/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.font; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.util.*; import sun.awt.SunHints; public final class CStrike extends PhysicalStrike { // Creates the native strike private static native long createNativeStrikePtr(long nativeFontPtr, double[] glyphTx, double[] invDevTxMatrix, int aaHint, int fmHint); // Disposes the native strike private static native void disposeNativeStrikePtr(long nativeStrikePtr); // Creates a StrikeMetrics from the underlying native system fonts private static native StrikeMetrics getFontMetrics(long nativeStrikePtr); // Returns native struct pointers used by the Sun 2D Renderer private static native void getGlyphImagePtrsNative(long nativeStrikePtr, long[] glyphInfos, int[] uniCodes, int len); // Returns the advance give a glyph code. It should be used only // when the glyph code belongs to the CFont passed in. private static native float getNativeGlyphAdvance(long nativeStrikePtr, int glyphCode); // Returns the outline shape of a glyph private static native GeneralPath getNativeGlyphOutline(long nativeStrikePtr, int glyphCode, double x, double y); // returns the bounding rect for a glyph private static native void getNativeGlyphImageBounds(long nativeStrikePtr, int glyphCode, Rectangle2D.Float result, double x, double y); private final CFont nativeFont; private AffineTransform invDevTx; private final GlyphInfoCache glyphInfoCache; private final GlyphAdvanceCache glyphAdvanceCache; private long nativeStrikePtr; CStrike(final CFont font, final FontStrikeDesc inDesc) { nativeFont = font; desc = inDesc; glyphInfoCache = new GlyphInfoCache(font, desc); glyphAdvanceCache = new GlyphAdvanceCache(); disposer = glyphInfoCache; // Normally the device transform should be the identity transform // for screen operations. The device transform only becomes // interesting when we are outputting between different dpi surfaces, // like when we are printing to postscript or use retina. if (inDesc.devTx != null && !inDesc.devTx.isIdentity()) { try { invDevTx = inDesc.devTx.createInverse(); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ignored) { // ignored, since device transforms should not be that // complicated, and if they are - there is nothing we can do, // so we won't worry about it. } } } public long getNativeStrikePtr() { if (nativeStrikePtr != 0) { return nativeStrikePtr; } final double[] glyphTx = new double[6]; desc.glyphTx.getMatrix(glyphTx); final double[] invDevTxMatrix = new double[6]; if (invDevTx == null) { invDevTxMatrix[0] = 1; invDevTxMatrix[3] = 1; } else { invDevTx.getMatrix(invDevTxMatrix); } final int aaHint = desc.aaHint; final int fmHint = desc.fmHint; synchronized (this) { if (nativeStrikePtr != 0) { return nativeStrikePtr; } nativeStrikePtr = createNativeStrikePtr(nativeFont.getNativeFontPtr(), glyphTx, invDevTxMatrix, aaHint, fmHint); } return nativeStrikePtr; } protected synchronized void finalize() throws Throwable { if (nativeStrikePtr != 0) { disposeNativeStrikePtr(nativeStrikePtr); } nativeStrikePtr = 0; } @Override public int getNumGlyphs() { return nativeFont.getNumGlyphs(); } @Override StrikeMetrics getFontMetrics() { if (strikeMetrics == null) { StrikeMetrics metrics = getFontMetrics(getNativeStrikePtr()); if (invDevTx != null) { metrics.convertToUserSpace(invDevTx); } metrics.convertToUserSpace(desc.glyphTx); strikeMetrics = metrics; } return strikeMetrics; } @Override float getGlyphAdvance(final int glyphCode) { return getCachedNativeGlyphAdvance(glyphCode); } @Override float getCodePointAdvance(final int cp) { return getGlyphAdvance(nativeFont.getMapper().charToGlyph(cp)); } @Override Point2D.Float getCharMetrics(final char ch) { return getGlyphMetrics(nativeFont.getMapper().charToGlyph(ch)); } @Override Point2D.Float getGlyphMetrics(final int glyphCode) { return new Point2D.Float(getGlyphAdvance(glyphCode), 0.0f); } Rectangle2D.Float getGlyphOutlineBounds(int glyphCode) { GeneralPath gp = getGlyphOutline(glyphCode, 0f, 0f); Rectangle2D r2d = gp.getBounds2D(); Rectangle2D.Float r2df; if (r2d instanceof Rectangle2D.Float) { r2df = (Rectangle2D.Float)r2d; } else { float x = (float)r2d.getX(); float y = (float)r2d.getY(); float w = (float)r2d.getWidth(); float h = (float)r2d.getHeight(); r2df = new Rectangle2D.Float(x, y, w, h); } return r2df; } // pt, result in device space void getGlyphImageBounds(int glyphCode, Point2D.Float pt, Rectangle result) { Rectangle2D.Float floatRect = new Rectangle2D.Float(); if (invDevTx != null) { invDevTx.transform(pt, pt); } getGlyphImageBounds(glyphCode, pt.x, pt.y, floatRect); if (floatRect.width == 0 && floatRect.height == 0) { result.setRect(0, 0, -1, -1); return; } result.setRect(floatRect.x + pt.x, floatRect.y + pt.y, floatRect.width, floatRect.height); } private void getGlyphImageBounds(int glyphCode, float x, float y, Rectangle2D.Float floatRect) { getNativeGlyphImageBounds(getNativeStrikePtr(), glyphCode, floatRect, x, y); } GeneralPath getGlyphOutline(int glyphCode, float x, float y) { return getNativeGlyphOutline(getNativeStrikePtr(), glyphCode, x, y); } // should implement, however not called though any path that is publicly exposed GeneralPath getGlyphVectorOutline(int[] glyphs, float x, float y) { throw new Error("not implemented yet"); } // called from the Sun2D renderer long getGlyphImagePtr(int glyphCode) { synchronized (glyphInfoCache) { long ptr = glyphInfoCache.get(glyphCode); if (ptr != 0L) return ptr; long[] ptrs = new long[1]; int[] codes = new int[1]; codes[0] = glyphCode; getGlyphImagePtrs(codes, ptrs, 1); ptr = ptrs[0]; glyphInfoCache.put(glyphCode, ptr); return ptr; } } // called from the Sun2D renderer void getGlyphImagePtrs(int[] glyphCodes, long[] images, int len) { synchronized (glyphInfoCache) { // fill the image pointer array with existing pointers // from the cache int missed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int code = glyphCodes[i]; final long ptr = glyphInfoCache.get(code); if (ptr != 0L) { images[i] = ptr; } else { // zero this element out, because the caller does not // promise to keep it clean images[i] = 0L; missed++; } } if (missed == 0) { return; // horray! we got away without touching native! } // all distinct glyph codes requested (partially filled) final int[] filteredCodes = new int[missed]; // indices into filteredCodes array (totally filled) final int[] filteredIndicies = new int[missed]; // scan, mark, and store the requested glyph codes again to // send into native int j = 0; int dupes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (images[i] != 0L) continue; // already filled final int code = glyphCodes[i]; // we have already promised to strike this glyph - this is // a dupe if (glyphInfoCache.get(code) == -1L) { filteredIndicies[j] = -1; dupes++; j++; continue; } // this is a distinct glyph we have not struck before, or // promised to strike mark this one as "promise to strike" // in the global cache with a -1L final int k = j - dupes; filteredCodes[k] = code; glyphInfoCache.put(code, -1L); filteredIndicies[j] = k; j++; } final int filteredRunLen = j - dupes; final long[] filteredImages = new long[filteredRunLen]; // bulk call to fill in the distinct glyph pointers from native getFilteredGlyphImagePtrs(filteredImages, filteredCodes, filteredRunLen); // scan the requested glyph list, and fill in pointers from our // distinct glyph list which has been filled from native j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (images[i] != 0L && images[i] != -1L) { continue; // already placed } // index into filteredImages array final int k = filteredIndicies[j]; final int code = glyphCodes[i]; if (k == -1L) { // we should have already filled the cache with this pointer images[i] = glyphInfoCache.get(code); } else { // fill the particular glyph code request, and store // in the cache final long ptr = filteredImages[k]; images[i] = ptr; glyphInfoCache.put(code, ptr); } j++; } } } private void getFilteredGlyphImagePtrs(long[] glyphInfos, int[] uniCodes, int len) { getGlyphImagePtrsNative(getNativeStrikePtr(), glyphInfos, uniCodes, len); } private float getCachedNativeGlyphAdvance(int glyphCode) { synchronized(glyphAdvanceCache) { float advance = glyphAdvanceCache.get(glyphCode); if (advance != 0) { return advance; } advance = getNativeGlyphAdvance(getNativeStrikePtr(), glyphCode); glyphAdvanceCache.put(glyphCode, advance); return advance; } } // This class stores glyph pointers, and is indexed based on glyph codes, // and negative unicode values. See the comments in // CCharToGlyphMapper for more details on our glyph code strategy. private static class GlyphInfoCache extends CStrikeDisposer { private static final int FIRST_LAYER_SIZE = 256; private static final int SECOND_LAYER_SIZE = 16384; // 16384 = 128x128 // rdar://problem/5204197 private boolean disposed = false; private final long[] firstLayerCache; private SparseBitShiftingTwoLayerArray secondLayerCache; private HashMap generalCache; GlyphInfoCache(final Font2D nativeFont, final FontStrikeDesc desc) { super(nativeFont, desc); firstLayerCache = new long[FIRST_LAYER_SIZE]; } public synchronized long get(final int index) { if (index < 0) { if (-index < SECOND_LAYER_SIZE) { // catch common unicodes if (secondLayerCache == null) { return 0L; } return secondLayerCache.get(-index); } } else { if (index < FIRST_LAYER_SIZE) { // catch common glyphcodes return firstLayerCache[index]; } } if (generalCache == null) { return 0L; } final Long value = generalCache.get(new Integer(index)); if (value == null) { return 0L; } return value.longValue(); } public synchronized void put(final int index, final long value) { if (index < 0) { if (-index < SECOND_LAYER_SIZE) { // catch common unicodes if (secondLayerCache == null) { secondLayerCache = new SparseBitShiftingTwoLayerArray(SECOND_LAYER_SIZE, 7); // 128x128 } secondLayerCache.put(-index, value); return; } } else { if (index < FIRST_LAYER_SIZE) { // catch common glyphcodes firstLayerCache[index] = value; return; } } if (generalCache == null) { generalCache = new HashMap(); } generalCache.put(new Integer(index), new Long(value)); } public synchronized void dispose() { // rdar://problem/5204197 // Note that sun.font.Font2D.getStrike() actively disposes // cleared strikeRef. We need to check the disposed flag to // prevent double frees of native resources. if (disposed) { return; } super.dispose(); // clean out the first array disposeLongArray(firstLayerCache); // clean out the two layer arrays if (secondLayerCache != null) { final long[][] secondLayerLongArrayArray = secondLayerCache.cache; for (int i = 0; i < secondLayerLongArrayArray.length; i++) { final long[] longArray = secondLayerLongArrayArray[i]; if (longArray != null) disposeLongArray(longArray); } } // clean up everyone else if (generalCache != null) { final Iterator i = generalCache.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { final long longValue = i.next().longValue(); if (longValue != -1 && longValue != 0) { removeGlyphInfoFromCache(longValue); StrikeCache.freeLongPointer(longValue); } } } // rdar://problem/5204197 // Finally, set the flag. disposed = true; } private static void disposeLongArray(final long[] longArray) { for (int i = 0; i < longArray.length; i++) { final long ptr = longArray[i]; if (ptr != 0 && ptr != -1) { removeGlyphInfoFromCache(ptr); StrikeCache.freeLongPointer(ptr); // free's the native struct pointer } } } private static class SparseBitShiftingTwoLayerArray { final long[][] cache; final int shift; final int secondLayerLength; SparseBitShiftingTwoLayerArray(final int size, final int shift) { this.shift = shift; this.cache = new long[1 << shift][]; this.secondLayerLength = size >> shift; } public long get(final int index) { final int firstIndex = index >> shift; final long[] firstLayerRow = cache[firstIndex]; if (firstLayerRow == null) return 0L; return firstLayerRow[index - (firstIndex * (1 << shift))]; } public void put(final int index, final long value) { final int firstIndex = index >> shift; long[] firstLayerRow = cache[firstIndex]; if (firstLayerRow == null) { cache[firstIndex] = firstLayerRow = new long[secondLayerLength]; } firstLayerRow[index - (firstIndex * (1 << shift))] = value; } } } private static class GlyphAdvanceCache { private static final int FIRST_LAYER_SIZE = 256; private static final int SECOND_LAYER_SIZE = 16384; // 16384 = 128x128 private final float[] firstLayerCache = new float[FIRST_LAYER_SIZE]; private SparseBitShiftingTwoLayerArray secondLayerCache; private HashMap generalCache; // Empty non private constructor was added because access to this // class shouldn't be emulated by a synthetic accessor method. GlyphAdvanceCache() { super(); } public synchronized float get(final int index) { if (index < 0) { if (-index < SECOND_LAYER_SIZE) { // catch common unicodes if (secondLayerCache == null) return 0; return secondLayerCache.get(-index); } } else { if (index < FIRST_LAYER_SIZE) { // catch common glyphcodes return firstLayerCache[index]; } } if (generalCache == null) return 0; final Float value = generalCache.get(new Integer(index)); if (value == null) return 0; return value.floatValue(); } public synchronized void put(final int index, final float value) { if (index < 0) { if (-index < SECOND_LAYER_SIZE) { // catch common unicodes if (secondLayerCache == null) { secondLayerCache = new SparseBitShiftingTwoLayerArray(SECOND_LAYER_SIZE, 7); // 128x128 } secondLayerCache.put(-index, value); return; } } else { if (index < FIRST_LAYER_SIZE) { // catch common glyphcodes firstLayerCache[index] = value; return; } } if (generalCache == null) { generalCache = new HashMap(); } generalCache.put(new Integer(index), new Float(value)); } private static class SparseBitShiftingTwoLayerArray { final float[][] cache; final int shift; final int secondLayerLength; SparseBitShiftingTwoLayerArray(final int size, final int shift) { this.shift = shift; this.cache = new float[1 << shift][]; this.secondLayerLength = size >> shift; } public float get(final int index) { final int firstIndex = index >> shift; final float[] firstLayerRow = cache[firstIndex]; if (firstLayerRow == null) return 0L; return firstLayerRow[index - (firstIndex * (1 << shift))]; } public void put(final int index, final float value) { final int firstIndex = index >> shift; float[] firstLayerRow = cache[firstIndex]; if (firstLayerRow == null) { cache[firstIndex] = firstLayerRow = new float[secondLayerLength]; } firstLayerRow[index - (firstIndex * (1 << shift))] = value; } } } }