GMail::IMAPD(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation GMail::IMAPD(3) NNAAMMEE GMail::IMAPD - An IMAP4 gateway to Google's webmail service SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS # Start an IMAP-to-Gmail daemon on port 1143 use GMail::IMAPD; my $daemon=GMail::IMAPD->new(LocalPort=>1143, LogFile=>'gmail_imapd.log', Debug=>1); $daemon->run(); # Or if you prefer to use your own server socket, # you can do something like: my $i2g=GMail::IMAPD->new(LogFile=>'imapd.log'); for(;;){ my $s=someserver(); $i2g->procimap($s); } DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This module allows users to access their Gmail account with an IMAP client by running a server which accepts IMAP connections. MMEETTHHOODDSS new ( [ARGS] ) Creates a new object. Accepts arguments in key => value form. Valid arguments are: LocalAddr Local host bind address LocalPort Local bind port Detach Boolean to run in background. Default = 1 LogFile Path to log file Debug 1 = extra information, 2 = raw socket data procimap ( $socket_handle ) Directly pass a handle to the module to process IMAP commands. NNOOTTEESS The IMAP and Gmail models differ. How GMail::IMAPD translates these differences is mostly intuitive. For instance, folders translate to labels. You can even have subfolders which translate to label names such as 'Work/NewProject'. Some translations that aren't as intuitive are shown in the table below: - Copy message to folder -> Add label to message - Move message from Inbox to folder -> Add label to message and archive - Move message from folder to Inbox -> Remove label and unarchive - Delete message in Inbox -> Archive message - Delete message in folder -> Remove message label - Delete message in Trash -> Permanently delete message Messages from other IMAP accounts can be appended to the Gmail Inbox, and Inbox only. The module achieves this by emailing the message to the Gmail account. Therefore, the append procedure may be slow and the message will initially be marked unread. GMail::IMAPD is not fully IMAP4 compliant and has just enough function- ality to get by. It has been tested with Firefox, Outlook, Outlook Express, and CCAAVVEEAATTSS The IMAP client is automatically subscribed to all folders/labels. Unsubscribe has no effect. This is to eliminate any need for persis- tent server side data at the moment. Once a message has been moved to Trash, it cannot be un-Trashed with the IMAP client. This functionality might be missing in the Mail::Web- mail::Gmail module or I'm not sure how to do it with the module. Access to large folders is slow. To fetch simple header information requested by most IMAP clients (FLAGS, INTERNALDATE, etc) requires GMail::IMAPD to download the entire message. Persistent message caching will help and is on the todo list. To work, GMail::IMAPD currently bundles and uses patched versions of UserAgent and Mail::Webmail::Gmail. One line of UserAgent was changed to forward cookies to Gmail. And, only a patched version of Mail::Web- mail::Gmail from the author's website works with the current version of Gmail. Future versions of GMail::IMAPD will remove these patched mod- ules when the actual modules are updated. For more information on this topic, see BBUUGGSS If a message is replied-to via the gmail web interface, and the reply is discarded, the message becomes unavaible to interfaces such as Mail::Webmail::Gmail. I believe this is a Google bug. PPRREERREEQQUUIISSIITTEESS LWP Crypt::SSLeay TTOODDOO - Better error handling - Persistently cached messages, perhaps with DBI - IMAPS support - A contacts folder, perhaps containing messages with xml and vcf attachments - Copy from other IMAP accounts to any Gmail folder - Interface with Mail::Webmail::Yahoo ? CCRREEDDIITTSS I'd like to thank Allen Holman (mincus) for the Mail::Webmail::Gmail module. His module greatly accelerated the development of GMail::IMAPD. AAUUTTHHOORR Kurt Schellpeper CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright 2005 Kurt Schellpeper. All rights reserved. This library is a free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.8.6 2005-11-18 GMail::IMAPD(3)