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Usage: gkermit [ options ] Options: -r Receive files -s fn Send files -g fn Get files from server -a fn As-name for single file -i Image (binary) mode transfer -T Text mode transfer -P Path/filename conversion disabled -w Write over existing files with same name -K Keep incompletely received files -p x Parity: x = o[dd],e[ven],m[ark],s[pace],n[one] -e n Receive packet-length (40-%d) -b n Timeout (sec, 0 = none) -x Force Xon/Xoff (--x = Don't force Xon/Xoff) -S Disable streaming -X External protocol -q Quiet (suppress messages) -d [fn] Debug to ./debug.log [or specified file] -h Help (this message) More info: %s <%s> ((((( H (@@|!H-+ 0x0X(null)-+ 000000000000000000000123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdefnan0xNAN0XinfINF(GhEEND(G#CONST(?_TEXT(G#XC(GNULL(G#XCB(G#_BSS(G#XI(G#EDATA(G#XIB(G#XCE(?hC_ETEXT(G#XIE(G5c_common(G_DATA(GpSTACK#Gt"_environ#G _rpadc#G _bctu"?_encode#G _sendtype#G@ _dftty"?_main$G5_xargv#G _spadc#Gh _build"?\(_dopar"?0P_fopen"?@M__filbuf"?|_ack"?$_resend"?_mystrchr#G, _first"?W_tolower#G _xonxoff#G0 _longpackets#G _ebq#G _recvtype$G5_filnam"?`J__flsbuf#G _datalen"?R_ioctl"?M__bufsync"?S_read#G _keep"?'_scmd"?e__sigcomm"?_cmdlin$G9_osize"?K__wrtchk#G_state#G _cx"?_seot#G_tbl#G _rq"?+_ttchk"?'_sysinit"?U_sprintf"?pW_write#G _sq#G __fac#G|"sigarray"?pL__findbuf"?d_free#G( _text$G9_size"?,_timerh#G _cz"?h_etext$G9_ofp"?,_chksum"?first#Gx"sigprev"? =_zfillbuf"?P<_zclosi"?d_decstr"?D6_zltor#G__ctype#G _seq"?O_atoi"?L_getpkt"?,_ttinl#Gl _cmarg2$Gh_end$G9_zinbuf#G _rtimo#G fac#G__stdbuf"?_ack1"?_gwart"?tR_getenv#G _quiet"?S_setjmp#G _rptflg#G8 _literal#G\ _versio#G _rpsiz#G__iob"?t+_ttres#G _spsiz#G _streaming"?;_zrtol"?e_open$GI_ttname"?f_brk#G< _start$G#_edata$GM_rcvpkt$Gp___argv"?G_fatal"?*_ttpkt#G _retries"?"_rpar"?8f_fwrite$Gp_sndpkl$Gp_maxsiz"?<_zcloso"?_spar"?TW_unlink$Gp_rln#G__acrtused"?e_sigset"?hS_printf"?XI__cleanup"?4e_memcpy"?p_chk1"?a__findiop"?@5_zopeni"?a__fcntl"?_chk3#Gt _db#G _rptq#Gp _cmlist$Gp_xxdata#Gx _debug"?@'_doexit"?dO_exit#G _parity"?e_xlocking#G _nomodes#G _isp#G| _failure"?0_encstr"?N__xcleanup#G _timint"?(_logerr"?_decode"?V_stat#G _rqf$G_xargc"?Dd_realloc"?|O_fcntl"?1_ttol"?_rpacket"?|_sdata#G _rpt"?`V_strlen#G<_zincnt"? _spacket#G4 _attributes"?sys_cal0"?sys_cal1$G_ofile"? sys_cal2#G _osp"?(sys_cal3$G#__xcend"?HP_freopen"? _errpkt"?0sys_cal4"?)_ttopen"?8sys_cal5"?@sys_cal6$G(__sibuf"?Hsys_cal7"?e_sigpause#G|!__lastbuf"?Psys_cal8"? _gattr$G#__xiend$G0__smbuf#G$ _delay#G _ebqflg"?5_zopeno"?L,_ttflui$G__sobuf$G _rsn"?e_sighold$G$_sndpkt#G _xdata#G__nd_#G` _url"? _sfile"?a_malloc"?a_close#G _noxonxoff$G\_cmarg#G _maxrp"?4V_strcmp"?start0#G _streamok"?N_alarm"?Q_fread#Gd _email#G@_zinptr"?3_zchki"?d8_zbackup"?