; HOSTMODE.KSC ; ; Utility and management functions for Kermit 95 host mode. ; Authors: F. da Cruz, C. Gianone ; Date: December 1995 - January 1996 ; Updated February 1997 for OS/2 ; Updated June 1997 for TAPI ; Setting of MAXUSERS fixed, December 1997. ; Recommendations of J.v.Jena jvjena@cs.tu-berlin.de incorporated, March 2000 ; Corrections to _k95program and location of default host.cfg file, Apr 6, 2000 ; More of same plus conversion to modern syntax, fdc, 6 July 2001. ; ; Uses of hostmode.bat: ; ; - hostmode.bat makes the following assumptions: ; an empty setting for the CFG variable (default) uses host.cfg ; in the SCRIPTS subdirectory. ; ; - A nonempty string as CFG value specifies a different subdirectory. ; If this subdirectory does not already exist, it is created and ; host.cfg is copied to it from the SCRIPTS subdirectory. You can change ; and save this configuration. ; ; - Thus you can have different HOSTxxxx.BAT files that specify different ; CFG values to pick up different configurations. ; ; Use of shortcuts to [scripts]/hostmode.ksc: ; ; - Assuming the .ksc extension is registered by k95regtl, ; create a shortcut for every needed hostmode configuration. ; Set the work directory in the properties contextmenu of the ; new shortcut to an existing directory. Host.cfg will be put ; there. If you leave the work directory unchanged you get the ; default behavior (host.cfg in the scripts directory). ; undef _config_changed undef _userdb_changed undef _userdb_locked undef _userdb_loaded undef _current_user undef _current_id if < 1120 \v(xversion) stop 1 K95 1.1.20 or later required. asg _k95program \freplace(\v(exedir)k95.exe,/,\\) asg _k95d_program \freplace(\v(exedir)k95d.exe,/,\\) if eq "\v(system)" "OS/2" asg _k95program \freplace(\v(exedir)k2.exe,/,\\) ; CLS is built in now. ; def CLS write screen \27[H\27[2J def UNLOCK { if exist \m(_lockfile) delete \m(_lockfile) undef _userdb_locked } def LOCK { if def _userdb_locked end 1 if exist \m(_lockfile) { echo LOCKFILE \m(_lockfile) in use by: type \m(_lockfile) end 2 } open write \m(_lockfile) if fail end 3 writeln file PROPRIETOR if fail end 4 close write if fail end 5 def _userdb_locked 1 end 0 } def HOLDSCREEN echo, getc \%9 {Press Enter to continue: }, goto \%1 def MAKEVAR2 _assign \%1 \%2 def MAKEVAR { if = \findex(=,\%1,1) 0 end asg \%9 _\freplace(\%1,=,\32) makevar2 \%9 } asg _maxusers 100 ; In case there is no config file def _haveconfig 0 ; Have not found config file yet asg _configfile host.cfg ; Use config file in current directory echo STARTING... if not exist \m(_configfile) { if not exist \v(exedir)scripts/host.cfg { ec File \m(_configfile) not found - using built-in configuration sleep 3 forward NOCONFIG } xecho COPYING \v(exedir)scripts/host.cfg to \v(dir)... copy \v(exedir)scripts/host.cfg . if fail { echo FAILED forward NOCONFIG } echo OK } echo Configuration file = \m(_configfile) open read \m(_configfile) if fail forward NOCONFIG def _haveconfig 1 echo Loading configuration... while true { read aline, if fail break, makevar \m(aline) } :NOCONFIG sleep 1 dcl \&u[\m(_maxusers)] if not def _lockfile asg _lockfile \m(_usertree)/USERS.LCK define SAVEUSERDB { if exist \fdef(_userbak) del \fdef(_userbak) rename \fdef(_userfile) \fdef(_userbak) if fail echo {Warning - Failure to back up user database} open write \fdef(_userfile) if fail { echo Failed to open \fdef(_userfile) holdscreen LBL_9 } for \%i 1 \&u[0] 1 { writeln file \&u[\%i] if fail { ec, ec Error writing record \%i to \fdef(_userfile) ec Old version preserved as \fdef(_userbak) break } } close write asg \%9 \v(status) UNLOCK echo if not = \%9 0 echo {WARNING - Failed to close \fdef(_userfile)} else echo {\fdef(_userfile) saved: \&u[0] records} undef _userdb_changed undef _userdb_loaded undef _current_user end \%9 } define SAVECONFIG { asg \%8 \freplace(\m(_configfile),\\,/) asg \%9 \freplace(\%8,.CFG,.BAK) if exist \%9 delete \%9 rename \%8 \%9 if fail echo WARNING - Failed to back up "\%8" to "\%9" open write \m(_configfile) if fail { echo Failed to open \v(_configfile), end 1 } writeln file SESSIONS=\m(_sessions) writeln file MAXUSERS=\m(_maxusers) writeln file INACTIVITY=\m(_inactivity) writeln file LOGINTIME=\m(_logintime) writeln file HOSTPORT=\m(_hostport) writeln file COMMPORT={\m(_commport)} writeln file COMSPEED=\m(_comspeed) writeln file MODEM=\m(_modem) writeln file ANONOK=\m(_anonok) writeln file LOGGING=\m(_logging) writeln file DLINCOMING=\m(_dlincoming) writeln file MSGMAX=\m(_msgmax) writeln file PROTOCOL=\m(_protocol) writeln file XFERMODE=\m(_xfermode) writeln file OWNER={\m(_owner)} writeln file HERALD={\m(_herald)} writeln file PUBLIC=\m(_public) writeln file INCOMING=\fdef(_incoming) writeln file LOGDIR=\fdef(_logdir) writeln file USERTREE=\fdef(_usertree) writeln file TMPDIR=\fdef(_tmpdir) writeln file USERFILE=\fdef(_userfile) writeln file GREETING=\fdef(_greeting) writeln file HELPFILE=\fdef(_helpfile) writeln file MSGFILE=\fdef(_msgfile) close write if success def _config_changed else end 1 } ; SPLIT and GETFIELDS are for parsing user database records ; def SPLIT { asg \%9 \findex(_,\%1) asg _LEFT \fbreak(\%1,_) asg _RIGHT \fsubstr(\%1,\%9+1) } def GETFIELDS { split {\%1} asg U_ID \m(_LEFT) split {\m(_RIGHT)} asg U_PW \m(_LEFT) split {\m(_RIGHT)} asg U_PR \m(_LEFT) split {\m(_RIGHT)} asg U_NM \m(_LEFT) split {\m(_RIGHT)} asg U_AD \m(_LEFT) split {\m(_RIGHT)} asg U_TP \m(_LEFT) split {\m(_RIGHT)} asg U_EM \m(_LEFT) } :BEGIN ; Program execution starts here... def _priv_cd 1 ; Symbolic constants. def _priv_dos 2 ; Remember startup values of these if tapi asg _myport {tapi \v(line)} if not def _myport asg _myport \v(line) asg _myspeed \v(speed) asg _mymodem \v(modem) set exit warning off ; Now deassign all comm devices close :LOOP asg _userbak \freplace(\m(_userfile),.DAT,.BAK) cls echo K-95 Host Mode Management echo if def _userdb_locked echo * User database is locked * else echo User database is not loaded echo echo { 1 - Start host mode} echo { 2 - View configuration} echo { 3 - Change configuration} echo { 4 - Save configuration} echo { 5 - Read messages from users} echo { 6 - Leave a message for a user} echo { 7 - View/edit current greeting message} echo { 8 - Post a new greeting message} echo { 9 - Manage user database} echo {10 - Help} echo {11 - Exit} echo ask \%a {Your choice: } if not def \%a goto loop if not num \%a { ec "\%a" - Not a number sleep 1 goto loop } if > \%a 0 if not > \%a 11 forward LBL_\%a echo "\%a" - out of range sleep 1 goto loop :LBL_1 cls echo Start Host Mode... echo echo { 1 - Telnet} echo { 2 - Dialup} echo { 3 - Direct COM port} echo { 4 - Return to main menu} echo ask \%a {Your choice: } if not def \%a goto LBL_1 if not num \%a { ec "\%a" - not a number sleep 1 goto LBL_1 } if > \%a 0 if not > \%a 4 forward START_\%a echo "\%a" - out of range sleep 1 goto LBL_1 :START_1 ; Telnet cls echo if def _hostport forw start_1a echo HOSTPORT not configured. echo Please choose "Change configuration". holdscreen LOOP :START_1A echo Starting Kermit 95 mode on TCP port \m(_hostport). getok {OK? } if fail goto loop if not def _config_changed forward start_1b echo getok {Configuration has changed - do you want to save it first? (y/n) } if success saveconfig :START_1B if eq "\v(system)" "WIN32" forward S1BWIN32 if not eq "\v(system)" "OS/2" { echo Sorry - so far this only works for Windows 95/NT and OS/2... holdscreen LOOP } if > \m(_sessions) 1 { echo To start a TCP/IP host mode listener in OS/2 please follow the echo instructions in DOCS\MANUAL\OS2K95.HTML. holdscreen LOOP } run start \m(_k95program) \v(exedir)scripts/hosttcp.ksc goto loop :S1BWIN32 if > \m(_sessions) 1 - run start - \m(_k95d_program) \m(_hostport) "take \v(exedir)scripts/host.ksc, exit" else run start \m(_k95program) \v(exedir)scripts/hosttcp.ksc goto loop :START_2 cls echo if not eq "\m(_commport)" "" forward START_2B echo COMMPORT not configured. getok {Use TAPI (Windows modem device)? } if success { asg _commport tapi, asg _modem tapi, goto start_2b } echo echo The following settings were made in your K-95 initialization file: echo echo { set modem \m(_mymodem)} echo { set port \m(_myport)} echo { set speed \m(_myspeed)} echo getok {Use them? } if success forward START_2C :START_2A echo echo Please "Change configuration" to choose or modify serial device settings. holdscreen LOOP :START_2B echo Starting Kermit 95 host mode... echo Will wait for a call on port \m(_commport). if def _comspeed echo Speed: \m(_comspeed) echo Modem: \m(_modem) :START_2C getok {OK? } if fail goto loop if not def _config_changed forward start_2d echo getok {Configuration has changed - do you want to save it first? (y/n) } if success saveconfig :START_2D run start \m(_k95program) \freplace(\v(exedir)scripts/hostmdm.ksc,/,\\) goto LOOP :START_3 cls echo if def \m(_commport) forward START_3C echo COMMPORT not configured. if equal "\v(connection)" "serial" forward START_3B forward START_3A :START_3B echo echo The following settings were made in your K-95 initialization file: echo if tapi echo { set port tapi \v(line)} else echo { set port \v(line)} echo { set speed \v(speed)} echo getok {Use them? } if success forward START_3C :START_3A echo echo Please "Change configuration" to choose or modify serial device settings. holdscreen LOOP :START_3C if not def _config_changed forward start_3d echo getok {Configuration has changed - do you want to save it first? (y/n) } if success saveconfig :START_3D echo echo Using direct connection on \m(_commport) at \m(_comspeed) bps. echo echo Starting Kermit 95 host mode... run start \m(_k95program) \freplace(\v(exedir)scripts/hostcom.ksc,/,\\) :START_4 goto loop :LBL_2 ; View configuration if = \m(_haveconfig) 0 { echo Can't find configuration file holdscreen LOOP } echo echo SESSIONS=\m(_sessions) echo MAXUSERS=\m(_maxusers) echo INACTIVITY=\m(_inactivity) echo HOSTPORT=\m(_hostport) echo COMMPORT=\m(_commport) echo COMSPEED=\m(_comspeed) echo ANONOK=\m(_anonok) echo LOGGING=\m(_logging) echo DLINCOMING=\m(_dlincoming) echo MSGMAX=\m(_msgmax) echo PROTOCOL=\m(_protocol) echo XFERMODE=\m(_xfermode) echo OWNER=\m(_owner) echo HERALD=\m(_herald) echo PUBLIC=\m(_public) echo INCOMING=\m(_incoming) echo LOGDIR=\m(_logdir) echo USERTREE=\m(_usertree) echo TMPDIR=\m(_tmpdir) echo USERFILE=\m(_userfile) echo GREETING=\m(_greeting) echo HELPFILE=\m(_helpfile) echo MSGFILE=\m(_msgfile) echo clear ask \%a Press the Enter key to return to main menu... goto loop :LBL_3 ; Change config if not eq \m(_haveconfig) 0 forward getchanges ; ; Set defaults in case they don't have a config file ; asg _sessions 1 ; Maximum number of Telnet sessions asg _maxusers 100 ; Maximum number of user IDs asg _inactivity 1200 ; Inactivity limit (seconds) asg _anonok 1 ; Anonymous logins OK (0 = not OK) asg _logging 1 ; Logging enabled (0 = skip logging) asg _dlincoming 0 ; OK to download from INCOMING directory asg _msgmax 200 ; Longest message size (lines) asg _protocol kermit ; Default file transfer protocol asg _xfermode binary ; Default file transfer mode asg _owner THE PROPRIETOR ; Substitute your name, company name, etc asg _herald Welcome to K-95 Host Mode ; asg _public \v(exedir)PUBLIC ; Directory that users can get files from asg _incoming \v(exedir)INCOMING ; Directory that users can send file to asg _logdir \v(exedir)LOGS ; Directory for host-mode logs asg _usertree \v(exedir)USERS ; Root of user directory tree asg _tmpdir \v(exedir)TMP ; Directory for temp files asg _userfile \m(_usertree)/USERS.DAT ; User database file asg _greeting \m(_usertree)/GREETING.TXT ; Message/greeting text filename asg _helpfile \m(_usertree)/HOSTMODE.TXT ; Host-mode help file asg _msgfile \m(_usertree)/MESSAGES.TXT ; Messages for proprietor :GETCHANGES :CF0 ask \%a { Maximum TCP/IP host sessions [\m(_sessions)]: } if not def \%a forward CFA if not numeric \%a goto CF0 getok { SESSIONS=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF0 asg _config_changed 1 asg _sessions \%a :CFA ask \%a { Maximum number of user IDs [\m(_maxusers)]: } if not def \%a forward CF1 if not numeric \%a goto CFA getok { MAXUSERS=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CFA asg _config_changed 1 asg _maxusers \%a :CF1 ask \%a { Inactivity limit, seconds [\m(_inactivity)]: } if not def \%a forward CF2 if not numeric \%a goto CF1 getok { INACTIVITY=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF1 asg _config_changed 1 asg _inactivity \%a :CF2 ask \%a { TCP port for incoming TCP/IP connections [\m(_hostport)]: } if not def \%a forward CF3 getok { HOSTPORT=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF2 asg _config_changed 1 asg _hostport \%a :CF3 ask \%a { Communications port for incoming dialups [\m(_commport)]: } if not def \%a forward CF4 getok { COMMPORT=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF3 asg _config_changed 1 asg _commport \%a :CF4 ask \%a { Speed of \m(_commport) [\m(_comspeed)]: } if not def \%a goto CF5 if < 0 \findex(:\%a:,:14400:19200:38400:28800:57600:115200:) forward CF4A if < 0 \findex(:\%a:,:230400:1200:2400:9600:300:600:1800:4800:) forward CF4A echo "\%a" - Unknown speed goto CF4 :CF4A getok { SPEED=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF4 asg _config_changed 1 asg _comspeed \%a :CF5 ask \%a { Type of modem on \m(_commport) [\m(_modem)]: } if not def \%a forward CF6 getok { MODEM=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF5 set modem type \%a if fail { echo "\%a" - Unknown modem type goto CF5 } asg _config_changed 1 asg _modem \%a :CF6 ask \%a { Anonymous guest logins OK (1 = yes, 0 = no) [\m(_anonok)]: } if not def \%a forward CF7 if not num \m(_anonok) goto CF6 getok { ANONOK=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF6 asg _config_changed 1 asg _anonok \%a :CF7 ask \%a { Maximum number of lines for a message [\m(_msgmax)]: } if not def \%a forw CF8 if not num \m(_msgmax) goto CF7 getok { MSGMAX=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF7 asg _config_changed 1 asg _msgmax \%a :CF8 ask \%a { Default file transfer protocol [\m(_protocol)]: } if not def \%a forw CF9 set protocol \%a if fail { echo "\%a" - Bad protocol goto CF8 } getok { PROTOCOL=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF8 asg _config_changed 1 asg _protocol \%a :CF9 ask \%a { Default file transfer mode (text or binary) [\m(_xfermode)]: } if not def \%a forw CF10 set file type \%a if fail goto CF9 getok { XFERMODE=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF9 asg _config_changed 1 asg _xfermode \%a :CF10 ask \%a { PC owner's or company's name for users to see [\m(_owner)]: } if not def \%a forw CF11 getok { OWNER=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF10 asg _config_changed 1 asg _owner \%a :CF11 ask \%a { Main menu title [\m(_herald)]: } if not def \%a forw CF12 getok { HERALD=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF11 asg _config_changed 1 asg _herald \%a :CF12 ask \%a { Directory readable by all users [\m(_public)]: } if not def \%a forw CF13 getok { PUBLIC=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF12 asg _config_changed 1 asg _public \%a :CF13 ask \%a { Directory writeable by all users [\m(_incoming)]: } if not def \%a forw CF14 getok { INCOMING=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF13 asg _config_changed 1 asg _incoming \%a :CF14 ask \%a { Directory for temporary files [\m(_tmpdir)]: } if not def \%a forw CF15 getok { TMPDIR=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF14 asg _config_changed 1 asg _tmpdir \%a :CF15 ask \%a - { OK to download from INCOMING directory (1 = yes, 0 = no) [\m(_dlincoming)]: } if not def \%a forw CF16 if not numeric \%a goto CF15 getok { DLINCOMING=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF15 asg _config_changed 1 asg _dlincoming \%a :CF16 ask \%a { Keep log files (1 = yes, 0 = no) [\m(_logging)]: } if not def \%a forw CF17 getok { LOGGING=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF16 asg _config_changed 1 asg _logging \%a :CF17 ask \%a { Directory for log files [\m(_logdir)]: } if not def \%a forw CF18 getok { LOGDIR=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF17 asg _config_changed 1 asg _logdir \%a :CF18 ask \%a { Root of user directory tree [\m(_usertree)]: } if not def \%a forw CF19 getok { USERTREE=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF18 asg _config_changed 1 asg _usertree \%a :CF19 ask \%a { User database file [\m(_userfile)]: } if not def \%a forw CF20 getok { USERFILE=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF19 asg _config_changed 1 asg _userfile \%a :CF20 ask \%a { Login message file for all users [\m(_greeting)]: } if not def \%a forw CF21 getok { GREETING=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF20 asg _config_changed 1 asg _greeting \%a :CF21 ask \%a { File displayed when user requests help [\m(_helpfile)]: } if not def \%a forw CF22 getok { HELPFILE=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF21 asg _config_changed 1 asg _helpfile \%a :CF22 ask \%a { File in which you receive messages from users [\m(_msgfile)]: } if not def \%a forw CFXX getok { MSGFILE=\%a, OK? (y/n): } if fail goto CF22 asg _config_changed 1 asg _msgfile \%a :CFXX echo clear ask \%a Press the Enter key to return to main menu... goto loop :LBL_4 ; Save config write screen Saving \m(_configfile)... saveconfig if success echo OK holdscreen LOOP :LBL_5 ; Read messages echo echo Sorry - this is not really a mail program. echo Starting notepad to view the message file. echo Use notepad to remove, copy messages, etc. echo As yet there is no reply reply mechanism. echo To reply, just choose "Leave message" from echo from the main menu... sleep 1 run notepad \freplace(\m(_msgfile),/,\\) goto loop :LBL_6 ; Leave message for a user cls echo Leave a message... echo :MSGTO ask \%u {To: } if not def \%u goto MSGTO if dir \m(_usertree)/\%u forward SENDMESSAGE echo "\%u" - No such user [\m(_usertree)\%u] holdscreen LOOP :LBL_7 ; View / edit greeting message cls echo Starting notepad. echo Make any desired changes and then save the file... sleep 1 run notepad \freplace(\m(_greeting),/,\\) goto loop :LBL_8 ; Post message to all users cls echo Post a message for all users... echo :MSGTO def \%u All forward sendmessage :LBL_9 ; Manage user database cls echo User database management functions... echo asg \%a {Database filename: \fdef(_userfile)} if def _userdb_loaded asg \%a \%a - Loaded else asg \%a \%a - Not loaded if def _userdb_changed asg \%a \%a - Changed asg \%b {Current user: } if def _current_user asg \%b \%b\m(_current_id) else asg \%b \%b(none) echo \%a if def _userdb_loaded echo Users: \&u[0] echo \%b echo if exist \fdef(_userfile) { echo { 1 - Load user database} } else { echo { 1 - Create user database} } echo { 2 - Display user database} echo { 3 - Look up a user / set current user} echo { 4 - Add a new user} echo { 5 - Remove current user} echo { 6 - Modify current user} echo { 7 - Save and unload user database} echo { 8 - Remove lock} echo { 9 - Return to main menu} echo ask \%a {Your choice: } if not def \%a goto LBL_9 if not num \%a { ec "\%a" - not a number, holdscreen LBL_9 } if > \%a 0 if not > \%a 9 forward USER_\%a echo "\%a" - out of range holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_1 ; Load database if not exist \fdef(_userfile) forward USER_CREATE_DB if not def _userdb_loaded forward USER_LOAD echo echo User database already loaded. if not def _userdb_changed goto LBL_9 echo You have made changes to it. getok {Do you want to abandon your changes? } if success forward USER_LOAD echo Load canceled. holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_LOAD lock if fail { echo Sorry - can't lock user database., holdscreen LBL_9 } open read \fdef(_userfile) if fail { echo {Can't open \fdef(_userfile)}, unlock, goto loop } asg \&u[0] 0 for \%i 1 \m(_maxusers) 1 { read \&u[\%i] if fail break increment \&u[0] } close read def _userdb_loaded 1 ec ec \fdef(_userfile) loaded: \&u[0] user(s). holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_CREATE_DB ; Create database open write \fdef(_userfile) if fail { echo Can't create \fdef(_userfile), holdscreen LBL_9 } close write if fail { echo Can't close \fdef(_userfile), holdscreen LBL_9 } asg _userdb_loaded 1 asg \&u[0] 0 echo \fdef(_userfile) created, now use "Add" to create user IDs. holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_8 if not exist \m(_lockfile) { ec ec Lock not found. holdscreen LBL_9 } dir \m(_lockfile) echo type \m(_lockfile) echo getok {OK to remove? } if success unlock holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_9 goto LOOP :USER_2 if not def _userdb_loaded { ec User database not loaded, forward user_2x } echo \&u[0] user(s) in \fdef(_userfile). if def _userdb_changed echo Changes have not been saved. else echo No changes have been made. ec for \%i 1 \&u[0] 1 { echo \%i. \&u[\%i] } :USER_2X holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_3 ; Look up a user if not def _userdb_loaded { ec ec User database not loaded holdscreen LBL_9 } if < \&u[0] 1 { ec, ec No users in database, holdscreen LBL_9 } echo echo ask \%u {User ID or name to look up: } asg _current_user for \%i 1 \&u[0] 1 { getfields {\&u[\%i]} if eq "\m(U_ID)" "\%u" { asg _current_user \%i, break } } if not def _current_user { ec \%u - Not found holdscreen LBL_9 } else { ec \%u = user \m(_current_user) } getfields {\&u[\m(_current_user)]} asg _current_id \m(U_ID) ec User ID: \m(U_ID) ec Password: \m(U_PW) ec Privs: \m(U_PR) ec Name: \m(U_NM) ec Address: \m(U_AD) ec Phone: \m(U_TP) ec Email: \m(U_EM) holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_4 ; Add a new user if not def _userdb_loaded { ec, ec User database not loaded, holdscr LBL_9 } ec ec ask \%u {User ID: } if not def \%u goto LBL_9 for \%i 1 \&u[0] 1 { split \&u[\%i] if eq "\%u" "\m(_LEFT)" { echo User "\%u" already exists. holdscr LBL_9 } } :USER_PW ask \%p {Password for \%u: } ask \%q {Retype password: } if not eq "\%p" "\%q" { echo Passwords do not match - please try again. goto USER_PW } :USER_PR echo echo Enter privilege level... echo { 0 = None} echo { 1 = Allowed to CD to any directory} echo { 2 = Allowed to give DOS commands} echo { 3 = 1 and 2} echo undef \%x while not def \%x { ask \%x {Privilege level (0-2): } } if not numeric \%x { ec Please enter a digit: 0 thru 3. goto USER_PR } echo Privilege level for \%u: \%x getok {OK? } if fail goto USER_PR :USER_ETC ask \%n {User's name (optional): } ask \%a {User's address (optional): } ask \%t {User's phone number (optional): } ask \%e {User's email address (optional): } ec ec User ID: \%u ec Password: \%p ec Privilege: \%x ec Name: \%n ec Address: \%a ec Phone: \%t ec Email: \%e ec getok {OK to enter? } if fail goto LBL_9 asg \%i \&u[0] incr \%i ec Adding user number \%i... asg \&u[\%i] \%u_\f.oox(\%p)_\%x_\%n_\%a_\%t_\%e_ asg \&u[0] \%i asg _userdb_changed 1 holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_7 ; Save database saveuserdb holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_5 ; Remove a user if not def _userdb_loaded { ec, ec User database not loaded, holdscr LBL_9 } if def _current_user forward USER_REMOVE echo No current user, please use Lookup to select a user to remove. holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_REMOVE echo echo Current user is \m(_current_id): echo \&u[\m(_current_user)] getok {OK to remove? } if fail { ec \m(_current_id) not removed holdscreen LBL_9 } decrement \&u[0] for \%i \m(_current_user) \&u[0] 1 { asg \&u[\%i] \&u[\%i+1] } echo echo User \m(_current_id) removed. asg _userdb_changed 1 echo You should go through the user's files yourself by hand and decide echo what to do with them. asg _current_id asg _current_user holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_6 ; Modify current user info if def _current_user forward USER_CHANGE echo No current user - please use Lookup to select a user. holdscreen LBL_9 :USER_CHANGE ec Current user: ec ec User ID: \m(U_ID) ec Password: \m(U_PW) ec Privilege: \m(U_PR) ec Name: \m(U_NM) ec asg \%p \m(U_PW) getok {Change this user's password? } if fail { echo Password not changed, forward U6_PR } :PASS_AGAIN ec ask \%p {New password: } ask \%q {Retype password: } if not eq "\%p" "\%q" { ec Passwords do not match - please try again. goto PASS_AGAIN } getok {Change \m(U_ID)'s password to "\%p"? } if fail { echo Password not changed, forward U6_PR } echo Password changed. asg _userdb_changed 1 :U6_PR asg \%x \m(U_PR) echo \m(U_ID)'s privilege level = \m(U_PR) getok {Change it? } if fail { echo Privilege not changed, forward USER_XX } :U6LOOP echo echo Enter privilege level... echo { 0 = None} echo { 1 = Allowed to CD to any directory} echo { 2 = Allowed to give DOS commands} echo { 3 = 1 and 2} echo undef \%x while not def \%x { ask \%x {Privilege level (0-2): } } if not numeric \%x { ec Please enter a digit: 0 thru 3., goto U6LOOP } echo Privilege level for \m(U_ID): \%x getok {OK? } if fail goto U6LOOP asg _userdb_changed 1 :USER_XX if def _userdb_changed - asg \&u[\m(_current_user)] - \m(U_ID)_\f.oox(\%p)_\%x_\m(U_NM)_\m(U_AD)_\m(U_TP)_\m(U_EM) holdscreen lbl_9 :LBL_10 ; Help if not exist \v(exedir)docs/hostmode.txt { echo, echo "\v(exedir)docs/hostmode.txt" not found holdscreen LOOP } run notepad \freplace(\v(exedir)docs\\hostmode.txt,/,\\) goto loop :LBL_11 ; Exit if not def _config_changed if not def _userdb_changed forward exit echo if def _config_changed { echo Configuration is changed. getok {Do you want to save it? } if success saveconfig } if def _userdb_changed { echo User database is changed. getok {Do you want to save it? } if success saveuserdb } :EXIT unlock echo exit ; Message writer... :SENDMESSAGE ask \%s {Subject: } def \%i 0 echo Enter the message, finish by entering period (.) alone on a line: echo dcl \&a[200] :MSGLOOP incr \%i if > \%i 200 goto MSGDONE ask \&a[\%i] {\flpad(\%i,3,0)> } if not eq "\&a[\%i]" "." goto MSGLOOP :MSGDONE asg \%n \%i echo getok {OK to send to \%u? (y/n): } if fail goto loop if eq "\%u" "All" asg \%f \m(_greeting) else asg \%f \m(_usertree)/\%u.MSG echo Opening \%f... sleep 1 open append \%f if fail { echo Can't open message file \%f, forw msgend } writeln file Date: \v(date) \v(time) writeln file To: \%u writeln file From: \m(_owner) writeln file Subject: \%s writeln file for \%i 1 \%n 1 { writeln file \&a[\%i] } close write if fail { echo Can't close message file \%f, goto msgend } :MSGEND dcl \&a[0] clear ask \%a Press the Enter key to return to main menu... goto LOOP ; End of HOSTMODE.KSC