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Unable to open %s Unable to read %s Unable to seek on %s Unable to write %s BLKGETSIZE ioctl failed on %s Unable to allocate any more memory Fatal error В0`Command action a toggle a read only flag b edit bsd disklabel c toggle the mountable flag d delete a partition l list known partition types m print this menu n add a new partition o create a new empty DOS partition table p print the partition table q quit without saving changes s create a new empty Sun disklabel t change a partition's system id u change display/entry units v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit x extra functionality (experts only) a select bootable partition b edit bootfile entry c select sgi swap partition a toggle a bootable flag c toggle the dos compatibility flag a change number of alternate cylinders c change number of cylinders d print the raw data in the partition table e change number of extra sectors per cylinder h change number of heads i change interleave factor o change rotation speed (rpm) r return to main menu s change number of sectors/track y change number of physical cylinders b move beginning of data in a partition e list extended partitions g create an IRIX partition table f fix partition order%c%2x %-15.15sYou must set %sheadssectorscylinders and %s%s. You can do this from the extra functions menu. The number of cylinders for this disk is set to %d. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with: 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO) 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK) Bad offset in primary extended partition Warning: deleting partitions after %d Warning: extra link pointer in partition table %d Warning: ignoring extra data in partition table %d Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. You will not be able to write the partition table. Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel Internal error Ignoring extra extended partition %d Warning: invalid flag 0x%04x of partition table %d will be corrected by w(rite) got EOF thrice - exiting.. Hex code (type L to list codes): %s (%d-%d, default %d): %s (%d-%d): Using default value %d Value out of range. б7777777777777777777777777777б7777777Partition numberWarning: partition %d has empty type cylindersectorChanging display/entry units to %s WARNING: Partition %d is an extended partition DOS Compatibility flag is set DOS Compatibility flag is not set Partition %d does not exist yet! Type 0 means free space to many systems (but not to Linux). Having partitions of type 0 is probably unwise. You can delete a partition using the `d' command. You cannot change a partition into an extended one or vice versa Delete it first. Consider leaving partition 3 as Whole disk (5), as SunOS/Solaris expects it and even Linux likes it. Consider leaving partition 9 as volume header (0), and partition 11 as entire volume (6)as IRIX expects it. UnknownChanged system type of partition %d to %x (%s) Partition %d has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?): phys=(%d, %d, %d) logical=(%d, %d, %d) Partition %d has different physical/logical endings: Partition %i does not end on cylinder boundary: should be (%d, %d, %d) Disk %s: %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * %d bytes Nothing to do. Ordering is correct already. Device%*s Boot Start End Blocks Id System %s %c %9ld %9ld %9ld%c %2x %s Partition table entries are not in disk order Disk %s: %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Nr AF Hd Sec Cyl Hd Sec Cyl Start Size ID %2d %02x%4d%4d%5d%4d%4d%5d%9d%9d %02x Warning: partition %d contains sector 0 Partition %d: head %d greater than maximum %d Partition %d: sector %d greater than maximum %d Partitions %d: cylinder %d greater than maximum %d Partition %d: previous sectors %d disagrees with total %d Warning: bad start-of-data in partition %d Warning: partition %d overlaps partition %d. Warning: partition %d is empty Logical partition %d not entirely in partition %d Total allocated sectors %d greater than the maximum %d %d unallocated sectors Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. First %sSector %d is already allocated No free sectors available Last %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeKThe maximum number of partitions has been created You must delete some partition and add an extended partition first l logical (5 or over)e extendedCommand action %s p primary partition (1-4) Invalid partition number for type `%c' The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Re-read table failed with error %d: %s. Reboot your system to ensure the partition table is updated. WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additional information. Syncing disks. 0x%03X: %02X Device: %s Partition %d has no data area New beginning of dataExpert command (m for help): Number of cylindersNumber of headsNumber of sectorsWarning: setting sector offset for DOS compatiblity 0@@@@@@ `P@@@ /dev/hd/proc/ide/%s/mediarcdromDisk %s doesn't contain a valid partition table Cannot open %s /proc/partitionscannot open %s %d %d %d %[^ ] /dev/%s%c: unknown command /usr/share/localeutil-linuxb:lsuvVfdisk v2.10m Warning: the -b (set sector size) option should be used with one specified device %ld %s: %ld Command (m for help): The current boot file is: %s Please enter the name of the new boot file: Boot file unchanged Warning: starting partitions at cylinder 1 will be bad for the health of your partition table -- start at cylinder 2 instead! Sorry, no experts menu for SGI partition tables available. @p000000 0@`0floppytype 9HP-FLHP-IBST506ESDISCSIold DECMSCPSMDunknownAdvFSHFSADOSbootISO-9660HPFS4.4LFSMS-DOS4.2BSDEighth Edition4.1BSDSystem VVersion 7Version 6swapunused BSD label for device: %s Command action d delete a BSD partition e edit drive data i install bootstrap l list known filesystem types m print this menu n add a new BSD partition p print BSD partition table q quit without saving changes r return to main menu s show complete disklabel t change a partition's filesystem id u change units (cylinders/sectors) w write disklabel to disk x link BSD partition to non-BSD partitionPartition %s has invalid starting sector 0. Reading disklabel of %s at sector %d. There is no *BSD partition on %s. BSD disklabel command (m for help): ppppppp0@pP`First %sLast %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK# %s: type: %s type: %d disk: %.*s label: %.*s flags: removable ecc badsect bytes/sector: %ld sectors/track: %ld tracks/cylinder: %ld sectors/cylinder: %ld cylinders: %ld rpm: %d interleave: %d trackskew: %d cylinderskew: %d headswitch: %ld # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds drivedata: %ld %d partitions: # start end size fstype [fsize bsize cpg] %c: %8ld%c %8ld%c %8ld%c %c: %8ld %8ld %8ld %8.8s%8x %5ld %5ld %5.5s %5ld %5ld %5d %22.22sWriting disklabel to %s. %s contains no disklabel. Do you want to create a disklabel? (y/n) (%d): sectors/cylinderMust be <= sectors/track * tracks/cylinder (default). rpminterleavetrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seek ... %s /usr/ucb/mdecsdwdBootstrap: %sboot -> boot%s (%s): %s/%sboot%s/boot%sBootstrap overlaps with disk label! Bootstrap installed on %s. Partition (a-%c): The maximum number of partitions has been created This partition already exists. /dev/sdWarning: too many partitions (%d, maximum is %d). Syncing disks. Linux LVMLinux nativeLinux swapSGI rxlvolSGI xlvolSGI xfsSGI rlvolSGI lvolSGI efsSGI volumeSGI sysvSGI bsdSGI rawSGI secreplSGI trkreplSGI volhdrAccording to MIPS Computer Systems, Inc the Label must not contain more than 512 bytes Detected sgi disklabel with wrong checksum. Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %d sectors %d cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Disk %s (SGI disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Device----- partitions ----- %*s Info Start End Sectors Id System Unknownboot swap%*s%-2d %4s %9ld %9ld %9ld %2x %s ----- bootinfo ----- Bootfile: %s ----- directory entries ----- %2d: %-10s sector%5u size%8u Invalid Bootfile! The bootfile must be an absolute non-zero pathname, e.g. "/unix" or "/unix.save". Name of Bootfile too long: 16 bytes maximum. Bootfile must have a fully qualified pathname. Be aware, that the bootfile is not checked for existence. SGI's default is "/unix" and for backup "/unix.save". Bootfile is changed to "%s". sgilabelsgi_write_tablefdisksgilabel.ctwo_s_complement_32bit_sum( (unsigned int*)((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer), sizeof(*((sgi_partition *)MBRbuffer)) ) == 0More than one entire disk entry present. No partitions defined IRIX likes when Partition 11 covers the entire disk. The entire disk partition should start at block 0, not at diskblock %d. The entire disk partition is only %d diskblock large, but the disk is %d diskblocks long. One Partition (#11) should cover the entire disk. sysid=%d partition=%d Partition %d does not start on cylinder boundary. Partition %d does not end on cylinder boundary. The Partition %d and %d overlap by %d sectors. Unused gap of %8d sectors - sectors %8d-%d %2d:%12d %12d %12d The boot partition does not exist. The swap partition does not exist. The swap partition has no swap type. /unix You have chosen an unusual boot file name. Sorry You may change the Tag of non-empty partitions. It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is of type "SGI volhdr", the IRIX system will rely on it to retrieve from its directory standalone tools like sash and fx. Only the "SGI volume" entire disk section may violate this. Type YES if you are sure about tagging this partition differently. YES Do You know, You got a partition overlap on the disk? Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. Attempting to generate entire disk entry automatically. The entire disk is already covered with partitions. You got a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first! First %sIt is highly recommended that eleventh partition covers the entire disk and is of type `SGI volume' You will get a partition overlap on the disk. Fix it first! Last %sBuilding a new SGI disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content will be unrecoverably lost. Trying to keep parameters of partition %d. ID=%02x START=%d LENGTH=%d /unixIBM OEM 0662S12 3 300000Sfx version 5.3, Oct 18, 1994Linux raid autodetectLinux LVMLinux nativeLinux swapSunOS homeSunOS varSunOS standWhole diskSunOS usrSunOS swapSunOS rootBootEmptyDetected sun disklabel with wrong checksum. Probably you'll have to set all the values, e.g. heads, sectors, cylinders and partitions or force a fresh label (s command in main menu) JazIOMEGASUN2.1GSUN1.3GSUN1.05SUN1.0GSUN0669SUN0535SUN0424SUN0340SUN0327SUN0207SUN0104ST34371SEAGATEDNES-318350DORS-32160DPES-31080IBMWren IV 94171-344CDCProDrive 105SProDrive 80SQuantumHost: scsi%d Channel: %02d Id: %02d Lun: %02d r/proc/scsi/scsiVendor: Model: Rev: Autoconfigure found a %s%s%s Building a new sun disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable. Drive type ? auto configure 0 custom (with hardware detected defaults) %c %s%s%s Select type (? for auto, 0 for custom): Autoconfigure failed. HeadsSectors/trackCylindersAlternate cylindersPhysical cylindersRotation speed (rpm)Interleave factorExtra sectors per cylinderYou may change all the disk params from the x menu3,5" floppyLinux custom%s%s%s cyl %d alt %d hd %d sec %dPartition %d doesn't end on cylinder boundary Partition %d overlaps with others in sectors %d-%d No partitions defined Unused gap - sectors 0-%d Unused gap - sectors %d-%d Partition %d is already defined. Delete it before re-adding it. Other partitions already cover the whole disk. Delete some/shrink them before retry. First %sIt is highly recommended that the third partition covers the whole disk and is of type `Whole disk' Sector %d is already allocated Last %s or +size or +sizeM or +sizeKYou haven't covered the whole disk with the 3rd partition, but your value %d %s covers some other partition. Your entry has been changed to %d %s If you want to maintain SunOS/Solaris compatibility, consider leaving this partition as Whole disk (5), starting at 0, with %u sectors It is highly recommended that the partition at offset 0 is UFS, EXT2FS filesystem or SunOS swap. Putting Linux swap there may destroy your partition table and bootblock. Type YES if you're very sure you would like that partition tagged with 82 (Linux swap): YES Disk %s (Sun disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d rpm %d cylinders, %d alternate cylinders, %d physical cylinders %d extra sects/cyl, interleave %d:1 %s Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Disk %s (Sun disk label): %d heads, %d sectors, %d cylinders Units = %s of %d * 512 bytes Device%*s Flag Start End Blocks Id System Unknown%*s%-2d %c%c %9ld %9ld %9ld%c %2x %s Number of alternate cylindersNumber of physical cylinders There is a valid AIX label on this disk. Unfortunately Linux cannot handle these disks at the moment. Nevertheless some advice: 1. fdisk will destroy its contents on write. 2. Be sure that this disk is NOT a still vital part of a volume group. (Otherwise you may erase the other disks as well, if unmirrored.) 3. Before deleting this physical volume be sure to remove the disk logically from your AIX machine. (Otherwise you become an AIXpert).BBTLANstepLinux raid autodetectDOS secondaryBeOS fsDOS R/ODOS accessCP/M / CTOS / ...SyrinxDRDOS/sec (FAT-16)DRDOS/sec (FAT-16 < 32M)DRDOS/sec (FAT-12)BSDI swapBSDI fsNeXTSTEPOpenBSDBSD/386IBM Thinkpad hibernationBSD/OSAmoeba BBTAmoebaLinux LVMNTFS volume setLinux extendedOS/2 hidden C: driveLinuxLinux swapMinix / old LinuxOld MinixPC/IXDiskSecure Multi-BootNovell Netware 386Novell Netware 286GNU HURD or SysVSpeedStorPriam EdiskGolden BowEZ-DriveOnTrackDM6OnTrack DM6 Aux3CP/MOnTrack DM6 Aux1OnTrack DMQNX4.x 3rd partQNX4.x 2nd partQNX4.xSFSPPC PReP BootVenix 80286PartitionMagic recoveryNEC DOSHidden Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Hidden Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Hidden Win95 FAT32AST Windows swapfileHidden HPFS/NTFSHidden FAT16Hidden FAT16 <32MCompaq diagnosticsHidden FAT12OPUSWin95 Ext'd (LBA)Win95 FAT16 (LBA)Win95 FAT32 (LBA)Win95 FAT32OS/2 Boot ManagerAIX bootableAIXHPFS/NTFSFAT16ExtendedFAT16 <32MXENIX usrXENIX rootFAT12Emptypdiscpart%*.*s%s%-2u%.*s%s%-2u;i7i2i*i%i iiiiiiiiiiiizisili ei ;i `i Wi RiMiIiCiVsJs>s6s.s%sss s r r r rrrrID9.$ ցՃ@B"Nǃ#Nà   .%'lC>+, @ {(*<zr#Nzj $zb   .zZHhzR P0zJJ PzBN`6z:P z2Hz* Pz"  P@ ԓΓÓ  r f TB0+ ےƒ$y<a@UAGBCM<N,OPQRSTߑU֑Vˑ\acde~phubXF;5 ސŐn[TB7/'"2BRbrҍ"2BRbrŽҎ"2BRbrҏ"2BRbr  |E(xH U @otoo.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.sbss.bss# 1(( 7 HH0?xxuGo Tott @c  l  8u   ~ / |E|E^N (@@@1 @