.\" $NetBSD: rumpuser.3,v 2024/09/20 11:05:44 martin Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2013 Antti Kantee. All rights reserved. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .Dd July 15, 2023 .Dt RUMPUSER 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm rumpuser .Nd rump kernel hypercall interface .Sh LIBRARY rump User Library (librumpuser, \-lrumpuser) .Sh SYNOPSIS .In rump/rumpuser.h .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm hypercall interfaces allow a rump kernel to access host resources. A hypervisor implementation must implement the routines described in this document to allow a rump kernel to run on the host. The implementation included in .Nx is for POSIX-like hosts (*BSD, Linux, etc.). This document is divided into sections based on the functionality group of each hypercall. .Pp Since the hypercall interface is a C function interface, both the rump kernel and the hypervisor must conform to the same ABI. The interface itself attempts to assume as little as possible from the type systems, and for example .Vt off_t is passed as .Vt int64_t and enums are passed as ints. It is recommended that the hypervisor converts these to the native types before starting to process the hypercall, for example by assigning the ints back to enums. .Sh UPCALLS AND RUMP KERNEL CONTEXT A hypercall is always entered with the calling thread scheduled in the rump kernel. In case the hypercall intends to block while waiting for an event, the hypervisor must first release the rump kernel scheduling context. In other words, the rump kernel context is a resource and holding on to it while waiting for a rump kernel event/resource may lead to a deadlock. Even when there is no possibility of deadlock in the strict sense of the term, holding on to the rump kernel context while performing a slow hypercall such as reading a device will prevent other threads (including the clock interrupt) from using that rump kernel context. .Pp Releasing the context is done by calling the .Fn hyp_backend_unschedule upcall which the hypervisor received from rump kernel as a parameter for .Fn rumpuser_init . Before a hypercall returns back to the rump kernel, the returning thread must carry a rump kernel context. In case the hypercall unscheduled itself, it must reschedule itself by calling .Fn hyp_backend_schedule . .Sh HYPERCALL INTERFACES .Ss Initialization .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_init "int version" "struct rump_hyperup *hyp" .Pp Initialize the hypervisor. .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa version hypercall interface version number that the kernel expects to be used. In case the hypervisor cannot provide an exact match, this routine must return a non-zero value. .It Fa hyp pointer to a set of upcalls the hypervisor can make into the rump kernel .El .Ss Memory allocation .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_malloc "size_t len" "int alignment" "void **memp" .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa len amount of memory to allocate .It Fa alignment size the returned memory must be aligned to. For example, if the value passed is 4096, the returned memory must be aligned to a 4k boundary. .It Fa memp return pointer for allocated memory .El .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_free "void *mem" "size_t len" .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa mem memory to free .It Fa len length of allocation. This is always equal to the amount the caller requested from the .Fn rumpuser_malloc which returned .Fa mem . .El .Ss Files and I/O .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_open "const char *name" "int mode" "int *fdp" .Pp Open .Fa name for I/O and associate a file descriptor with it. Notably, there needs to be no mapping between .Fa name and the host's file system namespace. For example, it is possible to associate the file descriptor with device I/O registers for special values of .Fa name . .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa name the identifier of the file to open for I/O .It Fa mode combination of the following: .Bl -tag -width "XRUMPUSER_OPEN_CREATE" .It Dv RUMPUSER_OPEN_RDONLY open only for reading .It Dv RUMPUSER_OPEN_WRONLY open only for writing .It Dv RUMPUSER_OPEN_RDWR open for reading and writing .It Dv RUMPUSER_OPEN_CREATE do not treat missing .Fa name as an error .It Dv RUMPUSER_OPEN_EXCL combined with .Dv RUMPUSER_OPEN_CREATE , flag an error if .Fa name already exists .It Dv RUMPUSER_OPEN_BIO the caller will use this file for block I/O, usually used in conjunction with accessing file system media. The hypervisor should treat this flag as advisory and possibly enable some optimizations for .Fa *fdp based on it. .El Notably, the permissions of the created file are left up to the hypervisor implementation. .It Fa fdp An integer value denoting the open file is returned here. .El .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_close "int fd" .Pp Close a previously opened file descriptor. .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_getfileinfo "const char *name" "uint64_t *size" "int *type" .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa name file for which information is returned. The namespace is equal to that of .Fn rumpuser_open . .It Fa size If .Pf non- Dv NULL , size of the file is returned here. .It Fa type If .Pf non- Dv NULL , type of the file is returned here. The options are .Dv RUMPUSER_FT_DIR , .Dv RUMPUSER_FT_REG , .Dv RUMPUSER_FT_BLK , .Dv RUMPUSER_FT_CHR , or .Dv RUMPUSER_FT_OTHER for directory, regular file, block device, character device or unknown, respectively. .El .Pp .Ft void .Fo rumpuser_bio .Fa "int fd" "int op" "void *data" "size_t dlen" "int64_t off" .Fa "rump_biodone_fn biodone" "void *donearg" .Fc .Pp Initiate block I/O and return immediately. .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa fd perform I/O on this file descriptor. The file descriptor must have been opened with .Dv RUMPUSER_OPEN_BIO . .It Fa op Transfer data from the file descriptor with .Dv RUMPUSER_BIO_READ and transfer data to the file descriptor with .Dv RUMPUSER_BIO_WRITE . Unless .Dv RUMPUSER_BIO_SYNC is specified, the hypervisor may cache a write instead of committing it to permanent storage. .It Fa data memory address to transfer data to/from .It Fa dlen length of I/O. The length is guaranteed to be a multiple of 512. .It Fa off offset into .Fa fd where I/O is performed .It Fa biodone To be called when the I/O is complete. Accessing .Fa data is not legal after the call is made. .It Fa donearg opaque arg that must be passed to .Fa biodone . .El .Pp .Ft int .Fo rumpuser_iovread .Fa "int fd" "struct rumpuser_iovec *ruiov" "size_t iovlen" .Fa "int64_t off" "size_t *retv" .Fc .Pp .Ft int .Fo rumpuser_iovwrite .Fa "int fd" "struct rumpuser_iovec *ruiov" "size_t iovlen" .Fa "int64_t off" "size_t *retv" .Fc .Pp These routines perform scatter-gather I/O which is not block I/O by nature and therefore cannot be handled by .Fn rumpuser_bio . .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa fd file descriptor to perform I/O on .It Fa ruiov an array of I/O descriptors. It is defined as follows: .Bd -literal -offset indent -compact struct rumpuser_iovec { void *iov_base; size_t iov_len; }; .Ed .It Fa iovlen number of elements in .Fa ruiov .It Fa off offset of .Fa fd to perform I/O on. This can either be a non-negative value or .Dv RUMPUSER_IOV_NOSEEK . The latter denotes that no attempt to change the underlying objects offset should be made. Using both types of offsets on a single instance of .Fa fd results in undefined behavior. .It Fa retv number of bytes successfully transferred is returned here .El .Pp .Ft int .Fo rumpuser_syncfd .Fa "int fd" "int flags" "uint64_t start" "uint64_t len" .Fc .Pp Synchronizes .Fa fd with respect to backing storage. The other arguments are: .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa flags controls how synchronization happens. It must contain one of the following: .Bl -tag -width "XRUMPUSER_SYNCFD_BARRIER" .It Dv RUMPUSER_SYNCFD_READ Make sure that the next read sees writes from all other parties. This is useful for example in the case that .Fa fd represents memory to write a DMA read is being performed. .It Dv RUMPUSER_SYNCFD_WRITE Flush cached writes. .El .Pp The following additional parameters may be passed in .Fa flags : .Bl -tag -width "XRUMPUSER_SYNCFD_BARRIER" .It Dv RUMPUSER_SYNCFD_BARRIER Issue a barrier. Outstanding I/O operations which were started before the barrier complete before any operations after the barrier are performed. .It Dv RUMPUSER_SYNCFD_SYNC Wait for the synchronization operation to fully complete before returning. For example, this could mean that the data to be written to a disk has hit either the disk or non-volatile memory. .El .It Fa start offset into the object. .It Fa len the number of bytes to synchronize. The value 0 denotes until the end of the object. .El .Ss Clocks The hypervisor should support two clocks, one for wall time and one for monotonically increasing time, the latter of which may be based on some arbitrary time (e.g. system boot time). If this is not possible, the hypervisor must make a reasonable effort to retain semantics. .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_clock_gettime "int enum_rumpclock" "int64_t *sec" "long *nsec" .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa enum_rumpclock specifies the clock type. In case of .Dv RUMPUSER_CLOCK_RELWALL the wall time should be returned. In case of .Dv RUMPUSER_CLOCK_ABSMONO the time of a monotonic clock should be returned. .It Fa sec return value for seconds .It Fa nsec return value for nanoseconds .El .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_clock_sleep "int enum_rumpclock" "int64_t sec" "long nsec" .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa enum_rumpclock In case of .Dv RUMPUSER_CLOCK_RELWALL , the sleep should last at least as long as specified. In case of .Dv RUMPUSER_CLOCK_ABSMONO , the sleep should last until the hypervisor monotonic clock hits the specified absolute time. .It Fa sec sleep duration, seconds. exact semantics depend on .Fa clk . .It Fa nsec sleep duration, nanoseconds. exact semantics depend on .Fa clk . .El .Ss Parameter retrieval .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_getparam "const char *name" "void *buf" "size_t buflen" .Pp Retrieve a configuration parameter from the hypervisor. It is up to the hypervisor to decide how the parameters can be set. .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa name name of the parameter. If the name starts with an underscore, it means a mandatory parameter. The mandatory parameters are .Dv RUMPUSER_PARAM_NCPU which specifies the amount of virtual CPUs bootstrapped by the rump kernel and .Dv RUMPUSER_PARAM_HOSTNAME which returns a preferably unique instance name for the rump kernel. .It Fa buf buffer to return the data in as a string .It Fa buflen length of buffer .El .Ss Termination .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_exit "int value" .Pp Terminate the rump kernel with exit value .Fa value . If .Fa value is .Dv RUMPUSER_PANIC the hypervisor should attempt to provide something akin to a core dump. .Ss Console output Console output is divided into two routines: a per-character one and printf-like one. The former is used e.g. by the rump kernel's internal printf routine. The latter can be used for direct debug prints e.g. very early on in the rump kernel's bootstrap or when using the in-kernel routine causes too much skew in the debug print results (the hypercall runs outside of the rump kernel and therefore does not cause any locking or scheduling events inside the rump kernel). .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_putchar "int ch" .Pp Output .Fa ch on the console. .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_dprintf "const char *fmt" "..." .Pp Do output based on printf-like parameters. .Ss Signals A rump kernel should be able to send signals to client programs due to some standard interfaces including signal delivery in their specifications. Examples of these interfaces include .Xr setitimer 2 and .Xr write 2 . The .Fn rumpuser_kill function advises the hypercall implementation to raise a signal for the process containing the rump kernel. .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_kill "int64_t pid" "int sig" .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa pid The pid of the rump kernel process that the signal is directed to. This value may be used as the hypervisor as a hint on how to deliver the signal. The value .Dv RUMPUSER_PID_SELF may also be specified to indicate no hint. This value will be removed in a future version of the hypercall interface. .It Fa sig Number of signal to raise. The value is in .Nx signal number namespace. In case the host has a native representation for signals, the value should be translated before the signal is raised. In case there is no mapping between .Fa sig and native signals (if any), the behavior is implementation-defined. .El .Pp A rump kernel will ignore the return value of this hypercall. The only implication of not implementing .Fn rumpuser_kill is that some application programs may not experience expected behavior for standard interfaces. .Pp As an aside,the .Xr rump_sp 7 protocol provides equivalent functionality for remote clients. .Ss Random pool .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_getrandom "void *buf" "size_t buflen" "int flags" "size_t *retp" .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa buf buffer that the randomness is written to .It Fa buflen number of bytes of randomness requested .It Fa flags The value 0 or a combination of .Dv RUMPUSER_RANDOM_HARD (return true randomness instead of something from a PRNG) and .Dv RUMPUSER_RANDOM_NOWAIT (do not block in case the requested amount of bytes is not available). .It Fa retp The number of random bytes written into .Fa buf . .El .Ss Threads .Ft int .Fo rumpuser_thread_create .Fa "void *(*fun)(void *)" "void *arg" "const char *thrname" "int mustjoin" .Fa "int priority" "int cpuidx" "void **cookie" .Fc .Pp Create a schedulable host thread context. The rump kernel will call this interface when it creates a kernel thread. The scheduling policy for the new thread is defined by the hypervisor. In case the hypervisor wants to optimize the scheduling of the threads, it can perform heuristics on the .Fa thrname , .Fa priority and .Fa cpuidx parameters. .Bl -tag -width "xenum_rumpclock" .It Fa fun function that the new thread must call. This call will never return. .It Fa arg argument to be passed to .Fa fun .It Fa thrname Name of the new thread. .It Fa mustjoin If 1, the thread will be waited for by .Fn rumpuser_thread_join when the thread exits. .It Fa priority The priority that the kernel requested the thread to be created at. Higher values mean higher priority. The exact kernel semantics for each value are not available through this interface. .It Fa cpuidx The index of the virtual CPU that the thread is bound to, or \-1 if the thread is not bound. The mapping between the virtual CPUs and physical CPUs, if any, is hypervisor implementation specific. .It Fa cookie In case .Fa mustjoin is set, the value returned in .Fa cookie will be passed to .Fn rumpuser_thread_join . .El .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_thread_exit "void" .Pp Called when a thread created with .Fn rumpuser_thread_create exits. .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_thread_join "void *cookie" .Pp Wait for a joinable thread to exit. The cookie matches the value from .Fn rumpuser_thread_create . .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_curlwpop "int enum_rumplwpop" "struct lwp *l" .Pp Manipulate the hypervisor's thread context database. The possible operations are create, destroy, and set as specified by .Fa enum_rumplwpop : .Bl -tag -width "XRUMPUSER_LWP_DESTROY" .It Dv RUMPUSER_LWP_CREATE Inform the hypervisor that .Fa l is now a valid thread context which may be set. A currently valid value of .Fa l may not be specified. This operation is informational and does not mandate any action from the hypervisor. .It Dv RUMPUSER_LWP_DESTROY Inform the hypervisor that .Fa l is no longer a valid thread context. This means that it may no longer be set as the current context. A currently set context or an invalid one may not be destroyed. This operation is informational and does not mandate any action from the hypervisor. .It Dv RUMPUSER_LWP_SET Set .Fa l as the current host thread's rump kernel context. A previous context must not exist. .It Dv RUMPUSER_LWP_CLEAR Clear the context previous set by .Dv RUMPUSER_LWP_SET . The value passed in .Fa l is the current thread and is never .Dv NULL . .El .Pp .Ft struct lwp * .Fn rumpuser_curlwp "void" .Pp Retrieve the rump kernel thread context associated with the current host thread, as set by .Fn rumpuser_curlwpop . This routine may be called when a context is not set and the routine must return .Dv NULL in that case. This interface is expected to be called very often. Any optimizations pertaining to the execution speed of this routine should be done in .Fn rumpuser_curlwpop . .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_seterrno "int errno" .Pp Set an errno value in the calling thread's TLS. Note: this is used only if rump kernel clients make rump system calls. .Ss Mutexes, rwlocks and condition variables The locking interfaces have standard semantics, so we will not discuss each one in detail. The data types .Vt struct rumpuser_mtx , .Vt struct rumpuser_rw and .Vt struct rumpuser_cv used by these interfaces are opaque to the rump kernel, i.e. the hypervisor has complete freedom over them. .Pp Most of these interfaces will (and must) relinquish the rump kernel CPU context in case they block (or intend to block). The exceptions are the "nowrap" variants of the interfaces which may not relinquish rump kernel context. .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_mutex_init "struct rumpuser_mtx **mtxp" "int flags" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_mutex_enter "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_mutex_enter_nowrap "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_mutex_tryenter "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_mutex_exit "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_mutex_destroy "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_mutex_owner "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" "struct lwp **lp" .Pp Mutexes provide mutually exclusive locking. The flags, of which at least one must be given, are as follows: .Bl -tag -width "XRUMPUSER_MTX_KMUTEX" .It Dv RUMPUSER_MTX_SPIN Create a spin mutex. Locking this type of mutex must not relinquish rump kernel context even when .Fn rumpuser_mutex_enter is used. .It Dv RUMPUSER_MTX_KMUTEX The mutex must track and be able to return the rump kernel thread that owns the mutex (if any). If this flag is not specified, .Fn rumpuser_mutex_owner will never be called for that particular mutex. .El .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_rw_init "struct rumpuser_rw **rwp" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_rw_enter "int enum_rumprwlock" "struct rumpuser_rw *rw" .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_rw_tryenter "int enum_rumprwlock" "struct rumpuser_rw *rw" .Pp .Ft int .Fn rumpuser_rw_tryupgrade "struct rumpuser_rw *rw" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_rw_downgrade "struct rumpuser_rw *rw" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_rw_exit "struct rumpuser_rw *rw" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_rw_destroy "struct rumpuser_rw *rw" .Pp .Ft void .Fo rumpuser_rw_held .Fa "int enum_rumprwlock" "struct rumpuser_rw *rw" "int *heldp" .Fc .Pp Read/write locks provide either shared or exclusive locking. The possible values for .Fa lk are .Dv RUMPUSER_RW_READER and .Dv RUMPUSER_RW_WRITER . Upgrading means trying to migrate from an already owned shared lock to an exclusive lock and downgrading means migrating from an already owned exclusive lock to a shared lock. .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_cv_init "struct rumpuser_cv **cvp" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_cv_destroy "struct rumpuser_cv *cv" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_cv_wait "struct rumpuser_cv *cv" "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_cv_wait_nowrap "struct rumpuser_cv *cv" "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" .Pp .Ft int .Fo rumpuser_cv_timedwait .Fa "struct rumpuser_cv *cv" "struct rumpuser_mtx *mtx" .Fa "int64_t sec" "int64_t nsec" .Fc .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_cv_signal "struct rumpuser_cv *cv" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_cv_broadcast "struct rumpuser_cv *cv" .Pp .Ft void .Fn rumpuser_cv_has_waiters "struct rumpuser_cv *cv" "int *waitersp" .Pp Condition variables wait for an event. The .Fa mtx interlock eliminates a race between checking the predicate and sleeping on the condition variable; the mutex should be released for the duration of the sleep in the normal atomic manner. The timedwait variant takes a specifier indicating a relative sleep duration after which the routine will return with .Er ETIMEDOUT . If a timedwait is signaled before the timeout expires, the routine will return 0. .Pp The order in which the hypervisor reacquires the rump kernel context and interlock mutex before returning into the rump kernel is as follows. In case the interlock mutex was initialized with both .Dv RUMPUSER_MTX_SPIN and .Dv RUMPUSER_MTX_KMUTEX , the rump kernel context is scheduled before the mutex is reacquired. In case of a purely .Dv RUMPUSER_MTX_SPIN mutex, the mutex is acquired first. In the final case the order is implementation-defined. .Sh RETURN VALUES All routines which return an integer return an errno value. The hypervisor must translate the value to the native errno namespace used by the rump kernel. Routines which do not return an integer may never fail. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr rump 3 .Rs .%A Antti Kantee .%D 2012 .%J Aalto University Doctoral Dissertations .%T Flexible Operating System Internals: The Design and Implementation of the Anykernel and Rump Kernels .%O Section 2.3.2: The Hypercall Interface .Re .Pp For a list of all known implementations of the .Nm interface, see .Lk https://github.com/rumpkernel/wiki/wiki/Platforms . .Sh HISTORY The rump kernel hypercall API was first introduced in .Nx 5.0 . The API described above first appeared in .Nx 7.0 .