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Check SHOW RELEASE_NOTES for possible incompatabilities with previous releases of Kermit-11 and other Kermits.  Unrecognized command %Command not unique. Complete Receive failed ?Syntax SEND Filename.type Send complete Send failed Kermit: Get complete Get from server aborted KERMIT is not running as a LOCAL Kermit Read error on TAKE file: TAKE file closed Unrecogized REMOTE command 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-@_.Exiting due to control C interupt Last edit: 17-Sep-87 ;T fL{0  2 ,p * J!f ڤ p f DA 18{9{,p\{p(EU@PUpff %   * J!f pp * J!f У(ppק*0 ppp * J! p&& & & C Ü8{W-07  ;A<f 0  $ &   %{  * J!ef&f ABY\{D ff de I 9{<8{035@D E@<\{0p0cccc0 * J!ef@ ,0  f 0`@ȋ09fL{0  Z PPw J mF  e:dAɔW  є AHR  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718 ֠p f y7p-yez (,p\{pEPp * J!f $(,p\{pE z zey  * J! 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"Fe@Fe@e@?e@eepep >eR JePDeP   eE#|7 7 7 ҍv؍ 7 X 1wB `w$&5   7 f&  ޛeR& 0  f& + ef t f& p `ef&  Lef& ( 8e r 7 f& ( eL5%5  F 7 5 J x z r  ҍF 82ڍ&7 7 ljbf Zf P f& f :e‰ , f&  e@Z ff&d p% Lf&H Le   t l  ^܌ V  p  Z &  P7 t n Όf   f& (" e fr 6% & x~f f@ % @& ("f     J$ B7 f 7 ،& ((" TfČ |e & }7 & f(" e@2 6 ~h ~j ~mbЕ X0 l ~f& & p~% t~ l~ Pff ~ f& f e 4~eP Nhf&Ћ 2% <f& & >e } f Pe B ^f& ,%  ff& e }  & T| f 4 f j%& $|Please alter HIMEM to allow 32KW address space Failure to create or map APR7 region, error: Kermit may not run correctly without a clock Kermit should have timer support for optimal operation. Do a sysgen PRO Communications port (line 3) assigned to ??Kermit-11-F Insufficient space available for buffer pool allocation. Please unload handlers or do a SET USR SWAP Kermit-11 may not run correctly on a SJ monitor RT-11 default terminal line set to unit This system does not appear to have a line clock. Kermit-11 may not run correctly. XC0:PRO/350 comm port set to XC0: TSX-Plus remote mode This system lacks both XC and XL drivers, and has not been generated for Multiple Terminal support. Only the CONSOLE will be usable for Kermit. Eight bit prefixing support will be required of the other Kermit for the transfer of binary files. Packet status display disabled for FRUNed Kermit. Use SET UPDATE 1 to enable packet status during transfer. xDK:heSETInvalid value for SET Unknown/invalid Set command CON DIRCurrent default is TAKEPrevious TAKE file closed SY:*.CMDSYSThe SYSTEM command requires a command to execute Error from spawning command ŀ SPA TYP Ha_mmCL0CL1 D"E `>e86e40zejtrelS &f&  m %v &ff A N  %v6&fABBҋB b#ыP  Еb# _    Е-   0@ ff DW e`fÊ    E wp1VNVR7 V7 N7 L7 mdw mX ׭1׭1S$   7 v  @ & 8 w1Ē& ʔ Ȕf   fZE VeA   N  5ڒ(( ѝ,ѕ ff& ee( f& ( efv e ē-A K <bf|" e + )f|f~A >eff4 ,%BCAe<& N B f| & w0DAwƒf4 , A ? w  ֒Ԓ7 ƒ’  @ H -A )f|~B >eff4 ,%BCAeN& N TA0f4 H A ?  7 摦⑃  @ ̑C&f&f7 7 I S zt1ph r-nbA <f| ҅ f %f|.f ~eff4 ~%BCAe`& N D f֎ԎAڐWI f4 ~ AWI-  @ z7 F~ trf4 脖%" #7 :6  @   ~Fݏ0"7 X }@ ܏-؏̍A ~wv ҏ f 7 w ʍ f" .% vfp" pe f& %f" \}eAl4 6>f" %f&" ,%v" f&" |e  Bf&&F ~|e7&fZX Z|eff4 H|%BCAer& N | xe@AJf4 b| A ? 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Print this message *srˋf f D l e| e+ʋ  e e  ef&  ~e e e s& 6   j_s e   L_ r"r ~e$s  0eʪ (eYr Zr׭sX ׭rT >e Ϊ d d; Z8 7z3, 4ȋ  d( d!f ce  $d   j& d & Dc  \^&f Dc% 8f!0 xd H, d^ db dh cl cf&  "}e c f& t }e f& ( |ep c ׯ:q0ׯ2q9w/e4ע Дq4 c  ˋ9v 6cp lcf& p \|e~ c f&  <|e$f rb  ʋYf&X n& Ԁf& ae ʋ f&  |%&      Lb Db   2b *b &f  of2 f4 f &  d xˋ1 e& Ԁf& `e & f `%   f& {%& jf z% "f &" :  aΫ a 1 F 0a "a pnf. f0 ҫ `f&  ye ` & `f&  ye y f y% T` Dm ^  ^f &   ʋ=%7 ls,S(p"PMm 2 rn4 Bb  Vn   & f \% ŀB %f  Z b] L T]ff& d]e%&ff 4\% &ȋ AZ @ \ f&f [e  B \^ \ , b \| \w”0af&  ueӋ f&  p\%ȋ  .`f& & ue R\ J\*T :\ 2\̬ *\Ь "\Be P\ [  :\ f&  ue  Ԭ [ [ [ [ [ [Invalid number! No previous number! Using: Please use the SET LINE command first Please use the SET MODEM command first A dial formatting string has not been defined This modem type is unknown. The known modem types are: Using: Modem in command mode Failed to get modems attention Modem dialing Call failed Connection made, use the CONNECT command to access remote Remote phone is ringing No modem type has been SET This is an internal modem The option has not been SET Modem message Message Class Successfull connect Informative message Failure to connect (Modem type: Wakeup string: Response to wakeup: Format for dialing: Delay for dialing: ̭4#<OQTV?Ze!e!k\^mfhe!e!#d!e!e!e!e!e!<װ#ްe!e! h e!e!t+#4e!e!e!G;d!e!\Ve!e!^ʶPSXZ#e!e!d!e!e!fe!e!e!e!d!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!d!e!e!e!e!e!"$ e!e!e!T7>Fe!e!L@d!e!e!e!e!e!RPe!e!e!g #ny|}~vd!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!į #e!e!d!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e! <Ʋɲd!e!e!e!e!e!e!e!e! e!e!e!e!e!e!d!e!e!e!e!e!e! e!e!e!e!VA212PA HELLO:I'M READY*D ?%s DIALING I KStand alone VADIC VA212VA212PAR HELLO:I'M READY*D ?%s DIALING I KRack mounted VADIC VA212PARVADIC HELLO:I'M READY*D ?%s DIALING I KGeneric VADIC with autodialCTS2424AT Modem ReadyD%M%B%S +PT&CTS/Fabri-Tek 2424AD V.22bis AutodialierVA4224 HELLO:I'M READY*D%M%S%B DIALING I KPTBVadic 4224 CCITT V.22bis autodialDF03%sDEC DF03AC Autodial modemDF100ReadyReady%s# DEC Standalone DF112DF200ReadyReady%s! DEC Standalone DF224HAYESATZ V1 OKOKAT D %s MICROCOM4445 SE2 S1C0 SCE ON !!D%s MicroCom SX1200R212A RIXON R212A INTELLIGENT MODEM$KNUMBER:%s DIALING:RIXON R212A Intelligent ModemPROTMSUSER_DEFINEDNo translation found for number. Continue ? No connection Excessive RINGING... messages returned Operation aborted under user interupt No response or invalid response to dial commandCONNECTNO CARRIERBUSYERRORRINGABON LINEONLINEƵBUSYֵFAILED CALLNO DIALVOICETIME OUTRINGINGON LINEONLINE(BUSY8FAILED CALLDNO DIALNVOICE\TIME OUTRINGINGtON LINEONLINEBUSYFAILED CALLNO DIALVOICETIME OUTRINGINGԶRing޶BusyDead LineDisconnect Modem ReadyNo Answer*No Dialtone6No ToneBOn LineXOn Line OriginateRedialingrON LINE~ONLINEBUSYFAILED CALLNO DIALVOICETIME OUTȷRINGINGطON LINE 300ON LINE 1200ON LINE 2400ERROR CONTROLNO ERROR CONTROL2Attacheda n'" f& _%  7` 6`7 l7 l  c7 4m fm `  wm fm ^%  7 vlplfضjm v^%  l 7 l Dmȋ 0W wl  f_ ^_ 8WD7 lWAlll 2_6 *_ fl ]%  7 k k ɋ ff _  w:z: ^d ^ ɋWO  WF7n h ^ ^ rɋWSWL7k  f^ ^^>n 7 6n 7 ,n fk \%  7 n fBk \% f&(k \e kk kkf|k ]  wk  k t7 \jRj 7 Jj @j f*k 6\%  7 j j 4`fj \% f&j [e  ]ְ ]e` ~ t j ` V L  | r  f@j \  wzi (`  N\ E \m &f \ ڰ >\ 6\ _ ( \eEee* E Z\  E &f .\  [* [mfi [  Mfhi tZ% f&Ni RZe  k k k  E i :[eE [  h& t[ . ([H [ hɋW Error from device assignment Kermit-11 no longer running in LOCAL mode Link device: Speed not settable Speed: DTR/CD not currently present DTR/CD present Parity is set, forcing 7bit mode Bad value for speed or speed not settable Please use the SET LINE command Please use the SET LOGFILE command first Log_file closed Can't do RAW i/o disk logging with other DEBUG options set Old logfile closed and new logfile created in BINARY mode Can't do disk logging with RAW i/o logging on To enable: Connection logging SET DEBUG CONSOLE File opens/creates SET DEBUG FILE Packet traffic SET DEBUG PACKET Raw terminal i/o SET DEBUG RAW State transitions SET DEBUG STATE Connection logging can be controlled by typing your escape character followed by a R to resume or a Q to stop logging. Kermit-11 will have to request 8 Bit quoting for the transmission of binary files. If the other Kermit does not support this, information for binary files will be lost. Unknown parity SET DUPLEX HALF, SET PARITY MARK, SET HANDSHAKE XON done SET DUPLEX FULL, SET PARITY NONE, SET HANDSHAKE NONE done SET RSX TC.DLU value, where value is 0..2 ?Error - SET RSX CON [DEF][ALT] %SET-W SET RT11 CREATE_SIZE decimal_value %SET-W SET RT11 FLOW [ON][OFF] %SET-W SET RT11 BREAK [SHORT][LONG] %SET-W Unknown option in SET DIAL Insufficient space to contain string Insufficient space to contain string No space left for numbers ALLCONSOLECONNECTFILEHELPNONEOFFONPACKETRAWRPACKSTATETERMINALNOTERMINALEVENODDMARKSPACENONENONEXONXOFFCARRIAGE-RETURNCARRIAGE_RETURNFULLHALFONOFFONOFFNODTEDTECHARIOLINEIOTC.DLUCONNECTFLOW_CONTROLNOFLOW_CONTROLNOVOLUME_VERIFYVOLUME_VERIFYCREATE_SIZEBREAKWILDCARDINGNOWILDCARDINGOFFONNONETIME_OUTServer_Idle timeout? NOTIME_OUTTIME-OUTServer_Idle timeout? NOTIME-OUTDEDICATEDNODEDICATEDDETACHNOEXITEXITWAKEUPString: WAKE_STRINGString: PROMPTString: INITIATEString: FORMATString: SUCCESSConnect acknowledge: INFORMATIONRinging acknowledge: FAILUREFailure acknowledge: CONFIRMString: WAKE_RATEDelay in milliseconds: DIAL_RATEDelay in milliseconds: DIAL_PAUSEPause character(s): TIMEOUTTimeout in seconds: TIME_OUTTimeout in seconds: NUMBERName and phonenumber: PULSETONEBLINDLPRZ\dfТklqrVwxV|~梉ȤΤ±ԤDZȱڤαбձֱ"۱ܱ&,22 jddj "%&*,:24@8:bABjIJrQRZ\HJjTV\^dfklȡst:yzjj((X^^İưXѰҰްp p*<0>Nfvαֱr(r4F@CDIJNPSTXZ`bhjprxzB<B<B<B< "fs d%   e* e. e  h P D h ~    : ~   d    F2 pe w d ns 6 ZeX Re7\ Hef& v x~e l *e !f& & T~e7<s p ex d| d d r  d$ d( df&  }eL dP df c f&f ndeff }eet Pdz Hdf h%f&  b}e~ df nh%f&  2}e cf  `  . `  z`  n` 4eP  df& & ye` @ |de 6o0om2o@ m*o8of np `f& & _% _ _nnmn@ mnnf &p _f& & _% _̯ _poof oЯ _f& & j_% n_ d_f& m F_% J_ @_f& l "_%> &_׭X| B _f _j _ ^Jl$  ^İ ^ Ȱ ^ ^  ^ ^l ^ f& &, we [ z^k n l^ d^ f& k D^% H^ ~k 6^ Bl  (^ ^ ^Ʊ ^ ʱ ^ k  ] ] ] ] ]ke@f& & ve, ]0 ]je@f& & ve X ~]\ t]zɋ | d] \]!z J]ɋ >]ff nvee  ] ] ] \  \Ʋ \ef&  veʲ \β \f& Ҳ uef& ͳ uef& ƴ ue8 v 9jf j `e &f& f *\%f& ? fuef&  Tuef& < @ue& ZP v P ifi `e & ZT uf^i _%& hZfDiʋI ʋ  & *i$i [2i& i [f& X tef Fu f Z  ff Ze `& h 2[ SHOUnknown SHOW topic No debugging or logging is active Debug file is enabled disabled ҫRemote connection logging File opens and creations Packet logging to logfile State logging to logfile No remote line has been set Current remote link device name is The current speed for the link is baud The time is The date is Directory for send opens and receive creates: none Kermit-11 Filetype set to ASCII Filetype set to BINARY (fixed 512, no carriage control) Files will not be superceded v1-Character-Checksum 2-Character-Checksum 3-Character-CRC-CCITT Connection escape character set to ^ SEND packet eol character (octal) SEND maximum packet size SEND/RECEIVE packet timeout RETRY maximum for packets Characters Sent: Received: Time in seconds: Type Last Sent Last Rec Tot Sent Tot Rec Total character count, less packet framing, but after data formatting (ie, includes repeat compression and prefixing) from last transaction. Physical data rate: char/second File transfer rate: char/second Characters per read: Pause time before packet transmission Delay time before sending SEND-INIT Created files will be Stream Ascii Created files will be Variable with implied CRLF Handshake character set to XON (^Q) Handshake character set to CR (^M) Handshake character set to XOFF (^S) Parity is set to T8>ELTODD EVEN MARK SPACE NONE TC.DLU is set to current system setting. PRO/350 console is set to 7 bit mode 8 bit mode Attribute packet transmission DISABLED ENABLED RECEIVE start of packet character is ^ SEND start of packet character is ^ Default binary filetype list: none * Current defined phone numbers None defined A problem was discovered with attribute packet processing in versions of Kermit-11 prior to 3.49. This implies that versions 3.49 or later of Kermit-11 will not be completely compatable with older versions. The best workaround until a copy of version 3.49 or later can be obtained is to disable attribute packet processing with the SET NOATTRIBUTE command, and manually use the SET FILE TYPE FIXED (or SET FILE BINARY) command on both Kermit-11's in order to transfer binary files (such as task images). For further information please see K11.BWR and K11INS.DOC COP blocks copied RENDELTo: ALLBINARY-TYPEBLOCK_CHECK_TYPEBLOCK-CHECK-TYPECONSOLEDATEDEBUGDEFAULTDELAYDIRECTORYESCAPEFILETYPEHANDSHAKELINEPACKETPARAMETERSPARITYPAUSEPHONERECORD_FORMATRECORD-FORMATRELEASE_NOTESRSXSTART-OF-PACKETSTART_OF_PACKETTIMEVERSIONDIAL`8dfrtZµ̵ε֣յֵfߵ $\ ,.<>PLNRT,df,vx }~ҢB J  e e ef n% jwxs7 7 7 ͋ 7 & N xb ^ f >~ 7 rt tdf&sE ae  sfZsN ae sf| $h%f| h f|hqxsY 8ae Va qq }Rsf| g%f| g f|q"sY `e ass7 sr  @ srfF `d  qqfj"| `%1j"fj" B} 7 p ` fS c  3f| }%  f& g% bf&6rE _e   | bf| `%eTJ& ,` tۯ Dbfۯ&qE ~_e fZqY \_e n ` | 7 n% af&ZqE _ef h{%f ff d%& @  J, && | t` `e& @& \` `f&~oY >]e |& N  ff y ff Pd    ^lZ  4LlJHlZ  |ɋ& N f& \%@ t f ly  f@ \%   0 P_ 0 ff ye N ^fN&JnY \e f L\% eP :ff be *(ff r^ee& ~ ^ D^f&mY [ee(  2 f [% >:ff Pbe *(ff ]ee&  ^ ]f&.mY Zee(  f $[% f("P  Pf re &f& b%f Ze f s  f& a%f tZ% &|ˋ& aˋ & #7 l fkG Yeff| Y%BCAeWY f Y% *Z7 k fkG PYeff| >Y%BCAeWYWE f| dY% f NY% Y  \7 kZi [fPi&kR XefR h\  `Y  N\7 ji B[f i&jC |Xe fZU ^e ffD Be ffT &e fZW e ffE e fZH e fffR e fffK e @ȋfffC fe ffC Le @ȋfffI $e ffI e 7 0iXJ A@ Y& e  f YW-ҋ@ jY & e  f Yfg& V%EeX  .Z7 h7 hfffhG `Veff| NV%BCAejh& N V   V7 \h7 Vh W Ҷ HWf& | xpef& O dpe f| T% f T% & &j" W7s7 d:s ~T  >ffF W 7 *f7 $f vJc7 Hcf |T  pVf&eE Se f zU%?Kermit-11 Unimplemented server command?Kermit-11 Unimplemented server generic commandKERMIT.TMP?Kermit-11 Invalid arguments for remote server command SERInvalid SERVER subcommand Server detaching from TI: You must use the SET LINE command before detaching the server Kermit Server running on PDP-11 host. Please type your escape sequence to return to your local machine. Shut down the server by typing the Kermit BYE command on your local machine. Spawned job failed due to timeout or TT read wait Logout failed - Quota exceededServer disconnected and still logged inDefault directory set to Default directory cleared deletedThe following commands are available for the Kermit-11 server. To avoid ambiguity with local Kermit commands some of the server commands will need to be prefixed with the REMOTE keyword. BYE Logout Kermit-11 REMOTE COPY Copy one file to another REMOTE CWD Change default directory REMOTE DIR Prints the directory out REMOTE DISK Prints available space REMOTE ERASE Deletes the filename(s) FINISH Exits a Kermit-11 server GET Sends the filename(s) REMOTE HELP Prints this help text REMOTE HOST Execute a host command REMOTE LOGIN Login. RSTS V9.x only REMOTE RENAME Rename old file to new REMOTE SPACE Prints the disk space REMOTE TYPE Prints the filename(s) REMOTE WHO Shows users logged in I need a filename to TYPESYSTAT failedLogin successfulMissing password or UIC (PPN) blocks copied file(s) renamedCan't create KERMIT.TMP FCan't get the remote KERMIT to FINISH LCan't get the remote KERMIT to LOGOUT ENSYXTT(ح.Remote fails to respond to the command Remote NAK'ed the command 5 times Bad checksum retry abort Remote server response Receive data failed Remote ack: Can't get the remote KERMIT to respondInit failed for linkDETACH%SRGITNYCEIFCLDUESWMHQRKPPJVTpbơ򢜡ȣz\TtN  w ^uf e f de f d f d  ff ze i scf |  Y f ~%f Td%W f ~%f d%(fff ce  xf c%  XTL & nc f N{  f nc%f Fc Ts07f& f ff f t e*   6ex e   | e e e&f&ff& f ~eD f& & ~effڥ (eef Z~e e e  deAڥ<Eҕ  D Ee0 Ee0Ee0 f&  }e   pd fdeAڥ(Bf&  6d% :df `d  $d   d df&f& $d cf & ce A@ c Ѥ e@e Can't find symbol in internal STB ΢ Byte data, size Word data, size () Цצަ$+28?FMT[bipw~çʧѧاߧ#*06pN6#2#D\< BBB   B$IMAGEALBUFFALTCONARGBUFARGPNTAT$ACCAT$AREAT$BILAT$BSIAT$CREAT$DISAT$ENCAT$FABAT$FORAT$IDAT$LENAT$XLEAT$PASAT$PR0AT$PR1AT$SYSAT$TYPAT$VALATRCTXBINMODBINTYPCCCNTCHARIOCHKSIZCHKTYPCMDADRCMDBUFCMDLUNCMDNUMCONESCCONPARCONSTSDO8BITDOLONGDOATTRDEBUGDEFDIRDOAUTODO8BITDORPTDUPLEXEN$SIZERRTXTFILNAMHANDCHIMAGEINDEXINOPNINSERVJOBTYPKBIOSTLINKSTLOGFILLOGSTRMAXTRYMCRCMDMODEMNUMTRYOLDTRYOUTLUNOUTOPNPAKNUMPARITYPAUSETPCNT.RPCNT.SPNHEADPROCTYPROCOMPROFLGPROMPTRANERRRAWFILRECCNTRECPARRECLNGRECWINREMOTERPTQUORSX32RTWORKRTFLOWRTVOLSENCNTSENDATSENDLYSENLNGSENWINSENPARSERMODSERTIMSERWAISETRECSETSENSIZESKIPFLRECSOPSENSOPSPARSZSRCNAMSTATESY.INITCDLUTESTCTIMESTISTSTMPERRTOTP.RTOTP.STSXFLGTRACETTCONSTTDIALTTNAMEUMDDEFVTTYPEXGOTTNXMODEZf&BD  @V& F %  E f V`A   f U  DԐ &@ȋ. 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'f& f ^ef&  ^ef& f ^ef&  l^e renamed to & @ %W$@   2 * !    f& f ]ef&  ]e deleted fP& : B (" = ffFSSSSeP*  ePf& 6^   ff :Ye Iff Ye 2f Z  ff [%     &f Z f Z f Y &fAW-& f  E eѕ-єєєѕ-EeH   e e0e0ѐJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 00-XXX-00&f) d&< ZA 2ѕ: (ѕ:f < 6  %  e e0e0ѐ & A @    & C W @ > W W W  S  W lf& ff &F R  ) &  7 da7   7 Xa Ta  Fa    &7 (a7 (affwf % `7 ` Z ` 8 &7 `fc ZE~c`7 ` Jnc`?` J&` Rc`?` . `  7 `7 z`"cv`?r``!(" Dc2f!b e ; ZD! D f& _ DDe3 D! xD_ f& F% XD! ND   _`P("f& : A ɔ @ W:ѕ*ѕ.ѕ*ѕ= fLfF,ff ]  5`_ @!@    p     *@ e&! `@ed&f0 &ȷ^^V^e׭V^& R ȋ ȋ *  p0 "7 e7t r7j7f7b]7l] *  f  S] M v Ke 5>57  32 ^2 nf& 2̅ Ae72 J B  f&2̅ %2  m]&f L  A: W  .W W.  J  &@% &fAW-& f >,@ E E > E eѕ-єєєѕ-EeH   e e0e0ѐJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 00-XXX-00DECRT11DECVMSEX@@@@r&׭0S f Eff jE + Ef E5JR EU:R? .R? ,RD fE & VC   :E 6E & &C  7/QQ 0 QQaɋ5Qѐf \Eѐf REѐ f D D f D D D XQe LQ D >Q? 8Q D/*Q nD Q ~D/ Q Q HD >D f *D DD^ T>ȋ9e  &rT > fPf D D@ Pf jD vP1>@P EP e > CJPfQ  ѕ .Pf D P̕ 4 vC fO:  8C 0Cf *C >ʋ O? O"  O O& Ca & B  C?O O O  ( B ? lO B/\O VO B̋8 B 4B ,B &B Be N N BfN =bR "8 H A Af A >ʋ#  rN lN& @Ba & A 6 A?DNQ /A  "A&OM?@MUM .JÆ4ÆVĖ|ABCDö^C^Z 78  <xÇŇ@Command file ? BYECOMMENTCONNECTCWDDirectory: COPYFrom: DATEDELETEWhat: DIALPhone number ? DIRECTDISCONNECTDISKDISPLAYSymbol: ERASEWhat: EXAMINESymbol: EXITFINISHGETFile ? HANGUPHELPHOMEHOSTCommand: LOCALLocal command ? LOGOUTLOGFILELogfile name ? LOG_FILELogfile name ? LOG-FILELogfile name ? NOTEQUITPRINTFile ? RECEIVEREDIALNumber of retries ? REMOTERemote Kermit cmd ? RENAMEFrom: SENDFile ? SERVERSETWhat: SHOWWhat: SPACESTATUSSYSTEMCommand: TAKECommand file ? TESTTIMETRANSFERFile ? TRANSMITFile ? TYPEFile ? WHOBYECOPYFrom: CWDRemote Directory: DELETEFile Specification: DIRECTORYOf what: DISKERASEFile Specification: FINISHGETFile Specification: HELPHOSTCommand: LOGINUser and Password: RENAMEFrom: SPACETYPEFile: WHO $&.08:>JOV[\cjo  $4  ")*2BK\ev{|  %05FKLQR[dmv{ tlT<l ,(D-.L3>|DX_f<ln\szd~~ŇATTRIBUTESOn or Off ? BAUDSpeed for remote link ? BINARY-TYPEBinary file type ? BINARY_TYPEBinary file type ? BLOCK-CHECK-TYPEType ? BLOCK_CHECK_TYPEType ? CONSOLE7 or 8 bit ? DEBUGWhat: DEFAULTDirectory ? DELAYSeconds to wait ? DIALOption: DIRECTORYDirectory ? DTRDUPLEXHalf or Full ? END-OF-LINEOctal value ? END_OF_LINEOctal value ? EOFExit or NoExit ? ESCAPEOctal value ? FILETYPEBinary or Ascii ? FILE_TYPEBinary or Ascii ? FILE-TYPEBinary or Ascii ? HANDSHAKEType ? HAND_SHAKEType ? HAND-SHAKEType ? HOMEIBMON or OFF ? LINEDevice name ? LOCALLocal echo ON or OFF ? LOGFILELogfile name ? LOG_FILELogfile name ? LOG-FILELogfile name ? LOGOUTLogout string ? LONG_PACKETSLong Packets ON or OFF ? MODEM-TYPEModem type ? MODEM_TYPEModem type ? NOATTRIBUTESNODEBUGNOLONG_PACKETSNOQUIETNOUPDATEPARITYOdd/Even or None ? PAUSESeconds to delay packets ? PHONEOption: POSOption: PROMPTKermit Prompt ? QUIETRANDOMOn or Off ? RECEIVEOption: RECORD__FORMATStream or Variable ? RECORD-FORMATStream or Variable ? REPEATTo: REPEAT_CHARTo: REPEAT-CHARTo: RETRYNAK retry count ? RSXOption: RT11Option: SEEDRandom seed ? SENDOption: SPEEDSpeed for link ? SERVEROption: START_OF_PACKETOctal (1-36) ? START-OF-PACKETOctal (1-36) ? TERMINALType ? TIMEOUTTimeout ? TIME-OUTTimeout ? TIME_OUTTimeout ? WINDOWUPDATEUpdate interval ? | 4%>J^j~<T ,02d9JDVfDr\TT#,T7@ EFlJX,]l\r!0;JWXD`bqr|z|LLt ,(t7Nt\ryd44(<8H<Xhqzlll$ fƇfff e&f@@  / @fP%(f& f& EeeЕ)Е Unknown error callMissing executive feature+?KZgs8g†¥,esÑð$Qoěļ*