Linux::loadavg ============== INTRODUCTION This module is purely for Linux usage only. A similar module exist for Solaris; Solaris::loadaverage. Actually Linux::loadavg is a direct derive from Solaris::loadaverage. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES None COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2007-2024, Niels van Dijke, REMARKS The author is aware of the existence of another XS getloadavg module: BSD::getloadavg. This module however can not be swapped out in the way both Linux::loadavg and Solaris::loadavg can be done. See: 'examples/'. CREDITS Credits should go to: Alexander Golomshtok ( Author of Solaris::loadavg Dan Kogai ( Author of BSD:::getloadavg package and ''