To compile the kernel with the CK2 patchset do the following: - cp linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2 /usr/src - cd /usr/src - tar xvf linux-2.6.21.tar.bz2 - mv linux-2.6.21 linux-2.6.21-ck2 - cd linux-2.6.21-ck2 - copy the patches provided to the current directory (top of the source tree) - bunzip2 patch-2.6.21-ck2.bz2 squashfs3.2-patch.bz2 - patch -Np1 -i squashfs3.2-patch - patch -Np1 -i patch-2.6.21-ck2 - use the config file provided (config-ck2-2.6.21 and rename it to .config) - to make sure all the options are set, run "make menuconfig" - compile the kernel and modules: make bzImage make modules make modules_install - when that is done, the bootable kernel image will be in arch/i386/boot. its called bzImage, but rename it to vmlinuz-ck2-2.6.21, which is a more appropriate name. - the modules are located in /lib/modules/ - the packages have to be built manually, with the kernel image, modules and source in seperate packages.