PACKAGE NAME: pygdata- PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/bindings PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 132 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1200 K PACKAGE MD5: a18a95d6cd7a3b94581a324ffcde39e3 ./packages/bindings/pygdata- PACKAGE REQUIRED: python >= 2.5.2-i486-1 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: pygdata: pygdata (Google Service Bindings for Python) pygdata: pygdata: The Google Data bindings for python provide a simple protocol for pygdata: reading and writing data on the web. Google services, such as Base, pygdata: Blogger, Calendar, Picasa Web Albums, Spreadsheets, Documents List, pygdata: YouTube, Code Search, and Notebook are provided for. The Google pygdata: Data Python Client Library provides a library and source code that pygdata: make it easy to access data through Google. pygdata: pygdata: pygdata: