#!/usr/bin/perl use Mojolicious::Lite; use Mojo::UserAgent; use HTML::FormatText; use Time::Piece; use Time::Seconds; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); use XML::Feed; use DateTime; use DBI; use utf8; our $VERSION = "1.1"; # turn off buffering $| = 1; # if the user wants to see extra debugging text # set this value to 1 my $debug = 0; # if the user wants to see SQL tracing set this value to 1 my $sql_debug = 0; my $now_time = localtime(); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $hour = "0" . $hour if $hour < 10; $mon = $mon + 1; $mon = "0" . $mon if $mon < 10; $year = $year + 1900; # hypnotoad IP address and port to listen app->config( hypnotoad => { listen => ['http://IPADDRESS:PORT'], } ); my %months = ( Jan => '00', Feb => '01', Mar => '02', Apr => '03', May => '04', Jun => '05', Jul => '06', Aug => '07', Sep => '08', Oct => '09', Nov => '10', Dec => '11' ); my $pg_db = "DBNAME"; # database name my $user = "DBUSER"; # database username my $pass = "DBPASS"; # database user password # database connection my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$pg_db", "$user", "$pass"); $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; $dbh->{pg_enable_utf8} = 1; # add database tracing - SQL or DBD if ( $sql_debug ) { $dbh->trace('SQL', 'sql_trace.log'); } # ------------- NEWS HELPER FUNCTIONS ------------- # setup a help to the database handle helper db => sub { $dbh }; # create the database helper create_tables => sub { my $self = shift; warn " Creating rss tables\n"; $self->db->do( 'create table if not exists rss_feeds (feed_id serial primary key, feed_name text, feed_url text)' ); $self->db->do( 'create table if not exists rss_news ( news_id serial primary key, feed_id serial, news_date text, news_title text, news_desc text, news_url text, news_seen smallint, news_fav smallint)' ); $self->db->do('create index rss_feeds_idx on rss_feeds (feed_id)'); $self->db->do('create index rss_news_idx on rss_news (news_id, feed_id, news_title)'); }; # Check if the the first table exists # this helper will be used later when this script runs # If the table does not exist it will be created then the # rest of the script will continue helper check_tables => sub { my $self = shift; warn " Checking if the tables exist\n"; my $ret = $self->db->prepare("select count(*) from pg_class where relname='rss_feeds'"); $ret->execute(); my @count = $ret->fetchrow_array(); return $count[0]; }; # SQL query for listing the RSS feeds # this will only list feeds that actually have new news items # to view helper select_feeds => sub { my $self = shift; my $get_feeds = $self->db->prepare(' select rf.feed_id, rf.feed_name from rss_feeds rf where rf.feed_id in (select rfx.feed_id from rss_feeds rfx INTERSECT select rn.feed_id from rss_news rn where rn.news_seen = 0 group by rn.feed_id having count(*) > 0 ) order by rf.feed_name asc '); $get_feeds->execute(); return $get_feeds->fetchall_arrayref; }; # SQL query to view the unread news items for a RSS feed # do not show any fav'ed news items helper select_news => sub { my $self = shift; my $rss_feed_id = shift; my $get_news = $self->db->prepare(' select rf.feed_name, rn.news_date, rn.news_title, rn.news_desc, rn.news_url, rn.news_id from rss_feeds rf, rss_news rn where rn.feed_id = ? and rf.feed_id = ? and rn.news_seen = 0 order by rn.news_date desc '); $get_news->execute($rss_feed_id, $rss_feed_id); return $get_news->fetchall_arrayref; }; # SQL query to select only the fav'ed news items helper select_favs => sub { my $self = shift; my $get_favs = $self->db->prepare(' select rf.feed_name, rn.news_date, rn.news_title, rn.news_desc, rn.news_url, rn.news_id from rss_feeds rf, rss_news rn where rn.feed_id = rf.feed_id and rn.news_fav = 1 order by rn.news_date desc '); $get_favs->execute(); return $get_favs->fetchall_arrayref; }; # SQL query to list all the RSS feeds helper edit_feed_list => sub { my $self = shift; my $get_feeds = $self->db->prepare(' select feed_id, feed_name, feed_url from rss_feeds order by feed_name asc '); $get_feeds->execute(); return $get_feeds->fetchall_arrayref; }; # if the index does not exist then create the tables # else just run the select feeds helper if ( app->check_tables == 0 ) { app->create_tables; } app->select_feeds; # ------------- NEWS ROUTES ------------- # this route will show the RSS feeds any '/' => sub { my $self = shift; my $rows = $self->select_feeds; $self->stash( feed_rows => $rows ); $self->render('list_feeds'); }; # show the list of news from the feed # :feed is the feed_number from the database # :name is the name shown from the list of RSS feeds get '/view_news/:feed/:name' => sub { my $self = shift; my $news_id = $self->param('feed'); my $news_name = $self->param('name'); my $news_rows = $self->select_news($news_id); $self->stash(news_rows => $news_rows); $self->stash(news_id => $news_id); $self->stash(news_name => $news_name); $self->render('rss'); }; # show the news items the user chose to favorite get '/favs' => sub { my $self = shift; my $rows = $self->select_favs; $self->stash( fav_rows => $rows ); $self->render('favs'); }; # edit the RSS feed list get '/edit_feeds' => sub { my $self = shift; my $rows = $self->edit_feed_list; $self->stash( edit_rows => $rows ); $self->render('edit_feeds'); }; # show the page that will allow the user to # 1. add a RSS feed # 2. edit RSS feeds # 3. delete RSS news items that have not be fav'ed get '/maint_feeds' => sub { my $self = shift; my $rows = $self->edit_feed_list; $self->stash( edit_rows => $rows ); $self->render('maint'); }; # add a RSS feed to the database get '/add_feeds' => sub { my $self = shift; my $feed_name = $self->param('feed_name'); my $feed_url = $self->param('feed_url'); my $insert_feed = $dbh->prepare('insert into rss_feeds (feed_name, feed_url) values (?, ?)'); $insert_feed->execute($feed_name, $feed_url); return $self->render(text => 'done', status => 200); }; # Change state of RSS news item depending on user access # seen - mark an individual news item read # seen_all - mark all news items under a feed as read # fav - mark a news item as a favorite # unfav - unfavorite a previously fav'ed item get '/update_news' => sub { my $self = shift; my $feed_id = $self->param('feed_id'); my $feed_update = $self->param('feed_type'); my $update; if ( $feed_update eq "seen" ) { $update = $dbh->prepare('update rss_news set news_seen = 1 where news_id = ?'); } elsif ( $feed_update eq "seen_all" ) { $update = $dbh->prepare('update rss_news set news_seen = 1 where feed_id = ?'); } elsif ( $feed_update eq "fav" ) { $update = $dbh->prepare('update rss_news set news_fav = 1, news_seen = 1 where news_id = ?'); } elsif ( $feed_update eq "unfav" ) { $update = $dbh->prepare('update rss_news set news_fav = 0 where news_id = ?'); } else { print "an expected news_type was not provided\n"; return $self->render(text => 'failed news_type', status => 500); } $update->execute($feed_id); return $self->render(text => 'done', status => 200); }; # update a RSS feed URL get '/update_feed' => sub { my $self = shift; my $feed_id = $self->param('feed_id'); my $feed_url = $self->param('feed_url'); my $update = $dbh->prepare('update rss_feeds set feed_url = ? where feed_id = ?'); $update->execute($feed_url, $feed_id); return $self->render(text => 'done', status => 200); }; # delete a RSS feed as well as all news items from that feed get '/delete_feed' => sub { my $self = shift; my $feed_id = $self->param('feed_id'); my $delete_feed = $dbh->prepare('delete from rss_feeds where feed_id = ?'); $delete_feed->execute($feed_id); my $delete_news = $dbh->prepare('delete from rss_news where feed_id = ?'); $delete_news->execute($feed_id); return $self->render(text => 'done', status => 200); }; # remove only the actual detail of the news as it takes up the most space # and because the title is used to determine if we already downloaded an # existing news item get '/cleanup' => sub { my $self = shift; my $days_back = $self->param('days_back'); # find the datetime stamp some number of days back # days back is provided by the user my $current_time = localtime; $current_time -= ( $days_back * ONE_DAY ); my $remove_date = $current_time->datetime; my $remove_old_news = $self->db->prepare("update rss_news set news_desc = NULL where news_date <= ? and news_fav = '0'"); $remove_old_news->execute($remove_date); return $self->render(text => 'done', status => 200); }; # iterate over all RSS feeds add news items to the # database # as a way to keep a web server from timing out # only cycle 10 feeds at a time. the SQL query uses # the limit capability to move to the next group of # RSS feeds get '/add_news' => sub { my $self = shift; print "\n---------------------\n" if $debug; print "Adding news\n\n" if $debug; # read in the SQL offset if one exists so we # only read 10 feeds at a time. if no offset # is provided then start at 0 my $offset = $self->param('offset') // 0; # get the total number of feeds we have so we know when # to stop the recursive call to add_news my $feed_count = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from rss_feeds"); $feed_count->execute(); my @num_feeds = $feed_count->fetchrow_array(); # create the number of feeds to use as a stopping point # with the recursive call. this number is the break # out of the loop count my $total_feeds = $num_feeds[0]; $total_feeds += 10; # get the feeds to update 10 at a time my $get_feeds = $dbh->prepare("select feed_id, feed_name, feed_url from rss_feeds LIMIT 10 OFFSET ?"); $get_feeds->execute($offset); # setup the offset for the next call if there is one if ( $offset == 0 ) { $offset = 10; } else { $offset += 10; } # prepare queries for instering news and also finding items that may already exist in the database my $insert_news = $dbh->prepare("insert into rss_news (feed_id,news_date,news_title,news_desc,news_url,news_seen,news_fav) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); my $find = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from rss_news where news_title = ? and feed_id = ?"); # iterate over each RSS feed while ( my @feed_data = $get_feeds->fetchrow_array() ) { my $rss_id = $feed_data[0]; my $rss_name = $feed_data[1]; my $rss_url = $feed_data[2]; print "$rss_name - head request\n" if $debug; # check that the URL exists by doing a HEAD against the URL # if there is a problem access a feed skip to the next feed my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; if ( ! defined $ua ) { print "\tUA not defined\n" if $debug; usleep(250); next; } my $tx = $ua->head($rss_url); if ( ! defined $tx ) { print "\thead request failed\n" if $debug; usleep(250); next; } # Check the result code of the HEAD request. I have found that even when # a 501 is returned the RSS feed may still work. If a 200 or 501 is not returned # then insert a defaul future date bad url message. This will allow the user to know # there way a problem if ( $tx->res->code !~ /200|501/ ) { # feed_id, news_date, news_title, news_desc, news_url $insert_news->execute($rss_id, '2099-01-01 00:00:00:000', 'bad url', $rss_url, '', 0, 0); print "\tskipping\n" if $debug; next; } print "\tAbout to parse the RSS URL - $rss_url\n" if $debug; # Attempt to get the RSS feed. If it works save it to $feed # otherwise skip to the next feed my $feed; eval { # the URL is good so pull it $feed = XML::Feed->parse(URI->new($rss_url)); }; if ( $@ ) { print "There was a problem parsing $rss_url\n"; next; } if ( ! defined $feed ) { print "\tCannot parse $rss_url - $rss_url\n"; usleep(250); next; } print "\tURL parsed\n" if $debug; # iterate over each news item of the RSS feed foreach my $story ($feed->entries) { my $dt = 0; my $date = 0; my $year = 0; my $month = 0; my $day = 0; my $day_num = 0; my $time = 0; my $hour = 0; my $minute = 0; my $second = 0; # if the feed includes a date use it # if not create our own using the current time if ( defined $story->issued ) { $date = $story->issued; } else { $dt = DateTime->now; $year = $dt->year; $month = $dt->month < 10 ? '0' . $dt->month : $dt->month; $day = $dt->day < 10 ? '0' . $dt->day : $dt->day; $hour = $dt->hour < 10 ? '0' . $dt->hour : $dt->hour; $minute = $dt->minute < 10 ? '0' . $dt->minute : $dt->minute; $second = $dt->second < 10 ? '0' . $dt->second : $dt->second; $date = "$year-$month-$day" . "T" . "$hour:$minute:$second"; } # get the news item title and if it does not exist prvide a # place holder title my $title = $story->title; $title = "Empty title" if ! defined $title; # get the news for the specific item and if it does not exist prvide a # place holder text field my $desc = $story->content->body; $desc = "Empty body" if ! defined $desc; my $url = $story->link; $url = $rss_url if ! defined $url; # Clear up HTML and remove image tags to clear up what you view my $desc_string = HTML::FormatText->format_string($desc); $desc_string =~ s/\[IMAGE\]//g; $desc_string =~ s/\s+$/\n\n/; print "\tDoes the title exist?\n" if $debug; # Have we already downloaded this news item? # Check by lookin at the RSS news item title $find->execute($title, $rss_id); my @count = $find->fetchrow_array(); # if the article does not exist in the database then add it # otherwise skip it if ( $count[0] == 0 ) { print "\tAdd news\n" if $debug; $insert_news->execute($rss_id, $date, $title, $desc_string, $url, 0, 0); } } # END foreach my $story ($feed->entries) { } # END while ( my @feed_data = $get_feeds->fetchrow_array() ) { # the recursive call used to keep gathering news # until we have gathered all the feeds we have if ( $offset >= $total_feeds ) { $self->redirect_to('/'); } else { $self->redirect_to("/add_news?offset=$offset"); } }; # when the user wants to add a feed they need to start here get '/add_feed' => 'add_feed'; app->start; # ------------- HTML TEMPLATES ------------- __DATA__ @@list_feeds.html.ep
<%= $news_desc %>
<%= $feed_name %> |