#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # @(#) mywebget.pl -- Perl, Batch download Net files with configuration file # @(#) $Id: mywebget.pl,v 1.10 2000/12/30 03:30:49 jaalto Exp $ # # File id # # .Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Jari Aalto # .Created: 1999-02 # .$Contactid: jari.aalto@poboxes.com $ # .$Keywords: Perl txt html conversion $ # .$URL: http://www.poboxes.com/jari.aalto $ # .$Perl: 5.004 $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # About program layout # # Code written with Unix Emacs and indentation controlled with # Emacs package tinytab.el, a generic tab minor mode for programming. # # The {{ }}} marks you see in this file are party of file "fold" # control package called folding.el (Unix Emacs lisp package). # ftp://ftp.csd.uu.se/pub/users/andersl/beta to get the latest. # # There is also lines that look like # ....... &tag ... and they # are generated by Emacs Lisp package tinybm.el, which is also # document structure tool. You can jump between the blocks with # Ctrl-up and Ctrl-down keys and create those "bookmarks" with # Emacs M-x tibm-insert. # # Funny identifiers at the top of file # # The GNU RCS ident(1) program can print useful information out # of all variables that are in format $ IDENTIFIER: text $ # See also Unix man pages for command what(1) which outputs all lines # matching @( # ). Try commands: # # % what PRGNAME # % ident PRGNAME # # Introduction # # Please start this perl script with options # # --help to get the help page # # Description # # If you retrieve latest versions of certain program blocks # periodically, this is the Perl script for you. Run from cron job # or once a week to upload newest versions of files around the net. # # _Note:_ This is simple file by file copier and does not offer # any date comparing or recursive features like found from C-program # wget(1) http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/mirror/wget.htm and # ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu # # Change Log # # (none) use strict; BEGIN { require 5.004 } # A U T O L O A D # # The => operator quotes only words, and File::Basename is not # Perl "word" use autouse 'Carp' => qw( croak carp cluck confess ); use autouse 'Text::Tabs' => qw( expand ); use autouse 'Pod::Text' => qw( pod2text ); use autouse 'Pod::Html' => qw( pod2html ); use autouse 'File::Copy' => qw( copy move ); use autouse 'File::Path' => qw( mkpath rmtree ); # Standard perl modules use Cwd; use Env; use English; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use Env; use vars qw ( $PATH $HOME $TEMP $TEMPDIR $SHELL ); # Other CPAN modules use LWP::UserAgent; use Net::FTP; use vars qw ( $VERSION ); # This is for use of Makefile.PL and ExtUtils::MakeMaker # So that it puts the tardist number in format YYYY.MMDD # The REAL version number is defined later # The following variable is updated by my Emacs setup whenever # this file is saved $VERSION = '2001.0105'; # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Set global variables for the program # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub Initialize () { use vars qw ( $PROGNAME $LIB $RCS_ID $VERSION $CONTACT $URL $WIN32 ); $LIB = basename $PROGRAM_NAME; $PROGNAME = $LIB; $RCS_ID = '$Id: mywebget.pl,v 1.10 2000/12/30 03:30:49 jaalto Exp $'; #' $VERSION = (split ' ', $RCS_ID)[2]; # version number in format N.NN+ $CONTACT = ""; # Who is the maintainer $URL = "http://www.perl.com/CPAN-local//scripts/"; $WIN32 = 1 if $OSNAME =~ /win32/i; $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; } # ***************************************************************** &help **** # # DESCRIPTION # # Print help and exit. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $msg [optional] Reason why function was called. # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** =pod =head1 NAME mywebget.pl - Perl Web URL fetch program =head1 SYNOPSIS mywebget.pl http://example.com/ [URL ...] mywebget.pl --config $HOME/config/mywebget.conf --Tag linux --Tag emacs .. mywebget.pl --verbose --overwrite http://example.com/ mywebget.pl --verbose --overwrite --Output ~/dir/ http://example.com/ mywebget.pl --new --overwrite http://example.com/kit-1.1.tar.gz =head1 OPTIONS =head2 General options =over 4 =item B<--Create-paths> Create paths that do not exist in C directives. By default, any LCD directive to non-existing directory will interrupt program. With this option, local directories are created as needed making it possible to re-create the exact structure as it is in configuration file. =item B<--config FILE> This option can be given multiple times. All configurations are read. Read URLs from configuration file. If no configuration file is given, file pointed by enviromnet variable is read. See ENVIRONMENT. =over 2 C The configuration file is NOT Perl code. Comments start with hash character #. C At this point, variable expansions happen only in B. Do not try to use them anywhere else, like in URLs. Path variables for B are defined using following notation, spaces are not allowed in VALUE part (no directory names with spaces). Varaible names are case sensitive. Variables substitute environment varaibales with the same name. Environment variables are immediately available. VARIABLE = /home/my/dir # define variable VARIABLE = $dir/some/file # Use previously defined variable FTP = $HOME/ftp # Use environment variable The right hand can refer to previously defined variables or existing environment variables. Repeat, this is not Perl code although it may look like one, but just an allowed syntax in the configuration file. Notice that there is dollar to the right hand> when variable is referred, but no dollar to the left hand side when variable is defined. Here is example of a possible configuration file contant. The tags are hierarchically ordered without a limit. Warning: remember to use different variables names in separate include files. All variables are global. C It is possible to include more configuration files with statement INCLUDE Variable expansions are possible in the file name. There is no limit how many or how deep include structure is used. Every file is included only once, so it is safe to to have multiple includes to the same file. =back C # $HOME/config/mywebget.conf - Perl mywebget.pl configuration file ROOT = $HOME # define variables CONF = $HOME/config UPDATE = $ROOT/updates DOWNL = $ROOT/download # Include more configuration files. It is possible to # split a huge file in pieces and have "linux", # "win32", "debian", "emacs" configurations in separate # and manageable files. INCLUDE <$CONF/mywebget-other.conf> INCLUDE <$CONF/mywebget-more.conf> tag1: local-copies tag1: local # multiple names to this category lcd: $UPDATE # chdir directive file://absolute/dir/file-1.23.tar.gz tag1: external lcd: $DOWNL tag2: external-http http://www.example.com/page.html http://www.example.com/page.html save:/dir/dir/page.html tag2: external-ftp ftp://ftp.com/dir/file.txt.gz save:xx-file.txt.gz login:foo pass:passwd x: lcd: $HOME/download-kit ftp://ftp.com/dir/kit-1.1.tar.gz new: tag2: package-x lcd: $DOWNL/package-x # Person announces new files in his homepage, download all # announced files. Unpack everything (x:) and remove any # existing directories (xopt:rm) http://some.com/~foo page:find pregexp:\.tar\.gz$ x: xopt:rm # End of configuration file mywebget.conf =item B<--extract> Unpack any files after retrieving them. The command to unpack typical archive files are defined in a program. Make sure these programs are along path. Win32 users are encouraged to install the Cygwin utilities where these programs come standard. Refer to section SEE ALSO. .tar => tar .tgz => tar + gzip .gz => gzip .bz2 => bzip2 .zip => unzip =item B<--Firewall FIREWALL> Use FIREWALL when accessing files via ftp:// protocol. =item B<--new -n> Get newest file. This applies to datafiles, which do not have extension .asp or .html. When new releases are announced, the version number in filename usually tells which is the current one so getting harcoded file with: mywebget.pl -o -v http://example.com/dir/program-1.3.tar.gz is not usually practical from automation point of view. Adding B<--new> option to the command line causes double pass: a) the whole http://example.com/dir/ is examined for all files. b) files matching approximately filename program-1.3.tar.gz are examined, heuristically sorted and file with latest version number is retrieved. =item B<--no-lcd> Ignore C directives in configuration file. In the configuration file, any C directives are obeyed as they are seen. But if you do want to retrieve URL to your current directory, be sure to supply this option. Otherwise the file will end to the directory pointer by C. =item B<--no-save> Ignore C directives in configuration file. If the URLs have C options, they are ignored during fetch. You usually want to combine B<--no-lcd> with B<--no-save> =item B<--no-extract> Ignore C directives in configuration file. =item B<--Output DIR> Before retrieving any files, chdir to DIR. =item B<--overwrite> Allow overwriting existing files when retrieving URLs. Combine this with B<--skip-version> if you periodically update files. =item B<--Proxy PROXY> Use PROXY server for HTTP. (See B<--Firewall> for FTP.). The port number is optional in the call: --Proxy this.proxy.com:8080 --Proxy http://this.proxy.com:8080/ --Proxy this.proxy.com --Proxy http://this.proxy.com/ =item B<--prefix PREFIX> Add PREFIX to all retrieved files. =item B<--Postfix POSTFIX > Add POSTFIX to all retrieved files. =item B<--prefix-date -D> Add iso8601 ":YYYY-MM-DD" prefix to all retrived files. This is added before possible B<--prefix-www> or B<--prefix>. =item B<--prefix-www -W> Usually the files are stored with the same name as in the URL dir, but if you retrieve files that have identical names you can store each page separately so that the file name is prefixed by the site name. http://example.com/page.html --> example.com::page.html http://example2.com/page.html --> example2.com::page.html =item B<--regexp REGEXP> Retrieve URLs matching REGEXP from your C file. This cancels B<--Tag> options in the command line. =item B<--stdout> Retrieve URL and write it to stdout. =item B<--skip-version> Do not download files that have version number and which already exists on disk. Suppose you have these files and you use option B<--skip-version>: kit.tar.gz file-1.1.tar.gz Only file.txt is retrieved, because file-1.1.tar.gz contains version number and the file has not changed since last retrieval. The idea is, that in every release the number in in distribution increases, but there may be distributions which do not contain version number. In regular intervals you may want to load those kits again, but skip versioned files. In short: This option does not make much sense without additional option B<--new> If you want to reload versioned file again, add option B<--overwrite>. =item B<--Tag NAME [NAME] ...> Search tag NAME from the config file and download only entries defined under that tag. Refer to B<--config FILE> option description. You can give Multiple B<--Tag> switches. Combining this option with B<--regexp> does not make sense and the concequencies are undefined. =back =head2 Miscellaneous options =over 4 =item B<--debug LEVEL -d LEVEL> Turn on debug with positive LEVEL number. Zero means no debug. This option turns on B<--verbose> too. =item B<--help -h> Print help page in text. =item B<--help-html> Print help page in HTML. Print help page. =item B<--selftest> Run some internal tests. For maintainer or developer only. =item B<--test -t> Run in test mode. =item B<--verbose -v> Print verbose messages. =item B<--Version -V> Print program's version information. =back =head1 README Automate periodic downloads of released files and packages. This small utility makes it possible to keep a list of URLs in a configuration file and periodically retrieve those pages or files with simple commands. This utility is best suited for small batch jobs to download e.g. most recent versions of software files. If you use an URL that is already on disk, be sure to supply option B<--overwrite> to allow overwriting existing files. If the URL ends to slash, then posisble directory list at the remote machine is stored to file: !path!000root-file The content of this file can be either index.html or the directory listing depending on the used http or ftp protocol. While you can run this program from command line to retrieve individual files, program has been designed to use separate configuration file via B<--config> option. In the configuration file you can control the downloading with separate directives like C which tells to save the file under different name. The simplest way to retreive a latest version of a kit from FTP site is: mywebget.pl --new --overwite --verbose \ http://www.example.com/kit-1.00.tar.gz Don't worry about the filename "kit-1.00.tar.gz". The latest version, say, kit-3.08.tar.gz will be retrieved. The option B<--new> instructs to find newer version than the provided URL. =head1 EXAMPLES Get file(s) from site: mywebget.pl http://www.example.com/dir/package.tar.gz .. Read a directory and store it to filename YYYY-MM-DD::!dir!000root-file. mywebget.pl --prefix-date --overwrite --verbose http://www.example.com/dir/ To update newest version of the kit, but only if there is none in the disk already. The --new option instructs to find nwer packages and the filename is used only for guidance how the file looks like: mywebget.pl --overwrite --skip-version --new --verbose \ ftp://ftp.example.com/dir/packet-1.23.tar.gz To overwrite file and add a date prefix to the file name: mywebget.pl --prefix-date --overwrite --verbose \ http://www.example.com/file.pl --> YYYY-MM-DD::file.pl To add date and WWW site prefix to the filenames: mywebget.pl --prefix-date --prefix-www --overwrite --verbose \ http://www.example.com/file.pl --> YYYY-MM-DD::www.example.com::file.pl Get all updated files under KITS and use default configuration file: mywebget.pl --verbose --overwrite --skip-version --new --Tag kits mywebget.pl -v -o -s -n -T kits Get files as they read in the configuration file to the current directory, ignoring any C and C directives: mywebget.pl --config $HOME/config/mywebget.conf / --no-lcd --no-save --overwrite --verbose \ http://www.example.com/file.pl To check if C directives refer to live directories on disk, run the program with non-matching regexp and it parses the file and checks the lcd's along the way: mywebget.pl -v -r dummy-regexp --> mywebget.pl.DirectiveLcd: LCD [$EUSR/directory ...] is not a directory at /users/foo/bin/mywebget.pl line 889. =head2 List of directives in configuration file All the directives must in the same line where the URL is. The programs scans lines and determines all options given in line for the URL. Directives can be overriden by command line options. =over 4 =item B Currently only B is available. Convert downloaded page to text. This option always needs either B or B, because only those change the filename. Here is an example: http://example.com/dir/file.html cnv:text save:file.txt http://example.com/dir/ page:find pregexp:\.html cnv:text rename:s/html/txt/ A B shorthand directive can be used instead of B. =item B Set local download directory to DIRECTORY (chdir to it). Any environment variables are substituted in path name. If this tag is found, it replaces setting of B<--Output>. If path is not a directory, terminate with error. See also B<--Create-paths> and B<--no-lcd>. =item B Ftp login name. Default value is "anonymous". =item B Get newest file. This variable is reset to the value of B<--new> after the line has been processed. Newest means, that an ls() command is run in the ftp, and something equivalent in HTTP "ftp directories", and any files that resemble the filename is examined, sorted and heurestically determined according to file's version number which one is the latest. For example files that have version information in YYYYMMDD format will most likely to be retrieved right. Time stamps of the files are not checked. The only requirement is that filename C follow the universal version numbering standard for released kits: FILE-VERSION.extension # de facto VERSION is defined as [\d.]+ file-19990101.tar.gz # ok file-1999.0101.tar.gz # ok file- # ok file1234.txt # not recognized. Must have "-" file-0.23d.tar.gz # warning ! No letters allowed 0.23d Files that have some alphabetic version indicator at the end of VERSION are not handled correctly. Bitch the developer and persuade him to stick to the de facto standard so that files can be retrieved intelligently. =item B B Same as turning on B<--overwrite> =item B Download the HTTP page or apply command to it. A simple example, the contact page name "index.html", "welcome.html" etc. is not known: http://some.com/~foo page: save:foo-homepage.html C B C Read the HTTP url page "as is" and parse page content. You need this directive if the archive is not stored in HTTP server's directory (similar to ftp dir), but the maintainer has set up a separate HTML page where the details how to get archive is explained. In order to find the information from the page, you must also supply some other directives to guide searching and constructing the correct file name: 1) A page regexp directive C matches the A HREF filename location in the page. 2) Directive C tells what is the template to use to construt the downloadable file (for the C directive). 3) Directive C matches the exact location in the page from where the version information is extracted. The default regexp looks for line that says "The latest version ...is.. 1.4.2". The regexp must return submatch 2 for the version number. To put all together, an example shows more this in action. The following example should all be PUT ON ONE LINE, while it has been splitted to separate lines for legibility. The presented configuration line is explaind in next paragraphs. =over 4 Contact absolute B at http://www.example.com/package.html and search A HREF urls in the page that match B. In addition, do another scan and search the version number in the page from thw position that match B (submatch 2). The (?i) makes the search case insensitive in regexp. After all the pieces have been found, use template B to make the retrievable file using the version number found from . The actual download location is combination of B and A HREF B location. =back http://www.example.com/~foo/package.html page: pregexp: package.tar.gz vregexp: ((?i)latest.*?version.*?\b([\d][\d.]+).*) file: package-1.3.tar.gz new: x: Still not clear? Let's throw in a complete HTML page where the above would apply The latest version of package is 2.4.1 It can be downloaded in several forms: Tar file ZIP file For this example it is assumed that package.tar.gz is actually a symbolic link to the latest standard release file package-2.4.1.tar.gz. From this page the actual download location would have been http://www.example.com/~foo/download/files/package-2.4.1.tar.gz So why not simply download package.tar.gz? Because then the program can't decide if the version at the page is newer than one stored on disk from the previous download. With version numbers in the file names, it can. FURTHER EXAMPLE It is possible to add B directive to change the final name of the saved file to the above cases. Sometimes people put version number to "plain" files, that are not archives, like file.el-1.1 file.el-1.2 the .el files are Emacs editor packages files and it woudl be very inconvenient for Emacs users to refer to those with any other name than plain "file.el". To write a complete line to find such files from a page and save them in plain name, see below. Lines have been broken again for legibility: http://example.com/files/ page: pregexp:\.el-\d vregexp:(file.el-([\d.]+)) file:file.el-1.1 new: rename:s/-[\d.]+// It effectively says "See if there is new version of something that looks like file.el-1.1 and save it under name file.el". =item B THIS IS NOT FOR FTP directories. Use directive B for FTP. This is more general instruction than the B and B explained above. Instruct to download every URL on HTML page matching B. In typical situation the page maintainer lists his software in the development page. This example would download every tar.gz file mentined in a page. Note, that the REGEXP is matched against the A HREF link content, not the actual text that you see on the page: http://www.example.com/index.html page:find pregexp:\.tar.gz$ You can also use additional B directive if you want to exclude files after the B has matched a link. http://www.example.com/index.html page:find pregexp:\.tar.gz$ regexp-no:this-packet =item B For FTP logins. Default value is C. =item B Rename each file using PERL-CODE. The PERL-CODE must be full perl program with no spaces anywhere. Following variables are available during the eval() of code: $ARG = current file name $url = complete url for the file For example, if page contains links to .html file that are in fact text files, this statement would store the filenames as .txt http://example.com/dir/ page:find pregexp:\.html rename:s/html/txt/ =item B Get all files in ftp directory matching regexp. Directive B is ignored. =item B After the regexp: directive has matched, explude files that match directive B =item B Save file under this name to local disk. =item B Downloads can be grouped under C so that e.g. option B<--Tag1> would start downloading files from that point on until next C is found. There are currently unlimited number of tag levels: tag1, tag2 and tag3, so that you can arrange your downlods hierarchially in the configuration file. For example to download all Linux files rhat you monitor, you would give option B<--Tag linux>. To download only the NT Emacs latest binary, you would give option B<--Tag emacs-nt>. Notice that you do not give the C in the option, program will find it out from the configuration file after the tag name matches. The downloading stops at next tag of the C. That is, tag2 stops only at next tag2, or when upper level tag is found (tag1) or or until end of file. tag1: linux # All Linux downlods under this category tag2: sunsite tag2: another-name-for-this-spot # List of files to download from here tag2: ftp.funet.fi # List of files to download from here tag1: emacs-binary tag2: emacs-nt tag2: xemacs-nt tag2: emacs tag2: xemacs =item B Extract (unpack) file after download. See also option B<--unpack> and B<--no-extract> The archive file, say .tar.gz will be extracted the file in current download location. (see directive B) The unpack procedure checks the contents of the archive to see if the package is correctly formed. The de facto archive format is package-N.NN.tar.gz In the archive, all files are supposed to be stored under the proper subdirectory with version information: package-N.NN/doc/README package-N.NN/doc/INSTALL package-N.NN/src/Makefile package-N.NN/src/some-code.java C If the archive does not have a subdirectory for all files, a subdirectory is created and all items are unpacked under it. The defualt subdirectory name in constructed from the archive name with currect date stamp in format: package-YYYY.MMDD If the archive name contains something that looks like a version number, the created directory will be constructed from it, instead of current date. package-1.43.tar.gz => package-1.43 =item B Like directive B but extract the archive C, without checking content of the archive. If you know that it is ok for the archive not to include any subdirectories, use this option to suppress creation of an artificial root package-YYYY.MMDD. =item B This options tells to remove any previous unpack directory. Sometimes the files in the archive are all read-only and unpacking the archive second time, after some period of time, would display tar: package-3.9.5/.cvsignore: Could not create file: Permission denied tar: package-3.9.5/BUGS: Could not create file: Permission denied This is not a serious error, because the archive was already on disk and tar did not overwrite previous files. It might be good to inform the archive maintainer, that the files have wrong permissions. It is customary to expect that distributed kits have writable flag set for all files. =back =head1 ERRORS =over 4 Here is list of possible error messages and how to deal with them. Turning on B<--debug> will help to understand how program has interpreted your configuration file options. =item ** ERROR /pub/foo/file.el Bad file descriptor This is "file not found error". You have written the filename incorrectly. Double check the configuration file line. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT Variable C can point to the default configuration file. The configuration file is read if it exists by default. =head1 SEE ALSO C program wget(1) http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/mirror/wget.htm and Old Perl 4 program webget(1) http://www.wg.omron.co.jp/~jfriedl/perl/ From the the Libwww Perl library you find scripts lwp-download(1) lwp-mirror(1) lwp-request(1) lwp-rget(1) Win32 Cygwin unix utilities at http://www.cygwin.com/ =head1 AVAILABILITY Latest version of this file is at CPAN http://www.perl.com/CPAN-local//scripts/ Reach author at jari.aalto@poboxes.com =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES CPAN/Administrative =head1 PREREQUISITES Modules C and C are required. =head1 COREQUISITES HTML::Parse HTML::TextFormat These modules are dynamically loaded only if directive B is used. Otherwise these modules are not loaded. =head1 OSNAMES C =head1 VERSION $Id: mywebget.pl,v 1.10 2000/12/30 03:30:49 jaalto Exp $ =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Jari Aalto. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself or in terms of Gnu General Public Licence v2 or later. =cut sub Help (;$ $) { my $id = "$LIB.Help"; my $msg = shift; # optional arg, why are we here... my $type = shift; # optional arg, type if ( $type eq -html ) { pod2html $PROGRAM_NAME; } else { pod2text $PROGRAM_NAME; } exit 1; } # ************************************************************** &args ******* # # DESCRIPTION # # Read and interpret command line arguments # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub HandleCommandLineArgs () { # ............................................... local variables ... my $id = "$LIB.HandleCommandLineArgs"; my ( $version, $help, $helpHTML, $selfTest ); # .......................................... command line options ... use vars qw ( $CHECK_NEWEST $debug $DIR_DATE @CFG_FILE $FIREWALL $LCD_CREATE $NO_SAVE $NO_LCD $NO_EXTRACT $OVERWRITE $OUT_DIR $PREFIX $PREFIX_DATE $PREFIX_WWW $POSTFIX $PROXY $STDOUT $SKIP_VERSION $URL_REGEXP $EXTRACT $TAG_REGEXP @TAG_LIST $verb $test $MYWEBGET_PL_CFG ); $FIREWALL = ""; $OVERWRITE = 0; # .................................................... read args ... Getopt::Long::config( qw ( require_order no_ignore_case no_ignore_case_always )); GetOptions # Getopt::Long ( "Version" => \$version , "config:s" => \@CFG_FILE , "Create-paths" => \$LCD_CREATE , "debug:i" => \$debug , "Firewall=s" => \$FIREWALL , "help" => \$help , "help-html" => \$helpHTML , "test" => \$test , "n" => \$CHECK_NEWEST , "new" => \$CHECK_NEWEST , "no-lcd" => \$NO_LCD , "no-save" => \$NO_SAVE , "no-extract" => \$NO_EXTRACT , "overwrite" => \$OVERWRITE , "skip--version" => \$SKIP_VERSION , "Output:s" => \$OUT_DIR , "prefix:s" => \$PREFIX , "D|prefix-date" => \$PREFIX_DATE , "W|prefix-www" => \$PREFIX_WWW , "Postfix:s" => \$POSTFIX , "Proxy=s" => \$PROXY , "regexp=s" => \$URL_REGEXP , "stdout" => \$STDOUT , "selftest" => \$selfTest , "Tag=s" => \@TAG_LIST , "extract" => \$EXTRACT , "verbose" => \$verb ); if ( defined $debug and $debug == 0 ) { $debug = 1 } $version and die "$VERSION $PROGNAME $CONTACT $URL\n"; $helpHTML and Help( undef, -html ); $help and Help(); $debug and $verb = 1; $selfTest and SelfTest(); $NO_LCD = 0 unless defined $NO_LCD; $NO_SAVE = 0 unless defined $NO_SAVE; $NO_EXTRACT = 0 unless defined $NO_EXTRACT; if ( defined $URL_REGEXP and @TAG_LIST ) { die "You can't use both --Tag and --regexp options."; } if ( defined $PROXY ) { $ARG = $PROXY; if ( not m,^http://, ) { $debug and print "$id: Adding http:// to proxy $PROXY\n"; $ARG = "http://" . $ARG; } if ( not m,/$, ) { $debug and print "$id: Adding trailing / to proxy $PROXY\n"; $ARG .= "/"; } $PROXY = $ARG; $debug and print "$id: PROXY $PROXY\n"; } if ( defined @TAG_LIST ) { # -s -t -n tag --> whoopos.... if ( grep /^-/ , @TAG_LIST ) { die "$id: You have option in TAG_LIST: @TAG_LIST\n"; } $TAG_REGEXP = '\btag(\d+):\s*(\S+)'; } if ( not @CFG_FILE and ( @TAG_LIST or $URL_REGEXP ) ) { unless ( defined $MYWEBGET_PL_CFG ) { die "$id: No environment variable MYWEBGET_PL_CFG defined." , " Need --config" ; } my $file = $MYWEBGET_PL_CFG; unless ( -r $file ) { die "$id: MYWEBGET_PL_CFG is not readable [$file]"; } $verb and print "$id: Using default config file $file\n"; push @CFG_FILE, $file; } $debug and @CFG_FILE and print "$id: Config file [@CFG_FILE]\n"; } #font-lock * s/*/ # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Find out the temporary directory # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # $ temporary directory # # **************************************************************************** sub TempDir () { my $id = "$LIB.TempDir"; local $ARG; if ( defined $TEMPDIR and -d $TEMPDIR) { $ARG = $TEMPDIR; } elsif ( defined $TEMP and -d $TEMP) { $ARG = $TEMP; } elsif ( -d "/tmp" ) { $ARG = "/tmp"; } elsif ( -d "c:/temp" ) { $ARG = "c:/temp" } elsif ( -d "$HOME/temp" ) { $verb and print "$id: WARNING using HOME/tmp, make sure you have disk space"; $ARG = "$HOME/temp"; } else { die "$id: Can't find temporary directory. Please set TEMPDIR." } if ( $ARG and not -d ) { die "$id: Temporary directory found is invalid: [$ARG]"; } s,[\\/]$,,; # Delete trailing slash s,\\,/,g; # Unix slashes in this Perl code $debug and print "$id: $ARG\n"; $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return temporary process file # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # $ temporary filename # # **************************************************************************** sub TempFile () { my $id = "$LIB.TempFile"; my $ret = TempDir() . basename($PROGRAM_NAME) . "-" . $PROCESS_ID; $debug and print "$id: $ret\n"; $ret; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Write file to stdout # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub Stdout ( $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.Stdout"; my($file) = @ARG; local *FILE; unless ( open FILE, "< $file" ) { warn "$id: Can't STDOUT $file $ERRNO"; } else { print ; close FILE; } } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Fix the filename to correct OS version ( win32 /Cygwin / DOS ) # This is needed when calling external programs that take file arguments. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # $file Converted file # # **************************************************************************** sub MakeOSfile ( $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.MakeOSfile"; local($ARG) = @ARG; if ( $WIN32 ) { if ( defined $SHELL ) { $debug and print "$id: SHELL = $SHELL\n"; if ( $SHELL =~ /sh/i ) # bash.exe { # This is Win32/Cygwin, which needs c:/ --> /cygdrive/c/ if ( /^(.):(.*)/ ) #font s/ { $ARG = "/cygdrive/$1/$2"; s,\\,/,g; s,//,/,g; } } } else { s,/,\\,g; # Win32 likes backslashes more } } $debug and print "$id: $ARG\n"; $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return ISO 8601 date YYYY-MM-DD # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $format [optional] If "-version", return in format YYYY.MMDD # # RETURN VALUES # # $str Date string # # **************************************************************************** sub DateYYYY_MM_DD (; $) { my $id = "$LIB.DateYYYY_MM_DD"; my ($format) = @ARG; my (@time) = localtime(time); my $YY = 1900 + $time[5]; my ($DD, $MM) = @time[3,4]; # my ($mm, $hh) = @time[1,2]; $debug and print "$id: @time\n"; # Month(MM) counts from zero my $ret; if ( defined $format and $format eq -version ) { $ret = sprintf "%d.%02d%02d", $YY, $MM + 1, $DD; } else { $ret = sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d", $YY, $MM + 1, $DD; } $debug and print "$id: RET $ret\n"; $ret; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Print varaibles in hash # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $name name of the hash # %hash content of hash # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub PrintHash ( $ % ) { my $id = "$LIB.PrintHash"; my ($name, %hash ) = @ARG; print "$id: hash [$name] contents\n"; for my $key ( sort keys %hash ) { my $val = $hash{ $key }; printf "%-20s = %s\n", $key, $val; } } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Print download progress # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $url Site from where to download # $prefix String to print # $index current count # $total total # # RETURN VALUES # # string Expanded path. # # **************************************************************************** { my %staticDone; sub DownloadProgress ($$ $$ $) { my $id = "$LIB.DownloadProgress"; my ( $site, $url, $prefix, $index, $total ) = @ARG; if ( $verb ) { if ( $total > 1 ) { printf $prefix . " %3d%% (%2d/%d) " , int ( $index * 100 / $total ) , $index , $total ; } else { unless ( exists $staticDone{$site} ) { $staticDone{$site} = 1; $verb and print $prefix; } } } }} # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Expand given PATH by substituting any Environment variables in it. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $string Path information, like $HOME/.example # # RETURN VALUES # # string Expanded path. # # **************************************************************************** sub ExpandVars ($) { my $id = "$LIB.ExpandVars"; local ( $ARG ) = @ARG; my ( $key, $value ); my $orig = $ARG; # We must substitute environment variables so that the # longest are handled first: $FTP_DIR_THIS/here, is substituted / # in wong order: # # FTP_DIR = one # FTP_DIR_THIS = two # # --> one_THIS/here / my @keys = sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %ENV; for $key ( @keys ) { $value = $ENV{$key}; if ( /$key/ and $value ne "" ) #font s/ { $debug and print "$id $ARG substituting $value\n"; s/\$$key/$value/; #font s/; } } # The env variables may contain leading slashes, get rid of them # # [$ENV = /dir/ ] # # $ENV/path --> /dir//path # s,//+,/,; $debug and warn "$id:\t\t$orig ==> $ARG\n"; if ( /\$/ ) { PrintHash( "ENV", %ENV ); die "$id: Expansion did not find variable for '${ARG}'\n"; } $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Evaluate perl code and return result. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $url text to put variable $url # $text The text to be placed to variable $ARG # $code Perl code that can manipulate $ARG # $flag non-empty: Do not return empty values, if the perl # code didn]t set ARG at all, then return original TEXT # # RETURN VALUES # # $text # # **************************************************************************** sub EvalCode ($ $ ; $) { my $id = "$LIB.EvalCode"; my ($url, $text, $code, $flag ) = @ARG; # Variable $url is seen to CODE if it wants to use it local $ARG = $text; eval $code; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { warn "$id: eval-fail ARG [$ARG] CODE [$code] $EVAL_ERROR"; $ARG = $text; } if ( not $ARG and $flag ) { $debug and print "$id: ARG [$ARG] is empty [$code]\n"; $ARG = $text; } $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Check if HTML::Parse and HTML::FormatText libraries are available # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # 0 Error # 1 Ok, support present # # **************************************************************************** sub IsLibHTML () { my $id = "$LIB.IsLibHTML"; my $error = 0; $EVAL_ERROR = ''; local *LoadLib = sub ($) { my $lib = shift; eval "use $lib"; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { warn "$id: $lib not available [$EVAL_ERROR]\n"; $error++; } }; LoadLib( "HTML::Parse"); LoadLib( "HTML::FormatText"); return 0 if $error; 1; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # convert html into ascii # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # @lines # # RETURN VALUES # # @txt # # **************************************************************************** { my $staticLibCheck = 0; my $staticLibOk = 0; sub Html2txt (@) { my $id = "$LIB.Html2txt"; my (@list) = @ARG; my @ret = @list; unless ( $staticLibCheck ) { $staticLibOk = IsLibHTML(); $staticLibCheck = 1; unless ( $staticLibOk ) { warn "$id: No HTML to TEXT conversion available."; } } if ( not @list ) { $verb and print "$id: Empty content"; } elsif ( $staticLibCheck ) { my $formatter = new HTML::FormatText ( leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 76); # my $parser = HTML::Parser->new(); # $parser->parse( join '', @list ); # $parser-eof(); # $HTML::Parse::WARN = 1; my $html = parse_html( join '', @list ); $verb and print "$id: Making conversion\n"; @ret = ( $formatter->format($html) ); $html->delete(); # mandatory to free memory } @ret; }} # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return File content # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # (\@lines, $status) # # **************************************************************************** sub FileRead ( $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.FileRead"; my $file = shift; my $status = 0; my @ret; local *FILE; unless ( open FILE, "< $file" ) { $status = $ERRNO; warn "$id: FILE [$file] $ERRNO"; } else { @ret = ; close FILE; } $debug and print "$id: [$file] status [$status]\n"; \@ret, $status; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Write File content # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # @lines # # RETURN VALUES # # $status true, ERROR # # **************************************************************************** sub FileWrite ( $ @) { my $id = "$LIB.FileWrite"; my ($file, @lines ) = @ARG; my $status = 0; local *FILE; unless ( open FILE, "> $file" ) { $status = $ERRNO; warn "$id: FILE [$file] $ERRNO"; } else { print FILE @lines; close FILE; } $debug and print "$id: [$file] status [$status]\n"; $status; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Convert HTML file to text # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # $status # # **************************************************************************** sub FileHtml2txt ($) { my $id = "$LIB.FileHtml2txt"; my $file = shift; my( $lineArrRef, $status ) = FileRead $file; if ( $status ) { $debug and print "$id: Can't convert\n"; } else { my @text = Html2txt @$lineArrRef; $status = FileWrite $file, @text; } $debug and print "$id: [$file] status [$status]\n"; $status; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Append slash to the end. Optionally remove # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $path Add slash to path # $flag [optional] Remove slash # # RETURN VALUES # # $path # # **************************************************************************** sub Slash ($; $) { my $id = "$LIB.Slash"; local $ARG = shift; my $remove = shift; if ( $remove ) { s,/$,,; } { $ARG .= '/' unless m,/$,; } $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Split url to components. http://some.com/1/2page.html would be seen as # # http some.com 1/2 page.html # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $url # # RETURN VALUES # # @list Component list # # **************************************************************************** sub SplitUrl ($) { my $id = "$LIB.SplitUrl"; local $ARG = shift; my($protocol, $site, $dir, $file ) = ("") x 4; $protocol = lc $1 if m,^([a-z][a-z]+):/,i; $site = lc $1 if m,://?([^/]+),i; $dir = lc $1 if m,://?[^/]+(/.*/),i; $file = lc $1 if m,^.*/(.*),i; if ( $file and $file !~ /[.]/ ) { $debug and print "$id: WARNING ambiguous [$ARG], dir or file?\n"; unless ( $dir ) { $dir = $file; $file = ""; } } $debug and print "$id:" , " PROTOCOL <$protocol>" , " SITE <$site>" , " DIR <$dir>" , " FILE <$file>" , "\n" ; $protocol, $site, $dir, $file; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return basename from URL. This drops the possible # filename from the end. The extra file is dtected # from the file extension, perriod(.) # # http://some.com/~foo ok # http://some.com/foo ok treated as directory # http://some.com/page.html nok # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $base # # RETURN VALUES # # $string The url will not contain trailing slash # # **************************************************************************** sub BaseUrl ($) { my $id = "$LIB.BaseUrl"; local $ARG = shift; if ( m,/~[^/]+$, ) { $debug and print "$id: ~foo\n"; # ok } elsif ( m,^(.*/)([^/]+)$, ) { my ( $base, $rest ) = ( $1, $2 ); $debug and print "$id: [$base] [$rest]\n"; $ARG = $base if $rest =~ /[.]/; } s,/$,,; $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return basename of the archive. # # file.tar,gz => file # file-1.2.tar.gz => file-1.2 # file-1_2.tar.gz => file-1.2 # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # $string # # **************************************************************************** sub BaseArchive ($) { my $id = "$LIB.BaseArchive"; local $ARG = shift; if ( /^(.*-\d+[-_.]\d+[-_.\d]*)/ ) { # delete last trailing - or . or _ ( $ARG = $1 ) =~ s/[-_.]$//; } s/_/-/g; $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return list of files recursing to ROOT directories. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $format -unix or -win32, the Filename slash format # @roots List of roots to search. # # RETURN VALUES # # @list list of files # # **************************************************************************** sub FileListRecursive ($@) { } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Try to make sense of relative paths when Base is known. # This function is very simplistic. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $base # $relative # # RETURN VALUES # # $path # # **************************************************************************** sub RelativePath ($ $) { my $id = "$LIB.RelativePath"; my $base = shift; local $ARG = shift; $base = Slash $base; my $ret = $base; unless ( $ARG ) { $debug and print "$id: second arg is empty [$base]"; } else { if ( m,^/.*, ) # /root/somewhere/file.txt { my ($proto, $site, $dir, $file) = SplitUrl $base; $ret = "$proto://$site$ARG"; } elsif ( m,^\./(.*), ) # ./somewhere/file.txt { $ret = $base . $1; } elsif ( m,^[^/\\#?=], ) # this/path/file.txt { $ret = $base . $ARG; } else { chomp; # make warn display line number, remove \n warn "$id: ERROR Can't resolve relative $base + $ARG"; } } $debug and print "$id: BASE $base ARG $ARG RET $ret\n"; $ret; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return decompress command for file. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # $type -list return listng command # -extract return unpack command # # RETURN VALUES # # lines as listed in file # # **************************************************************************** sub FileDeCompressedCmd ($; $) { my $id = "$LIB.FileDeCompressedCmd"; local $ARG = shift; my $type = shift; $type = '-extract' unless defined $type; my $cmd; my $decompress; if ( /\.rar$/ ) { die "$id: $ARG Can't handle. Please contact maintainer $CONTACT"; } if ( $type eq -extract ) { if ( /\.(tar|tgz)/ ) { /\.(gz|tgz)$/i and $decompress = "gzip -d -c"; /\.(bzip|bz2)$/i and $decompress = "bzip -d -c"; $cmd = "$decompress $ARG | tar xvf -"; } elsif ( /\.gz$/ ) { $cmd = "gzip -f -d $ARG"; } elsif ( /\.(bz2|bzip)$/ ) { $cmd = "bzip -f -d $ARG"; } elsif ( /\.zip$/ ) { $cmd = $decompress = "unzip -o $ARG"; } } else { if ( /tar/ ) { SWITCH: { /\.(gz|tgz)$/i and $decompress = "gzip -d -c", last; /\.(bzip|bz2)$/i and $decompress = "bzip -d -c", last; } if ( defined $decompress ) { $cmd = "$decompress $ARG | tar tvf -"; } else { $cmd = "tar tvf $ARG"; } } elsif ( /\.zip$/ ) { $cmd = "unzip -l $ARG"; } elsif ( /\.(bzip|bz2)$/ ) { $cmd = "bzip - $ARG"; } } $debug and print "$id:\n\tARG = $ARG\n" , "\tTYPE $type\n" , "\tRET [$cmd]\n" ; $cmd; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return decompress file listing # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # \@files Files from the archive # $error If contains "-noarchive" , then file is not archive. # # **************************************************************************** sub FileDeCompressedListing ( $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.FileDeCompressedListing"; my $file = shift; $debug and print "$id: BEGIN $file CWD ", cwd(), "\n"; my ($cmd, @result, $status); if ( -f $file ) { $cmd = FileDeCompressedCmd $file, -list ; $debug and print "$id: running [$cmd] CWD ", cwd(), "\n"; @result = `$cmd` if $cmd; $debug and print "$id: CMD [$cmd] => \n[@result]\n"; } else { $verb and warn "ERROR file not found ", cwd(), "$file"; $status = -file-not-found; } my @ret = (); local $ARG; if ( $status ) { # Nothing to do, here was error } elsif ( $file =~ /tar/ ) { # Get last elements in the line # # .. 0 2000-11-18 16:18 semantic-1.3.2/ # .. 23688 2000-11-18 16:18 semantic-1.3.2/semantic-bnf.el # .. 50396 2000-11-18 16:18 semantic-1.3.2/semantic.el # .. 36176 2000-11-18 16:18 semantic-1.3.2/semantic-util.el # .. 29717 2000-11-18 16:18 semantic-1.3.2/document.el for ( @result ) { my $file = (reverse split)[0]; chomp $file; push @ret, (reverse split)[0]; } $debug and print "$id: TAR [@result]\n"; } elsif ( $file =~ /zip/ ) { # Length Date Time Name # ------ ---- ---- ---- # 4971 03-22-00 21:14 1/gnus-ml.el # 0 10-03-99 01:33 tmp/1/tpu/ # ------ ------- # 25036 8 files for ( @result ) { my @split = reverse split; chomp $split[0]; push @ret, $split[0] if @split == 4; } $debug and print "$id: ZIP [@result]\n"; } else { $debug and print "$id: -noarchive $file\n"; $status = -noarchive; } $debug and print "$id: RET $file [@ret]\n"; \@ret, $status; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Return the subdirectory where the files are in compressed archive. # There may not be any directory or there may be several direcotries # that do not share one ROOT directory. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # $dir The topmost COMMON root directory. If not all files # have common root, return nothing. # # $status -noarchive The file was not archive. # \@file reference to file list # # **************************************************************************** sub FileDeCompressedRootDir ( $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.FileDeCompressedRootDir"; my $file = shift; $debug and print "$id: BEGIN $file CWD ", cwd(), "\n"; my ( $fileArrRef, $status ) = FileDeCompressedListing $file; # If there is directory it must be in front of every file local $ARG; my %seen = (); my @nodir = (); for ( @$fileArrRef ) { if ( m,^([^/]+)/, ) { $seen{ $1 } = 1; } else { push @nodir, $ARG; } } my @roots = keys %seen; my $ret; if ( @roots == 1 and @nodir == 0 ) { $ret = $roots[0] } $debug and print "$id: ROOT DIR LIST [@roots] no-dirs [@nodir]\n"; $ret, $status, $fileArrRef ; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # If archive does not have root directory, return the # filename which is bet used for archive root dir. # # package.tar.gz --> package-YYYY.MMDD # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # $root Returned, If archive does not have natural ROOT # # **************************************************************************** sub FileRootDirNeedeed ( $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.FileRootDirNeedeed"; my $file = shift; $debug and print "$id: BEGIN $file CWD ", cwd(), "\n"; my ($root, $status, $fileArrRef) = FileDeCompressedRootDir $file; local $ARG; if ( $status eq -noarchive ) # Single file.txt.gz, not package { $debug and print "$id: -noarchive $file\n"; $ARG = ''; } elsif ( @$fileArrRef == 0 ) { $debug and print "$id: EMPTY $file\n"; $ARG = ''; } elsif ( @$fileArrRef == 1 ) { $debug and print "$id: SINGLE FILE $file\n"; $ARG = ''; } elsif ( $root eq '' ) { $ARG = basename $file; my $base = BaseArchive $ARG; # If there is no numbers left, assume that we got barebones # and not name like "package-1.11". Add date postfix unless ( $base =~ /\d/ ) { $base .= "-" . DateYYYY_MM_DD -version ; } $ARG = $base; } $debug and print "$id: $file --> need dir [$ARG]\n"; $ARG; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Create root directory if it is necessary in order to unpack # the file. If the archive does not contain ROOT, contruct one # from the filename and current date. # # If directory was created or it already exists, return full path # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # $path Under this directory the creation # $opt -rm Delete previous unpack directory # # RETURN VALUES # # $path If directory was created # # **************************************************************************** sub FileRootDirCreate ( $ $; $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.FileRootDirCreate"; my ($file, $path, $opt) = @ARG; not defined $opt and $opt = ''; $debug and print "$id: BEGIN $file PATH $path\n"; local $ARG = FileRootDirNeedeed $file; my $ret = ''; if ( $ARG ) { $ARG = "$path/$ARG"; if ( -e ) { $verb and print "$id: Unpack dir already exists $ARG\n"; if ( $opt =~ /rm/i ) { $verb and print "$id: deleting old unpack dir\n"; unless ( rmtree($ARG, $debug) ) { warn "$id: Could not rmtree() $ARG\n"; } } } unless ( -e ) { unless ( $test ) { mkpath( $ARG ) or die "$id: mkdir() fail $ARG $ERRNO"; $verb and warn "$id: WARNING archive $file" , " has no root-N.NN directory." , " Report this to archive maintainer. CREATED $ARG" , "\n" ; } } $ret = $ARG; } $debug and print "$id:\n\tFILE $file\n" , "\tPATH $path\n" , "\tRET --> created [$ret]\n" ; $ret; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Unpack list of files recursively (If package contains more # archives) # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # \@array List of files # \%hash Unpack command hash table: REGEXP => COMMAND, where # %s is substituted for filename # $check "-noroot", will not check the archive content # $opt "-rm", will remove any existing unpack dir # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub Unpack($ $; $ $); # must be introdced due to recursion sub Unpack ($ $; $ $) { my $id = "$LIB.Unpack"; my ( $filesArray, $cmdHash, $check, $opt ) = @ARG; $check = 1 if not defined $check; $check = 0 if $check eq -noroot; $opt = '' if not defined $opt; local $ARG; my $origCwd = cwd(); $debug and print "$id: entry cwd = $origCwd OPT [$opt]\n"; my @array = sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %$cmdHash; $debug and print "$id: SORTED decode array @array\n"; for ( @$filesArray ) { $debug and warn "$id: unpacking $ARG\n"; if ( -d ) { $verb and print "$id: $ARG is directory, skipped.\n"; next; } elsif ( not -f ) { $verb and print "$id: $ARG is not a file (not exist), skipped.\n"; next; } # The filename may look lik test/tar.gz my $gocwd = dirname($ARG) || '.' ; chdir $gocwd or die "$id: [for] Can't chdir [$gocwd] $ERRNO"; # Check only archives that do not contains some kind # of numbering for missing ROOT directories. my $cwd = cwd(); my $chdir = 0; my $newDir; my $file = basename $ARG; # ............................................ check ... # Must contain root directory in archive # We check every archive. Regexp \d would have # skipped names looking like package-1.34.tar.gz if ( $check ) # and not /-[\d]/ ) #font s/ { $debug and print "##\n"; $newDir = FileRootDirCreate basename($ARG), $cwd, $opt; $debug and print "## $newDir\n"; if ( $newDir ) { $debug and print "$id: cd newdir $newDir\n"; unless ( chdir $newDir ) { print "$id: ERROR chdir $newDir $ERRNO\n"; next; } $file = "../$file"; $chdir = 1; } } # ........................................... unpack ... $debug and print ">>\n"; my $cmd = FileDeCompressedCmd $file; $debug and print "$id: unpacking CWD ", cwd(), " [$cmd]\n"; my @response; @response = `$cmd` unless $test; print "@response\n" if $verb; # ........................................ recursive ... for my $entry ( @response ) # Make this recursive { local $ARG = $entry; chomp; if ( /\.(bz2|gz|z|zip)$/i ) # s/ { $debug and print "$id: >> RESCURSIVE [$ARG]\n"; Unpack( [ $ARG ], $cmdHash, -noroot, $opt ); } } chdir $cwd if $chdir; # Get back to original } $debug and print "EXIT chdir $origCwd\n"; chdir $origCwd or die "$id: [exit] Can't chdir [$origCwd] $ERRNO"; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Read directory content # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $path # # RETURN VALUES # # @ list of files # # **************************************************************************** sub DirContent ($) { my $id = "$LIB.DirContent"; my ( $path ) = @ARG; $debug and warn "$id: $path\n"; local *DIR; unless ( opendir DIR, $path ) { print "$id: can't read $path $ERRNO\n"; next; } my @tmp = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; $debug > 1 and warn "$id: @tmp"; @tmp; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Scan until valid tag line shows up. Return line if it is under the # TAG # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $line line content # $tag Tag name to look for # $reset If set, do nothing but reset state variables. # You should call with this if you start a new round. # # RETURN VALUES # # ($LINE, $stop) The $LINE is non-empty if it belongs to the TAG. # The $stop flag is non-zero if TAG has ended. # # **************************************************************************** { my ( $staticTagLevel , $staticTagName , $staticTagFound ); sub TagHandle ($$ ; $) { my $id = "$LIB.TagHandle"; local $ARG = shift; my ( $tag , $reset) = @ARG; # ........................................................ reset ... if ( $reset ) { $debug and print "$id: RESET\n"; $staticTagLevel = $staticTagName = $staticTagFound = ""; return $ARG; } # ...................................................... tag ... my $stop; # The line may have multiple tags and the $1 is number, second # is the tag name. However we can't put them in that order # to the hash, because the number is "key". Use reverse here # # tag2: A tag2: B # # 2 => A # 2 => B # | # The key, only last would be in hash my %choices = reverse /$TAG_REGEXP/go; if( $debug and keys %choices > 0 ) { print "$id: TAG CHOICES: ", join( ' ', %choices), "\n" } unless ( $staticTagFound ) { while ( my($tagN, $tagNbr) = each %choices ) { if ( $debug and $tagNbr ) { print "$id: [$tagNbr] $tagN eq $tag\n"; } if ( $tagNbr and $tagN eq $tag ) { $staticTagLevel = $tagNbr; $staticTagName = $tagN; $staticTagFound = 1; $debug and warn "$id: TAG FOUND [$staticTagName] $ARG\n" } } $ARG = "" unless $staticTagFound; # Read until TAG } else { # We're reading lines after the tag was found. # Terminate teminate on next found tag name while ( my($tagN, $tagNbr) = each %choices ) { if ( $tagNbr and $tagNbr <= $staticTagLevel ) { $debug and print "$id: End at [$staticTagName] $ARG\n"; $stop = 1; } } } $ARG, $stop; }} # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Handle Local directory change and die if can't checnge to # directory. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $dir Where to chdir # $make Flag, if allowed to create directory # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub DirectiveLcd ($;$) { my $id = "$LIB.DirectiveLcd"; my ( $dir , $mkdir ) = @ARG; my $lcd = ExpandVars $dir; unless ( -d $lcd ) { not $mkdir and die "$id: [$dir] => lcd [$lcd] is not a directory"; $verb and warn "$id: Creating directory $lcd"; mkpath( $lcd, $verb) or die "$id: mkpath $lcd failed $ERRNO"; } $debug and print "$id: chdir $lcd\n"; chdir $lcd or die "$id: chdir $lcd $ERRNO"; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Examine list of files and return the newest file that match FILE # the idea is that we divide the filename into 3 parts # # PREFIX VERSION REST # # So that for example filename # # emacs- # # is exploded to parts # # emacs - lisp.tar.gz # # After this, the VERSION part is examined and all the numbers from # it are read and converted to zero filled keys, so that sorting # between versions is possible: # # (20 3 5 1) --> "0020.0003.0005.0001" # # A hash table for each file is build according to this version key # # VERSION-KEY => FILE-NAME # # When we finally sort the has by key, we get the latest version number # and the associated file. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file file to use as base # \@files list of files # # RETURN VALUES # # $file File that is newest, based on version number. # # **************************************************************************** sub LatestVersion ( $ $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.LatestVersion"; my ( $file , $array ) = @ARG; # APACHE project stupidly uses underscores in filenames: # apache_1_3_9_win32.exe # local $ARG = $file; my $ret = $file; # ................................................ write regexps ... # NN.NN YYYY-MM-DD # 1.2beta23 # 1.1-beta1 # 1.1a # # Prevent 1.1.tar.gz --> "1.1.t" with negative lookahead my $comp = '(?!(?i)tar|gz|bzip|bz2|tgz|zip|rar|z$)'; my $add = '(?:-?(?:alpha|beta)\d*|' . $comp . '[a-z])'; my $regexp = '^(\\D+)([-_][-_\\d.]*\\d' . $add . '?)(\\S+)'; $debug and print "$id: file [$file] array [@$array] REGEXP /$regexp/\n"; # .......................................................... sub ... my ( %hash, %hash2, $max ); local *VersionPush = sub ( $ $ ) { local $ARG = shift; # filename my $verStr = shift; my $key = ""; my @v = /(\d+)/g ; if ( $verStr =~ /([a-z])$/ ) # "1.1a" { # 1.1a => 1.1.97 ,use ascii code # 1.1 => 1.1.0 push @v, ord $1; # get character ASCII code } $debug and print "$id: [Version] \@v = @v\n"; # Record how many separate digits we find. $max = @v if @v > $max; # fill until 8 version digit elements in array push @v, 0 while @v < 8 ; for my $version ( @v ) { # 1.0 --> 0001.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 $key .= sprintf "%015d.", $version; } $hash { $key } = $ARG; $hash2 { $v[0] } = $ARG; }; # .......................................................... sub ... local *DebugHash = sub () { if ( $debug > 1 ) { while ( my($key, $val) = each %hash ) { printf "$id: HASH1 $key => $val\n"; } while ( my($key, $val) = each %hash2 ) { printf "$id: HASH2 $key => $val\n"; } } }; # .......................................................... sub ... local *ParseVersion = sub ($ $ $) { my ( $pfx, $post, $ver) = @ARG; my $ret; # If there were date based versions: # # wemi-199802080907.tar.gz # wemi-19980804.tar.gz # wemi-199901260856.tar.gz # wemi-199901262204.tar.gz # # Then sort directly by the %hash2, which only contains direct # NUMBER key without prefixed zeroes. For multiple numbers we # sort according to %hash my @try; if ( $max == 1 ) { @try = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %hash2; %hash = %hash2; } else { @try = sort { $b cmp $a } keys %hash; } if ( $debug ) { warn "$id: Choices: $ver $pfx.*$post\n"; for my $arg ( @try ) { print "\t$hash{$arg}\n"; } } # If SINGLE answer, then use that. Or if we grepped versioned # files, take the sorted one from the beginning if ( @try ) { $ret = $hash{ $try[0] }; } $ret; }; # ........................................... search version [1] ... if ( /$regexp/o ) { my $pfx = $1; my $ver = '[-_]([-_\d.]+ ' . $add . '?)'; my $post = "$3\$"; # Add anchor too $debug and print "$id: PFX: $pfx POSTFIX: $post\n"; # .................................................. arrange ... # If there is version numbers, then sort all according # to version. for ( @$array ) { unless ( /$pfx.*$post/ and /$regexp/o ) { $debug and print "$id: REJECTED\t\t$ARG\n"; next; } my ($BEG, $vver, $END) = ($1, $2, $3); $debug and print "$id: MATCH: $BEG $vver $END\n"; VersionPush( $ARG, $vver); } DebugHash(); $ret = ParseVersion( $pfx, $post, $ver ); } elsif ( /(.*)-[\d.]+$/ ) { $debug and print "$id: plan B, non-standard version-N.NN"; my $pfx = $1; my $ver = '(-[\d.]+)$'; my $post = ""; $debug and print "$id: PFX: $pfx POSTFIX: $post\n"; for ( @$array ) { unless ( /$pfx.*$ver/ ) { $debug and print "$id: REJECTED\t\t$ARG\n"; next; } my ($BEG, $vver) = ($1, $2); $debug and print "$id: MATCH: $BEG $vver\n"; VersionPush( $ARG, $vver); } DebugHash(); $ret = ParseVersion( $pfx, $post, $ver ); } else { $debug and print "$id: Unknown file version format. Cannot parse.\n"; } $debug and warn "$id: RETURN $file --> [$ret]\n"; $ret eq '' and die "$id: Internal error, Run with debug on."; $ret; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Make latest filename with possible version numbers # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file Template, how the file looks like # @ Array of possible verion numbers # # RETURN VALUES # # @ Versioned files # # **************************************************************************** sub MakeLatestFiles ( $ @ ) { my $id = "$LIB.MakeLatestFiles"; local $ARG = shift; my @versions = @ARG; my @ret; if ( /^(.*?)-([\d.]+[\d])(.*)/ ) { my ( $pre, $middle, $rest ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); $debug and print "$id: Exploded [$pre] [$middle] [$rest]\n"; for my $ver ( @versions ) { my $file = $pre . "-" . $ver . $rest; push @ret, $file; } } else { $verb and print "$id: Can't parse version from FILE $ARG\n"; # Suppose that all the files in @versions are versioned # # file.txt-1.2 file.txt-1.3 and the model file was # file.txt @ret = ( LatestVersion $versions[0], \@versions ); } $debug and print "$id: FILE $ARG RET => [@ret]\n"; @ret; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Seelct file or files from LIST. GETFILE and REGEXP are # mutually exclusive # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $regexp Select files according to regexp. # $regexpNo Files not to match after REGEXP # # $getFile If newest file is wanted, here is sample. # If this variable is empty; then no newest file is searched. # # @ candidate file list # # RETURN VALUES # # @ List of selected files # # **************************************************************************** sub FileListFilter ( $ $ @) { my $id = "$LIB.FileListFilter"; my ( $regexp, $regexpNo, $getFile, @list ) = @ARG; $debug and print "$id: INPUT REGEXP [$regexp]" , " REGEXPNO [$regexpNo]" , " GETFILE [$getFile]" , " LIST [@list]" , "\n" ; # ......................................................... args ... if ( $regexp ) { @list = sort grep /$regexp/, @list; } else { my $name = basename $getFile; my $file = LatestVersion $name, \@list; if ( $verb ) { print "$id: ... Getting latest version: $file DIR: ", cwd(), "\n"; } @list = ( $file ); } if ( $regexpNo and @list ) { my @new = grep ! /$regexpNo/, @list; $debug and print "$id: [$regexpNo] FILTERED " , join(' ', grep /$regexpNo/, @list), "\n" ; if ( $verb and not @new ) { print "$id: WARNING regexpNo [$regexpNo] rejected everything\n"; } @list = @new; } $debug and print "$id: RET [@list]\n"; @list; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Get file via FTP # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $site Dite to connect # $path dir in SITE # # $getFile File to get # $saveFile File to save on local disk # $regexp # $regexpNo # # $firewall # # $new Flag, Should only the newest file retrieved? # $stdout Print to stdout # # RETURN VALUES # # () RETURN LIST whose elements are: # # $stat Error reason or "" => ok # @ list of retrieved files # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlFtp( % ) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlFtp"; my %arg = @ARG; # ......................................................... args ... # check mandatory not exists $arg{site} and die "$id: SITE missing"; not exists $arg{path} and die "$id: PATH missing"; not exists $arg{getFile} and die "$id: FILE missing"; not exists $arg{saveFile} and die "$id: SAVE missing"; # Defaults. Note: login 'ftp' is still not known to every # FTP server. not $arg{login} and $arg{login} = 'anonymous'; not $arg{pass} and $arg{pass} = 'nobody@example.com'; # Read values my $url = $arg{url}; my $site = $arg{site}; my $path = $arg{path}; my $getFile = $arg{getFile}; my $saveFile = $arg{saveFile}; my $regexp = $arg{regexp}; my $regexpNo = $arg{regexpNo}; my $firewall = $arg{firewall}; my $login = $arg{login}; my $pass = $arg{pass}; my $new = $arg{new} || 0; my $stdout = $arg{stdout} || 0 ; my $conversion = $arg{conversion} || ''; my $rename = $arg{rename} || ''; # ............................................ private functions ... my @files; local *PUSH = sub ($) { local ( $ARG ) = @ARG; if ( $stdout ) { Stdout $ARG; } else { unless ( m,[/\\], ) { $ARG = cwd() . "/" . $ARG ; } push @files, $ARG if not $stdout; } }; # ............................................ private variables ... my $timeout = 120; my $singleTransfer; if ( (not defined $regexp or $regexp eq '') and ! $new ) { $singleTransfer = 1; } local $ARG; $stdout and $saveFile = TempFile(); if ( $debug ) { print "$id:\n" , "\tsingleTransfer: $singleTransfer\n" , "\tSITE : $site\n" , "\tPATH : $path\n" , "\tLOGIN : $login PASS $pass\n" , "\tgetFile : $getFile\n" , "\tsaveFile : $saveFile\n" , "\trename : $rename\n" , "\tconversion : $conversion\n" , "\tregexp : $regexp\n" , "\tregexp-no : $regexpNo\n" , "\tfirewall : $firewall\n" , "\tnew : $new\n" , "\tcwd : ", cwd(), "\n" , "\tOVERWRITE : $OVERWRITE\n" , "\tSKIP_VERSION: $SKIP_VERSION\n" , "\tstdout : $stdout\n" ; } $verb and print "$id: Connecting to ftp://$site$getFile --> $saveFile\n"; $debug and print "$id:\n" , "REGEXP: $regexp \n" , "LOGIN : $login\n" , "PASSWD: $pass\n" , "SITE : $site\n" , "PATH : $path\n" ; # One file would be transferred, but it already exists and # we are not allowed to overwrite --> do nothing. if ( $singleTransfer and -e $saveFile and not $OVERWRITE and not $stdout ) { $verb and print "$id: [ignored, exists] $saveFile\n"; return; } # .................................................. make object ... my $ftp; if ( $firewall ne '' ) { $ftp = Net::FTP->new ( $site, ( Firewall => $firewall, Timeout => $timeout ) ); } else { $ftp = Net::FTP->new ( $site, ( Timeout => $timeout ) ); } unless ( defined $ftp ) { print "$id: Cannot make route to $site $ERRNO\n"; return; } # ........................................................ login ... $debug and print "$id: Login to $site ..\n"; unless ( $ftp->login($login, $pass) ) { print "$id: Login failed $login, $pass\n"; goto QUIT; } $ftp->binary(); my $cd = $path; $cd = dirname $path unless $path =~ m,/$, ; if ( $cd ne '' ) { unless ( $ftp->cwd($cd) ) { print "$id: Remote cd $cd failed [$path]\n"; goto QUIT; } } # .......................................................... get ... my $stat; $ftp->binary(); $ftp->hash( $verb ? "on" : undef ); # m" if ( $singleTransfer ) { $verb and print "$id: Getting file... $getFile\n"; # m: unless ( $ftp->get($getFile, $saveFile) ) { warn "$id: ** ERROR $getFile $ERRNO"; } else { PUSH ($saveFile); } } else { my (@list, $i); $verb and print "$id: Getting list of files $site ...\n"; $i = 0; $debug and warn "$id: Running ftp dir ls()\n"; @list = $ftp->ls(); @list = FileListFilter $regexp, $regexpNo, $getFile, @list; $debug and warn "$id: List length ", scalar @list, " --> @list\n"; if ( $verb and not @list ) { print "$id: No files to download." , " Run with debug to investigate the problem.\n" ; } for ( @list ) { $i++; DownloadProgress $site . $cd, $ARG, "$id: ...", $i, scalar @list; my $saveFile = $ARG; $saveFile = TempFile() if $stdout; if ( $rename ) { $saveFile = EvalCode $url, $saveFile, $rename } $verb and print " $ARG [$saveFile]\n"; unless ( $stdout ) { $debug and print "$id: file on disk? [$ARG] [$saveFile] .. " , -e($ARG) ? "[yes]" : "[no]" , " empty? .. " , -z($ARG) ? "[yes]" : "[no]" , "\n" ; if ( -e and not -z ) { if ( $SKIP_VERSION and /-\d[\d.]*\D+/ ) { $verb and print "$id: [already on disk] $ARG\n"; next; } elsif ( not $OVERWRITE ) { $verb and print "$id: [already on disk] $ARG\n"; next; } } } unless ( $stat = $ftp->get($saveFile) ) { print "$id: ... ** error $ARG $ERRNO $stat\n"; } else { PUSH ($saveFile); } } } QUIT: { $ftp->quit() if defined $ftp; } ($stat, @files); } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Try to find the latest version bumber from the page. # Normally indicated by "The latest version of XXX is N.N.N" # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $ String, The Url page # $ [optional] regexp, what words to lok for # # RETURN VALUES # # % ver => string, List of versions and text matches # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlHttPageParse ( $ ; $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlHttpPageParse"; local $ARG = shift; my $regexp = shift; my %hash; if ( defined $regexp and $regexp ne '' ) { while ( /$regexp/g ) { $hash{ $2 } = $1 } } elsif ( /(latest.*?version.*?\b([\d][\d.]+).*)/ ) { $debug and print "$id: Using DEFAULT REGEXP\n"; $hash{ $2 } = $1; } unless ( scalar(keys %hash) ) { print "$id: ERROR version regexp didn't find versions [$regexp].", "Please define or check \n"; } $debug and print "$id: RET regexp = [$regexp] HASH = [" , join ( ' => ', %hash) , "]\n" ; %hash; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Parse all HREFs in the page and return the locations. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $content The html page # $regexp [optional] Return only HREFs matching regexp. # # RETURN VALUES # # @urls # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlHttpParseHref ($ ; $) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlHttpParseHref"; local $ARG = shift; my $regexp = shift; my @ret; while ( /HREF\s*=\s*\"([^\">]+)\"/ig ) { my $file = $1; if ( $file =~ /^#/ ) { $debug and print "$id: FILTERED [#] $file\n"; next; } if ( $regexp ne '' and $file !~ /$regexp/ ) { $debug and print "$id: FILTERED REGEXP $file\n"; next; } if ( $file =~ m,^\?|/$|mailto, ) { $debug and print "$id: FILTERED OTHER $file\n"; next; } push @ret, $file; } $debug and print "$id: EXIT, REGEXP = [$regexp] RET = [@ret]\n"; @ret; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # If you connect to http page, that shows directory, this # Function tries to parse the HTML and extract the filenames # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $ String, The Url page # $ [optional] boolean, if non-zero, filter out # non-interesting files like directories. # # RETURN VALUES # # @ List of files # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlHttpDirParse ( $ ; $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlHttpDirParse"; local $ARG = shift; my $filter = shift; $debug and print "$id: $filter\n"; my @files; if ( /Server:\s+apache/i ) { # Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 16:26:08 GMT # Server: Apache/1.3.11 (Win32) # Connection: close # Content-Type: text/html m: # # [DIR] # [IMG] # [TXT] # Anything special to know? No? } # Filter out directories and non interesting files # # ?N=D ?M=A # manual/ @files = UrlHttpParseHref $ARG, '' ; @files; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Get content of URL # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $url The URL pointer # $file # $regexp # $regexpNo # $proxy # \%errUrlHashRef Hahs where to store the URL-ERROR_CODE # \%errExplanationHashRef Hash where to store ERROR_CODE-EXPLANATION # $new Get never file # $stdout Write to stdout # $versionRegexp How to find the version number from page # # RETURN VALUES # # () RETURN LIST whose elements are # # $stat Error reason or "" => ok # @ list of retrieved files # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlHttp ( % ) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlHttp"; my %arg = @ARG ; # .............................................. input arguments ... # check mandatory not exists $arg{url} and die "$id: URL missing"; not exists $arg{file} and die "$id: FILE missing"; not exists $arg{errUrlHashRef} and die "$id: HashRef missing"; not exists $arg{errExplanationHashRef} and die "$id: errHashRef missing"; # Read values my $url = $arg{url}; my $file = $arg{file}; my $errUrlHashRef = $arg{errUrlHashRef}; my $errExplanationHashRef = $arg{errExplanationHashRef}; my $proxy = $arg{proxy} || ''; my $regexp = $arg{regexp} || ''; my $regexpNo = $arg{regexpNo} || ''; my $new = $arg{new} || 0; my $stdout = $arg{stdout} || 0;; my $versionRegexp = $arg{versionRegexp} || ''; my $thisPage = $arg{plainPage} || 0; my $thisPageRegexp = $arg{pageRegexp} || ''; my $conversion = $arg{conversion} || ''; my $rename = $arg{rename} || ''; my $find = $thisPage eq -find ? 1 : 0; # ............................................ private functions ... my @files; local *PUSH = sub ($) { local ( $ARG ) = @ARG; if ( $stdout ) { Stdout $ARG; } else { unless ( m,[/\\], ) { $ARG = cwd() . "/" . $ARG ; } push @files, $ARG if not $stdout; } }; # ......................................................... code ... if ( $debug ) { print "$id:\n" , "\tURL : $url\n" , "\tFILE : $file\n" , "\trename : $rename\n" , "\tconversion: $conversion\n" , "\tregexp : $regexp\n" , "\tregexp-no : $regexpNo\n" , "\tthis page : $thisPage\n" , "\tfind : $find\n" , "\tvregexp : $versionRegexp\n" , "\tpregexp : $thisPageRegexp\n" , "\tproxy : $proxy\n" , "\tnew : $new\n" , "\tstdout : $stdout\n" , "\tcwd : ", cwd(), "\n" , "\toverwrite : $OVERWRITE\n" } $verb and print "$id: $url --> $file\n"; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; if ( defined $proxy ) { $debug and $proxy and print "$id: Using PROXY $proxy\n"; $ua->proxy( "http", "$proxy" ); } my ($baseUrl, $getFile) = ($url,""); unless ( $thisPage ) { ($baseUrl, $getFile) = ( $url =~ m,^(.*/)(.*), ); } if ( $getFile eq '' and ($regexp eq '' or $thisPageRegexp eq '') and not $thisPage ) { die "$id: ERROR: invalid URL $url. No file name part found." , " Did you forgot to use ?" ; } my @list = ( $getFile ); if ( $new ) # Directory lookup { my $getPage = $thisPage ? $url : $baseUrl ; $debug and print "$id: Getting list of files $getPage ...\n"; my $request = new HTTP::Request( 'GET' => $getPage ); my $obj = $ua->request($request); my $stat = $obj->is_success; unless ( $stat ) { print " ** error: $baseUrl ", $obj->message, "\n"; } else { my $content = $obj->content(); my $head = $obj->headers_as_string(); if ( $thisPage ) { $getFile = $file; my %hash = UrlHttPageParse $content, $versionRegexp; my @keys = keys %hash; my @urls = UrlHttpParseHref $content, $thisPageRegexp; my ( @files ); $debug and print "$id: [Vre] urls [@urls] keys [@keys]\n"; if ( @keys ) { $debug and print "$id: if-case\n"; @files = MakeLatestFiles $file, keys %hash ; if ( @files == 1 ) { @list = ( RelativePath dirname($urls[0]), $files[0] ); # for my $path ( @urls ) # { # push @list, RelativePath # ( dirname($path), $files[0] ); # } # } else { @list = ( LatestVersion $file, \@urls ) ; $file = ''; } } else { # Try old fashioned. The filename contains the # version information $debug and print "$id: else\n"; @list = ( LatestVersion $file, \@urls ) ; $file = ''; } $debug and print "$id: FILES [@files] URLS [@urls]\n"; unless ( @urls == 1 ) { warn "$id: Cant parse precise location [@urls] "; } } else { $debug and print "$id: NOT else\n"; @list = UrlHttpDirParse $head . $content, "clean"; $file = ''; } @list = FileListFilter $regexp, $regexpNo, $getFile, @list; } } # ............................................ search HTML page ... elsif ( $find ) { my $request = new HTTP::Request( 'GET' => $url ); my $obj = $ua->request($request); my $stat = $obj->is_success; unless ( $stat ) { print " ** error: $baseUrl ", $obj->message, "\n"; } else { my $content = $obj->content(); my $head = $obj->headers_as_string(); my %hash = UrlHttPageParse $content, "." ; @list = UrlHttpParseHref $content, $thisPageRegexp; if ( $regexpNo ne '' ) { @list = grep ! /$regexpNo/, @list; } $debug and print "$id: [-find] @list\n"; } } # ............................................ get list of files ... my ( $i, $ret ); local $ARG; $debug and print "$id: FILE LIST [@list] REGEXP [$regexp]\n"; $verb and !@list and print "$id: No matching files [$regexp]\n"; # Filter out duplicates (multiple links to the same source) my %seen; @seen{ @list } = (1) x @list; @list = keys %seen; @list = sort @list; for ( @list ) { $i++; # sometimes the file has version number, which # is instructed to be removed by user in configuration tag. # Respect it. But if there are many files then we do not # have a choice. # # save: this-name.txt my $saveFile = $file; if ( $stdout ) { $saveFile = TempFile(); } elsif ( @list > 1 or $file eq '' or $find ) { $saveFile = basename $ARG; } my $relative = $ARG || $baseUrl; $debug and print "$id: SAVEFILE $saveFile RELATIVE $relative\n"; if ( $ARG and not m,://, ) { # If the ARG is NOT ABSOLUTE reference ftp:// or http:// # Then glue together the base site + relative reference found # from page $debug and print "$id: glue [$baseUrl] + [$ARG]\n"; $relative = RelativePath BaseUrl($baseUrl), $ARG; } unless ( $relative ) { warn "$id: ERROR Can't resolve relative $baseUrl + [$ARG]"; next; } unless ( $stdout ) { $debug and print "$id: file on disk? .. " , -e($saveFile) ? "[yes]" : "[no]" , " empty? .. " , -z($saveFile) ? "[yes]" : "[no]" , "\n" ; if ( -e $saveFile and not -z $saveFile ) { # If the filename contains version number # AND use has skipping on, the ignore downoad if ( $SKIP_VERSION and /-\d[\d.]*\D+/ ) { $verb and print "$id: [already on disk] $ARG\n"; next; } elsif ( not $OVERWRITE ) { $verb and print "$id: [already on disk] $ARG\n"; next; } } } $url = $relative; DownloadProgress $baseUrl, $ARG, "$id: ...", $i, scalar @list; if ( $rename ) { $saveFile = EvalCode $url, $saveFile, $rename } $verb and print " downloading $url [savefile $saveFile]\n"; my $request = new HTTP::Request( 'GET' => $url ); my $obj = $ua->request( $request , $saveFile ); my $stat = $obj->is_success; if ( $debug ) { print "$id: content-type:\n\t", $obj->content_type, "\n" , "\tsuccess status ", $stat, "\n" , map { $ARG = "\t$ARG\n" } $obj->headers_as_string ; } # ........................................... file downloaded ... if ( $stat ) { PUSH ($saveFile); } else { $errUrlHashRef->{ $url } = $obj->code; # There is new error code, record it. if ( not defined $errUrlHashRef->{ $obj->code } ) { $errExplanationHashRef->{ $obj->code } = $obj->message; } $ret = $errUrlHashRef->{ $obj->code }; print " ** error: $url ", $obj->message, "\n"; } } $ret, @files; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Copy content of PATH to FILE. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $path From where to read. If this is directory, read files # in directory. If this is file, copy file. # # $file Where to put resuts. # $prefix [optional] Filename prefix # $postfif [optional] postfix # # RETURN VALUES # # () RETURN LIST whose elements are: # # $stat Error reason or "" => ok # @ list of retrieved files # # # **************************************************************************** sub UrlFile ($ $ ; $$) { my $id = "$LIB.UrlFile"; my ( $path, $file , $prefix, $postfix ) = @ARG; my ( $stat, @files ); $debug and warn "$id: PATH $path, FILE $file\n"; if ( -f $path and not -d $path ) { if ( $CHECK_NEWEST ) { my @dir = DirContent dirname( $path ); if ( @dir ) { my $base = dirname($path); $file = LatestVersion basename($path) , \@dir; $path = $base . "/" . $file; } else { $verb and print "$id: Can't set newest $file"; } } $file = $prefix . $file . $postfix; $debug and warn "$id: FileCopy $path => $file\n"; unless ( copy($path, $file) ) { print "$id: FileCopy $path => $file $ERRNO"; } else { push @files, $file; } } else { my @tmp = DirContent $path; local *FILE; $file =~ s,/,!,g; if ( -e $file and not $OVERWRITE ) { print "$id: [ignored, exists] $file\n"; return; } unless ( open FILE, "> $file" ) { print "$id: can't write $file $ERRNO\n"; return; } print FILE join "\n", @tmp; close FILE; push @files, $file; } ( $stat, @files ); } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Run Some self tests. This is for developer only # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # none # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub SelfTest () { my $id = "$LIB.SelfTest"; $debug = 1 unless $debug; my (@files, $file, $i); local $ARG; # ............................................................ X ... $i++; $file = "artist-1.1-beta1.tar.gz", print "$id: [$i] LatestVersion ", "." x 40, "\n" ; @files = qw ( mailto:tab@lysator.liu.se emacs-shapes.gif emacs-shapes.html emacs-a.gif emacs-a.html emacs-rydmap.gif emacs-rydmap.html COPYING artist-1.2.3.tar.gz artist.el mailto:kj@lysator.liu.se mailto:jari.aalto@poboxes.com http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/~chai/figlet.html artist-1.2.1.tar.gz artist-1.2.tar.gz artist-1.1.tar.gz artist-1.1a.tar.gz artist-1.1-beta1.tar.gz artist-1.0.tar.gz artist-1.0-11.tar.gz mailto:tab@lysator.liu.se ); LatestVersion $file, \@files; # ............................................................ X ... $i++; $file = "irchat-980625.tar.gz"; print "$id: [$i] LatestVersion ", "." x 40, "\n" ; @files = qw ( ./dist/irchat/irchat-20001203.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-19991105.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-980625-2.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-980128.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-971212.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-3.04.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-3.03.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-3.02.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-3.01.tar.gz ./dist/irchat/irchat-3.00.tar.gz ); LatestVersion $file, \@files; # ............................................................ X ... $i++; print "$id: [$i] FileDeCompressedCmd ", "." x 40, "\n" ; for ( qw ( 1.tar 1.tar.gz 1.tgz 2.bz2 2.tar.bz2 3.zip 3.rar )) { eval { FileDeCompressedCmd $ARG }; print $EVAL_ERROR if $EVAL_ERROR; } exit; } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # \@data Configuration file content # # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub Main ($ $) { my $id = "$LIB.Main"; my ( $TAG_NAME, $data ) = @ARG; $debug and warn "$id ********** $TAG_NAME\n"; my $date = DateYYYY_MM_DD(); my ( %URL_ERROR_HASH , %URL_ERROR_REASON_HASH ); my ( $type, $url, $path, $site, $stat , $file , $line); my ( $origFile, $login, $pass , $sitePath, $lcd, $new, $stop ); my ( $regexp, $regexpNo, $overwrite, $vregexp, $fileName ); my ( $plainPage, $pageRegexp, $xopt, $saveopt , $conversion ); my ( $rename ); my ( $count, $var, $val , @files , $unpack); my %variables; my $prefix = ""; my $postfix = ""; local $ARG; my %EXTRACT_HASH = ( '\.tar\.gz$' => "gzip -d -c %s | tar xvf -" , '\.gz$' => "gzip -f -d %s" , '\.bz2$' => "bzip -f -d %s" , '\.tar$' => "tar xvf %s" , '\.tgz$' => "tar -zxvf %s" # GNU TAR , '\.zip$' => "unzip %s" ); # ............................................... prepare output ... if ( $OUT_DIR ) { $verb and print "$id: chdir $OUT_DIR\n"; chdir $OUT_DIR or die "$id: chdir $OUT_DIR $ERRNO"; } for ( @$data ) { chomp; $line = $ARG; # All the paseable directives must be cleared each time so # that they don't affect next download. $pass = $login = $regexp = $regexpNo = '' ; $new = $unpack = $lcd = $overwrite = $vregexp = '' ; $fileName = $plainPage = $pageRegexp = $xopt = $saveopt = ''; $conversion = $rename = ''; s/^\s*[#].*$//; # Kill comments next if /^\s*$/; # ignore empty lines # ............................................ Variable defs ... # todo: should be removed, this was for gz = 'command' %variables = (); %variables = /'(\S+)'\s*=\s*(.*)/g; while ( ($var, $val) = each %variables ) { $debug and warn "$id:\t\t$var = $val\n"; $EXTRACT_HASH{ $var } = $val; } # ............................................... directives ... my $LINE = $ARG; # make a secure copy $new = $CHECK_NEWEST; $unpack = $EXTRACT; $overwrite = $OVERWRITE; $pass = $1 if /\bpass:\s*(\S+)/; $login = $1 if /\blogin:\s*(\S+)/; $regexp = $1 if /\bregexp:\s*(\S+)/; $regexpNo = $1 if /\bregexp-no:\s*(\S+)/; $new = 1 if /\bnew:/; $unpack = 1 if /\bx:/; $unpack = -noroot if /\bxx:/; $xopt = $1 if /\bxopt:\s*(\S+)/; $lcd = $1 if /lcd:\s*(\S+)/; $overwrite = 1 if /\bo(verwrite)?:/; $vregexp = $1 if /\bvregexp:\s*(\S+)/; $fileName = $1 if /\bfile:\s*(\S+)/; $pageRegexp = $1 if /\bpregexp:\s*(\S+)/; $rename = $1 if /\brename:\s*(\S+)/; $conversion = -text if /\btext:/; if ( /\bcnv:\s*(\S+)/ ) { local $ARG = $1; if ( /te?xt/i ) { $conversion = -text } else { warn "$id: Unknown conversion [$ARG] [$line]"; } } if ( /\bpage:/ ) { $plainPage = 1; if ( /\bpage:\s*find/i ) { $plainPage = -find; } } # "lcd-ohio" is valid tag name, whle the word "lcd" is our # directive.. Accept word names after OUR directives. if ( $verb and /(?:^|\s)(:[-a-z]+)\b/ ) { print "$id: WARNING directive, leading colon? [$1] $ARG\n"; } if ( $lcd ) { $debug and print "$id: LCD $lcd\n"; DirectiveLcd $lcd, $LCD_CREATE unless $NO_LCD; } # ................................................... regexp ... if ( defined $URL_REGEXP ) { if ( not /$URL_REGEXP/o ) { $debug and warn "$id: [regexp ignored] $ARG\n"; next; } } if ( defined $TAG_REGEXP ) { ($ARG, $stop ) = TagHandle $ARG, $TAG_NAME; last if $stop; next if $ARG eq ''; } # ................................................. grab url ... m,^\s*((http|ftp|file):/?(/([^/\s]+)(\S*))),; unless ( defined $1 and defined $2 ) { $debug and warn "$id: [skipped] $line\n"; next; } # ............................................... components ... $url = $1; $type = $2; $path = $3; $site = $4; $sitePath = $5; # Remove leading slash if we log with real username. # The path is usually relative to the directory under LOGIN. # # For anonymous, the path is absolute. $sitePath =~ s,^/,, if $login; $origFile = $sitePath; # The page:find command may instruct to search # # http://some.com/~foo # http://some.com/ # # # Do not consider those to contain filename part if ( $plainPage ne -find or ( $url !~ m,/$, ) or ( $url !~ m,/[~][^/]+$, ) ) { ( $file = $url ) =~ s,^\s*\S+/,,; $file = $fileName if $fileName ne ''; } if ( /http/ and $file eq '' and not($plainPage) ) { $file = $path . "000root-file"; } $debug and print "$id: VARIABLES\n" , "\tURL = $url\n" , "\tFILE = $file\n" , "\tFILE_NAME = $fileName\n" , "\tTYPE = $type\n" , "\tPATH = $path\n" , "\tSITE = $site\n" , "\tSITE_PATH = $sitePath\n" , "\tCONVERSION = $conversion\n" ; if ( $NO_SAVE == 0 and /save:\s*(\S+)/ ) { $saveopt = $1; $file = $1; } $postfix = $POSTFIX if defined $POSTFIX; $prefix = $PREFIX . $prefix if defined $PREFIX; $prefix = $site . "::" . $prefix if $PREFIX_WWW; $prefix = $date . "::" . $prefix if $PREFIX_DATE; $file = $prefix . $file . $postfix; # .................................................... do-it ... $debug and warn "$id: <$type> <$site> <$path> <$url> <$file>\n"; $ARG = $type; @files = (); $verb and print "$id: DIRECTORY ", cwd(), "\n"; if ( /http/ ) { $count++; if ( $plainPage eq -find and not $pageRegexp ) { die "$id: no directive" , " LINE => [$line]" ; } if ( $pageRegexp and not $plainPage ) { $debug and print "$id: Forgot [$line]"; $plainPage = -find; } if ( ($plainPage ne -find) and $pageRegexp and not $file ) { $debug and print "$id: Expecting [page:find]", , " for non-named download file" , " [$url]" , " LINE => [$line]" ; $plainPage = -find; } elsif ( $plainPage ne -find and $pageRegexp ) { $plainPage = -find; } if ( $saveopt and $pageRegexp ) { chomp; die "$id: ERROR can't mix and " , " Use absolute filename URL with " , " LINE => [$line]" ; } if ( $pageRegexp and not $plainPage ) { warn "$id: WARNING no page: directive [$ARG]\n"; } if ( $pageRegexp and not $file and ($plainPage ne -find)) { warn "$id: WARNING no file: directive. [$ARG]\n"; } if ( $pageRegexp and not $file and ($plainPage ne -find)) { warn "$id: WARNING no file: directive. [$ARG]\n"; } ($stat, @files) = UrlHttp url => $url , file => $file , regexp => $regexp , regexpNo => $regexpNo , proxy => $PROXY , errUrlHashRef => \%URL_ERROR_HASH , errExplanationHashRef => \%URL_ERROR_REASON_HASH , new => $new , stdout => $STDOUT , versionRegexp => $vregexp , plainPage => $plainPage , pageRegexp => $pageRegexp , conversion => $conversion , rename => $rename ; } elsif ( /ftp/ ) { $count++; my ($pproto, $ssite, $ddir, $ffile) = SplitUrl $url; if ( $ffile and $ffile !~ /[.]/ ) { # ftp://some.com/dir/dir warn "$id: Did you forgot trailing slash? [$line]"; } if ( $regexp ) { # There can't be serched "file" if regexp is used. $origFile = ''; $file = ''; $sitePath = Slash $sitePath; } # Directory path given, so reset the file $origFile = '' if $origFile =~ m,/$,; ($stat, @files ) = UrlFtp site => $site , url => $url , path => $sitePath , getFile => $origFile , saveFile => $file , regexp => $regexp , regexpNo => $regexpNo , firewall => $FIREWALL , login => $login , pass => $pass , new => $new , stdout => $STDOUT , conversion => $conversion , rename => $rename ; } elsif ( /file/ ) { ($stat, @files) = UrlFile $path, $origFile, $prefix, $postfix; } # .............................................. conversion ... if ( $conversion eq -text ) { for my $file ( @files ) { FileHtml2txt $file; } } elsif ( $conversion ) { warn "$id: Unknown conversion [$conversion]"; } # .................................................. &unpack ... if ( $unpack and not $NO_EXTRACT ) { $debug and print "$id: extracting [@files]\n"; @files and Unpack \@files, \%EXTRACT_HASH, $unpack, $xopt; } } if ( not $count and $verb) { $URL_REGEXP and printf "$id: No labels matching regexp [%s]\n", $URL_REGEXP; @TAG_LIST and printf "$id: No tags matching [%s]\n", join(' ', @TAG_LIST); @CFG_FILE == 0 and print "$id: Nothing. Use config file or give URL?\n"; } } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Parse VAR = VALUE statements. The values are put to %ENV # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # @lines # # RETURN VALUES # # none # # **************************************************************************** sub ConfigVariableParse (@) { my $id = "$LIB.ConfigVariableParse"; my @data = @ARG; local $ARG; for ( @data ) { s/#.*//; next unless /\S/; # print "+++ $ARG"; my %variables = /(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/g; while ( my($var, $val) = each %variables ) { # put values to "environment" $debug and print "$id:\t\t[$var] = [$val] , [$ARG]\n"; $ENV{ $var } = ExpandVars $val; } } } # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Read Configuration file contents # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # $file # # RETURN VALUES # # @lines # # **************************************************************************** { my %staticInclude; # already included files, do not read again sub ConfigRead ( $ ); # Recursive call needs prototyping sub ConfigRead ( $ ) { my $id = "$LIB.ConfigRead"; my $file = shift; $verb and print "$id: Reading config [$file]\n"; if ( $debug ) { print "$id: !! FILE $file " , ExpandVars $file , " [" , join(' ', %staticInclude) , "]\n" ; } # .............................................. already included ... # In windows c:/dir is same as C:/DIR my $check = $file; $check = lc $file if $WIN32; if ( exists $staticInclude{$check} ) { $debug and print "$id: skipped, already included $file\n"; return; } # .......................................................... read ... my ($lineArrRef, $status) = FileRead $file; $staticInclude{ $file } = 1; if ( @$lineArrRef ) { ConfigVariableParse @$lineArrRef; local $ARG; my @lines; for my $line ( @$lineArrRef ) { push @lines, $line; # Skip INCLUDE statements that have been commented out. $ARG = $line; s/#.*//; next unless /[a-z]/i; # print "--- $ARG\n"; if ( /include\s+<(\S+)>/i ) { my $inc = $1; $staticInclude{ $inc } = 1; my $path = ExpandVars $inc; $debug and print "$id: RECURSIVE INCLUDE [$path] [$inc]\n"; unless ( exists $staticInclude{$path} ) { push @lines, ConfigRead $path; $path = lc $path if $WIN32; $staticInclude{ $path } = 1; } } } @$lineArrRef = @lines; } else { $debug and print "$id: Nothing found from $file"; } @$lineArrRef; }} # **************************************************************************** # # DESCRIPTION # # Start, the start of the program. # # INPUT PARAMETERS # # None # # RETURN VALUES # # None # # **************************************************************************** sub Start () { Initialize(); HandleCommandLineArgs(); my ( @data); my $id = "$LIB.Start"; # ......................................................... args ... if ( @CFG_FILE ) { local $ARG; for ( @CFG_FILE ) { my @lines = ConfigRead $ARG; $debug > 1 and print "$id: READ config\n\n" , "!!== $ARG\n@lines\n\n"; push @data, @lines; } } if ( $debug > 1 ) { print "$id: CONFIG-FILE-CONTENT-BEGIN\n" , @data , "$id: CONFIG-FILE-CONTENT-END\n" ; PrintHash( "ENV", %ENV ); } push @data, @ARGV if @ARGV; # Add command line URLs if ( @TAG_LIST ) { local $ARG; for ( @TAG_LIST ) { TagHandle undef, undef, "1-reset"; Main $ARG, \@data; } } else { Main "", \@data; } } Start(); 0; __END__