/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #import // for vImage_Buffer #import #import "CGGlyphImages.h" #import "CoreTextSupport.h" #import "fontscalerdefs.h" // contains the definition of GlyphInfo struct #import "sun_awt_SunHints.h" //#define USE_IMAGE_ALIGNED_MEMORY 1 //#define CGGI_DEBUG 1 //#define CGGI_DEBUG_DUMP 1 //#define CGGI_DEBUG_HIT_COUNT 1 #define PRINT_TX(x) \ NSLog(@"(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)", x.a, x.b, x.c, x.d, x.tx, x.ty); /* * The GlyphCanvas is a global shared CGContext that characters are struck into. * For each character, the glyph is struck, copied into a GlyphInfo struct, and * the canvas is cleared for the next glyph. * * If the necessary canvas is too large, the shared one will not be used and a * temporary one will be provided. */ @interface CGGI_GlyphCanvas : NSObject { @public CGContextRef context; vImage_Buffer *image; } @end; @implementation CGGI_GlyphCanvas @end #pragma mark --- Debugging Helpers --- /* * These debug functions are only compiled when CGGI_DEBUG is activated. * They will print out a full UInt8 canvas and any pixels struck (assuming * the canvas is not too big). * * As another debug feature, the entire canvas will be filled with a light * alpha value so it is easy to see where the glyph painting regions are * at runtime. */ #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG_DUMP static void DUMP_PIXELS(const char msg[], const UInt8 pixels[], const size_t bytesPerPixel, const int width, const int height) { printf("| %s: (%d, %d)\n", msg, width, height); if (width > 80 || height > 80) { printf("| too big\n"); return; } size_t i, j = 0, k, size = width * height; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (k = 0; k < bytesPerPixel; k++) { if (pixels[i * bytesPerPixel + k] > 0x80) j++; } } if (j == 0) { printf("| empty\n"); return; } printf("|_"); int x, y; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { printf("__"); } printf("_\n"); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { printf("| "); for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { int p = 0; for(k = 0; k < bytesPerPixel; k++) { p += pixels[(y * width + x) * bytesPerPixel + k]; } if (p < 0x80) { printf(" "); } else { printf("[]"); } } printf(" |\n"); } } static void DUMP_IMG_PIXELS(const char msg[], const vImage_Buffer *image) { const void *pixels = image->data; const size_t pixelSize = image->rowBytes / image->width; const size_t width = image->width; const size_t height = image->height; DUMP_PIXELS(msg, pixels, pixelSize, width, height); } static void PRINT_CGSTATES_INFO(const CGContextRef cgRef) { // TODO(cpc): lots of SPI use in this method; remove/rewrite? #if 0 CGRect clip = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(cgRef); fprintf(stderr, " clip: ((%f, %f), (%f, %f))\n", clip.origin.x, clip.origin.y, clip.size.width, clip.size.height); CGAffineTransform ctm = CGContextGetCTM(cgRef); fprintf(stderr, " ctm: (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)\n", ctm.a, ctm.b, ctm.c, ctm.d, ctm.tx, ctm.ty); CGAffineTransform txtTx = CGContextGetTextMatrix(cgRef); fprintf(stderr, " txtTx: (%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)\n", txtTx.a, txtTx.b, txtTx.c, txtTx.d, txtTx.tx, txtTx.ty); if (CGContextIsPathEmpty(cgRef) == 0) { CGPoint pathpoint = CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint(cgRef); CGRect pathbbox = CGContextGetPathBoundingBox(cgRef); fprintf(stderr, " [pathpoint: (%f, %f)] [pathbbox: ((%f, %f), (%f, %f))]\n", pathpoint.x, pathpoint.y, pathbbox.origin.x, pathbbox.origin.y, pathbbox.size.width, pathbbox.size.width); } CGFloat linewidth = CGContextGetLineWidth(cgRef); CGLineCap linecap = CGContextGetLineCap(cgRef); CGLineJoin linejoin = CGContextGetLineJoin(cgRef); CGFloat miterlimit = CGContextGetMiterLimit(cgRef); size_t dashcount = CGContextGetLineDashCount(cgRef); fprintf(stderr, " [linewidth: %f] [linecap: %d] [linejoin: %d] [miterlimit: %f] [dashcount: %lu]\n", linewidth, linecap, linejoin, miterlimit, (unsigned long)dashcount); CGFloat smoothness = CGContextGetSmoothness(cgRef); bool antialias = CGContextGetShouldAntialias(cgRef); bool smoothfont = CGContextGetShouldSmoothFonts(cgRef); JRSFontRenderingStyle fRendMode = CGContextGetFontRenderingMode(cgRef); fprintf(stderr, " [smoothness: %f] [antialias: %d] [smoothfont: %d] [fontrenderingmode: %d]\n", smoothness, antialias, smoothfont, fRendMode); #endif } #endif #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG static void DUMP_GLYPHINFO(const GlyphInfo *info) { printf("size: (%d, %d) pixelSize: %d\n", info->width, info->height, info->rowBytes / info->width); printf("adv: (%f, %f) top: (%f, %f)\n", info->advanceX, info->advanceY, info->topLeftX, info->topLeftY); #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG_DUMP DUMP_PIXELS("Glyph Info Struct", info->image, info->rowBytes / info->width, info->width, info->height); #endif } #endif #pragma mark --- Font Rendering Mode Descriptors --- static Int32 reverseGamma = 0; static UInt8 reverseGammaLut[256] = { 0 }; static inline UInt8* getReverseGammaLut() { if (reverseGamma == 0) { // initialize gamma lut double gamma; int i; const char* pGammaEnv = getenv("J2D_LCD_REVERSE_GAMMA"); if (pGammaEnv != NULL) { reverseGamma = atol(pGammaEnv); } if (reverseGamma < 100 || reverseGamma > 250) { reverseGamma = 180; } gamma = 100.0 / reverseGamma; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { double x = ((double)i) / 255.0; reverseGammaLut[i] = (UInt8)(255 * pow(x, gamma)); } } return reverseGammaLut; } static inline void CGGI_CopyARGBPixelToRGBPixel(const UInt32 p, UInt8 *dst) { UInt8* lut = getReverseGammaLut(); *(dst + 0) = lut[0xFF - (p >> 16 & 0xFF)]; // red *(dst + 1) = lut[0xFF - (p >> 8 & 0xFF)]; // green *(dst + 2) = lut[0xFF - (p & 0xFF)]; // blue } static void CGGI_CopyImageFromCanvasToRGBInfo(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, GlyphInfo *info) { UInt32 *src = (UInt32 *)canvas->image->data; size_t srcRowWidth = canvas->image->width; UInt8 *dest = (UInt8 *)info->image; size_t destRowWidth = info->width; size_t height = info->height; size_t y; // fill empty glyph image with black-on-white glyph for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { size_t destRow = y * destRowWidth * 3; size_t srcRow = y * srcRowWidth; size_t x; for (x = 0; x < destRowWidth; x++) { CGGI_CopyARGBPixelToRGBPixel(src[srcRow + x], dest + destRow + x * 3); } } } //static void CGGI_copyImageFromCanvasToAlphaInfo //(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, GlyphInfo *info) //{ // vImage_Buffer infoBuffer; // infoBuffer.data = info->image; // infoBuffer.width = info->width; // infoBuffer.height = info->height; // infoBuffer.rowBytes = info->width; // three bytes per RGB pixel // // UInt8 scrapPixel[info->width * info->height]; // vImage_Buffer scrapBuffer; // scrapBuffer.data = &scrapPixel; // scrapBuffer.width = info->width; // scrapBuffer.height = info->height; // scrapBuffer.rowBytes = info->width; // // vImageConvert_ARGB8888toPlanar8(canvas->image, &infoBuffer, // &scrapBuffer, &scrapBuffer, &scrapBuffer, kvImageNoFlags); //} static inline UInt8 CGGI_ConvertBWPixelToByteGray(UInt32 p) { return 0xFF - (((p >> 24 & 0xFF) + (p >> 16 & 0xFF) + (p >> 8 & 0xFF)) / 3); } static void CGGI_CopyImageFromCanvasToAlphaInfo(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, GlyphInfo *info) { UInt32 *src = (UInt32 *)canvas->image->data; size_t srcRowWidth = canvas->image->width; UInt8 *dest = (UInt8 *)info->image; size_t destRowWidth = info->width; size_t height = info->height; size_t y; // fill empty glyph image with black-on-white glyph for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { size_t destRow = y * destRowWidth; size_t srcRow = y * srcRowWidth; size_t x; for (x = 0; x < destRowWidth; x++) { UInt32 p = src[srcRow + x]; dest[destRow + x] = CGGI_ConvertBWPixelToByteGray(p); } } } #pragma mark --- Pixel Size, Modes, and Canvas Shaping Helper Functions --- typedef struct CGGI_GlyphInfoDescriptor { size_t pixelSize; void (*copyFxnPtr)(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, GlyphInfo *info); } CGGI_GlyphInfoDescriptor; typedef struct CGGI_RenderingMode { CGGI_GlyphInfoDescriptor *glyphDescriptor; JRSFontRenderingStyle cgFontMode; } CGGI_RenderingMode; static CGGI_GlyphInfoDescriptor grey = { 1, &CGGI_CopyImageFromCanvasToAlphaInfo }; static CGGI_GlyphInfoDescriptor rgb = { 3, &CGGI_CopyImageFromCanvasToRGBInfo }; static inline CGGI_RenderingMode CGGI_GetRenderingMode(const AWTStrike *strike) { CGGI_RenderingMode mode; mode.cgFontMode = strike->fStyle; NSException *e = nil; switch (strike->fAAStyle) { case sun_awt_SunHints_INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF: case sun_awt_SunHints_INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON: mode.glyphDescriptor = &grey; break; case sun_awt_SunHints_INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HRGB: case sun_awt_SunHints_INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_HBGR: case sun_awt_SunHints_INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VRGB: case sun_awt_SunHints_INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_LCD_VBGR: mode.glyphDescriptor = &rgb; break; case sun_awt_SunHints_INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_GASP: case sun_awt_SunHints_INTVAL_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT: default: /* we expect that text antialiasing hint has been already * evaluated. Report an error if we get 'unevaluated' hint here. */ e = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"IllegalArgumentException" reason:@"Invalid hint value" userInfo:nil]; @throw e; } return mode; } #pragma mark --- Canvas Managment --- /* * Creates a new canvas of a fixed size, and initializes the CGContext as * an 32-bit ARGB BitmapContext with some generic RGB color space. */ static inline void CGGI_InitCanvas(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, const vImagePixelCount width, const vImagePixelCount height, const CGGI_RenderingMode* mode) { // our canvas is *always* 4-byte ARGB size_t bytesPerRow = width * sizeof(UInt32); size_t byteCount = bytesPerRow * height; canvas->image = malloc(sizeof(vImage_Buffer)); canvas->image->width = width; canvas->image->height = height; canvas->image->rowBytes = bytesPerRow; canvas->image->data = (void *)calloc(byteCount, sizeof(UInt8)); if (canvas->image->data == NULL) { [[NSException exceptionWithName:NSMallocException reason:@"Failed to allocate memory for the buffer which backs the CGContext for glyph strikes." userInfo:nil] raise]; } uint32_t bmpInfo = kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; if (mode->glyphDescriptor == &rgb) { bmpInfo |= kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host; } CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceSRGB); canvas->context = CGBitmapContextCreate(canvas->image->data, width, height, 8, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, bmpInfo); // set foreground color CGContextSetRGBFillColor(canvas->context, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); CGContextSetFontSize(canvas->context, 1); CGContextSaveGState(canvas->context); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); } /* * Releases the BitmapContext and the associated memory backing it. */ static inline void CGGI_FreeCanvas(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas) { if (canvas->context != NULL) { CGContextRelease(canvas->context); } if (canvas->image != NULL) { if (canvas->image->data != NULL) { free(canvas->image->data); } free(canvas->image); } } /* * This is the slack space that is preallocated for the global GlyphCanvas * when it needs to be expanded. It has been set somewhat liberally to * avoid re-upsizing frequently. */ #define CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_SLACK 2.5 /* * Quick and easy inline to check if this canvas is big enough. */ static inline void CGGI_SizeCanvas(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, const vImagePixelCount width, const vImagePixelCount height, const CGGI_RenderingMode* mode) { if (canvas->image != NULL && width < canvas->image->width && height < canvas->image->height) { return; } // if we don't have enough space to strike the largest glyph in the // run, resize the canvas CGGI_FreeCanvas(canvas); CGGI_InitCanvas(canvas, width * CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_SLACK, height * CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_SLACK, mode); JRSFontSetRenderingStyleOnContext(canvas->context, mode->cgFontMode); } /* * Clear the canvas by blitting white only into the region of interest * (the rect which we will copy out of once the glyph is struck). */ static inline void CGGI_ClearCanvas(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, GlyphInfo *info) { vImage_Buffer canvasRectToClear; canvasRectToClear.data = canvas->image->data; canvasRectToClear.height = info->height; canvasRectToClear.width = info->width; // use the row stride of the canvas, not the info canvasRectToClear.rowBytes = canvas->image->rowBytes; // clean the canvas #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG Pixel_8888 opaqueWhite = { 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0 }; #else Pixel_8888 opaqueWhite = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; #endif // clear canvas background and set foreground color vImageBufferFill_ARGB8888(&canvasRectToClear, opaqueWhite, kvImageNoFlags); } #pragma mark --- GlyphInfo Creation & Copy Functions --- /* * Creates a GlyphInfo with exactly the correct size image and measurements. */ #define CGGI_GLYPH_BBOX_PADDING 2.0f static inline GlyphInfo * CGGI_CreateNewGlyphInfoFrom(CGSize advance, CGRect bbox, const AWTStrike *strike, const CGGI_RenderingMode *mode) { size_t pixelSize = mode->glyphDescriptor->pixelSize; // adjust the bounding box to be 1px bigger on each side than what // CGFont-whatever suggests - because it gives a bounding box that // is too tight bbox.size.width += CGGI_GLYPH_BBOX_PADDING * 2.0f; bbox.size.height += CGGI_GLYPH_BBOX_PADDING * 2.0f; bbox.origin.x -= CGGI_GLYPH_BBOX_PADDING; bbox.origin.y -= CGGI_GLYPH_BBOX_PADDING; vImagePixelCount width = ceilf(bbox.size.width); vImagePixelCount height = ceilf(bbox.size.height); // if the glyph is larger than 1MB, don't even try... // the GlyphVector path should have taken over by now // and zero pixels is ok if (width * height > 1024 * 1024) { width = 1; height = 1; } advance = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(advance, strike->fFontTx); if (!JRSFontStyleUsesFractionalMetrics(strike->fStyle)) { advance.width = round(advance.width); advance.height = round(advance.height); } advance = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(advance, strike->fDevTx); #ifdef USE_IMAGE_ALIGNED_MEMORY // create separate memory GlyphInfo *glyphInfo = (GlyphInfo *)malloc(sizeof(GlyphInfo)); void *image = (void *)malloc(height * width * pixelSize); #else // create a GlyphInfo struct fused to the image it points to GlyphInfo *glyphInfo = (GlyphInfo *)malloc(sizeof(GlyphInfo) + height * width * pixelSize); #endif glyphInfo->advanceX = advance.width; glyphInfo->advanceY = advance.height; glyphInfo->topLeftX = round(bbox.origin.x); glyphInfo->topLeftY = round(bbox.origin.y); glyphInfo->width = width; glyphInfo->height = height; glyphInfo->rowBytes = width * pixelSize; glyphInfo->cellInfo = NULL; #ifdef USE_IMAGE_ALIGNED_MEMORY glyphInfo->image = image; #else glyphInfo->image = ((void *)glyphInfo) + sizeof(GlyphInfo); #endif return glyphInfo; } #pragma mark --- Glyph Striking onto Canvas --- /* * Clears the canvas, strikes the glyph with CoreGraphics, and then * copies the struck pixels into the GlyphInfo image. */ static inline void CGGI_CreateImageForGlyph (CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, const CGGlyph glyph, GlyphInfo *info, const CGGI_RenderingMode *mode) { // clean the canvas CGGI_ClearCanvas(canvas, info); // strike the glyph in the upper right corner CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint(canvas->context, -info->topLeftX, canvas->image->height + info->topLeftY, &glyph, 1); // copy the glyph from the canvas into the info (*mode->glyphDescriptor->copyFxnPtr)(canvas, info); } /* * CoreText path... */ static inline GlyphInfo * CGGI_CreateImageForUnicode (CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, const AWTStrike *strike, const CGGI_RenderingMode *mode, const UniChar uniChar) { // save the state of the world CGContextSaveGState(canvas->context); // get the glyph, measure it using CG CGGlyph glyph; CTFontRef fallback; if (uniChar > 0xFFFF) { UTF16Char charRef[2]; CTS_BreakupUnicodeIntoSurrogatePairs(uniChar, charRef); CGGlyph glyphTmp[2]; fallback = CTS_CopyCTFallbackFontAndGlyphForUnicode(strike->fAWTFont, (const UTF16Char *)&charRef, (CGGlyph *)&glyphTmp, 2); glyph = glyphTmp[0]; } else { UTF16Char charRef; charRef = (UTF16Char) uniChar; // truncate. fallback = CTS_CopyCTFallbackFontAndGlyphForUnicode(strike->fAWTFont, (const UTF16Char *)&charRef, &glyph, 1); } CGAffineTransform tx = strike->fTx; JRSFontRenderingStyle style = JRSFontAlignStyleForFractionalMeasurement(strike->fStyle); CGRect bbox; JRSFontGetBoundingBoxesForGlyphsAndStyle(fallback, &tx, style, &glyph, 1, &bbox); CGSize advance; CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(fallback, kCTFontDefaultOrientation, &glyph, &advance, 1); // create the Sun2D GlyphInfo we are going to strike into GlyphInfo *info = CGGI_CreateNewGlyphInfoFrom(advance, bbox, strike, mode); // fix the context size, just in case the substituted character is unexpectedly large CGGI_SizeCanvas(canvas, info->width, info->height, mode); // align the transform for the real CoreText strike CGContextSetTextMatrix(canvas->context, strike->fAltTx); const CGFontRef cgFallback = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(fallback, NULL); CGContextSetFont(canvas->context, cgFallback); CFRelease(cgFallback); // clean the canvas - align, strike, and copy the glyph from the canvas into the info CGGI_CreateImageForGlyph(canvas, glyph, info, mode); // restore the state of the world CGContextRestoreGState(canvas->context); CFRelease(fallback); #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG DUMP_GLYPHINFO(info); #endif #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG_DUMP DUMP_IMG_PIXELS("CGGI Canvas", canvas->image); #if 0 PRINT_CGSTATES_INFO(NULL); #endif #endif return info; } #pragma mark --- GlyphInfo Filling and Canvas Managment --- /* * Sets all the per-run properties for the canvas, and then iterates through * the character run, and creates images in the GlyphInfo structs. * * Not inlined because it would create two copies in the function below */ static void CGGI_FillImagesForGlyphsWithSizedCanvas(CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas, const AWTStrike *strike, const CGGI_RenderingMode *mode, jlong glyphInfos[], const UniChar uniChars[], const CGGlyph glyphs[], const CFIndex len) { CGContextSetTextMatrix(canvas->context, strike->fAltTx); CGContextSetFont(canvas->context, strike->fAWTFont->fNativeCGFont); JRSFontSetRenderingStyleOnContext(canvas->context, strike->fStyle); CFIndex i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { GlyphInfo *info = (GlyphInfo *)jlong_to_ptr(glyphInfos[i]); if (info != NULL) { CGGI_CreateImageForGlyph(canvas, glyphs[i], info, mode); } else { info = CGGI_CreateImageForUnicode(canvas, strike, mode, uniChars[i]); glyphInfos[i] = ptr_to_jlong(info); } #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG DUMP_GLYPHINFO(info); #endif #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG_DUMP DUMP_IMG_PIXELS("CGGI Canvas", canvas->image); #endif } #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG_DUMP DUMP_IMG_PIXELS("CGGI Canvas", canvas->image); PRINT_CGSTATES_INFO(canvas->context); #endif } static NSString *threadLocalAACanvasKey = @"Java CoreGraphics Text Renderer Cached Canvas for AA"; static NSString *threadLocalLCDCanvasKey = @"Java CoreGraphics Text Renderer Cached Canvas for LCD"; /* * This is the maximum length and height times the above slack squared * to determine if we go with the global canvas, or malloc one on the spot. */ #define CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_MAX 100 /* * Based on the space needed to strike the largest character in the run, * either use the global shared canvas, or make one up on the spot, strike * the glyphs, and destroy it. */ static inline void CGGI_FillImagesForGlyphs(jlong *glyphInfos, const AWTStrike *strike, const CGGI_RenderingMode *mode, const UniChar uniChars[], const CGGlyph glyphs[], const size_t maxWidth, const size_t maxHeight, const CFIndex len) { if (maxWidth*maxHeight*CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_SLACK*CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_SLACK > CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_MAX*CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_MAX*CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_SLACK*CGGI_GLYPH_CANVAS_SLACK) { CGGI_GlyphCanvas *tmpCanvas = [[CGGI_GlyphCanvas alloc] init]; CGGI_InitCanvas(tmpCanvas, maxWidth, maxHeight, mode); CGGI_FillImagesForGlyphsWithSizedCanvas(tmpCanvas, strike, mode, glyphInfos, uniChars, glyphs, len); CGGI_FreeCanvas(tmpCanvas); [tmpCanvas release]; return; } NSMutableDictionary *threadDict = [[NSThread currentThread] threadDictionary]; NSString* theKey = (mode->glyphDescriptor == &rgb) ? threadLocalLCDCanvasKey : threadLocalAACanvasKey; CGGI_GlyphCanvas *canvas = [threadDict objectForKey:theKey]; if (canvas == nil) { canvas = [[CGGI_GlyphCanvas alloc] init]; [threadDict setObject:canvas forKey:theKey]; } CGGI_SizeCanvas(canvas, maxWidth, maxHeight, mode); CGGI_FillImagesForGlyphsWithSizedCanvas(canvas, strike, mode, glyphInfos, uniChars, glyphs, len); } /* * Finds the advances and bounding boxes of the characters in the run, * cycles through all the bounds and calculates the maximum canvas space * required by the largest glyph. * * Creates a GlyphInfo struct with a malloc that also encapsulates the * image the struct points to. This is done to meet memory layout * expectations in the Sun text rasterizer memory managment code. * The image immediately follows the struct physically in memory. */ static inline void CGGI_CreateGlyphInfos(jlong *glyphInfos, const AWTStrike *strike, const CGGI_RenderingMode *mode, const UniChar uniChars[], const CGGlyph glyphs[], CGSize advances[], CGRect bboxes[], const CFIndex len) { AWTFont *font = strike->fAWTFont; CGAffineTransform tx = strike->fTx; JRSFontRenderingStyle bboxCGMode = JRSFontAlignStyleForFractionalMeasurement(strike->fStyle); JRSFontGetBoundingBoxesForGlyphsAndStyle((CTFontRef)font->fFont, &tx, bboxCGMode, glyphs, len, bboxes); CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs((CTFontRef)font->fFont, kCTFontDefaultOrientation, glyphs, advances, len); size_t maxWidth = 1; size_t maxHeight = 1; CFIndex i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (uniChars[i] != 0) { glyphInfos[i] = 0L; continue; // will be handled later } CGSize advance = advances[i]; CGRect bbox = bboxes[i]; GlyphInfo *glyphInfo = CGGI_CreateNewGlyphInfoFrom(advance, bbox, strike, mode); if (maxWidth < glyphInfo->width) maxWidth = glyphInfo->width; if (maxHeight < glyphInfo->height) maxHeight = glyphInfo->height; glyphInfos[i] = ptr_to_jlong(glyphInfo); } CGGI_FillImagesForGlyphs(glyphInfos, strike, mode, uniChars, glyphs, maxWidth, maxHeight, len); } #pragma mark --- Temporary Buffer Allocations and Initialization --- /* * This stage separates the already valid glyph codes from the unicode values * that need special handling - the rawGlyphCodes array is no longer used * after this stage. */ static void CGGI_CreateGlyphsAndScanForComplexities(jlong *glyphInfos, const AWTStrike *strike, const CGGI_RenderingMode *mode, jint rawGlyphCodes[], UniChar uniChars[], CGGlyph glyphs[], CGSize advances[], CGRect bboxes[], const CFIndex len) { CFIndex i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { jint code = rawGlyphCodes[i]; if (code < 0) { glyphs[i] = 0; uniChars[i] = -code; } else { glyphs[i] = code; uniChars[i] = 0; } } CGGI_CreateGlyphInfos(glyphInfos, strike, mode, uniChars, glyphs, advances, bboxes, len); #ifdef CGGI_DEBUG_HIT_COUNT static size_t hitCount = 0; hitCount++; printf("%d\n", (int)hitCount); #endif } /* * Conditionally stack allocates buffers for glyphs, bounding boxes, * and advances. Unfortunately to use CG or CT in bulk runs (which is * faster than calling them per character), we have to copy into and out * of these buffers. Still a net win though. */ void CGGlyphImages_GetGlyphImagePtrs(jlong glyphInfos[], const AWTStrike *strike, jint rawGlyphCodes[], const CFIndex len) { const CGGI_RenderingMode mode = CGGI_GetRenderingMode(strike); if (len < MAX_STACK_ALLOC_GLYPH_BUFFER_SIZE) { CGRect bboxes[len]; CGSize advances[len]; CGGlyph glyphs[len]; UniChar uniChars[len]; CGGI_CreateGlyphsAndScanForComplexities(glyphInfos, strike, &mode, rawGlyphCodes, uniChars, glyphs, advances, bboxes, len); return; } // just do one malloc, and carve it up for all the buffers void *buffer = malloc(sizeof(CGRect) * sizeof(CGSize) * sizeof(CGGlyph) * sizeof(UniChar) * len); if (buffer == NULL) { [[NSException exceptionWithName:NSMallocException reason:@"Failed to allocate memory for the temporary glyph strike and measurement buffers." userInfo:nil] raise]; } CGRect *bboxes = (CGRect *)(buffer); CGSize *advances = (CGSize *)(bboxes + sizeof(CGRect) * len); CGGlyph *glyphs = (CGGlyph *)(advances + sizeof(CGGlyph) * len); UniChar *uniChars = (UniChar *)(glyphs + sizeof(UniChar) * len); CGGI_CreateGlyphsAndScanForComplexities(glyphInfos, strike, &mode, rawGlyphCodes, uniChars, glyphs, advances, bboxes, len); free(buffer); }