bystrings to arrive on the communication device. If no strings are given, theFor use in script programs. Waits up to n seconds for any one of theExample: MINPUT 5 Login: {Username: } {NO CARRIER} BUSY RING Syntax: MINPUT n [ string1 [ string2 [ ... ] ] ]tells you how to escape back, etc. Include the /QUIETLY switch to suppress the informational message thatescape commands.back to the C-Kermit prompt, or followed by ? for a list of CONNECT-moderecent SET HOST command. Type the escape character followed by C to getthe most recent SET LINE command, or to the network host named in the mostConnect to a remote computer via the serial communications device given inSyntax: CONNECT (or C) [/QUIETLY] Syntax: GET filespec Tell the remote Kermit server to send the named file or files. If the filespec is omitted, then you are prompted for the remote and local filenames separately.Use CLOSE to stop logging.if any, is appended to; otherwise a new file is created.If you include the APPEND keyword after the filename, the existing log file,TRANSACTIONS Names and statistics about files transferred (transact.log) SESSION Terminal session, during CONNECT command (session.log)PACKETS Kermit packets, to help with protocol problems (packet.log) program (default log name is debug.log). DEBUGGING Debugging information, to help track down bugs in the C-KermitRecord information in a log file: Syntax: LOG (or L) name [ { NEW, APPEND } ]where dashed sequences are followed as long as previous expects fail. -send-expect[-send-expect[...]] may be expressed in the form: that a sequence might not arrive, as with uucp, conditional sequencese.g. ~0 or two adjacent dashes, causes a short delay. If you expectOnly the last 7 characters in each expect are matched. A null expect,uucp systems, sent strings are followed by ~r unless they end with ~c. append a return, and ~o[o[o]] for octal of a character. As with some~b backspace, ~s space, ~q '?', ~n linefeed, ~r return, ~c don'tLetters in send may be prefixed by ~ to send special characters. These are:keyword EOT, to send control-d, or BREAK (or \\b), to send a break signal.'send' is the names, numbers, etc, to return. The send may also be thewhere 'expect' is a prompt or message to be issued by the remote site, and expect send [expect send] . . . A login script is a sequence of the form: is intended to operate similarly to UNIX uucp "L.sys" entries.Login to a remote system using the text provided. The login script"Using C-Kermit". use the full script programming language described in chapters 11-13 ofreleases for comptability, but not recommended for use. Instead, pleaseA limited and cryptic "login assistant", carried over from old C-KermitSyntax: SCRIPT text incoming file or files will be placed in that directory.the name it arrives with. If the filespec denotes a directory, thefile will be stored under that name, otherwise it will be stored underSEND command. If the optional filespec is given, the (first) incomingWait for a file to arrive from the other Kermit, which must be given aSyntax: RECEIVE (or R) [filespec] Syntax: SEND (or S) filespec [name] Send the file or files specified by filespec. filespec may contain wildcard characters '*' or '?'. If no wildcards, then 'name' may be used to specify the name 'filespec' is sent under; if 'name' is omitted, the file is sent under its own name. Also see ADD.Syntax: RESEND filespec [name] Resend the file or files, whose previous transfer was interrupted. Picks up from where previous transfer left off, IF the receiver was told to SET FILE INCOMPLETE KEEP. Only works for binary-mode transfers. Requires the other Kermit to have RESEND capability.Syntax: REGET filespec Ask a server to RESEND a file to C-Kermit.Syntax: PSEND filespec position [name] Just like SEND, except sends the file starting at the given byte position.Syntax: MSEND filespec [ filespec [ ... ] ] Send the files specified by the filespecs. One or more filespecs may be listed, separated by spaces. Any or all filespecs may contain wildcards and they may be in different directories. An alternate name cannot be given.Syntax: ADD filespec [ [ ] ] Add the file or files to the current SEND list. Use SHOW SEND-LIST and CLEAR SEND-LIST to display and clear the list, use SEND by itself to send it.Syntax: SERVER Enter server mode on the currently selected line. All further commands will be taken in packet form from the other Kermit program. Use FINISH or BYE to get C-Kermit out of server mode.type HELP SET ? to see what's available.SET parameters. Help is available for each individual parameter;parameters. The SHOW command can be used to display the values ofThe SET command is used to establish various communication or fileSHOW KEY command. To find out the scan code and mapping for a particular key, use thetranslation.the key k. SET KEY mappings take place before terminal character-setkey mappings. If there is no text, the default key binding is restored forpressed during CONNECT mode. SET KEY CLEAR restores all the defaultConfigure the key whose "scan code" is k to send the given text whenOr: SET KEY CLEAR Syntax: SET KEY k textblanks.BLANK-FREE-2 type is the same as Type 2, but is guaranteed to contain nospecify more rigorous checking at the cost of higher overhead. TheBLANK-FREE-2. Type 1 is standard, and catches most errors. Types 2 and 3Type of packet block check to be used for error detection, 1, 2, 3, orSyntax: SET BLOCK-CHECK type command, separated by spaces.recommended for safety. You can include multiple values in one SHOW CONTROL to see current settings. SET CONTROL PREFIXED ALL is character as-is, without a prefix. USE THIS OPTION AT YOUR OWN RISK! UNPREFIXED means you think it is safe to send the given control printable character and prefixed, the default for all control characters. PREFIXED means the given control character must be converted to aThe word "ALL" means the command applies to all characters in this range. is the numeric ASCII code for a control character 1-31, 127-159, 255.Syntax: SET CONTROL-CHARACTER { PREFIXED, UNPREFIXED } { ..., ALL } Modem command to select tone dialing. SET MODEM COMMAND TONE [ text ] Modem command to select pulse dialing. SET MODEM COMMAND PULSE [ text ] Modem command to disable local flow control in the modem. SET MODEM COMMAND NO-FLOW-CONTROL [ text ] Modem command to enable local software flow control (Xon/Xoff) in modem. SET MODEM COMMAND SOFTWARE-FLOW [ text ] Modem command to enable hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) in the modem. SET MODEM COMMAND HARDWARE-FLOW [ text ] for the modem. The 'text' is a replacement for C-Kermit's built-in initialization commandSET MODEM COMMAND INIT-STRING [ text ] Command that tells the modem to hang up the connection. SET MODEM COMMAND HANGUP [ text ] Modem commands to turn error correction on and off. SET MODEM COMMAND ERROR-CORRECTION {ON, OFF} [ text ] Modem commands to turn data compression on and off. SET MODEM COMMAND COMPRESSION {ON, OFF} [ text ] Modem commands to turn autoanswer on and off. SET MODEM COMMAND AUTOANSWER {ON, OFF} [ text ]if any: Omitting the optional [ text ] restores the built-in modem-specific command,each modem type, or to fill in commands for the USER-DEFINED modem type.SET MODEM COMMAND commands are used to override built-in modem commands for Kermit should not change its interface speed. the speed reported by the modem's CONNECT message, if any. OFF means ON means that C-Kermit changes its serial interface speed to agree withSET MODEM SPEED-MATCHING {ON, OFF} Descriptive name for a USER-DEFINED modem. SET MODEM NAME Specify the maximum interface speed for the modem. SET MODEM MAXIMUM-SPEED use this command to turn its Kermit protocol function on or off. If the selected modem type supports the Kermit protocol directly,SET MODEM KERMIT-SPOOF {ON, OFF} hangup command. RS232-SIGNAL means turn off the DTR signal. escape back to the modem's command processor and give a modem-specific How hangup operations should be done. MODEM-COMMAND means try toSET MODEM HANGUP-METHOD { MODEM-COMMAND, RS232-SIGNAL } Selects the type of local flow control to be used by the modem. SET MODEM FLOW-CONTROL {AUTO, NONE, RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF} For Hayes-compatible modems, Kermit uses three copies, e.g. "+++". Numeric ASCII value of modem's escape character, e.g. 43 for '+'.SET MODEM ESCAPE-CHARACTER number Enables/disables the modem's error-correction feature, if any. SET MODEM ERROR-CORRECTION { ON, OFF } given in your DIAL commands. include '%s' (percent s) as a place-holder for the telephone numbers The text replaces Kermit's built-in modem dialing command. It mustSET MODEM DIAL-COMMAND Enables/disables the modem's data compression feature, if any. SET MODEM COMPRESSION { ON, OFF } Synonym for SET CARRIER-WATCH (q.v.) SET MODEM CARRIER-WATCH { AUTO, ON, OFF } TB Telebit SB speed-buffering KS kermit-spoof SWFC software-flow ITU v25bis-commands HWFC hardware-flow EC error-correction DC data-compression AT AT-commands of a USER-DEFINED modem. Capabilities are: but in fact does not. Also use this command to define the capabilities for example, if your modem is supposed to have built-in error correction Use this command for changing Kermit's idea of your modem's capabilities,SET MODEM CAPABILITIES open the communications device in the correct mode for dialing. Give the SET MODEM TYPE command BEFORE the SET LINE command so Kermit can and SET MODEM COMMAND to tell Kermit how to configure and control it. to Kermit, and then user SET MODEM CAPABILITIES, SET MODEM DIAL-COMMAND, SET MODEM TYPE USER-DEFINED to use a type of modem that is not built in Use SET MODEM TYPE NONE (the default) for direct serial connections. Use list of the modem types known to Kermit, type "set modem type ?". modem-specific commands for configuration, dialing, and hanging up. For a Tells Kermit which kind of modem you have, so it can issue the appropriateSET MODEM TYPE see them. Also see HELP DIAL and HELP SET DIAL. you SET MODEM TYPE, according to the modem's capabilities. SHOW MODEM toNote: Many of the SET MODEM parameters are configured automatically whenSyntax: SET MODEM ... dialing. Use this if internal calls require a special prefix. internal, then this prefix, if any, is added to the number prior to If PBX-EXCHANGE is set, and Kermit determines from it that a call isSET DIAL PBX-INTERNAL-PREFIX the phone number. your PBX, so it can make an internal call by deleting those digits from the leading digits of a local phone number that identify it as being on If PBX-OUTSIDE-PREFIX is set, then you can use this command to tell KermitSET DIAL PBX-EXCHANGE Private Branch Exchange (PBX). Use this to tell Kermit how to get an outside line when dialing from aSET DIAL PBX-OUTSIDE-PREFIX International dialing suffix, if any, to be used with portable dialingSET DIAL INTL-SUFFIX directory entries that result in international calls. Your international dialing prefix, to be used with portable dialingSET DIAL INTL-PREFIX distance dialing prefix. You toll-free dialing prefix, in case it is different from your long-SET DIAL TOLL-FREE-PREFIX [ ] Tells Kermit the toll-free area code(s) in your country. SET DIAL TOLL-FREE-AREA-CODE [ [ [ ... ] ] ] be used for appending a calling-card number to the phone number. directory entries that result in long-distance calls. This would normally Long-distance dialing suffix, if any, to be used with portable dialingSET DIAL LD-SUFFIX [ ] directory entries that result in long-distance calls. Your long-distance dialing prefix, to be used with portable dialingSET DIAL LD-PREFIX [ ]number. country code, followed by area code in parentheses, followed by the phonethe dialing directory; i.e. numbers that start with a "+" sign andThe following commands apply only to portable-format numbers obtained from Establish a suffix to be added after all phone numbers that are dialed. SET DIAL SUFFIX [ text ] for example to disable call waiting. Establish a prefix to be applied to all phone numbers that are dialed,SET DIAL PREFIX [ text ]or found in the dialing directory: The following commands apply to all phone numbers, whether given literally How many seconds to pause between automatic redial attempts; default 10. SET DIAL INTERVAL because automatic redialing is illegal in some countries. no answer, until the call is succesfully answered. The default is 0 How many times to redial each number if the dialing result is busy or noSET DIAL RETRIES calls. If this command is not given, there are no restrictions. SET DIAL RESTRICT LONG prevents placing of long-distance and international Prevents placing calls of the type indicated, or greater. For exampleSET DIAL RESTRICT { INTERNATIONAL, LOCAL, LONG-DISTANCE, NONE } timeout calculation. of 0 turns off this feature and returns to Kermit's automatic dial to override the DIAL command's automatic timeout calculation. A value How many seconds to wait for a dialed call to complete. Use this commandSET DIAL TIMEOUT number PULSE dialing. Whether to use the modem's DEFAULT dialing method, or to force TONE orSET DIAL METHOD {DEFAULT, TONE, PULSE} Whether to hang up the phone prior to dialing; default is ON. SET DIAL HANGUP {ON, OFF} Whether to display dialing progress on the screen; default is OFF. SET DIAL DISPLAY {ON, OFF} dialed in the order in which they were found. effect, SET DIAL SORT OFF to disable sorting, and the numbers will be sorted in "cheapest-first" order. If this does not produce the desired When multiple entries are obtained from your dialing directory, they areSET DIAL SORT {ON, OFF} one directory, all of them are searched. dialed literally as given in the DIAL command. If you supply more than filenames, the dialing directory feature is disabled and all numbers are The name(s) of your dialing directory file(s). If you do not supply anySET DIAL DIRECTORY [ filename [ filename [ filename [ ... ] ] ] ] conversion, but the parity and speed fields are ignored. it alone (OFF). Old-style directories can still be used without ASK you whether to convert it, or convert it automatically (ON), or leave command tells Kermit what to do when it encounters an old-style directory: The format of Kermit's dialing directory changed in version 5A(192). ThisSET DIAL CONVERT-DIRECTORY {ASK, ON, OFF} displayed if DIAL succeeds and Kermit goes into CONNECT mode. indicate whether the verbose 4-line 'Connecting...' message is to be or AUTO, you may follow this by one of the keywords VERBOSE or QUIET, to DIAL command was issued from a macro or command file. If you specify ON do it if the DIAL command was given interactively, but don't do it if the dialing. ON means to do this; OFF means not to. AUTO (the default) means Whether to CONNECT (enter terminal mode) automatically after successfullySET DIAL CONNECT { AUTO, ON, OFF } in a replacement. Kermit ask you if it is OK to dial the number, and if not, to let you type In case the result might be wrong, you can use SET DIAL CONFIRM ON to have the dialing directory prior to dialing (use LOOKUP to see them). Kermit does various transformations on a telephone number retrieved fromSET DIAL CONFIRMATION {ON, OFF} central London is 171, not 0171. dialing prefix as part of your area code; for example, the area code for local or long distance. Be careful not to include your long-distance tell whether a portable-format phone number from the dialing directory is Tells Kermit the area or city code that you are dialing from, so it canSET DIAL AREA-CODE [ ] know what they really are. should follow this command by DIAL INTL-PREFIX and LD-PREFIX to let Kermit not your true international and long-distance dialing prefixes, then you code 1; 00 and 0, respectively, for all other country codes. If these are command sets default values for them: 011 and 1, respectively, for country If you have not already set your DIAL INTL-PREFIX and LD-PREFIX, then this Japan, ... 351 for Portugal, 47 for Norway, 44 for the UK, 972 for Israel, 81 for Examples: 1 for USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, etc; 7 for Russia, 39 for Italy, dialing directory will result in a national or an international call. from, so it can tell whether a portable-format phone number from your Tells Kermit the telephonic country-code of the country you are dialingSET DIAL COUNTRY-CODE DIAL to display all of the SET DIAL values. dialing the telephone. Also see HELP DIAL and HELP SET MODEM. Use SHOWThe SET DIAL command establishes or changes all parameters related tosystem. Type SET FLOW ? for a list.(hardware) depending on the capabilities of your computer and operatingNONE (no flow control at all), and possibly others including RTS/CTSchange the device's current setting), XON/XOFF (software flow control),Choices: AUTOMATIC (the default, let Kermit choose for you); KEEP (don'tType of flow control to use during file transfer and CONNECT mode.Syntax: SET FLOW value and SET FILE WARNING OFF is equivalent to SET FILE COLLISION OVERWRITE. COLLISION. SET FILE WARNING ON is equivalent to SET FILE COLLISION RENAMEWARNING. SET FILE WARNING is superseded by the newer command, SET FILEbinary data. Example: SET FILE TYPE BINARY. BINARY means to do no conversion. Use BINARY for executable programs orTYPE is normally TEXT, with conversion of record format and character set.TYPE: How file contents are to be treated during file transfer.SET SEND PATHNAMES and SET RECEIVE PATHNAMES. means use filenames literally (useful between like systems). Also seeNAMES are normally CONVERTED to 'common form' during transmission; LITERAL(default), or DISCARD. INCOMPLETE - what to do with an incompletely received file: KEEPreceived files go into your current directory. Directory into which all received files should be placed. By default,DOWNLOAD-DIRECTORY [ ] NONE. No file transfer display at all. understood by Kermit. This requires a video display terminal whose control sequences are FULLSCREEN. A fully formatted 24x80 screen showing lots of information. format can be used on any video display terminal. CRT. Numbers are continuously updated on a single screen line. This This format works on any kind of terminal, even a hardcopy. SERIAL (the default). One dot is printed for every K bytes transferred.local-mode file transfer. The choices are:SET FILE DISPLAY selects the format of the file transfer display forExample: SET FILE COLLISION UPDATE file. UPDATE - Accept the incoming file only if it is newer than the existing RENAME - Give the incoming file a unique name. DISCARD - Refuse and/or discard the incoming file. APPEND - Append the incoming file to the end of the existing file. OVERWRITE - Overwrite (replace) the existing file. the incoming file under the name it was sent with. BACKUP (default) - Rename the old file to a new, unique name and storean existing file. The options are:COLLISION tells what to do when a file arrives that has the same name asType SET FILE CHAR ? for a complete list of file character sets. HEBREW-7 is like ASCII with the lowercase letters replaced by Hebrew.HEBREW-ISO is ISO 8859-8 Latin/Cyrillic. CP862 is the Hebrew PC code page.SHORT-KOI is a 7-bit ASCII coding for Cyrillic.KOI-CYRILLIC, CYRILLIC-ISO, and CP866 are 8-bit Cyrillic character sets.Roman letters.LATIN2 is ISO 8859-2 for Eastern European languages that are written withThe CPnnn sets are for IBM PCs. MACINTOSH-LATIN is for the Macintosh.NEXT is the 8-bit character set of the NeXT workstation.for Western European languages.national character sets. LATIN1 is the 8-bit ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet 1The names ITALIAN, PORTUGUESE, NORWEGIAN, etc, refer to 7-bit ISO-646CHARACTER-SET: tells the encoding of the local file, ASCII by default.BYTESIZE { 7, 8 }: normally 8. If 7, truncate the 8th bit of all file bytes. Parameters: Syntax: SET FILE parameter valuehandshake character. Type SET HANDSH ? for a list.etc. SET HANDSHAKE CODE lets you specify the numeric ASCII value of thesending its next packet. Default is NONE, others are XON, LF, BELL, ESC,transfer. C-Kermit waits for this character from the other computer beforeCharacter to use for half duplex line turnaround handshake during fileSyntax: SET HANDSHAKE value Default is 0.a NAK while waiting for a command packet. Specify 0 for no NAKs at all.Server command wait timeout interval, how often the C-Kermit server issuesSET SERVER TIMEOUT nis no longer required. account is ignored. If you enter SET SERVER LOGIN by itself, then loginthe server will respond to any commands other than REMOTE LOGIN. TheSets up a username and optional password which must be supplied beforeSET SERVER LOGIN [ username [ password [ account ] ] ]Idle time limit while in server mode, 0 for no limit. SET SERVER IDLE-TIMEOUT secondsDefault is no GET-PATH, so C-Kermit looks only in its current directory. from client GET commands when the names are not fully specified pathnames.Tells the C-Kermit server where to search for files whose names it receivesSET SERVER GET-PATH [ directory [ directory [ ... ] ] ]file transfer display on the screen. Default is OFF. Tell whether local-mode C-Kermit during server operation should put aSET SERVER DISPLAY {ON,OFF}further information about a particular remote command 'x'.see a list of available remote commands. Type HELP REMOTE x to getmode on the other end of the currently selected line. Type REMOTE ? toremote Kermit server. There should already be a Kermit running in serverThe REMOTE command is used to send file management instructions to aSee also XIF. ELSE echo It's not less IF < \%x 10 ECHO It's lessThe IF command may be followed on the next line by an ELSE command. Example: > n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically greater than n2 < n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically less than n2 = n1 n2 - n1 and n2 (numbers or variables containing numbers) are equal LGT s1 s1 - s1 is lexically (alphabetically) greater than s2 LLT s1 s2 - s1 is lexically (alphabetically) less than s2 EQUAL s1 s2 - s1 and s2 (character strings or variables) are equal greater than zero (see SET COUNT) COUNT - subtract one from COUNT, execute the command if the result is EXIST filename - The named file exists NUMERIC variable or constant - The variable or constant is numeric NEWER file1 file2 - The 1st file is newer than the 2nd one DIRECTORY string - The string is the name of a directory DEFINED variablename or macroname - The named variable or macro is defined REMOTE-ONLY - C-Kermit was started with the -R command-line option FOREGROUND - C-Kermit is running in the foreground BACKGROUND - C-Kermit is running in the background FAILURE - the previous command failed SUCCESS - the previous command succeededbe given, and it must appear on the same line as the IF. Conditions are: If the condition is (is not) true, do the command. Only one command maySyntax: IF [NOT] condition command Operators include +-/*(), etc. Example: EVAL (1+1) * (\%a / 3).expression can contain numbers and/or numeric-valued variables or functions.Evaluate an integer arithmetic expression and print its value. TheSyntax: EVALUATE expression XIF equal \%a YES { echo OK, goto begin } ELSE { echo Not OK, stop }the XIF (or use dash for line continuation). Example: the IF and ELSE parts. The ELSE part, if any, must be on the same line asbut multiple comma-separated commands may be grouped within braces in bothExtended IF command. The conditions are the same as for IF (type HELP IF)Syntax: XIF condition { commandlist } [ ELSE { commandlist } ] Example: FOR \%i 10 1 -1 { pause 1, echo \%i }number of times given by the initial value, final value and increment. FOR loop. Execute the comma-separated commands in the commandlist theSyntax: FOR variablename initial-value final-value increment { commandlist }IF commands.commandlist while the condition is true. Conditions are the same as for WHILE loop. Execute the comma-separated commands in the bracketedSyntax: WHILE condition { commandlist } :default, command, command, ...not match any of the labels: case-list, you can put a "default" label to catch when the variable doeswhere "x" is a possible value for the variable. At the end of the :x, command, command, ..., break The case-list is a series of lines like these: Syntax: SWITCH { case-list } OPEN !READ sort foo.bar OPEN READ oofa.txtto a system command rather than a file. Examples: mode: READ, WRITE, or APPEND. !READ and !WRITE mean to read from or writeFor use with READ and WRITE commands. Open the local file in the specifiedSyntax: OPEN mode filename To include a question mark, precede it by backslash (\).Use braces to preserve leading and/or trailing spaces in the prompt.The characters that you type do not echo on the screen.Issues the prompt and defines the variable to be whatever you type in.Example: ASKQ \%p { Password:} Syntax: ASKQ variablename [ prompt ]Example: ASK \%n { What is your name\? } Syntax: ASK variablename [ prompt ]Issues the prompt and sets the variable to the first character you type.Example: GETC \%c { Type any character to continue...} Syntax: GETC variablename [ prompt ] SET BLOCK-CHECK \%b ECHO Today is \%aThese variables can be used almost anywhere, for example: DEFINE \%b 3 DEFINE \%a MondayThe definition of a variable can be anything at all, for example: the macro, or just type its name, followed optionally by arguments. comma-separated list of Kermit commands. Use the DO command to executewhich defines a Kermit command macro called 'vax'. The definition is a DEFINE vax set parity even, set duplex full, set flow xon/xoff for example: DEFINE name command, command, command, ... A typical macro definition looks like this: is omitted, then the named variable or macro is undefined. included, rather than their values (compare with ASSIGN). If the definitiondefinition includes any variable or function references, their names areNo expansion or evaluation of the definition is done. Thus if theDefines a macro or variable. Its value is the definition, taken literally.Syntax: DEFINE name [ definition ] This will print 'goodbye hello'. ECHO \%x \%y DEFINE \%a goodbye ASSIGN \%y \%a DEFINE \%x \%a DEFINE \%a hellonames. Compare with DEFINE. To illustrate the difference, try this: the values of any variables are contained are used, rather than theirThe definition string is fully evaluated before it is assigned, so thatAssigns the current value of the string to the variable (or macro).Example: ASSIGN \%a My name is \%b. Syntax: ASSIGN variablename string. Examples: DECR \%a, DECR \%a 7, DECR \%a \%nis numeric. If the number argument is given, subtract that number instead.Decrement (subtract one from) the value of a variable if the current valueSyntax: DECREMENT variablename [ number ] Examples: INCR \%a, INCR \%a 7, INCR \%a \%nnumeric. If the number argument is given, add that number instead. Increment (add one to) the value of a variable if the current value isSyntax: INCREMENT variablename [ number ] default is ON. When EXIT WARNING is ALWAYS, confirmation is always requested. The before EXITing if a connection to another computer might still be open. When EXIT WARNING is ON, issue a warning message and ask for confirmation Syntax: SET EXIT WARNING { ON, OFF, ALWAYS } constant, variable, or an \feval() expression. Set C-Kermit's program return code to the given number, which can be aSyntax: SET EXIT STATUS number This command is not currently supported on serial connections. is terminated either by the host or by issuing a HANGUP command. When ON, C-Kermit EXITs automatically when a network connectionSyntax: SET EXIT ON-DISCONNECT { ON, OFF }Synonym: SLEEP.keyboard. If interrupted, PAUSE fails, otherwise it succeeds.second is used. The pause can be interrupted by typing any character on thecurrent time, it is assumed to be tomorrow. If no argument given, oneday in 24-hour hh:mm:ss notation. If the time of day is earlier than theDo nothing for the specified number of seconds or until the given time ofExample: PAUSE 3 or PAUSE 14:52:30 Syntax: PAUSE [ { number-of-seconds, hh:mm:ss } ]100 milliseconds.Do nothing for the specified number of milliseconds; if no number given,Example: MSLEEP 500 Syntax: MSLEEP [ number ]EXIT or QUIT or LOGOUT.by exiting from the system's command parser. The command is usuallyIf the command is omitted, enter interactive mode; return to Kermitdisplay the results on the screen. Give a command to the local operating system's command processor, andSyntax: ! [ command ] or RUN [ command ] or PUSH [ command ] Ctrl-C. Synonym: XMIT.mode, for example by starting a text editor. TRANSMIT may be interrupted bythe TRANSMIT command, you must put the other computer in data collectioncomputer will receive the file correctly and completely. Before you startare sent a character at a time. There is no guarantee that the otherthat don't have Kermit. Text files are sent a line at a time; binary filesThe TRANSMIT command is used for sending single files to other computersSyntax: TRANSMIT file TRANSLATE lasagna.lat latin1 italian lasagna.nrcSynonym: XLATE. Example: is chosen automatically, if necessary.is displayed on the screen. An appropriate intermediate character-setC-Kermit's file character sets. If file2 is omitted, the translationand stores the result in file2. The character sets can be any ofTranslates file1 from the character set cs1 into the character set cs2Syntax: TRANSLATE file1 cs1 cs2 [ file2 ] Signals: \cd = Carrier Detect, \dsr = Dataset Ready, \cts = Clear To Sendtyping anything at the keyboard during the waiting period. Sets FAILURE if signals do not appear in the given time or if interrupted bythe specified modem signals to appear on the serial communication device.Waits up to the given number of seconds or the given time of day for all ofOr: WAIT 23:59:59 \cdExample: WAIT 5 \cd \ctsSyntax: WAIT { number-of-seconds, hh:mm:ss } [modem-signal(s)] TRANSACTION-LOG SESSION-LOG SCREEN (compare with ECHO) PACKET-LOG FILE (the OPEN WRITE, OPEN !WRITE, or OPEN APPEND file, see HELP OPEN) ERROR (standard error) DEBUG-LOGappropriate code. The name parameter can be any of the following: backslash codes, and is not terminated by a newline unless you include theWrites the given text to the named log or file. The text text may includeSyntax: WRITE name text for further info.portable-format entries based on your locale. HELP DIAL, HELP SET DIALentry is shown, along with any transformations that would be applied tospecified in the most recent SET DIAL DIRECTORY command. Each matchingLooks up the given name in the dialing directory or directories, if any,Syntax: LOOKUP name for more info.automatically put it (back) in originate mode. SHOW MODEM, HELP SET MODEMcommand puts the modem in autoanswer mode. Subsequent DIAL commands willinterrupted, otherwise Kermit waits the given number of seconds. The ANSWERrequired. If is 0 or not specified, Kermit waits forever or untilWaits for a modem call to come in. Prior SET MODEM TYPE and SET LINESyntax: ANSWER [ ] Specify your dialing directory file(s) with the SET DIAL DIRECTORY command.country code and area code (see HELP SET DIAL). long-distance, then international, based on its knowledge of your localKermit dials then in cheap-to-expensive order: internal, then local, thenthem until the call is completed; if the entries are in portable format,If more than one entry is found with the same name, Kermit dials all ofPORTABLE entries. If it does not start with +, it is dialed literally. the current locale (HELP SET DIAL for further info); these are calledarea code, and C-Kermit will try to handle these appropriately based onIf a phone number starts with +, then it must include country code and heise +49 (511) 535 2301 ; Verlag Heinz Heise BBS e-mail +1 (212) 555 4321 ; My electronic mailbox work 9876543 ; This is a comment name phonenumber ; comments A dialing directory is a plain text file, one entry per line: letter, without any directory lookup. after the = to be send literally to the modem, even if it starts with aIf the phonenumber starts with an equals sign ("="), this forces the partname is sent to the modem literally. the number or numbers associated with the name. If it is not found, thelooks it up in the given file(s); if it is found, the name is replaced byDIRECTORY command to specify one or more dialing-directory files, KermitIf the phonenumber starts with a letter, and if you have used the SET DIALand REDIAL. then DIAL. See also SET DIAL, SET MODEM, SET LINE, SET HOST, SET SPEED,If the modem is on a network modem server, SET HOST first, then SET MODEM, DIAL 7654321 number, for example: SET LINE, then SET SPEED. Then give the DIAL command, including the phoneDials a number using an autodial modem. First you must SET MODEM, thenExample: DIAL 7654321 Syntax: DIAL phonenumberDOHELP xxSyntax: APC text Echoes the text in the form of a VT220/320/420 Application Program Command. Use the APC command to send commands to MS-DOS Kermit 3.13 or later.Describes how to get technical support.Syntax: BEEP Sends a BEL character to your terminal.Syntax: CHECK name Checks to see if the named feature is included in this version of C-Kermit. To list the features you can check, type "check ?".Syntax: CLEAR [ { DEVICE, INPUT, DEVICE-AND-INPUT, DIAL-STATUS, SEND-LIST } ] Clears the communications device input buffer, the INPUT command buffer, or both. CLEAR SEND-LIST clears the SEND list (see ADD). CLEAR DIAL-STATUS clears the \v(dialstatus) variable. The default is DEVICE-AND-INPUT.Syntax: COMMENT text Example: COMMENT - this is a comment. Introduces a comment. Beginning of command line only. Commands may also have trailing comments, introduced by ; or #.DELYour escape character is Ctrl-%c (ASCII %d, %s) Syntax: COPY source destination Copy the file 'source' to 'destination'.Syntax: CD [ directoryname ] Change Directory. If directory name omitted, changes to your home directory.Syntax: DECLARE arrayname[size] Example: DECLARE \&a[20] Declares an array of the given size. Array elements can be used just like any other variables.Syntax: UNDEFINE variable-name Undefines a macro or variable.Syntax: DELETE filespec Delete a local file or files. RM is a synonym for DELETE.Syntax: PDIAL phonenumber Partially dial a phone number. Like DIAL but does not wait for carrier or CONNECT message.Redial the number given in the most recent DIAL commnd.Syntax: DIRECTORY [ filespec ] Display a directory listing of local files.Syntax: DISABLE command Security for the C-Kermit server. Prevent the client Kermit program from executing the named REMOTE command, such as CD, DELETE, RECEIVE, etc.Syntax: [ DO ] macroname [ arguments ] Execute a macro that was defined by the DEFINE command. The word DO can be omitted. Trailing argument words, if any, are automatically assigned to the macro argument variables \%1, \%2, etc.Syntax: ECHO text Display the text on the screen, followed by a line terminator. The ECHO text may contain backslash codes. Example: ECHO \7Wake up!\7Syntax: XECHO text Just like ECHO but does not add a line terminator to the text. See ECHO.Syntax: ENABLE capability For use with server mode. Allow the client Kermit program access to the named capability, such as CD, DELETE, RECEIVE, etc. Opposite of DISABLE.Syntax: END [ number [ message ] ] Exit from the current macro or TAKE file, back to wherever invoked from. Number is return code. Message, if given, is printed.Syntax: E-PACKET Send an Error packet to the other Kermit.Syntax: QUIT (or EXIT) [ number ] Exit from the Kermit program, closing all open files and devices, optionally setting the program's return code to the given number.Syntax: FINISH Tell the remote Kermit server to shut down without logging out.Syntax: GETOK prompt Print the prompt, make user type 'yes', 'no', or 'ok', and set SUCCESS or FAILURE accordingly.Syntax: GOTO label In a TAKE file or macro, go to the given label. A label is a word on the left margin that starts with a colon (:). Example: :oofa echo Hello! goto oofaSyntax: HANGUP Hang up the phone or network connection. %s, Copyright (C) 1985, 1996,Give a brief introduction to C-Kermit.Syntax: REINPUT n string Look for the string in the text that has recently been INPUT, set SUCCESS or FAILURE accordingly. Timeout, n, must be specified but is ignored.Syntax: RENAME oldname newname Change the name of file 'oldname' to 'newname'.Introduce a label, like :loop, for use with GOTO in TAKE files or macros. See GOTO.Syntax: MAIL filename address Send the file to the remote Kermit, which must be in RECEIVE or SERVER mode, and request that the remote host deliver the file as electronic mail to the given address. Example: MAIL BUG.TXT KERMIT@CUVMAMMOVE is exactly like MSEND, except each file that is sent successfully is deleted after it is sent. Print news of new features since publication of "Using C-Kermit".Syntax: OUTPUT text Send the text out the currently selected line, as if you had typed it during CONNECT mode. The text may contain backslash codes. Example: OUTPUT help\13Syntax: PING [ IP-hostname-or-number ] Check if given IP network host is reachable. Default host is from most recent SET HOST or TELNET command. Runs system PING program, if any.Syntax: FTP [ IP-hostname-or-number ] Make an FTP connection to the given IP host or, if no host specified, to the current host. Uses the system's FTP program, if any. Syntax: PRINT file [ options ] Print the local file on a local printer with the given options.Syntax: PWD Print the name of the current working directory.Syntax: READ variablename Read a line from the currently open READ or !READ file into the variable (see OPEN).Remote commandSyntax: RETURN [ value ] Return from a macro. An optional return value can be given for use with with \fexecute(macro), which allows macros to be used like functions.MOVE is exactly like SEND, except each file that is sent successfully is deleted after it is sent.Syntax: SUSPEND or Z Suspend Kermit. Continue Kermit with the appropriate system command, such as fg.ParameterHELP SET ySorry, help not available for "%s" Syntax: REDIRECT command Run the given local command with its standard input and output redirected to the current SET LINE or SET HOST communications path. Synonym: < (Left angle bracket).Display current values of various items (SET parameters, variables, etc). Type SHOW ? for a list of categories.Syntax: SPACE Display disk usage in current device and/or directorySyntax: STATISTICS Display statistics about most recent file transferSyntax: STOP [ number [ message ] ] Stop executing the current macro or TAKE file and return immediately to the C-Kermit prompt. Number is a return code. Message printed if given.Syntax: TAKE filename Take Kermit commands from the named file. Kermit command files may themselves contain TAKE commands, up to a reasonable depth of nesting.Syntax: TELNET [ host [ service ] ] Equivalent to SET NETWORK TCP/IP, SET HOST host [ service ], followed by CONNECT. If host is omitted, previous connection (if any) is resumed.Syntax: RLOGIN [ host [ username ] ] Makes an interactive connection to the host using RLOGIN protocol. If host is omitted, previous connection (if any) is resumed.Syntax: TYPE file Display a file on the screen. Pauses if you type Ctrl-S, resumes if you type Ctrl-Q, returns immediately to C-Kermit prompt if you type Ctrl-C.Syntax: VERSION Displays the program version number.Syntax: WHO [ user ] Displays info about the user.WRITE-LINE (WRITELN) is just like WRITE, but includes a line terminator at the end of text. See WRITE.Like GOTO, but searches only forward for the label. See GOTO.Declares a variable to be local to the current macro or command file.View the terminal emulation screen even when there is no connection. Synonym for SET FILE TYPE TEXT. Synonym for SET FILE TYPE BINARY. Prints the current date and time. Just like GET but asks the server to delete each file that has been sent successfully. Equivalent to SET PARITY NONE, SET COMMAND BYTE 8, SET TERMINAL BYTE 8. Syntax: SAVE KEYMAP Saves current keymap definitions to file, "keymap.ini" by default. %s %s Synonym: SET XMIT. sending next line, normally LF (10).PROMPT number: ASCII value of character to look for from host before (text mode), or each character (binary mode).PAUSE number: How many milliseconds to pause after transmitting each line when PARITY is not NONE.LOCKING-SHIFT ON/OFF: Whether to use SO/SI for transmitting 8-bit data Normally, only CR is sent.LINEFEED ON/OFF: Transmit LF as well as CR at the end of each line.FILL number: ASCII value of character to insert into blank lines.EOF text: Text to send after end of file is reached.ECHO ON/OFF: Whether to echo text as it is being transmitted.to computers that don't have Kermit programs. Parameters are: Controls the behavior of the TRANSMIT command, used for uploading filesSyntax: SET TRANSMIT parameter value even though Kermit thinks it is running in the background.SET BACKGROUND OFF forces prompts and messages to appear on your screenSyntax: SET BACKGROUND { OFF, ON } window slots. If n2 is omitted, the same value as n1 is used.buffers, respectively. Bigger numbers let you have longer packets and moreChange the overall amount of memory allocated for SEND and RECEIVE packetSyntax: SET BUFFERS n1 [ n2 ] Use SHOW COMMAND to display these settings. syntactically incorrect command. ON by default. Whether to reprompt you with the correct but incomplete portion of a SET COMMAND RETRY { ON, OFF } or as ordinary data characters (OFF) in commands. ON by default. Whether to treat backslash and question mark as special characters (ON), SET COMMAND QUOTING { ON, OFF } Whenever you give this command, previous command history is lost. constraints of the computer. A size of 0 disables command recall. holds 10 commands. You can make it any size you like, subject to memory How big you want C-Kermit's command recall buffer to be. By default, itSET COMMAND RECALL-BUFFER-SIZE number you might prefer OFF. scroll by without intervention. If your command window has scroll bars, text that does not fit vertically on your screen. OFF allows the text to ON (the default) enables More?-prompting when C-Kermit needs to displaySET COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING { ON, OFF } purposes of screen formatting. Informs C-Kermit of the number of characters across your screen forSET COMMAND WIDTH purposes of More?-prompting. Informs C-Kermit of the number of rows in your command screen for theSET COMMAND HEIGHT entry and display of 8-bit characters. and your keyboard and screen. 7 is assumed. SET COMMAND BYTE 8 to allow Informs C-Kermit of the bytesize of the communication path between itselfSET COMMAND BYTESIZE { 7, 8 }Syntax: SET COMMAND parameter value means that carrier is required only during CONNECT.command. OFF means that carrier is never required. AUTO (the default)ON means that carrier is required at all times except during the DIALAttempts to control treatment of carrier on the communication device.Syntax: SET CARRIER ON, AUTO, or OFF SET ATTR DATE OFF SET ATTR LENGTH ON SET ATTR ALL OFFYou can also specify ALL to select all of them. Examples: TYPE: The file's type (text or binary) SYSTEM-ID: Machine/Operating system of origin LENGTH: The file's length DISPOSITION: Unusual things to do with the file, like MAIL or PRINT DATE: The file's creation date CHARACTER-SET: The transfer character set for text filesselected incoming file attributes, including: selected file attributes along with each file, and to handle or ignoreUse this command to enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the transmission ofSyntax: SET ATTRIBUTES name ON or OFF by subordinate macros and take files.fails. PROCEED (default) allows use of IF SUCCESS and IF FAILURE commands.Tells whether to proceed or quit from a script program if an INPUT commandSET INPUT TIMEOUT-ACTION { PROCEED, QUIT }command times out, 0 for no maximum. The maximum number to seconds of silence (no input at all) before the INPUTSET INPUT SILENCE Tells whether to display arriving characters read by INPUT on the screen. SET INPUT ECHO { ON, OFF }by subordinate macros and take files. This setting is local to the current macro or command file, and is inheritedTells whether alphabetic case is to be significant in string comparisons.SET INPUT CASE { IGNORE, OBSERVE }Removes the old INPUT buffer and creates a new one with the given length. SET INPUT BUFFER-LENGTH number-of-bytesThe SET INPUT command controls the behavior of the INPUT command: Syntax: SET INPUT parameter value the current command file, and inherited by subordinate command files.automatically terminated when a command fails. This setting is local toSET TAKE ERROR { ON, OFF } tells whether a TAKE command file should beshould be displayed on the screen. SET TAKE ECHO { ON, OFF } tells whether commands read from a TAKE fileControls behavior of TAKE command. Syntax: SET TAKE parameter value Type SHOW TERMINAL to see current terminal settings.on your CONNECT-mode screen. SET TERMINAL WIDTH tells C-Kermit how many columns (characters) aretype CR during CONNECT mode. SET TERMINAL NEWLINE-MODE { OFF, ON } tells whether to send CRLF when youcharacters during CONNECT. OFF by default. Shift-In/Shift-Out (Ctrl-O and Ctrl-N) to switch between 7-bit and 8-bitSET TERMINAL LOCKING-SHIFT { OFF, ON } tells C-Kermit whether to useyour CONNECT-mode screen. SET TERMINAL HEIGHT tells C-Kermit how many rows (lines) are onclosed by the other end. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION. If you disable it, Kermit returns to its prompt only if the connection isto escape back from CONNECT mode using the SET ESCAPE character.SET TERMINAL ESCAPE-CHARACTER { ENABLED, DISABLED } turns on/off the abilityduring terminal connection. SET TERMINAL ECHO { LOCAL, REMOTE } specifies which side does the echoingSET TERMINAL DEBUG { ON, OFF } controls terminal session debugging. carriage return characters are to be displayed on your screen. SET TERMINAL CR-DISPLAY { CRLF, NORMAL } to specify how incomingno translation is done. during CONNECT. By default, both character sets are TRANSPARENT, andyou specify two different character sets, C-Kermit translates between themthe local character set, the current FILE CHARACTER-SET is used. Whencharacter set used by C-Kermit locally, . If you don't specifyto specify the character set used by the remote host, , and theSET TERMINAL CHARACTER-SET [ ]between C-Kermit and the remote computer or service during CONNECT. SET TERMINAL BYTESIZE 7 or 8, to use 7- or 8-bit terminal charactersmode. Default is OFF. Kermit or ZMODEM packet of the appropriate type is received during CONNECTenables/disables automatic switching into file-transfer mode when a validSET TERMINAL AUTODOWNLOAD { ON, OFF }APCs. OFF is the default. RUN. OFF prevents execution of APCs. UNCHECKED allows execution of alldisallows potentially dangerous commands such as DELETE, RENAME, OUTPUT, andC-Kermit is in CONNECT mode. ON allows execution of "safe" commands andcontrols execution of Application Program Commands sent by the host whileSET TERMINAL APC { ON, OFF, UNCHECKED }provides the emulation. or the terminal emulator or terminal from which you are running C-Kermitor service you have made a connection to. Your console, workstation window,(or a totally transparent one, if you configure it that way) to the computerinclude a terminal emulator. Instead, it is a "semitransparent pipe"This command is not available because this version of C-Kermit does notSET TERMINAL TYPE ...Syntax: SET TERMINAL parameter value Also see SET NETWORK, TELNET. SET HOST madlab.sprl.umich.edu 3000 SET HOST SET HOST kermit.columbia.edudifferent service. TCP/IP Examples: TELNET; specify a different TCP port number or service name to choose aselected network type. For TCP/IP connections, the default service isEstablish a connection to the specified network host on the currentlyTCP/IP Syntax: SET HOST hostname-or-address [ service ] Type SHOW NETWORK to see the current values of these parameters. your local terminal type is sent. The terminal type to send to the remote TELNET host. If none is given,SET TELNET TERMINAL-TYPE name RAW (default for BINARY mode) means CR stands for itself. OFF means CR followed by NUL represents CR. ON (default for NVT mode) means CRLF represents CR. There are separate settings for NVT (ASCII) mode and binary mode. Determines how carriage returns are handled on TELNET connections.SET TELNET { NVT, BINARY-MODE } NEWLINE-MODE { OFF, ON, RAW } After the connection is made, TELNET negotiations determine the echoing. C-Kermit's initial echoing state for TELNET connections, LOCAL by default.SET TELNET ECHO { LOCAL, REMOTE } C-Kermit's TELNET partner. Set this to ON to try to overcome TELNET binary-mode misnegotiations bySET TELNET BUG BINARY-ME-MEANS-U-TOO { ON, OFF } ACCEPTED by default. ACCEPT or REFUSE binary-mode bids, or actively REQUEST binary mode.SET TELNET BINARY-MODE { ACCEPTED, REFUSED, REQUESTED }For TCP/IP TELNET connections, which are in NVT (ASCII) mode by default: Syntax: SET TELNET parameter value from the entry, and then try all matching entries until one succeeds.given in the directory and, if found, fill in the additional itemswith the same name. SET HOST and TELNET commands look up theYou can have multiple network directories and you can have multiple entries name tcp/ip ip-hostname-or-address [ socket ] [ ; comment ] For TCP/IP, the format is: name network-type address [ network-specific-info ] [ ; comment ] The general format of a network directory entry is: directory files, similar to dialing directories (HELP DIAL for details).SET NETWORK DIRECTORY specifies the name(s) of zero or more networkSET HOST commands. Also see SET HOST, TELNET. If only one network type is listed above, that is the default network for SET NETWORK TCP/IPSelect the type of network to be used with SET HOST connections: Syntax: SET NETWORK { network-type, DIRECTORY [ file [ file [ ... ] ] ] } it depends on the underlying TCP/IP services.NETWORK. Not all options are necessarily available in all Kermit versions;books), and then at your own risk. These settings are displayed by SHOWthen only if you understand the concepts (see, for example, the Comer TCP/IPprotocol stack that Kermit is using is giving you inadequate performance, andaccess to. You should use these commands only if you feel that the TCP/IPper-connection basis by adjusting items that you normally would not haveThese items are designed to let you tune TCP networking performance on a TCP receive and send buffer sizes. (default is -1, use system defaults.) SET TCP SENDBUF SET TCP RECVBUF (default is OFF.) to accumulate a bunch of them before transmitting (Nagle Algorithm). ON means send short TCP packets immediately rather than waitingSET TCP NODELAY { ON, OFF } (default is ON with a timeout of 0.) timeout measured in 10th of a millisecond. all outstanding data has been transferred and acknowledged. Setting this ON ensures that a connection doesn't close beforeSET TCP LINGER { ON [timeout], OFF } (default is ON.) Setting this ON might help to detect broken connections more quickly.SET TCP KEEPALIVE { ON, OFF }macro, and inherited by subordinate macros.terminated upon a command error. This setting is local to the currentSET MACRO ERROR { ON, OFF } tells whether a macro should be automaticallydefinition should be displayed on the screen. SET MACRO ECHO { ON, OFF } tells whether commands executed from a macroControls the behavior of macros. Syntax: SET MACRO parameter value variables like \v(dir) or \v(time) to show current directory or time.spaces. If text omitted, prompt reverts to C-Kermit>. Prompt can includecodes for special effects. Surround by { } to preserve leading or trailingPrompt text for this program, normally 'C-Kermit>'. May contain backslashSyntax: SET PROMPT [ text ] as a cooperating Kermit on the other end.connections with long delays. A full duplex connection is required, as wellmaximum packet length. Use sliding windows for improved efficiency onis one, the maximum is 32. Increased window size may result in reducedthat can be transmitted before pausing for acknowledgement. The defaultSpecify number of window slots for sliding windows, the number of packetsSyntax: SET WINDOW-SIZE number given code. The default is 126 (tilde).SET REPEAT PREFIX sets the repeat-count prefix character to the The default is ON.SET REPEAT COUNTS turns the repeat-count compression mechanism ON and OFF.Syntax: SET REPEAT { COUNTS { ON, OFF }, PREFIX } a NAK or retransmitting. Number of seconds the other Kermit should wait for a packet before sendingTIMEOUT number ASCII value of character that marks start of inbound packet.START-OF-PACKET number Milliseconds to pause in between packets, normally 0.PAUSE number the directories in the path don't exist, C-Kermit tries to create them. trying to create the output file. When ON (the default), then if any of an incoming filename, leave it ON and try to use it, or strip it OFF before If a recognizable path (directory, device, etc) specification appears inPATHNAMES ON or OFF ASCII value of control character to use for padding (normally 0).PAD-CHARACTER number Number of prepacket padding characters to ask for (normally 0).PADDING number Maximum length packet the other Kermit should send.PACKET-LENGTH number normally 13 (carriage return). ASCII value of control character that terminates incoming packets,END-OF-PACKET number this unless something is wrong with the other Kermit program. packets that C-Kermit receives, normally 35 (number sign). Don't change ASCII value of prefix character used for quoting control characters inCONTROL-PREFIX numberSpecify parameters for inbound packets: Syntax: SET RECEIVE parameter value default. After DYNAMIC you may include minimum and maximum values. to use the "number" given throughout the transfer. DYNAMIC is the throughout the transfer based on the packet rate. Include the word FIXED SET SEND TIMEOUT command to have Kermit compute the timeouts dynamically retransmitting. Include the word DYNAMIC after the number in the Number of seconds to wait for a packet before sending NAK or ASCII value of character to mark start of outbound packet. filename, not the "as-name". The default is ON. portion ON or OFF the file name when sending it. Applies to the actual When FILE NAMES is set to LITERAL, leave the path (device, directory, etc) ASCII value of control character to use for padding. Number of prepacket padding characters to send. Maximum length packet to send, even if other Kermit asks for longer ones. ASCII value of control character to terminate an outbound packet, packets that C-Kermit sends, normally 35 (number sign).to override the normal negotiated parameters and is rarely needed: Specify parameters for outbound packets. This command should be used onlySyntax: SET SEND parameter value the maximum length right away.the packet length to the maximum negotiated length. OFF means start sendingON (the default) tells C-Kermit, when sending files, to gradually build up Syntax: SET TRANSFER SLOW-START { OFF, ON } Synonym for SET PROTOCOL (q.v.). Syntax: SET TRANSFER PROTOCOL { KERMIT, XMODEM, ... } a compatible file system, e.g. UNIX-to-UNIX, but not UNIX-to-DOS.file-transfer mode and use literal filenames if the other Kermit says it hasAutomatic (the default) means C-Kermit should automatically go into binary Syntax: SET TRANSFER MODE { AUTOMATIC, MANUAL } does not agree.OFF means not to use it, FORCED means to use it even if the other Kermitits use if PARITY is not NONE and to use it if the other Kermit agrees,to achieve 8-bit transparency on a 7-bit connection. ON means to requestTell whether locking-shift protocol should be used during file transfer Syntax: SET TRANSFER LOCKING-SHIFT { OFF, ON, FORCED } HEBREW-ISO (ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew) CYRILLIC-ISO (ISO 8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic) LATIN2 (ISO 8859-2 Latin Alphabet 2) LATIN1 (ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet 1) ASCII TRANSPARENT (no translation, the default)Text characters are translated to/from the FILE CHARACTER-SET. Choices: Select the character set used to represent textual data in Kermit packets. Syntax: SET TRANSFER CHARACTER-SET name SET TRANSFER CRC OFF to disable.\v(crc16) variable after the transfer. Adds a little bit of overhead. Usefile transfer. Normally ON, in which case the CRC value is available in theTells whether C-Kermit should accumulate a Cyclic Redundancy Check for each Syntax: SET TRANSFER CRC-CALCULATION { OFF, ON } of the given control character are required for cancellation.cancellation; the optional is how many consecutive occurrencesON enables it. The optional is the control character to use forOFF disables remote-mode packet-mode cancellation from the keyboard.Syntax: SET TRANSFER CANCELLATION { OFF, ON [ [ ] ] } Synonym: SET XFER Syntax: SET CASE { ON, OFF } Tells whether alphabetic case is significant in string comparisons done by INPUT, IF, and other commands. This setting is local to the current macro or command file, and inherited by subordinates.Syntax: SET INCOMPLETE { DISCARD, KEEP } Discard or Keep incompletely received files, default is KEEP.Syntax: SET COUNT number Example: SET COUNT 5 Set up a loop counter, for use with IF COUNT. Local to current macro or command file, inherited by subordinate macros and command files.Syntax: SET DEBUG { SESSION, ON, OFF } SESSION means display control and 8-bit characters symbolically during CONNECT mode. ON means log debugging information to file debug.log.Syntax: SET DEFAULT directory Change directory. Equivalent to CD command.Syntax: SET DELAY number Number of seconds to wait before sending first packet after SEND command.Syntax: SET SUSPEND { OFF, ON } Disables SUSPEND command, suspend signals, and Z during CONNECT.Syntax: SET SCRIPT ECHO { OFF, ON } Disables/Enables echoing of SCRIPT command operation.Syntax: SET DUPLEX { FULL, HALF } During CONNECT: FULL means remote host echoes, HALF means C-Kermit does its own echoing.Syntax: SET LOCAL-ECHO { OFF, ON } During CONNECT: OFF means remote host echoes, ON means C-Kermit does its own echoing. Synonym for SET DUPLEX { FULL, HALF }.Syntax: SET ESCAPE number Decimal ASCII value for escape character during CONNECT, normally 28 (Control-\). Type the escape character followed by C to get back to the C-Kermit prompt or followed by ? to see other options.Syntax: SET OUTPUT PACING How many milliseconds to pause after sending each OUTPUT character.Syntax: SET LANGUAGE name Selects language-specific translation rules for text-mode file transfers. Used with SET FILE CHARACTER-SET and SET TRANSFER CHARACTER-SET when one of these is ASCII. Syntax: SET LINE devicename or: SET PORT devicename Select communication device to use. Normally %s. If you SET LINE to other than %s, then Kermit will be in 'local' mode; SET LINE alone will reset Kermit to remote mode. To use the modem to dial out, first SET MODEM TYPE (e.g., to HAYES), then SET LINE xxx, next issue the DIAL command, and finally CONNECT. Syntax: SET PARITY name Parity to use during terminal connection and file transfer: EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE, or NONE. Normally NONE.Syntax: SET QUIET {ON, OFF} Normally OFF. ON disables most information messages during interactive operation.Syntax: SET RETRY number How many times to retransmit a particular packet before giving up.Syntax: SET SESSION-LOG { BINARY, TEXT } If BINARY, record all CONNECT characters in session log. If TEXT, strip out carriage returns.Syntax: SET SPEED number Communication line speed for external tty line specified in most recent SET LINE command, in bits per second. Type SET SPEED ? for a list of possible speeds.Syntax: SET UNKNOWN-CHAR-SET action DISCARD (default) means reject any arriving files encoded in unknown character sets. KEEP means to accept them anyway.Syntax: SET WILDCARD-EXPANSION { KERMIT, SHELL } KERMIT (the default) means C-Kermit expands filename wildcards in SEND and MSEND commands and incoming GET commands. SHELL means your shell does it.Syntax: SET ALARM [ ] Number of seconds from now after which IF ALARM will succeed. 0 means no alarm.Syntax: SET PREFIXING { ALL, CAUTIOUS, MINIMAL, NONE } Selects the degree of control-character prefixing. Also see HELP SET CONTROL.Syntax: SET TEMP-DIRECTORY [ ] Overrides automatic assignment of \v(tmpdir) variable.Syntax: SET TITLE Sets window title to text instead of using current host/port name.Not available - "%s" Kermit if it were in interactive mode.Equivalent to typing the corresponding SET command directly to the otherAsk the remote Kermit server to set the named parameter to the given value.Example: REMOTE SET FILE TYPE BINARY Syntax: REMOTE SET parameter valueSyntax: REMOTE COPY source destination Ask the remote Kermit server to copy the source file to destination.Syntax: REMOTE CD [ name ] Ask remote Kermit server to change its working directory or device. If the device or directory name is omitted, restore the default.Syntax: REMOTE DELETE filespec Ask the remote Kermit server to delete the named file(s).Syntax: REMOTE DIRECTORY [ filespec ] Ask the remote Kermit server to provide a directory listing of the named file(s) or if no file specification is given, of all files in the current directory.Syntax: REMOTE HELP Ask the remote Kermit server to list the services it provides.Syntax: REMOTE HOST command Send a command to the remote host computer in its own command language through the remote Kermit server.Syntax: REMOTE KERMIT command Send a command to the remote Kermit server in its own command language.Syntax: REMOTE LOGIN user password [ account ] Log in to a remote Kermit server that requires you login.Syntax: REMOTE LOGOUT Log out from a remote Kermit server to which you have previously logged in.Syntax: REMOTE PRINT filespec [ options ] Send the specified file(s) to the remote Kermit and ask it to have the file printed on the remote system's printer, using any specified options.Syntax: REMOTE RENAME filespec newname Ask the remote Kermit server to rename the file.Syntax: REMOTE SPACE [ name ] Ask the remote Kermit server to tell you about its disk space on the current disk or directory, or in the one that you name.Syntax: REMOTE TYPE file Ask the remote Kermit server to type the named file(s) on your screen.Syntax: REMOTE WHO [ name ] Ask the remote Kermit server to list who's logged in, or to give information about the named user.Syntax: REMOTE QUERY { KERMIT, SYSTEM, USER } variable-name Ask the remote Kermit server to send the value of the named variable of the given type, and make it available in the \v(query) variable.Syntax: REMOTE ASSIGN variable-name [ value ] Assign the given value to the named global variable on the server.not working yet - %s noneminimalcautiousalluseridpromptpasswordunprefixedprefixedpacingblank-free-2321prefixcountsonoffautoverbosequietsession96007572006005760050480038400360030024002001920015012001152001100halffullwarningtypenamesincompleteeolend-of-linedownload-directorydisplaydestinationcollisioncharacter-setbytesizexon/xoffrts/ctskeepautomaticxonxofflfesccrcodebelltextbinaryasciilong-distancelocalinternationalaskspeed-matchingnamemaximum-speedkermit-spoofhangup-methodflow-controlescape-charactererror-correctiondial-commandcompressioncommandcarrier-watchcapabilitiesv25bis-commandstelebittbswfcspeed-bufferingsoftware-flowsbksituhwfchardware-flowecdcat-commandstoll-free-prefixtoll-free-area-codetf-prefixtf-area-codetimeoutsuffixstringsortretriesrestrictpbx-outside-prefixpbx-inside-prefixpbx-exchangemodem-hangupmnp-enablemethodmemld-suffixld-prefixlocal-area-codeintl-suffixintl-prefixinit-stringinintervalhangupdirectorycountry-codeconvert-directoryconnectconfirmationarea-codev24-signalrs232-signalmodem-commandtonepulseno-flow-controlhangup-commanddial-mode-stringdial-mode-promptautoanswerdefaultshellkermitspaceoddmarkevenstatuson-disconnectalwaysremotediscarderrorechodeletewidthretryrecall-buffer-sizequotingmore-promptingheightloginget-pathslow-startprotocolmodelocking-shiftcrc-calculationcancellationmanualforcedrequestedrefusedacceptedbinary-u-means-me-toobinary-me-means-u-toorawnvtbinary-modecr-nulcr-lfterminal-typenewline-modebugxyzmodemtransmitshow-commandserver-modescript-commandredirectpushnetworklatin2latin1kanjijob-controlif-commandhelphebrewfullscreen-displayforwarddynamic-memorydialdebugcyrilliccharacter-setsscreenprinterdisk\v(home)Names of one or more directory files, separated by spacesDirectory name?Wildcards not allowed ?Not a directory - %s parsdir s?Internal error - malloc parsdir pp[dd] 1parsdir myindexparsdir pp[dd] 2?Too many directories - %d max username"%s" - too long, %d max accountCarrier wait timeout, seconds Please respond Yes or No not push%s available CHECK: push not available %s%s available CHECK: %s not available initmdm mdmtypinitmdm usermdminitmdm pWARNING: modem info for "%s" not filled in yet This space available (use SET MODEM NAME)modem parameteratmbufsetmodem cmkeyxsetmodem cmflgs?Ambiguous modem type - %s ?"%s" does not match a keyword or modem type how to hang up modemcapability of modem?value required modem typeunknownbased on existing modem typeDescriptive name for modemUnexpected SET MODEM parameter Modem initialization stringTelephone number prefixDialing command for modem, include "%s" to stand for phone number, for example, "set dial dial-command ATDT%s\13"?Dial-command must contain "%cs" for phone number. Seconds to wait for call completion10Kermit/modem timeout differential43ASCII value of character to escape back to modemendisModem's command to %sable %sModem's hangup commandModem's command to enable hardware flow controlModem's initialization stringModem's command to disable local flow controlTelephone number prefix for dialingModem's command to enable local software flow controlCommand to configure modem for tone dialingCommand to configure modem for pulse dialingCommand to enter dial modeModem response upon entering dial mode?Unexpected SET DIAL STRING parameter Number of times to try dialing a number30Seconds to wait between redial attemptsArea code you are calling from?Sorry, area code must be numeric (please omit the parentheses) (no slashes, please) Country code you are calling from?Sorry, country code must be numeric (please omit the plus sign) 01180088835819961011999000International dialing prefixInternational dialing suffixLong-distance dialing prefixLong-distance dialing suffixExchange of PBX you are calling fromInternal-call prefix of PBX you are calling fromOutside-line prefix of PBX you are calling from Telephone number suffix for dialingToll-free area code in the country you are calling from Long-distance prefix for toll-free dialing?Unexpected SET DIAL parameter %s Modem carrier-watch: off on auto unknown Modem capabilities: (none) AT ITU SB EC DC HWFC SWFC KS TB Modem maximum-speed: %ld bps (unknown) Modem error-correction: %s Modem compression: %s Modem speed-matching: %schangesis locked (interface speed %s) Modem flow-control: none xon/xoff rts/cts Modem kermit-spoof: %s Modem escape-character: %d (= "%c") MODEM COMMANDs (* = set automatically by SET MODEM TYPE): %c Init-string: %c Dial-mode-string: %c Dial-mode-prompt: %c Dial-command: %c Compression on: %c Compression off: %c Error-correction on: %c Error-correction off: %c Autoanswer on: %c Autoanswer off: %c Hangup-command: %c Hardware-flow: %c Software-flow: %c No-flow-control: %c Pulse: %c Tone: For more info: SHOW DIAL and SHOW COMMUNICATIONS Modem info for "%s" not filled in yet No modem selected, so DIAL and most SET MODEM commands have no effect. Use SET MODEM TYPE to select a modem. setalarm xx%ld - illegal value, must be 0 or positive \v(ndate)Internal date error, sorry. \v(ntime)Internal time error, sorry. SET ALARM date (1)SET ALARM time (1)Internal time conversion error, sorry. %04d%02d%02d%ldSET ALARM date (2)SET ALARM time (2)numeric key code, or the word CLEAR,SET KEYclear Press key to be defined: ?Error reading key ?key code must be between 0 and %d Sorry, %d is the CONNECT-mode escape character Enter new definition: key definition, or Ctrl-C to cancel this command, or Enter to restore default definition?Key definition too long zmodemymodem-gymodemyxmodemotherg{%s}?Sorry - maximum length is %d ?Sorry, REDIRECT capability required for external protocols. Optional command to send to host prior to uploading in binary modeOptional command to send to host prior to uploading in text modeExternal command to SEND in BINARY mode with this protocolExternal command to SEND in TEXT mode with this protocolExternal command to RECEIVE in BINARY mode with this protocolExternal command to RECEIVE in TEXT mode with this protocol|lprprinter file?Directory names not allowed ?Access denied - %s ?Memory allocation failure printfile nameprintfile is NULL...Use SET SEND or SET RECEIVE instead. Type HELP SET SEND or HELP SET RECEIVE for more info. 310tcp/ip?Network type not supported nodelayTCP optionLinger timeout in 10th of a millisecond8192Send buffer size, bytesReceive buffer size, bytes?internal error, sorry Send buffer size?Buffer size required ?Negative numbers can't be used here ?Integer overflow, use a smaller number please ?Too small %dReceive buffer size400parameter for TELNET negotiationsinitial TELNET echoing stateterminal type for TELNET connectionsPositive number?A positive number, please XYCOUN: z7bytesize for command characters, 7 or 8 ?The choices are 7 and 8 maximum number of commands in recall buffer80Command screen width, characters24Command screen height, rowsdebug.log5Number of seconds before starting to sendEXIT status codeset flowASCII value?Character must be in ASCII control range Program's command promptMaximum retries per packet?Retry limit must be greater than window size 403interval for server NAKs, 0 = none ?Specify a positive number, or 0 for no server NAKs 404type of file ?Speed cannot be set for network connections Transmission rate for %s in bits per second?Sorry, you must SET LINE first ?Unsupported line speed - %ld ?SET SPEED fails, speed is %ld %s, 75/1200 bps %s, %ld bps ASCII code for cancellation characterCancel character must be in ASCII control range How many required to cause cancellationNumber must be 2 or greater transparent405Wildcard expansion is disabled who expands wildcardsNumber of sliding-window slots, 1 to 32Window size for current protocol406 Adjusting receive packet-length to %d for %d window slots OUTPUT command parameter100Milliseconds to pause between each OUTPUT charactercontrol-character prefixing option?Internal error - malloc failure Numeric ASCII value of control character that needs NO prefix, or the word "all", or carriage return to complete the list Numeric ASCII value of control character that MUST BE prefixed, or the word "all", or carriage return to complete the listSET CONTROL atmbufala XON/XOFF characters 17, 19, 145, 147 not affected. SET FLOW NONE or RTS/CTS to transmit these characters unprefixed. TELNET IAC = 255, CR = 13, not affected. ?Please specify a number or the word ALL ?Values allowed are: %d-31, 127-159, 255 Sorry, not while Xon/Xoff is in effect. repeat-count compression parameter(not implemented yet, nothing happens) ?Illegal value for prefix character Seconds from now, or time of day as hh:mm:ss?Number, expression, or time of day required Sorry, arithmetic overflow - hh:mm:ss not usable on this platform. value for login scriptSorry, too long Name of temporary directoryNot implemented - %s hupok xhupok xitwarnhupok networkhupok ttyfd* A network connection to %s might still be active. An incoming network connection might still be active. A serial connection might still be active on %s. OK to close? OK to exit? control quote = %d, applied to (0 = unprefixed, 1 = prefixed): %3d: %d %3d: %d 127: %d 255: %dSatFriThuWedTueMonSunDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanxversionwindowversionuseridttyfdtmpdirtimetfsizeterminalsystemsysidstatusspeedrowsreturnprotocolpromptqueryprogramplatformpasswordparitypacketlenntimenewlinendayndatem_tonem_pulsem_initm_hupm_fc_swm_fc_nom_fc_hwm_ec_onm_ec_offm_dialm_dc_onm_dc_offm_aa_onm_aa_offmodemminputmacrolocallineipaddressinstatusinidirincountincharinputhosthomeftypefsizefilespecexitstatusevaluateerrstringerrnodownloaddirectorydialstatusdialresultdialnumberdaydated$lpd$ipd$ccd$accrc16cpucpscountconnectioncolscmdsourcecmdlevelcmdfilecharsetargsargcapcactive_lineverifyupperunhexifytrimtod2secssubstringspansizerpadrindexrightreversereplacerepeatreppathnamenextfilemodulusminimimmaximumltrimlpadlowerliterallengthindexhexifyfilesexecutedefinitioncontentscodechecksumcharactercapscapitalizebreakbasenamenewappendprescan: no memory for kermrc.kermrc\v(home) prescan arginvalid argument bundlingmissing usernameusername too longdebug.logmissing name in -ydoconect justone 1doconect justone 2doconect justone 3apc_commandsdoconect justone 4doconect justone 5none?Can't open file %s Can't open device %s Can't condition line ^C... transmit char?Can't transmit character transmit bufCan't send buffer ?Can't open input file %s ?Can't open output file %s %s (%s) => %s (%s) via %s, language: %s File output error Name of debugging log filepacket.logName of packet log filesession.logName of session log filetransact.logName of transaction log file ?Unknown log designator - %d ?Sorry, %s is a directory name DispositionTransaction Log:Debug Log textbinaryCommunications Parameters: Host: %s Line: %s, speed: unknown75/1200%ld, mode: remote, modem: %s, TCP/IP, DECnet LAT, DECnet CTERM, DECnet, Meridian Technologies' SuperLAT, Named Pipes, telnet protocol Terminal bits: %d, p Parity: %s, duplex: half, full, flow: keepautoxon/xoffrts/ctsdtr/ctsdtr/cd%d, handshake: %d none offon Carrier: %s, timeout: %d sec, timeout: none, lockfile: %s Escape character: %d (^%c) SET TELNET parameters: echo: %s NVT newline-mode: off (cr-nul)%s on (cr-lf)raw (cr)(lf) BINARY newline-mode: binary-mode: accepted, refused, requested, BINARYNVThost=%s, c-kermit=%s bug binary-me-means-u-too: %s bug binary-u-means-me-too: %s terminal-type: TERMnone (%s will be used) (none) Network directory: %s Network directories: %2d. %s Supported networks: TCP/IP [%s] TCP/IP Active network connection: [%s] Host: none via: tcp/ip SunLink X.25 Stratus VOS X.25 DECnet LAT DECnet CTERM DECnet Named Pipes NetBIOS SuperLAT Keepalive is %s on, off Linger is %s%d x 10 milliseconds no timeout Nodelay is %s Send buffer is default size Send buffer is %d bytes Receive buffer is default size Receive buffer is %d bytes LOGIN protocol TELNET protocol Echoing is currently %s (none) \{%d} Dial status: %d = Unknown error = (none) = %s Dial directory: %s Dial directories: Dial method: defaultpulse tone Dial sort: %s on Dial hangup: %s Dial display: %s Dial retries: %-6d Dial interval: %d Dial timeout: %4d sec0 (auto) Redial number: %s ask Dial confirmation: %s Dial convert-directory: %s Dial prefix: %s Dial suffix: %s Dial country-code: %-12sDial connect: %squietverbose %s Dial area-code: %-12sDial restrict: international long-distance local ? Dial ld-prefix: %s Dial ld-suffix: %s Dial intl-prefix: %s Dial intl-suffix: %s Dial toll-free-area-code: %s Dial toll-free-prefix: %s Dial pbx-exchange: %s Dial pbx-internal-prefix: %s Dial pbx-outside-prefix: %s automaticmanual Transfer mode: %s File type: ?converted(unknown) File names: %s Send pathnames: %s Receive pathnames: %s File collision: screenprinterdisk File destination: %s discard File incomplete: %s File bytesize: %d File character-set: %s File end-of-line: crlfcrlf File display: serialfullscreencrt Debug log: %s Packet log: %s Session log: %s Transaction log: %s Initialization file: %s File download-directory: %s \v(tmpdir) Temporary directory: %s Longest filename: %d Longest pathname: %d Protocol: %s Protocol Parameters: Send Receive Timeout (used=%2d):%7d*%8d Timeout (used=%2d):%7d%9d Server Timeout:%4d Padding: %11d%9d Block Check: blank-free-2 Block Check: %6d Pad Character:%11d%9d Delay: %6d Packet Start: %11d%9d Max Retries: %6d Packet End: %11d%9d 8th-Bit Prefix: '%c' Packet Length:%11d %8d Repeat Prefix: '%c' Maximum Length: %9d%9d Window Size:%7d set, %d used Buffer Size: %11d%9d Locking-Shift: forcedenableddisabled%sused not ,%s%s Packet timeouts: dynamic %d:%d Packet timeouts: fixed Auto-upload command (binary): %s Auto-upload command (text): %s Transfer character-set: transparent Transfer mode: %s Transfer slow-start: %s Attributes: %s Executed by external commands: SEND command (binary): %s SEND command (text): %s RECEIVE command (binary): %s RECEIVE command (text): %s Autoreceive command (binary): %s Autoreceive command (text): %s Language-specific translation rules: %s File Character-Set: %s (%s), 7-bit8-bitmultibyte Transfer Character-Set: Transparent: %s (%s)SHOW what? Most recent transaction -- remote system type : %s files transferred : %ld files not transferred : %ld characters last file : %ld total file characters : %ld communication line in : %ld communication line out : %ld packets sent : %d packets received : %d damaged packets rec'd : %d timeouts : %d retransmissions : %d parity : %s (detected automatically) control characters : %ld prefixed, %ld unprefixed 8th bit prefixing : yes [%c] no yesno locking shifts : %s window slots used : %d of %d packet length : %d (send), %d (receive) compression : yes [%c] (%ld) block check type used : blank-free-2 block check type used : %d elapsed time : %d sec transmission rate : 75/1200 bps transmission rate : %ld bps effective data rate : %ld cps (%d%%) effective data rate : %ld cps ?Can't condition line for INPUT doinput doinput timodoinput echoinput ttinc(rt) returnsinput interrupted from keyboardinput coninc(rt) returnsdoinput charcompare chardoreinput?malloc error 6 doreinp charfnevalfneval function argflitfneval malloc failure, argfneval xxstring fails, argfneval argfneval arg post evalfneval evaluated argfexec pushed too deep ?\fexec() too deeply nested 0 %lu%uUNIX%s/C-Kermiti3861fileevenmarkoddspaceimagelabeledmacbinary2480tcp/ip_telnettcp/ipTEMPTMP/tmp/?definition is circular or too deep xxstringxxstring r2xxstring r3xxstring function namexxstring function r3xxstring r2 before freexxstring function argxxstring freeing r2xxstring vname[\v(dir)] C-Kermit>set parity mark, set dupl half, set handsh xon, set flow noneif def \%1 echo \%1, if not = \v(local) 0 hangup, stop 1set win 20, set rec pack 4096, set prefix minimalset win 4, set rec pack 1000, set prefixing cautiousset win 1, set rec pack 90, set prefixing alldo _for\v(cmdlevel) \%1 \%2 \%3 \%4 { \%5 },_assign _for\v(cmdlevel)def break goto _..bot, def continue goto _..inc,\%6,:_..inc,incr \\\%1 \%4,goto _..top,:_..bot,_putargs},define \\\%1 \feval(\%2),:_..top,if \%5 \\\%1 \%3 goto _..bot,_assign _for\v(cmdlevel) { _getargs,do _whi\v(cmdlevel),_assign _whi\v(cmdlevel)_def break goto _..bot, _def continue goto _..inc,:_..inc,\%1,\%2,goto _..inc,:_..bot,_putargs},_assign _whi\v(cmdlevel) {_getargs,do _sw_\v(cmdlevel),_assign _sw_\v(cmdlevel)_forward \%1,\%2,:_..bot,_putargs},_def break goto _..bot,_assign _sw_\v(cmdlevel) {_getargs,do _if\v(cmdlevel),_assign _if\v(cmdlevel)_assign _if\v(cmdlevel) {_getargs,\%1,_putargs},i/o errorinternal errorinterruptedtimeoutsuccesscmdini: no memory for keymapcmdini: no memory for macrotabcmdini: no memory for INPUT bufferCan't allocate command buffers!cmdini: no memory for cmdstkcmdini: no memory for ifcmdcmdini: no memory for countcmdini: no memory for iftestcmdini: no memory for intimecmdini: no memory for inpcascmdini: no memory for takerrcmdini: no memory for merrorcmdini: no memory for kermrccmdini: no memory for linecmdini: no memory for tmpbufcmdini: no memory for apcbufCan't allocate macro buffers!ibm-linemodefatalfastcautiousrobust_forx_xif_while_switx\&_[10]\&_[%d]\&@[%d]/ini file isropen okinit filegetncm dest lengthnext cmdgetncm eom%s getncm returns ptr todomac entry maclvldomac loop maclvl 1domac loop maclvl 2domac loop exit maclvlgetnctgetnct malloc failuregetnct fgets EOFgetnct fgets ok%3d. %sgetnct terminatorgetnct bad linecommand filedirectory fileWarning: Last line of %s lacks terminator getnct igetnct lp2getnct comment trimmedgetnct command too long?Line too long, maximum length: %d. getnct first chargetnct last chargetnct bcgetnct continuedgetnct returnparser tmpdir restoring&parser entry maclvl&parser entry inlevel&parser entry tlevel&parser entry cmdlvl&parser entry mtlevelCommand file terminated by error. Command error: macro terminated. DeleteStartupFileparser macroparser maclvlcmdbuf from macroMemory allocation failureLine too long or contains NUL characters?Error in TAKE command file: %s parser top of while loopCommandtop-level cmkey2top-level cmkey token ?Invalid - %s Command file: %s, line %d docmd returnscmdbufatmbuf?Invalid: %s top-level cmkey failedKermit command error in background execution%sparser preparing to continueparser breaks out of while loopxxout obsizexxout pacingxxout stringfreelocal levelVariable name(s)\fcontents(%s)\fdefinition(%s)?Failure to allocate storage for local variablesdooutput sdooutputOUTPUT NULOUTPUT BREAKOUTPUT Long BREAKOUTPUT CMDQOUTPUT error herald%s, for%s Copyright (C) 1985, 1996, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. TEXTBINARYDefault file-transfer mode is %s Type ? or HELP for help. addmmac lineaddmmac linesaddmmac loop exitaddmmac length?addmmac malloc error: %s addmmac malloc erroraddmmac constructed stringaddmmac length mismatch !addmmac internal error! addmac nam(null pointer)addmac def?addmac malloc error 2 addmac paddmac numeric global maclvladdmac macro arg maclvladdmac globaladdmac macro error 7: %s addmac macro defaddmac table sizeaddmac table overflowaddmac position?addmac malloc error 3: %s ?addmac malloc error 5: %s delmac namdelmac defdelman defdelmac mlookpopclvl cmdlvlpopclvl tlevelpopclvl maclvlpopclvl mac 1popclvl mac 2popclvl mac 3popclvl mac 4popclvl mac 6popclvl mac 7popclvl mac 8?Debugging log wasn't open Debug Log Closed?Packet log wasn't open ?Session log wasn't open ?Transaction log wasn't open Transaction Log Closed ?Unexpected log designator - %d enabledremote onlylocal onlydisabledonoff Versions: %s Numeric: %ld-%d C-Kermit %s %s for%s %s %s %s Major optional features included: Network support (type SHOW NET for further info) Hardware flow control External XYZMODEM protocol support Latin-1 (West European) character-set translation Latin-2 (East European) character-set translation Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian, etc) character-set translation Hebrew character-set translation REDIRECT command RESEND command Fullscreen file transfer display Control-character unprefixing Major optional features not included: No Kanji character-set translation None 13:47:41Dec 3 1996 Compiled %s %s, options: DEBUGTLOGBIGBUFOKXFRCANCK_SPEEDCK_APCCK_AUTODLCK_MKDIRWHATAMIDYNAMICCMDDEP=%dCKMAXPATH=%dMAXGETPATH=%dCMDBL=%dVNAML=%dARRAYREFLEN=%dFORDEPTH=%dMAXTAKE=%dMACLEVEL=%dMAC_MAX=%dMSENDMAX=%dMAXDDIR=%dMAXDNUMS=%dUNIXDIRENTRENAMECK_TMPDIRCK_TTYFDNETCONNTCPSOCKETSOL_SOCKETTDP_NODELAYRLOGCODECONGSPDSELECTNOFILEHNOKVERBS_POSIX_SOURCE__linux__POSIXi386__STDC____GNUC__CK_ANSICCK_ANSILIBS_POSIX_JOB_CONTROLCK_POSIX_SIGCK_CURSESCK_PCT_BARCK_RTSCTSPOSIX_CRTSCTSCK_TTGWSIZCK_NAWSDCMDBUFCK_RECALLCK_TIMERS Terminal character-set: transparent %s (remote) %s (local) asciilatin1-isolatin2-isocyrillic-isojapanese-euchebrew-isotransparent (via %s) \{%d} Key code \%d => String: \{27}[\{%d} String: \{27}[%c String: \{27}\{%d} String: \{27}%c String: Character: \%u%c \%u (self, no translation) Terminal parameters: bitsTerminalBytesize: Command %19s: %1d%-12s %13s: %1d%-14s TERM(unknown)Type %19s: %-13s Locking-shiftlocalremoteEcho %19s: %-13s %13s: %-15s crlfnormalCr-displayNewline-modeuncheckedAutodownloadAPCWidthHeight %19s: %-13d %13s: %-15d (none)Session logDebugDEL CONNECT-mode escape character: %d (Ctrl-%c, %s): %s Suspend %19s: %-13s Press key: ?Error reading key Macro name, or carriage return to see them all%s - not found Macros: %d Function Status: GET %s RETRIEVE %s SEND %s MAIL %s PRINT %s REMOTE ASSIGN %s REMOTE CD/CWD %s REMOTE DELETE %s REMOTE DIRECTORY %s REMOTE HOST %s REMOTE QUERY %s REMOTE RENAME %s REMOTE SET %s REMOTE SPACE %s REMOTE TYPE %s REMOTE WHO %s BYE %s FINISH %s Server timeout: %d Server display: %s Server login: (none) "%s", "%s", "%s" Server get-path: (none) %d. %s SUCCESSFAILURE The following functions are available: ()\F \v(%s) = Global variables: \%%%c No variables defined Macro arguments at level %d \%%%d = %s No macro arguments at top level Declared arrays: \&%c[%d] No arrays declared Cancellation: %s %d %d Send / Receive Pause: %d (msec) Type SHOW DIAL to see DIAL-related items Command Quoting: %s Take Echo: %s Take Error: %s Macro Echo: %s Macro Error: %s ObserveIgnore Input Case: %s Input Buffer-length: %d Input Echo: %s Input Silence: %d (seconds) quitproceed Input Timeout: %s Last INPUT: -1 (INPUT command not yet given) Last INPUT: %d (%s) Output Pacing: %d (milliseconds) Script Echo: %s Command buffer: %d Atom buffer: %d binarytext File type: %s See SHOW CHARACTER-SETS for character-set info Terminal echo: %s Transmit EOF: none ^%c%c Transmit Fill: %d (fill character for blank lines) Transmit Fill: none on (send linefeeds too) Transmit Linefeed: %s Transmit Prompt: %d (host line end character) Transmit Prompt: none Transmit Echo: %s Transmit Locking-Shift: %s Transmit Pause: %d milliseconds Escape character: Ctrl-%c (ASCII %d, %s): %s , speed: unknown75/1200%ldauto, carrier: %s, timeout: %d sec, timeout: noneType SHOW MODEM to see modem settings. Type SHOW COMMUNICATIONS to see modem signals. KeepDiscard Unknown-Char-Set: %s always Exit warning %s Exit on-disconnect: %s Current exit status: %d (default)| Printer: %s%s Command bytesize: %d bits Command recall-buffer-size: %d Command retry: %s Command quoting: %s Command more-prompting: %s Command height: %d Command width: %d Maximum command length: %d Maximum number of macros: %d Macros defined: %d Maximum macro depth: %d Maximum TAKE depth: %d Suspend: %s Alarm at %s %s (no alarm set) send-list is empty %s, mode: %s, alias: %s Nothing to show... Line: %s, Modem type: Communication device not yet selected with SET LINE Modem type: %s = (null definition)Attributes: %s Blocksize: %s Date: %s Disposition: %s Encoding (Character Set): %s Length: %s Type (text/binary): %s System ID: %s System Info: %s invalid digit '%c' in number Invalid character '%c' in input +-|<>#@extra characters after expression missing right parenthesis operator unexpected ?Array reference too long - %s ?Not an array - %s ?Invalid format for array name - %s ?No closing bracket on array dimension - %s ?Array dimension or subscript must be numeric - %s ?Array dimension or subscript must be positive or zero - %s ?Not a variable name - %s ?Incomplete variable name - %s ?Only one character after '%%' in variable name, please ?Array subscript expected - %s ?Invalid array reference - %s ?Array not declared or subscript out of range \m(%s)%dxwords macrododo maclvldodo maclvl too deepMacros nested too deeply do macrododo cmdlvl too deep?TAKE files and DO commands nested too deeply %0\flit(litcmdlitcmd2litcmd3litcmd4litcmd5litcmd6litcmd7litcmd8litcmd9Name of local directory, or carriage return?Wildcards not allowed in directory name %sridsrctscdwritereadappend!write!readtruesuccessstarted-from-dialerremote-onlynumericoknotnewerlgtlltforegroundfalsefailureexisterrorequalemulationdirectorydefinedcountbackgroundalarm>=<Variable name?Variable name required ?Read file not open ?Oops, no READ buffer! read zsinlread addmac{ Yes or no? }Prompt, enclose in { braces } to preserve leading and trailing spaces, precede question mark with backslash (\).Please respond Yes or No getc addmacPlease respond.ASK cmtxtask addmac1by amount?Variable %s not defined or not numeric Macro or variable namedodef successdodefDefinition of variablexxdef var namexxdef var def?Argument vector array is read-only Definition of array elementxxdef array refxxdef array defDefinition of macroxxdef macro namexxdef macro defcalling addmacASSIGNDEFINE?%s failed 1996101719961011dncvtError - No phone number to convert %s%s%s%sError - prior SET DIAL COUNTRY-CODE command required Error - phone number ends prematurely: "%s" Error - No international dialing prefix defined %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sWARNING - Prior SET DIAL AREA-CODE needed %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%srw Saving old directory as %s. Converting %s...; %s - Kermit dialing directory CommentParitySpeedNumber; Name%-16s %-20s ; %5s %-6s ; %s %-16s %-20s ; %5s %-6s %s OK Opening: %s... noneevenspacemarkodd ERROR: You seem to have old- and new-format entries mixed in your dialing directory. You'll have to edit it by hand to convert it to the new format. Type HELP DIAL for further information. WARNING: Old-style dialing directory detected: %s Shall I convert it for you? Sorry, can't convert. Will ignore speed and parity fields, continuing... OK, will ignore speed and parity fields, continuing... ?internal error - ludial malloc 1 Warning: %d matches found, %d max ?internal error - ludial malloc 2 - dialing skipped Lookup: "%s" - ambiguous%s Please SET HOST first, and then SET MODEM Sorry, you must SET MODEM first Sorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST first /dev/nullSorry, you must SET SPEED first 0timeout (seconds)Number to dial or entry from dial directoryNumber to dial?Lookup what? ?No DIAL command given yet?You must specify a number to dial%s dodial - dialing as given Lookup: "%s" - not found%s Lookup: fatal error - dialing skipped Lookup: skipped Lookup: "%s" - exact match Lookup: "%s" - uniquely matches "%s" :. s %d telephone number%sfound for "%s"%s (processing failed)%3d. %-12s %-20s => %-20s (%d) And %d more... Lookup: "%s" - not found yies Lookup:%s %d network entr%s found for "%s"%s %3d. %-12s => %-9s %s %s Dial attempt %d of %d... Restricted: %s, skipping... Dialing %s Is this number correct? Please enter the correct number, or press Return to skip: Corrected phone number Will redial in %d second%s- press any key to redial immediately. Ctrl-C to cancel... Directory/file specificationDIR fs_copyCK_DIR%s %sDIRFile(s) to delete?A file specification is required xxdel tmpbufxxdel linenot %s - %sdeleted ?ELSE doesn't follow IF command to be ignored_switx SWITCHSWITCH 2series of cases?Unbalanced brackets SWITCH 3_switx?SWITCH macro definition gone! SWITCH command_forx initial valuedofor fx%dfinal valuedofor fyincrementdofor fzCommand to execute_forx?FOR macro definition gone! FOR command?Incomplete FOR command Before requesting technical support from Columbia U., please consult: . The book "Using C-Kermit". . The CKCKER.UPD and CKCKER.BWR files. . The CKUKER.BWR and CKUINS.DOC files. . Your own organization's support staff, if any. . The comp.protocols.kermit.* newsgroups if you have Netnews access. . Our FAQ, http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/faq.html, if you have Web access. If you still need help or have a bug to report after consulting these sources, send e-mail to: kermit-support@columbia.edu Or contact us by post: Kermit, Columbia University, 612 W 115 Street, New York NY 10025, USA Or by fax at +1 (212) 663-8202. Telephone support is available too: +1 (900) 555-5595, USA only, $2.50 per minute +1 (212) 854-5126, from anywhere, $25.00 per call, MC/Visa Before reporting problems, please use the SHOW VERSION and SHOW FEATURES commands to get detailed program version and configuration information. tod2sectod2sec t2seconds to wait, or time of day hh:mm:ssseconds to pause, or time of day hh:mm:ss100milliseconds to sleep, or time of day hh:mm:ss?Number, expression, or time of day required modem signalSorry, arithmetic overflow - hh:mm:ss not usable on this platform. File to rename?Name of existing file required ?Please specify a single file New name?New name for file required dorename linedorename p?Can't rename %s to %s ?Can't return from level %d RETURN parseRETURN maclvl 1_xif_for_whiRETURN poppingRETURN maclvl 2RETURN maclvl 3RETURN copymode?Mode required ?Read file already open File to read?Input filename required 4096buffer size?Positive number required ?Can't allocate read buffer ?Read from pipe disabled System command to read from?Command name required ?Write to pipe disabled ?Write file already open System command to write toCan't open process for writing: %s Name of local file to create?Filename required ?Sorry, %s is a directory name ?Write/Append file already open ?Not implementedCommand file ends prematurely in multiline GET OofaRemote filename missing in multiline GET MupeenMacro definition ends prematurely in multiline GET Remote file specification: Name of remote file(s) cmtxt(cancelled) Local name to store it under: Local file namexxget cmargxxget fspecRECEIVE arg disk or dir?Can't get current directory ?Can't access %s _getargs maclvl_putargs maclvl(null pointer)_getarg p_putarg m_arg[maclvl+2][i]_get/putarg exit_get/putarg exit maclvl_get/putarg exit argc maclvlgoto cxgoto cmdlvlgoto maclvlgoto tlevelgoto before conversiongoto after conversion?Bad label syntax - '%s' ?Sorry, GOTO only works in a command file or macro goto in macromacro GOTO labelmacro target label:defaultgoto failed at cmdlvl?Label '%s' not found goto found macro label?Stack problem in GOTO %s ]()chkvar?Condition required ?No keywords match - "%s" if trueif successif failureif definedif countFileDirectory name?File or directory name required if exist 1if directory 1if directory 2first word or variable name?Text required ?IF: strings too long second word or variable nameIF EQ string 1, xIF EQ string 2, yIF EQ strcmpIF EQ xxstrcmpfirst number or variable name?Quantity required xxifgt cmfldxxifgt exp1versionargcsecond number or variable namexxifgt exp2xxifft ifcxxifft n1xxifft n2xxifft zvariable name or constantxxifnu cmfldxxifnu quantityxxifnu chknumFirst fileSecond file?Failure to get file date xxifnewer d1xxifnewer d2xxifnewer\v(ndate)IF ALARM date\v(ntime)IF ALARM timeIF ALARMIF conditiondoif: pushing commandObject commandelse?XIF macro gone! { \flit(if not goto _..bot) } WHILE cmdWHILE body_while?WHILE macro definition gone! WHILE dodo?Can't allocate storage for WHILE commandFailure to open?TAKE files and/or DO commands nested too deeply textbinaryasciiusersystemkermitglobalfixeddynamicpromptpauselocking-shiftlinefeedfilleofechoupdaterenameoverwriteno-supersedediscardbackupappendtyperecord-lengthnamescollisionlfcrlfcrliteralconvertedwidthnewline-modelocal-character-setheightescape-characterdebugcr-displaycharacter-setbytesizeautodownloadapcnormaluncheckedonoffundefinedno-thermometerthermometerserialquietnonefullscreencrttimeoutpacket-lengthstart-of-packetquotepathnamespaddingpad-characterend-of-packetcontrol-prefixwindowtransferserverretryreceiveincompletefileblock-checkattributessystem-idlengthencodingdispositiondatealltimeout-actionsilencedefault-timeoutcasebuffer-lengthquitproceedobserveignoreenableddisabledsetnum ?Value required %s?Not a number: %s ?Sorry, %d is the maximum Control character, numeric ASCII value, or in ^X notation, or preceded by a backslash and entered literally ?Not a control character - %d ?Not a control character - %s ?Invalid - %s ?Not in ASCII control range - %d file transfer display styleTERMSET tgetentSorry, terminal type unknown: "%s" Remote file parameter?Remote file parameter required File parameter8file byte size (7 or 8) ?The choices are 7 and 8 local file codelocal text-file line terminatorhow to handle filenames%d301file record length312type of file transfer300Filename collision action302Name of local directory, or carriage returndownload dir?Wildcards not allowed in directory name download zfnqfp?unexpected file parameter bytesize for terminal connection Sorry, this version of C-Kermit does not support the SET TERMINAL TYPE command. Type "help set terminal" for further information. remote terminal character-setlocal character-setremotewhich side echos during CONNECTapplication program command execution80number of columns on your screen24number of rows on your screenParameter for inbound packetsParameter for outbound packets?Remote receive parameter required ASCII value of control prefix?Illegal value for prefix character 13Sorry, the legal values are 0-31 90Maximum number of characters in a packetSorry, 10 is the minimum 401 Adjusting receive packet-length to %d for %d window slots Sorry, bad packet length for XMODEM. Please use 128 or 1024. Adjusting packet size to %d for %d window slots Remember to SET BLOCK 2 or 3 for long packets. 1Code for packet-start character0How many padding characters for inbound packetsPacket timeout interval402?Out of range - %d Minimum timeout to allowMaximum timeout to allowMilliseconds to pause between packetsCharacters to send at end of file, Use backslash codes for control characters?Too many characters, %d maximum Numeric code for blank-line fill character10Numeric code for host's prompt character, 0 for noneNumber of milliseconds to pause between binary characters or text lines during transmission Press the X or E key to cancel. > filename, | command, or type carriage return to confirm the command?Not confirmed FilenameCommand?%s missing ?Access denied - %s remcfm remfileremcfm remappdremcfm rempiperemcfm remdestremtxt remfileremtxt remappdremtxt rempiperemtxt remdestremtxt command?Parameter name required Remote directory nameXZCWD: passwordName of remote file(s) to delete?Name of remote file(s) required Remote directory or file specification?Not available - %s Command for remote systemCommand for remote Kermit?Remote Kermit command required User IDInternal error: malloc PasswordAccount or carriage return?Disposition Attribute is Off Local file(s) to print on remote printer?Name of local file(s) required Options for remote print command?Option string too long Confirm, or remote directory nameRemote file specification?Remote filename required Remote user name, or carriage returnRemote variable nameQAssignment for remote variableSName of remote file to copy?Name of remote file required Name of remote destination file or directory?Name of remote file or directory required Name of remote file to renameNew name of remote file?Not implemented - %s ?File specification required rfilopFile Attribute packetsSorry, command not available 132142141135133139134145147?Not available Positive numberSeconds of inactivity before INPUT failsNumber of bytes in INPUT bufferK_NET_DIRECTORYrOpening %s... Warning: %d matches found, %d max ?memory allocation error - lunet:3 Ambiguous - "%s" different names in network directory ?Network type not supported Network host name, or carriage return to close an open connectionNetwork host name, or carriage return to resume an open connectionIP host name or number, or carriage return to close an open connectionIP host name or number, or carriage return to resume an open connection?Host name or address required setlin host s 1setlin host line[]loginUserid on remote systemSorry, too long TCP service name or number513TCP service name or number, or carriage return for rlogin (513)setlin service 0setlin host s 2setlin nettype 1setlin nnetdirsetlin host s 3?Fatal network directory lookup error - %s setlin lunet nhcountsetlin host s 5 Closing connection Communication device name?Timed out, no carrier. Try SET CARRIER OFF and SET LINE again, or else SET MODEM, SET LINE, and then DIAL. Sorry, access to lock denied: %s Sorry, access to device denied: %s Sorry, device is in use: %s Sorry, can't open connection: %s setlin nettype 3setlin nhcount:.yies%d entr%s found for "%s"%s %3d. %-12s => %-9s %s %ssetlin loop isetlin nettype 4Error - network type "%s" not supported setlin service 1setlin service 2setlin service 3setlin service 4setlin service 5:loginsetlin service 6:telnetsetlin service 7Username required for rlogin setlin net line[] before ttopensetlin net mdmtyp before ttopenset host line, errnoCan't connect to %sCan't connect to %s Can't open connection to %s set line ; C-Kermit SAVE KEYMAP file: ; Clear previous keyboard mappings set key clearset key \%d \{%d}%cset key \%d \{%d}; Endkeymap.iniName of INI file?Sorry, %s is a directory name newDispositionNot implemented - %s USRSGSFSESCSUBEMCANETBSYNNAKDC4DC3/XOFFDC2DC1/XONDLESISOCRFFVTLFHTBSBELACKENQEOTETXSTXSOHNULevenoddmarkspacenoneinvalidModem signals unavailable in this version of Kermit No modem control for this device Modem signals unavailable OnOff Carrier Detect (CD): %s Dataset Ready (DSR): %s Clear To Send (CTS): %s Ring Indicator (RI): %s Data Terminal Ready (DTR): %s Request To Send (RTS): %s spar: data spsiz timint npad padch seol ctlq ebq ebqflg bctr rptq rptflg lscapu atcapu lpcapu swcapu wslotn whatrurpar: data rpsiz rtimo mypadn mypadc eol sq capas bits wslotr rpsiz(extended)fatalFatal:setgen: can't allocate memorysetgenfnparse malloc errorfnparsefnparse rCK_NOPUSHHOSTmore? Y or space-bar for yes, N for no ^C trap() caught signal^C trap() curses^C...^C... stptrap() caught signal suspend disabled %sJob control not supported stptrap back from suspendstptrap W_CONNECTstptrap W_COMMAND pflagstptrap default?T-Log string too long%s %ld %s %ld?String too long[%s][%s] %ld%s: %ld%s %s%s %s: %ld?Invalid format for tlog() - %ldconchkconincStatus report: file type: labeledimagebinary undefinedbinarytext, transparent => file number size characters so far percent done block check: blank-free-2 block check compression 8th-bit prefixing locking shifts speed packet length window slotsCanceling batch, wait... Canceling batch... Canceling file, wait... Canceling file... Resending packet... X to cancel file, CR to resend current packetZ to cancel group, A for status reportE to send Error packet, Ctrl-C to quit immediately: Ctrl-C to cancel file transfer: Sending: Receiving: Size: %ld, Type: Size: unknown, Type: File Percent Packet Bytes Done CPS Length%c%9ld%5ld%%%8ld%8ld %c%9ld %8ld%8ld [OK] [discarded] [interrupted] [skipped]Error: Message: Refused: [incomplete]*** screen() called with bad status ****** screen() called with bad object ***ermsgProtocol Error:Transaction Log Closedon_exitdoexit exitstatdoexit whatC-Kermit EXIT status(NULL)(string too long)%s%s:%c %s%s:^%c %s%s:~^%c %s%s:~%c %s%s:%ld =%ld [%s] [%s]=%ld %s=%ld %s[%s] %s[%s]=%ld ?Invalid format for debug() - %d fxdinit fdisplaTERMfxdinit tgetentfxdinit TERM null - no tgetentWarning: terminal type unknown: "%s" Fullscreen file transfer display disabled. %-3ld%c%ld(unknown)LABELEDIMAGEBINARY UNDEFINEDBINARY / partial / resendTEXT (no translation) (%s => %s)%02ld:%02ld:%02ldSuperLATNetBIOSNamed PipesVAX PSIDECnetX.25TCP/IPscreenc cinitscreenc cendwscreen calling initscrscreen initscr okscreenc calling clearscreenc clear okscreenc setup okscreenc doing first movescreenc myhostscreenc myipaddr%s, %s [%s]%s, %sCurrent Directory: %sNetwork Host: %sCommunication Device: %sNetwork Type: Communication Speed: 75/1200unknownParity: %sRTT/Timeout:File Type:File Size:Percent DoneBytes so far%s: ...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90..100Estimated Time Left:Transfer Rate, CPS: N/AWindow Slots:%sPacket Type:Packet Count:Packet Length:Error Count:Last Error:Last Message:X to cancel file, Z to cancel group, to resend last packet,E to send Error packet, ^C to quit immediately, ^L to refresh screen.^C to cancel file transfer.SCREENC switchRESENDING:SENDING:RECEIVING:File Name:%.55s.. => %s => %.51s..Percent Done:Network Host: %s (%s)Communication Device: %s (remote host is %s)%02ld / %02d%d%d of %dDamaged PacketTimeout %d secTransfer OKFile discardedTransfer interruptedFile skippedRefused, %sRefusedIncompleteFiles: %ld, Bytes: %ld, %ld CPS Elapsed Time: %s*** screen() called with bad function code ***%s "%s" - %scmdlincmdlin cfilefxargvinvalid command-line option, type "kermit -h" for helpaction-l or -j or -X required-a without -s, -r, or -gcan't change to '-a' directorywrite access to -a file deniedunredirected -k can only be used in local modedoarg entrydoarg argNo commands given for -Cinvalid argument bundlingmissing delay valuebad delay valueconflicting actionsinvalid argument bundling after -s-No files for -s-s: too many -'sinvalid mixture of filenames and '-' in -sdoarg s nfilsdoarg s zsending from terminal not alloweddoarg s stdinfinvalid argument bundling after -gmissing filename for -ginvalid argument bundling after -amissing name in -ainvalid argument bundling after -ymissing filename in -yinvalid argument bundling after -l or -jcommunication line device name missing/dev/ttycan't open devicecmdlin speed:?Fatal network directory lookup error - %s :telnet.yies%d entr%s found for "%s"%s %3d. %s %-12s => %s Error - network type "%s" not supported can't open host connectionmissing bpsunsupported transmission rateinvalid argument bundling after -mmodem type missingunknown modem typeinvalid argument bundling after -emissing lengthUnsupported packet lengthmissing or bad window sizemissing parityinvalid paritymissing usernameinvalid argument bundling after -Fnetwork file descriptor missingUser Interface 6.0.177, 6 Sep 96send-list_putargs_getargs_forward_define_assign_asgzxmitxlatexifxechowritelnwrite-linewritewritwriwrwhowhilewaitversionundefinetypetransmittranslatetexttesttelopttelnetteltakeswitchsuspendstopstatisticsspawnspacespaspsleepshowsetserversendscriptsavesrunrmdirrmrloginreturnretrieveretresendreplayrenameremotereinputregetredirectredialrediredreceivereadrdrquitpwdputpushpupsendprintpoppingpdialpauseoutputopenonopushnewsmvmsleepmsendmsmputmpausemovemmovemkdirmgetminputmdmanmaillslookuploglocallkermitintroductioninputincrementinifihelphanguphgotogetokgetcgetgegftpfotforwardforfofinishfexitexevaluateendenableelseeightbitechoe-packetedodisabledirectorydialdeletedefinedecrementdeclaredcldatecwdconnectcommentcloseclearcheckcdcatcbyebugbinarybeepassignaskqaskasgasciiapcansweraddabout@<:#!yesoknokeymapxferwindow-sizewildcard-expansionunknown-char-settransferterminaltemp-directorytcpstartup-filespeedsession-logretry-limitrepeatquietprotocolpromptprefixingprinterprportparitynetworkmodemmacrologinlocal-echolinelanguagekeyincompletehosthandshakeflow-controlfileescape-characterduplexdestinationdelaydefaultdebugdedcountcontrol-characterconsoleconcommandcmdcasecarrier-watchbuffersblock-checkbaudbackgroundbabattributesalarmtcp/ipsendbufrecvbufnodelaynaglelingerkeepalivequerylogoutcopyastransactionssessionpacketsdebuggingtransaction-logsys$outputscreenpacket-logerrordebug-logappend-fileinput-bufferdial-statusdevice-bufferdevice-and-inputdevicebothwrite-fileread-fileversionsvariablesstatusscriptsparametersmacroslanguageskglobalsfunctionsfeaturesescapecontrol-prefixingcommunicationscommcomcharacter-setsarraysargsargumentsargall/quietlywontwilldontttypesganawsIP host name or numberftp %sping %sdocmd entry, cx docmd XXGTAdocmd cxdocmd XXGTA maclvldocmd dogta returnsdocmd dogta maclvlSorry, BYE only works with Kermit protocol item to clearText of comment lineCarriage return to confirm, or optionWhich log or file to close?You must say which file or log Integer arithmetic expression%s Array name?Array name required ?Declare failed dodial returnsServer function to enableServer function to disable?Name of server function required mode?Please specify remote, local, or both optional return value ?No macros defined ?Macro name required optional argumentsText to be echoedApplication Program Command text%s%c_%s%c\Text to be outputOUTPUT 1OUTPUT 2OUTPUT 3OUTPUT sizeOUTPUT 4File to print?A file specification is required ?Wildcards not allowed Local print command options, or carriage returnexit status codeSorry, E-PACKET only works with Kermit protocol Sorry, FINISH only works with Kermit protocol Sorry, "%s" only works with Kermit protocol Name of remote file(s), or carriage returnC-Kermit commandHELP command xtop-level cmkey token ?Invalid - %s label?Label name required %dseconds to wait for input, or time of day hh:mm:ss?Number, expression, or time of day required Sorry, arithmetic overflow - hh:mm:ss not usable on this platform. List of input stringsMINPUT cmfld returns?Memory allocation failure MINPUTMaterial to be inputxxrei line?INPUT timed out ?MINPUT timed out ?REINPUT failed What to log?Type of log required expect-send expect-send ...Name for incoming file Name under which to store the (first) incoming file, or: name of directory in which to store all the file(s), or: confirm the command now to store the files in the current directory under their own names.Sorry, you must specify a name when receiving a file with XMODEM protocol DOWNLOAD arg disk or dir?Can't get current directory ?Can't access %s cmofi cmarg2Sorry, REMOTE commands only work with Kermit protocol Remote Kermit server command?You must specify a command for the remote server Name of list?Sorry, ADD SEND-LIST does not work with external protocols ?Sorry, FILE TYPE must be BINARY or IMAGE Sorry, RESEND is only possible with Kermit or ZMODEM protocol ?Sorry, ATTRIBUTE DISPOSITION must be ON File to sendFile(s) to send?No send list - use ADD to make one. Sorry, you can only send one file at a time with XMODEM protocol WARNING - \v(filespec) buffer overflow ?Sorry, wildcards not permitted in this command ?Sorry, this command needs 32-bit integers ?Sorry, PSEND works only with Kermit protocol starting position (byte number)type of file transferSend: wildName to send it withSending: as:Sorry, MAIL can be sent using Kermit protocol ?Disposition Attribute is Off Mail: wildAddress to mail to?Address required ?Option string too long Mailing:To:Sorry, can't allocate space for as-nameSorry, can't allocate space for nameSorry, can't allocate file list nodeNames of files to send, separated by spaces?MSEND list too long msfilesSorry, SERVER only works with Kermit protocol option?You must specify an option to save ?More fields required Parameter?You must specify a parameter to set System command to executeRUN zshcmd code?REDIRECT disabled ?SET LINE or SET HOST required first Local command to run, with its standard input/output redirected to %s Confirm for current disk, or specify a disk device or directory%s %s0Message to printEND maclvl 1_xif_for_whiEND poppingEND maclvl 2END maclvl 3?Take files nested too deeply \v(home)C-Kermit command file?A file name is required ?Wildcards not allowed in command file name File to transmit?Name of an existing file ?Only a single file may be transmitted calling transmitFile to type?A single file please TYPECommand Level: %d Level %d %s [%s] File to translatefrom character-setto character-set/dev/ttyoutput file?Directory name not allowed %s, for%s Numeric: %ldC-Kermit %s -%d user nameCK_WHOto file or log?Write to what? ?Write error ?File or log not open Name for new directoryName of empty directory to removeTELNET commandTELNET optionff%02x%02x kermit command-line arguments, -h for helpkermit docmd unk argCONNECT Command for UNIX, 6.0.083, 6 Sep 96APC beginAPC terminatedforkint - CK_FORK_SIGck_sndmsg - notifying parentck_sndmsg - returningpipeint argpipeint codelocal UNIX system (Back at %s) pipeint duplexpipeint me_binarypipeint u_binaryautoupload at parentautodownload at parentAPC at parentCKCPUTC obcCKCGETC 1 ibcCKCGETC 1 calling ttinc(0)CKCGETC 1 ttinc(0)CKCGETC 2 ibckbget errnoCONCLD entry?setuid error - fatal CONNECT starting port forkCONNECT port fork ibcCONNECT port fork obcCONNECT disconnect ibcCONNECT disconnect obc Communications disconnect Can't read character** PORTCONNECT got IACCONNECT TELNET me_binCONNECT TELNET u_binCONNECT TELNET duplex changeserverreceiveset proto %s, %s, set proto %sautodownload# N3%c%s%cautodownload complete ibcautodownload complete obcautodownload justoneAPC completeAPC complete ibcAPC complete obcCONNECT fork signalSorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST first Sorry, you must SET SPEED first Sorry, network type not supported Sorry, CONNECT input buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT output buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT keyboard buffer can't be allocated Sorry, CONNECT temporary buffer can't be allocated ckucon entry ttyfdckucon entry ibcckucon entry obcckucon entry kbcckucon entry ttchkckucon openingSorry, can't open %sckucon open failureConnecting to host %sConnecting to %s, speed %ldDEL. The escape character is Ctrl-%c (ASCII %d, %s) Type the escape character followed by C to get back, or followed by ? to see other options. . ESCAPE CHARACTER IS DISABLED (Session logged to %s, binarytext%s) Debugging Display...) Sorry, can't condition console terminal CONNECT cmaskCONNECT cmdmskCONNECT speed before ttvtCONNECT ttvtSorry, can't reopen %sSorry, Can't condition communication line CONNECT ttvt ok, escapeescseqCONNECT parent pidCan't make pipeCONNECT pipe errorCan't make port forkCONNECT fork error Communications disconnect (Back at %s) CONNECT fork pidCONNECT keyboard fork duplexCONNECT setjmp normal entrykmptr non NULLmacro empty, continuingchar from macro** KEYBCONNECT keyboard read errnoCONNECT got escape Can't send characterCONNECT signaling port forkCONNECT killing port forkCONNECT killed port fork(Back at %s)ckucon exit ibcckucon exit obc press the space-bar to resume the CONNECT command. Type the escape character again to send the escape character, or terminate with carriage return. \Xhh hexadecimal character code \Onnn octal character code \nnn decimal character code \ backslash code: Z to suspend ! to push to local shell S for status Q to hangup and quit Kermit U to hangup and close the connection A to send Are You There? I to send a network interrupt packet L to send a Long BREAK B to send a BREAK 0 (zero) to send a null ? for this message Press C to return to the C-Kermit prompt, or:Command>doesc Hanging up tothrough Connected %s %sTerminal bytesize: %d, Command bytesize: %d, Parity: noneevenoddspacemarklocalremoteTerminal echo: %sLogging to: Error resuming CONNECT session ERROR WRITING SESSION LOG, LOG CLOSED!Dial Command, 6.0.091, 6 Sep 96Fax connectionDelayedBlacklistedAccess denied / forbidden callAnswered by voiceDisconnectedNo answerIncoming callNo dialtoneNo carrierPhone busyFailure to initialize modemModem command errorDial directory lookup errorPartial dial OKModem not readyInterrupted by userDIAL TIMEOUT expiredDevice input/output errorInternal errorPre-DIAL hangup failedSpeed not specifiedCommunication device can't be openedCommunication device not specifiedModem type not specifiedDIAL succeededWorldBlazerQblazerT3000T2500T2000T1600T1500T1000TrailBlazer-PlusTrailBlazerUnknownCRN%s VAL,:CCITT / ITU-T V.25bis autodialerATS0=0 ATS0=1 ATQ0H0 ATD%s OK ATQ0 ,ATT ATP Hayes Smartmodem 2400 and compatibles%s DIAL AT&T ISN Networkat%s +AT&T switched-network modemsAT&T Digital Terminal Data ModuleHUP Digitel DT-22 CCITT dialerHayes Smartmodem 1200 and compatiblesATS46=0 ATS46=2 AT&Q0 AT&Q5S36=7S48=7 AT&K0 AT&K4 AT&K3 ATQ0X4N1Y0S37=0S82=128 Hayes Ultra/Optima/Accura 96/144/288Hayes AccuraAT&Q0S36=0S48=128 ATQ0X4N1Y0S37=0 Practical Peripherals V.22bis or higher with V.42 and V.42bisAT%C0 AT%C1 AT\N0 AT\N7 AT\Q0 AT\Q1\X0 AT\Q3 ATQ0E1X6&S0&C1&D2&Q0S78=0 AT&T / Paradyne DataPort V.32 or higherAT-J1 AT-J0 AT%C3 AT AT\N3 AT\H0\Q0 AT\Q1 ATQ0X4F0\K5 Microcom DeskPorte FAST 28.8ATS46=136 ATS46=138 ATQ0E1N1W1X4S82=128S95=47 Zoom Telephonics V.32bisAT&H0 AT&H4 AT&H3 ATQ0E1&N0X5&Y1 ZyXEL U-Series V.32bis or higherATS46=136%C0 ATS46=138%C3 AT\N1 AT&K4S32=17S33=19 ATQ0E1F0W1X4Y0\K5S82=128S95=41 Zoltrix V.32bis and V.34 modems with Rockwell ACI chipsetAT\J1 AT\J0 AT\N6 ATQ0E1X4\K5\V1 Motorola FasTalk II or LifestyleAT\N3S36=7S48=7 ATQ0E1F1N1W1\K5S37=11S82=128S95=47X4 BOCA 14.4 FaxmodemAT\J0\N3"H3 AT\G0 AT\G1\Q1\X0 AT\G1\Q3 ATB1+FCLASS=0 ATQ0E1Y0X4\K1\V2S25=50 Intel High-Speed FaxmodemAT$BA1 AT$BA0 AT&E14 AT&E15 AT#L0&E0 AT&E1 AT&E3&E7&E8&E10&E12 AT&E5&E6&E8&E11&E13 AT&E4&E7&E8&E11&E13 ATQ0E1X4&E8&Q0%E1#P0 Multitech MT1432 Series MultiModem IIAT%C0S46=136 AT%C1S46=138 AT&Q0\N1 AT&Q5\N3S48=7 ATQ0E1N1W0X4Y0\K5S82=128 SupraFAXModem 144 or 288AT\N6%C0 AT\N6%C1 ATQ0E1X4Y0&L0&M0\K5 MaxTech XM288EA or GVC FAXModemCALL %s MODIFY? IBM/Siemens/Rolm CBX Data Communications ModuleAT&K1 AT&M0 AT&M4&B1 AT&H0&R1&I0 AT&H2&R1&I2 AT&H1&R2&I0 ATQ0X4&A3&N0&Y3 US Robotics Courier or SportsterATS110=0S96=0 ATS110=1S96=1 ATS95=0 ATS66=1S95=2 ATS58=0S68=0 ATS58=3S68=3S69=0 ATS58=2S68=2 AAAAATQ0X1S12=50S50=0S54=3 Telebit TrailBlazer, T1000, T1500, T2000, T2500ATS190=0 ATS190=1 ATS180=0 ATS180=3 ATS58=3S68=3 AAAAATQ0X2S12=50S50=0S61=1S63=0 Telebit T1600, T3000, QBlazer, WorldBlazer, etc.(dummy)AT&Q5\N0 ATQ0X4W1Y0%E2\K5+FCLASS=0N1S37=0 Generic Rockwell V.32 modemATS46=138%C1 AT&Q0S48=128\N1 AT&Q5S36=7S48=7\N3 Generic Rockwell V.32bis modemATQ0X4W1Y0%E2\K5+FCLASS=0+MS=11,1 Generic Rockwell V.34 modemAT%C0"H0 AT%C1"H3 ATQ0X4Y0&M0&Q0&N1&S0\K3\T0%E2S28=0 IBM Mwave AdapterAT&H0&I0&R1 AT&H2&I2S22=17S23=19 AT&H1&R2 ATQ0X4&N0&Y1#CLS=0S13=0S15=0S19=0 Gateway 2000 Telepath II 28.8Cardinal MVP288X SeriesD '%s' XYR BbPpTtCermetek Info-Mate 212 A%s=Digital DF03-AC%s#Digital DF-100 d %s =WDigital DF-200T%s :D $%GeneralDataComm 212A/EDk >Penril modem?* KkRacal Vadic VA4492ENumber to call: K Ven-TelCDS >Concord Condor CDS 220 2400bAACOMP0 COMP1 BAON;SMDIR BAOFF;SMAUT SF10 SF11 SF13 D%s !SE0;S1P4;SBRK5 ,!@DT DP Microcom MNP modems in SX command mode\J0ATQ0H ATQ0X4\K5 MicroLink 14.4 or 28.8zyxelzoomzoltrixventelv25bisusroboticsusr-sportsterusr-courierusr-212ausruser-definedunknowntelepathtelebitteltetapisuprasportsterrolm-dcmrockwell-v34rockwell-v32bisrockwell-v32racalvadicppipenrilold-telebitnonemwavemultitechmotorola-fastalkmicrolinkmicrocom-sx-modemicrocom-at-modemicrocommicrocomicrocmicromicrmicmimaxtechitu-t-v25bisintelhst-courierhayes-ultrahayes-optimahayes-accurahayes-high-speedhayes-2400hayes-1200hayeshayehayhahgendatacommgdc-212a/edgateway-telepathdirectdigitel-dt22df200-seriesdf100-seriesdf03-acdataportcourierconcordcermetekcardinalccitt-v25bisbocaatt7300att-7300attmodematt-switched-netattisnatt-isnattdtdmatt-dtdmatt-dataportdialtime caught SIGALRMdialint caught SIGINTddinc entry nddinc%s dial waitfor gotdidweget indreset resetting alarm and signal handlersdreset alarm and signal handlers reset WARNING - speed change to %ld failed. Speed changed to %ld. K_DIAL_DIRECTORYK_COUNTRYCODEK_LD_PREFIXK_INTL_PREFIXK_TF_PREFIXK_TF_AREACODE1011800888358199610119990000K_AREACODEK_PBX_XCHK_PBX_ICPK_PBX_OCPckudial dialfailANSWER%s Failure: dial display is on%s: Timed out while trying to initialize modem. DIAL TIMEOUTANSWER timeout%s interval expired. Timeout. timeoutdialInterrupted. interruptedlbufdialfail() "" Call not completed. Call did not come in. Error initializing modem. modem initunknown ckdial dialhup failedSorry, Can't hang up communication device. Try 'set line %s' again. Initializing: %s... INSERT CALL TO WINDOWS TELEPHONY API HERE again No response from modem, retrying%s... ckdial wake_str mdmstatATS7=%d%cckdial S7 mdmstatckdial default, wake stringckdial no wake_strckdial default, waiting for wake_promptckdial no wake_promptckdial got wake promptWARNING - I don't know how to turn on EC for this modem ckudia xx_okckudia calling xx_ok for ECWARNING - Trouble enabling error-correction. Likely cause: Your modem is an RPI model, which does not have built-in error correction and data compression.WARNING - You can't have compression without error correction. WARNING - I don't know how to turn on DC for this modem WARNING - Trouble enabling compression WARNING - I don't know how to enable modem's HWFC. disenWARNING - Trouble %sabling modem's local flow control APM1;KMC%d APM0 ATS111=0 ATS111=%d S112=%d WARNING - I don't know how to enable autoanswer for this modem. ckdial ANSWER waitctATS2=%d WARNING - Problem setting modem's escape character DIAL command + phone number too long! dialing Dialing: %s... ckdial waitct dial awaiting response, mymdmtypckdial modem responseWARNING - no carrier CNXINVCFIABAB: Timed outCBCB: Local DCE BusyETET: BusyNSNS: Number not storedNTNT: No answerRTRT: Ring tonePVPV: Parameter value errorPSPS: Parameter syntax errorMSMS: Message syntax errorCUCU: Command unknownFCFC: Forbidden callINCINC: Incoming callDLCDLC: Delayed callBusyNot connectedNot ConnectedNo dial toneNo Dial ToneNo AnswerAnsweredConnectedANSWEREDBUSYDISCONNECTNO ANSWERWRONG ADDRESSCHECK OPTIONSDISCONNECTEDDENIEDAU 1 dial df03 gotANERAttachedErrorSpeed:)ON LINENO CONNECTOKNO RINGFAILED CALLCALLINGCOMPLETEFAILEDABANDONDEDNOT AVAILABLELACKS PERMISSIONNOT A DATALINEINVALID DATA LINE NUMBERINVALID GROUP NAMEDOES NOT ANSWERONLINE!Online!DEAD PHONEINITIATINGCALL FAILEDNO DIALTONECOMMAND ERRORIN USECONNECTPROGRAM ERROR - No response handler for modem type %d ckdial alarm offdial partialdial succeededPartial cC %sall complete: %s. %sall complete. longjmp returns to dial routineSorry, DIAL memory buffer can't be allocated Invalid modem type %d - internal error. Sorry, handler for this modem type not yet filled in. dial numberDIAL lbuf malloc okDIAL rbuf malloc okDIAL fbuf malloc okSorry, can't open %sSorry, can't open deviceSorry, can't reopen %sSorry, can't reopen device/dev/nullSorry, Can't condition communication line Try 'set line %s' again %s; Waiting for phone call... RetT %srying: %s... Via modem server: %s, modem: %s Device: %s, modem: %s, speed: %ld , speed: (unknown) WARNING - interface speed %ld might be too high for this modem type. If dialing fails, SET SPEED to %ld or less and try again. DialAnswer %s timeout: %d seconds (none) To cancel: type your interrupt character (normally Ctrl-C). ckdialckdial timeoutgetok rbuf init okgetok ddincgetok:OK ERROR at atMDMECHO-t AT ATMDMECHO-Tgetok returnslongjmp returned to getok()getok timeoutgetok entry nGETOK rbuf malloc okabout to alrm_execute dook()returning from alrm_execute dook()RESPONSE mdmechoSPONGERESPONSE-ARESPONSE-Cdial hayesnv lbufdial hayesnv gotdial hayesnv numericdial hayesnv suffix Local phone is ringing! No Carrier. Modem Command Error. Dial Locked. No Dialtone. Busy. No Answer. Ringing... Answered by voice. CONNECT 1200/75 - Not supported by C-Kermit Dialing... No Prompttone. RELIABLE LAPM COMPRESSEDCONNECT Can't change speed to %ld Speed changed to %ld CONNECT FAST/KERMFAST/KERM RRINGRINGINGDIALINGNO CARRIERNO DIAL TONEVOICENO PROMPT TONEREMOTE ACCESS FAILEDFAXDELAYEDBLACKLISTEDDIAL LOCKEDRINGERRORCARRIERDATAdialhup mdmhup Modem hangup OK WARNING - modem hangup failed Hangup OK Hangup skipped Hangup errormdmhup hup_strmdmhup escbufmdmhup esc_timemdmhup pause 1 OKmdmhup net ttslow okmdmhup ttslow okmdmhup calling response functionmdmhup hangup responsemdmhup no ok_fnScript Command, 6.0.028, 8 Feb 96recvseqexpecting sequencegot it (null sequence)received sequence: returning with got-it codesending sequence EOTBREAK\b\B{BREAK}Sorry, can't open %sExecuting SCRIPT to host %s. Executing SCRIPT through %s, speed %ld. SCRIPT string: Sorry, Can't condition communication line Script successful. Script successful.Sorry, script failed Script failedNetwork support, 6.0.078, 6 Sep 1996SIGWINCH caughtcould not get SO_LINGERlinger error: SO_LINGER lenlinger SO_LINGER expected lenerror setting SO_LINGERlinger new SO_LINGERsetlinger SO_LINGER unchangedcould not get SO_SNDBUFsetsockbuf error: SO_SNDBUF lensetsockbuf SO_SNDBUF expected lensetsockbuf SO_SNDBUF retrievederror setting SO_SNDBUFsetsockbuf old SO_SNDBUFsetsockbuf new SO_SNDBUFsetsockbuf SO_SNDBUF unchangedcould not get SO_RCVBUFsetsockbuf error: SO_RCVBUF lensetsockbuf SO_RCVBUF expected lensetsockbuf SO_RCVBUF retrievederror setting SO_RCVBUFsetsockbuf old SO_RCVBUFsetsockbuf new SO_RCVBUFsetsockbuf SO_RCVBUF unchangedcould not get SO_KEEPALIVEsetkeepalive error: SO_KEEPALIVE lensetkeepalive SO_KEEPALIVE expected lenerror clearing SO_KEEPALIVEsetkeepalive new SO_KEEPALIVEsetkeepalive SO_KEEPALIVE unchangedcould not get TCP_NODELAYsetnodelay error: TCP_NODELAY lensetnodelay TCP_NODELAY expected lenerror clearing TCP_NODELAYsetnodelay new TCP_NODELAYsetnodelay TCP_NODELAY unchangedtcpsrv_open netttcpsrv_open namecopykermittcpsrv_open service requestedtcplogin Warning: login service on port %d instead of port 513 Edit SERVICES file if RLOGIN fails to connect. tcpsrv_open login on portCannot find port for service %s tcpsrv_open can't get servicetcpsrv_open checking previous connectiontcpsrv_open previous tcpsrv_porttcpsrv_open closing previous connectiontcpsrv_open tcpsrfdtcpsrv_open bzero oktcpsrv_open calling socketTCP socket errortcpsrv_open socket errortcpsrv_open calling setsockopttcpsrv_open setsockopttcpsrv_open no_delaytcpsrv_open keepalivetcpsrv_open lingertcpsrv_open sendbuftcpsrv_open recvbuf Binding socket to port %d ... tcpsrv_open bind errnotcpsrv_open bind OKListening ... tcpsrv_open listen errnotcpsrv_open listen OK Waiting to Accept a TCP/IP connection on port %d ... tcpsrv_open BSDSELECTtcpsrv_open accept errnotelnettcpsrv_open servicetcpsrv_open gethostbyname != NULL:%s%s connected on port %s netopen nettnetopen namecopynetopen service requestednetopen can't get servicenetopen bzero oknetopen gethostbyname != NULLhost->h_addrBCOPY (caddr_t)&saddr.sin_addrhost->h_lengthnetopen gethostbyname == NULL: Not INADDRXnetopen uuCan't get address for %s netopen can't get addressnetopen trying Trying %s... netopen socket error Bind failed with errno %d for port %d. rlogin bind failedrlogin bind No reserved ports available. rlogin lportnetopen connect errnoInstalling rlogoobh on SIGURGrlogin initialization failedgetsocknamenetopen servicenetclosnetclose setting tn_init = 0nettout caught timeoutnetinc socket is closednettol TCPIPLIB not definednetfluirlog_ini tt_rows 1rlog_ini tt_cols 1rlog_ini tt_rows 2rlog_ini tt_cols 2USERrlogin local userTERM/%ld/19200rlogin first ttincrlogin ttinc 1Rlogin protocol error - 0x%x received instead of 0x00 rlogin ttinc errnorlogin out_of_bandrlogin Flush Buffered Data commandrlogin Raw Mode commandrlogin Cooked Mode commandrlogin Window Size commandIACDONTDOWONTWILLSBGAELECAYTAOIPBRKDMARKNOPSETN3270ENEW-ENVIRONMENTENCRYPTIONAUTHENTICATIONENVIRONMENTX-DISPLAY-LOCATIONLINEMODEREMOTE-FLOW-CONTROLTERMINAL-SPEEDNEGOTIATE-ABOUT-WINDOW-SIZEX.3-PADTELNET-3270-REGIMETERMINAL-LOCATION-NUMBEROUTPUT-MARKINGTACACS-UIDEND-OF-RECORDTERMINAL-TYPESEND-LOCATIONSUPDUP-OUTPUTSUPDUPDATA-ENTRY-TERMINALBYTE-MACROLOGOUTEXTENDED-ASCIIOUTPUT-LF-DISPOSITIONOUTPUT-VERT-TAB-DISPOSITIONOUTPUT-VERT-TABSTOPSOUTPUT-FF-DISPOSITIONOUTPUT-HORIZ-TAB-DISPOSITIONOUTPUT-HORIZ-TABSTOPSOUTPUT-CR-DISPOSITIONOPTION-PAGE-SIZEOPTION-LINE-WIDTHREMOTE-CONTROL-TRANS-ECHOTIMING-MARKSTATUSAPPROX-MESSAGE-SIZESUPPRESS-GO-AHEADRECONNECTIONECHOBINARYtelnet BREAK okTELNET negotiation loop %s %sUNKNOWNTELNET SENT %s %stn_ini ttnprototn_ini tn_inittn_ini tn_duplextn_ini skipping telnet negotiationstn_ini about to send WILL TTYPEtn_ini tn_sopt WILL TTYPE failedtn_ini sent WILL TTYPE oktn_ini tt_rows 1tn_ini tt_cols 1tn_ini tt_rows 2tn_ini tt_cols 2tn_ini duplextn_ini done, tn_inittn_debugtn_doop bad calltn_doop bad cmdTELNET RCVD %s %sTELNET Subnegotiation error - used DONT instead of SE!TELNET Subnegotiation error - forgot the IAC before SE!TELNET Subnegotiation prematurely brokenSENDISTELNET RCVD SB %s %s %c SE IAC DONT IAC SEtn_doop arming SIGWINCHtn_sttyptn_sttyp no term overrideTELNET SENT SB %s IS %s IAC SETELNET SENT SB NAWS %d %d IAC SETERMunknownError opening terminal: %s. ESCDELAYzD2Kn,X   `  %Kxterm[?1000h[?1000l A$@LINESCOLUMNSTERMTERM environment variable not set. |Not enough memory to create terminal structure. terminals database is inaccessible '%s': unknown terminal type. '%s': I need something more specific. '%s': I can't handle hardcopy terminals. CC  %d%02d%03d%02x%03x%2d%2x%3d%3x@B A$@TERMINFO%s/%c/%sHOME%s/.terminfo/%c/%s/usr/lib/terminfoTERMCAP|: TERMPATH/etc/termcap/usr/share/misc/termcapHOME%s/.termcapr/usr/lib/terminfoABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789TERMINFOHOME%s/.terminfo%s: non-existant or permission denied (errno %d)%s: not a directory%s/%s: permission denied%s/%s: not a directoryName list = '%s'First name = '%s'Other names = '%s'terminal name too long.%c/%sname multiply defined.wcan't open %s/%sCreated %serror writing %s/%serror obtaining time from %s/%sterminal alias %s too long.self-synonym ignoredalias %s multiply defined.can't link %s to %sLinked %sOut of memory|terminal names must start with letter or digithead = %stail = %sno entries parsedRESOLUTION BEGINNINGName collision between %s %sNO MULTIPLE NAME OCCURRENCES%s: resolving use=%s (in core)%s: resolving use=%s (compiled)%s: use resolution failed onNAME RESOLUTION COMPLETED OK%s: attempting merge%s: use entry %d unresolvedMERGES COMPLETED OKRESOLUTION FINISHEDEntry does not start with terminal names in column oneComment range is %ld to %ldStarting '%s'|primary name may be too longalias `%s' may be too longusetc%s (%s termcap extension) ignored%s (%s termcap extension) aliased to %s%s (%s terminfo extension) ignored%s (%s terminfo extension) aliased to %sunknown capability '%s'maMTbooleanstringnumericunknownwrong type used for %s capability '%s'unknown token typelgd_\XUQNIFB?961.(%  kcuu1uptakhtsstkentnlkcuf1ndkcub1lekICimkich1ickhomehokrmireikcud1dokdl1dlkdch1dctbcctkclrclkelcekedcdkcbtbtkil1al  %s$<%d>hardware tabs with a width other than 8: %dhardware tabs with a non-^I tab string `%s',unknown capability `%s' in ko stringko translation table is invalid, I give upno value for ko capability %s%s (%s) already has an explicit value (%s), ignoring koacsc string synthesized from XENIX capabilitiesacsc string synthesized from AIX capabilities  tracecurses: Can't open 'trace' file: 1.9.9eTRACING NCURSES version %s(null)\0x%02x {xrolie`[VPLFB>:50*%! 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