; Kermit 95 host mode listener for dialin connections. ; ; Version 1.0, Feb 1996. ; Version 2.0, Jan 1997, avoid undoing prior modem customizations. ; Version 3.0, Jun 1997, adds support for TAPI. ; Version 4.0, Jul 2001, allow empty _commport variable, multiple configs. ; if < \v(xvers) 1112 stop 1 \v(cmdfil): K-95 1.1.12 or higher is required. local x1 x2 split undef x2 asg _configfile host.cfg def MAKEVAR2 { if def \%2 _assign \%1 \%2 \%3 \%4 \%5 \%6 \%7 \%8 \%9 else _assign \%1 } def MAKEVAR { if = \findex(=,\%1,1) 0 end asg \%9 _\freplace(\%1,=,\32) makevar2 \%9 } def SPLIT { asg x1 \%1 asg x2 \%2 } open read \m(_configfile) if fail forward noconfig while true { read \%a, if fail break, makevar {\%a} } :NOCONFIG ; Don't give a SET MODEM TYPE command if it will not change the ; current modem type. If we do, it wipes out any prior customizations. if def _modem { if not equal \v(modem) \m(_modem) { set modem type \m(_modem) if fail stop 1 "\m(_modem)" - Invalid modem type } } if def _commport { split \m(_commport) ; This can be one or two words if def x2 set port \ftrim(\m(x1)) \ftrim(\m(x2)) else set port \m(_commport) if fail stop 1 "\m(_commport)" - Invalid port } else { set tapi line if fail stop 1 "\m(_commport)" - Invalid port asg _commport tapi } if def _comspeed { set speed \m(_comspeed) if fail stop 1 "\m(_comspeed)" - Invalid speed } if not eq "\v(connection)" "serial" { stop 1 "\v(line)" - Inappropriate connection type: "\v(connection)" } ; Break out of loop if there is a nonrecoverable error, otherwise continue. while 1 { answer if > \v(dialstatus) 0 if < \v(dialstatus) 22 stop 1 Fatal modem error if = \v(dialstatus) 0 take host.ksc echo Type Ctrl-C to exit... ; Give user a chance to cancel sleep 2 }