PACKAGE NAME: msttcorefonts-1.0-noarch-4gsb.tlz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./packages/themes PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2399 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 5560 K PACKAGE MD5: 1ec9d4cb237f9febb0f9c6e1c80ad8dd ./packages/themes/msttcorefonts-1.0-noarch-4gsb.tlz PACKAGE REQUIRED: cabextract PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: msttcorefonts: msttcorefonts (Microsoft TrueType Fonts for the Web) msttcorefonts: msttcorefonts: The msttcorefonts package contains the Microsoft True Type Core Fonts msttcorefonts: for the Web including Andale Mono, Arial Black, Arial, Comic Sans, msttcorefonts: Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet, Verdana, msttcorefonts: and Webdings. msttcorefonts: msttcorefonts: Home Page: msttcorefonts: msttcorefonts: msttcorefonts: