# # fix some issues after update # ############ # since 10.0 if [ -e "$HOME/Desktop/myComputer.desktop" ]; then file=$HOME/Desktop/myComputer.desktop if grep -q "^URL=drives" "$file"; then sed '/^URL=drives/ s,URL=drives,URL=sysinfo,' "$file" > "${file}.SuSEupdate.temp" \ && mv "${file}.SuSEupdate.temp" "$file" fi if grep -q "^URL=media" "$file"; then sed '/^URL=media/ s,URL=media,URL=sysinfo,' "$file" > "${file}.SuSEupdate.temp" \ && mv "${file}.SuSEupdate.temp" "$file" fi fi # # # # 10.0 -> 10.1 update: # The new default is full hinting, since it seems to generally give better results # with the newer freetype2 library. so fix the setting once during upgrade if [ -f "$HOME/.fonts.conf" ]; then if [ $(grep -c hintmedium "$HOME/.fonts.conf" 2>/dev/null) = 1 ]; then sed -i -e 's,hintmedium,hintfull,' "$HOME/.fonts.conf" fi fi # 10.0 -> 10.1 update: # The font substitution list in qtrc stopped working because fontconfig # now handles and under certain conditions prefers the localized font name, # which confuses Qt # they weren't necessary anymore anyway, so sed them away.. if [ -f "$HOME/.qt/qtrc.test" ]; then cp $HOME/.qt/qtrc $HOME/.qt/qtrc.old cat $HOME/.qt/qtrc.old | \ fgrep -v 'HGPGothicB^eIPAPGothic^eSazanami Gothic^eKochi Gothic^eAR PL Mingti2L Big5^eAR PL SungtiL GB^e!Y2KBUG^e' | \ fgrep -v 'HGPGothicB^eIPAPGothic^eSazanami Gothic^eKochi Gothic^eAR PL Mingti2L Big5^eAR PL SungtiL GB^eBaekmuk Gulim^e' | \ fgrep -v 'HGPMinchoL^eIPAPMincho^eSazanami Mincho^eKochi Mincho^eAR PL KaitiM Big5^eAR PL KaitiM GB^eBaekmuk Batang^e' \ > $HOME/.qt/qtrc fi