!============================================================================= ! ! Syntax Highlighting Patterns for R ! by Ernesto Jardim, ernesto@ipimar.pt ! version: 1.0 ! ! Configuring NEdit to use a new pattern set: ! ! * Close your NEdit sessions ! * Start an NEdit session using the import command line option with the pattern you downloaded: ! ! # nedit -import R-5.1.pats ! ! * Go into the recognition patterns dialog (Preferences>Default Settings>Syntax Highlighting>Recognition Patterns...) and verify that the patterns are imported ! * Use Preferences>Save Defaults... to store the modifications. ! ! * This version has been verified with the following versions on NEdit ! - 5.1 ! !============================================================================= nedit.highlightPatterns: \n\ R:1:0{\n\ Note:"#!":"$"::Note::\n\ Comment:"#":"$"::TextComment::\n\ Keyword:",|<(return|if|then|else|in|switch|while|for|function|do|done)>":::Keyword::D\n\ Loop and Equation:"\\[|\\]|\\(|\\)|\\{|\\}|\\<-|,":::Loop and Equation::\n\ Operators:"!|~|:|\\^|\\*|%|\\<|\\>|==|\\>=|\\<=|&|\\$|-|=|\\+|""|/":::Operators::\n\ } nedit.languageModes: R:.q .r .R:::::: nedit.styles: Note:darkRed:Italic\n\ TextComment:darkBlue:Italic\n\ Loop and Equation:darkRed:Bold\n\ Operators:darkGreen:Bold\n\