/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package javax.management.openmbean; // java import // import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; // jmx import // /** * The CompositeType class is the open type class * whose instances describe the types of {@link CompositeData CompositeData} values. * * * @since 1.5 */ public class CompositeType extends OpenType { /* Serial version */ static final long serialVersionUID = -5366242454346948798L; /** * @serial Sorted mapping of the item names to their descriptions */ private TreeMap nameToDescription; /** * @serial Sorted mapping of the item names to their open types */ private TreeMap> nameToType; /* As this instance is immutable, following three values need only * be calculated once. */ private transient Integer myHashCode = null; private transient String myToString = null; private transient Set myNamesSet = null; /* *** Constructor *** */ /** * Constructs a CompositeType instance, checking for the validity of the given parameters. * The validity constraints are described below for each parameter. *

* Note that the contents of the three array parameters * itemNames, itemDescriptions and itemTypes * are internally copied so that any subsequent modification of these arrays by the caller of this constructor * has no impact on the constructed CompositeType instance. *

* The Java class name of composite data values this composite type represents * (ie the class name returned by the {@link OpenType#getClassName() getClassName} method) * is set to the string value returned by CompositeData.class.getName(). *

* @param typeName The name given to the composite type this instance represents; cannot be a null or empty string. *
  * @param description The human readable description of the composite type this instance represents; * cannot be a null or empty string. *
  * @param itemNames The names of the items contained in the * composite data values described by this CompositeType instance; * cannot be null and should contain at least one element; no element can be a null or empty string. * Note that the order in which the item names are given is not important to differentiate a * CompositeType instance from another; * the item names are internally stored sorted in ascending alphanumeric order. *
  * @param itemDescriptions The descriptions, in the same order as itemNames, of the items contained in the * composite data values described by this CompositeType instance; * should be of the same size as itemNames; * no element can be null or an empty string. *
  * @param itemTypes The open type instances, in the same order as itemNames, describing the items contained * in the composite data values described by this CompositeType instance; * should be of the same size as itemNames; * no element can be null. *
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException If typeName or description is a null or empty string, * or itemNames or itemDescriptions or itemTypes is null, * or any element of itemNames or itemDescriptions * is a null or empty string, * or any element of itemTypes is null, * or itemNames or itemDescriptions or itemTypes * are not of the same size. *
  * @throws OpenDataException If itemNames contains duplicate item names * (case sensitive, but leading and trailing whitespaces removed). */ public CompositeType(String typeName, String description, String[] itemNames, String[] itemDescriptions, OpenType[] itemTypes) throws OpenDataException { // Check and construct state defined by parent // super(CompositeData.class.getName(), typeName, description, false); // Check the 3 arrays are not null or empty (ie length==0) and that there is no null element or empty string in them // checkForNullElement(itemNames, "itemNames"); checkForNullElement(itemDescriptions, "itemDescriptions"); checkForNullElement(itemTypes, "itemTypes"); checkForEmptyString(itemNames, "itemNames"); checkForEmptyString(itemDescriptions, "itemDescriptions"); // Check the sizes of the 3 arrays are the same // if ( (itemNames.length != itemDescriptions.length) || (itemNames.length != itemTypes.length) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array arguments itemNames[], itemDescriptions[] and itemTypes[] "+ "should be of same length (got "+ itemNames.length +", "+ itemDescriptions.length +" and "+ itemTypes.length +")."); } // Initialize internal "names to descriptions" and "names to types" sorted maps, // and, by doing so, check there are no duplicate item names // nameToDescription = new TreeMap(); nameToType = new TreeMap>(); String key; for (int i=0; itrue if this CompositeType instance defines an item * whose name is itemName. * * @param itemName the name of the item. * * @return true if an item of this name is present. */ public boolean containsKey(String itemName) { if (itemName == null) { return false; } return nameToDescription.containsKey(itemName); } /** * Returns the description of the item whose name is itemName, * or null if this CompositeType instance does not define any item * whose name is itemName. * * @param itemName the name of the item. * * @return the description. */ public String getDescription(String itemName) { if (itemName == null) { return null; } return nameToDescription.get(itemName); } /** * Returns the open type of the item whose name is itemName, * or null if this CompositeType instance does not define any item * whose name is itemName. * * @param itemName the name of the time. * * @return the type. */ public OpenType getType(String itemName) { if (itemName == null) { return null; } return (OpenType) nameToType.get(itemName); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable Set view of all the item names defined by this CompositeType instance. * The set's iterator will return the item names in ascending order. * * @return a {@link Set} of {@link String}. */ public Set keySet() { // Initializes myNamesSet on first call if (myNamesSet == null) { myNamesSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(nameToDescription.keySet()); } return myNamesSet; // always return the same value } /** * Tests whether obj is a value which could be * described by this CompositeType instance. * *

If obj is null or is not an instance of * javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData, * isValue returns false.

* *

If obj is an instance of * javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData, then let * {@code ct} be its {@code CompositeType} as returned by {@link * CompositeData#getCompositeType()}. The result is true if * {@code this} is assignable from {@code ct}. This * means that:

* *
  • {@link #getTypeName() this.getTypeName()} equals * {@code ct.getTypeName()}, and *
  • there are no item names present in {@code this} that are * not also present in {@code ct}, and *
  • for every item in {@code this}, its type is assignable from * the type of the corresponding item in {@code ct}. *
* *

A {@code TabularType} is assignable from another {@code * TabularType} if they have the same {@linkplain * TabularType#getTypeName() typeName} and {@linkplain * TabularType#getIndexNames() index name list}, and the * {@linkplain TabularType#getRowType() row type} of the first is * assignable from the row type of the second. * *

An {@code ArrayType} is assignable from another {@code * ArrayType} if they have the same {@linkplain * ArrayType#getDimension() dimension}; and both are {@linkplain * ArrayType#isPrimitiveArray() primitive arrays} or neither is; * and the {@linkplain ArrayType#getElementOpenType() element * type} of the first is assignable from the element type of the * second. * *

In every other case, an {@code OpenType} is assignable from * another {@code OpenType} only if they are equal.

* *

These rules mean that extra items can be added to a {@code * CompositeData} without making it invalid for a {@code CompositeType} * that does not have those items.

* * @param obj the value whose open type is to be tested for compatibility * with this CompositeType instance. * * @return true if obj is a value for this * composite type, false otherwise. */ public boolean isValue(Object obj) { // if obj is null or not CompositeData, return false // if (!(obj instanceof CompositeData)) { return false; } // if obj is not a CompositeData, return false // CompositeData value = (CompositeData) obj; // test value's CompositeType is assignable to this CompositeType instance // CompositeType valueType = value.getCompositeType(); return this.isAssignableFrom(valueType); } /** * Tests whether values of the given type can be assigned to this * open type. The result is true if the given type is also a * CompositeType with the same name ({@link #getTypeName()}), and * every item in this type is also present in the given type with * the same name and assignable type. There can be additional * items in the given type, which are ignored. * * @param ot the type to be tested. * * @return true if {@code ot} is assignable to this open type. */ @Override boolean isAssignableFrom(OpenType ot) { if (!(ot instanceof CompositeType)) return false; CompositeType ct = (CompositeType) ot; if (!ct.getTypeName().equals(getTypeName())) return false; for (String key : keySet()) { OpenType otItemType = ct.getType(key); OpenType thisItemType = getType(key); if (otItemType == null || !thisItemType.isAssignableFrom(otItemType)) return false; } return true; } /* *** Methods overriden from class Object *** */ /** * Compares the specified obj parameter with this CompositeType instance for equality. *

* Two CompositeType instances are equal if and only if all of the following statements are true: *

  • their type names are equal
  • *
  • their items' names and types are equal
  • *
  * @param obj the object to be compared for equality with this CompositeType instance; * if obj is null, equals returns false. * * @return true if the specified object is equal to this CompositeType instance. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { // if obj is null, return false // if (obj == null) { return false; } // if obj is not a CompositeType, return false // CompositeType other; try { other = (CompositeType) obj; } catch (ClassCastException e) { return false; } // Now, really test for equality between this CompositeType instance and the other // // their names should be equal if ( ! this.getTypeName().equals(other.getTypeName()) ) { return false; } // their items names and types should be equal if ( ! this.nameToType.equals(other.nameToType) ) { return false; } // All tests for equality were successfull // return true; } /** * Returns the hash code value for this CompositeType instance. *

* The hash code of a CompositeType instance is the sum of the hash codes * of all elements of information used in equals comparisons * (ie: name, items names, items types). * This ensures that t1.equals(t2) implies that t1.hashCode()==t2.hashCode() * for any two CompositeType instances t1 and t2, * as required by the general contract of the method * {@link Object#hashCode() Object.hashCode()}. *

* As CompositeType instances are immutable, the hash code for this instance is calculated once, * on the first call to hashCode, and then the same value is returned for subsequent calls. * * @return the hash code value for this CompositeType instance */ public int hashCode() { // Calculate the hash code value if it has not yet been done (ie 1st call to hashCode()) // if (myHashCode == null) { int value = 0; value += this.getTypeName().hashCode(); for (String key : nameToDescription.keySet()) { value += key.hashCode(); value += this.nameToType.get(key).hashCode(); } myHashCode = Integer.valueOf(value); } // return always the same hash code for this instance (immutable) // return myHashCode.intValue(); } /** * Returns a string representation of this CompositeType instance. *

* The string representation consists of * the name of this class (ie javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType), the type name for this instance, * and the list of the items names and types string representation of this instance. *

* As CompositeType instances are immutable, the string representation for this instance is calculated once, * on the first call to toString, and then the same value is returned for subsequent calls. * * @return a string representation of this CompositeType instance */ public String toString() { // Calculate the string representation if it has not yet been done (ie 1st call to toString()) // if (myToString == null) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(this.getClass().getName()); result.append("(name="); result.append(getTypeName()); result.append(",items=("); int i=0; Iterator k=nameToType.keySet().iterator(); String key; while (k.hasNext()) { key = k.next(); if (i > 0) result.append(","); result.append("(itemName="); result.append(key); result.append(",itemType="); result.append(nameToType.get(key).toString() +")"); i++; } result.append("))"); myToString = result.toString(); } // return always the same string representation for this instance (immutable) // return myToString; } }