Prerequisites: I did this with perl5.003_16. If you have 3_05, then probably you need to remove the last chunk of patch diff_Tk401_000_my0_open32 mentioned below. You also need to have Open32 runtime (to run programs) and Open32 link library to build. This is what you need to do to build Tk/Perl for Open32: Get the and Tk401.000.tar.gz. Create a directory, change to it, and unzip tar xzfv Tk401.000.tar.gz Change to Tk401.000 directory, do cat ../diff_Tk401_000_my0_pix ../diff_Tk401_000_my0_open32 \ ../diff_Tk401_000_my0_nopix_noopen32 | gnupatch -p1 |& tee 00p in sh syntax: perl -pi~ -e 's/\.o/\$(OBJ_EXT)/' *.d */*.d */*/*.d then unzip ../ perl Makefile.PL cd pTk; rm munging.d; gmake munging.d cd pTk; gmake tkWinInt.h make addres Now one can run perl__ -Mblib basic_demo perl__ -Mblib demos/widget