/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package javax.print; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; /** * Class DocFlavor encapsulates an object that specifies the * format in which print data is supplied to a {@link DocPrintJob}. * "Doc" is a short, easy-to-pronounce term that means "a piece of print data." * The print data format, or "doc flavor", consists of two things: * *

* A DocPrintJob obtains its print data by means of interface * {@link Doc Doc}. A Doc object lets the DocPrintJob * determine the doc flavor the client can supply. A Doc object * also lets the DocPrintJob obtain an instance of the doc flavor's * representation class, from which the DocPrintJob then obtains * the actual print data. *



Client Formatted Print Data

* There are two broad categories of print data, client formatted print data * and service formatted print data. *

* For client formatted print data, the client determines or knows the * print data format. * For example the client may have a JPEG encoded image, a URL for * HTML code, or a disk file containing plain text in some encoding, * possibly obtained from an external source, and * requires a way to describe the data format to the print service. *

* The doc flavor's representation class is a conduit for the JPS * DocPrintJob to obtain a sequence of characters or * bytes from the client. The * doc flavor's MIME type is one of the standard media types telling how to * interpret the sequence of characters or bytes. For a list of standard media * types, see the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority's (IANA's) Media Types * Directory. Interface {@link Doc Doc} provides two utility operations, * {@link Doc#getReaderForText() getReaderForText} and * {@link Doc#getStreamForBytes() getStreamForBytes()}, to help a * Doc object's client extract client formatted print data. *

* For client formatted print data, the print data representation class is * typically one of the following (although other representation classes are * permitted): *




Default and Platform Encodings


* For byte print data where the doc flavor's MIME type does not include a * charset parameter, the Java Print Service instance assumes the * US-ASCII character set by default. This is in accordance with * RFC 2046, which says the * default character set is US-ASCII. Note that US-ASCII is a subset of * UTF-8, so in the future this may be widened if a future RFC endorses * UTF-8 as the default in a compatible manner. *

* Also note that this is different than the behaviour of the Java runtime * when interpreting a stream of bytes as text data. That assumes the * default encoding for the user's locale. Thus, when spooling a file in local * encoding to a Java Print Service it is important to correctly specify * the encoding. Developers working in the English locales should * be particularly conscious of this, as their platform encoding corresponds * to the default mime charset. By this coincidence that particular * case may work without specifying the encoding of platform data. *

* Every instance of the Java virtual machine has a default character encoding * determined during virtual-machine startup and typically depends upon the * locale and charset being used by the underlying operating system. * In a distributed environment there is no guarantee that two VM share * the same default encoding. Thus clients which want to stream platform * encoded text data from the host platform to a Java Print Service instance * must explicitly declare the charset and not rely on defaults. *

* The preferred form is the official IANA primary name for an encoding. * Applications which stream text data should always specify the charset * in the mime type, which necessitates obtaining the encoding of the host * platform for data (eg files) stored in that platform's encoding. * A CharSet which corresponds to this and is suitable for use in a * mime-type for a DocFlavor can be obtained * from {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding DocFlavor.hostEncoding} * This may not always be the primary IANA name but is guaranteed to be * understood by this VM. * For common flavors, the pre-defined *HOST DocFlavors may be used. *


* See * character encodings for more information on the character encodings * supported on the Java platform. *



Recommended DocFlavors


* The Java Print Service API does not define any mandatorily supported * DocFlavors. * However, here are some examples of MIME types that a Java Print Service * instance might support for client formatted print data. * Nested classes inside class DocFlavor declare predefined static * constant DocFlavor objects for these example doc flavors; class DocFlavor's * constructor can be used to create an arbitrary doc flavor. *




Service Formatted Print Data


* For service formatted print data, the Java Print Service instance * determines the print data format. The doc flavor's representation class * denotes an interface whose methods the DocPrintJob invokes to * determine the content to be printed -- such as a renderable image * interface or a Java printable interface. * The doc flavor's MIME type is the special value * "application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref" indicating the client * will supply a reference to a Java object that implements the interface * named as the representation class. * This MIME type is just a placeholder; what's * important is the print data representation class. *

* For service formatted print data, the print data representation class is * typically one of the following (although other representation classes are * permitted). Nested classes inside class DocFlavor declare predefined static * constant DocFlavor objects for these example doc flavors; class DocFlavor's * constructor can be used to create an arbitrary doc flavor. *






Pre-defined Doc Flavors

* A Java Print Service instance is not required to support the * following print data formats and print data representation classes. In * fact, a developer using this class should never assume that a * particular print service supports the document types corresponding to * these pre-defined doc flavors. Always query the print service * to determine what doc flavors it supports. However, * developers who have print services that support these doc flavors are * encouraged to refer to the predefined singleton instances created here. * *

* A Java Print Service instance is allowed to support any other doc flavors * (or none) in addition to the above mandatory ones, at the implementation's * choice. *

* Support for the above doc flavors is desirable so a printing client can rely * on being able to print on any JPS printer, regardless of which doc flavors * the printer supports. If the printer doesn't support the client's preferred * doc flavor, the client can at least print plain text, or the client can * convert its data to a renderable image and print the image. *

* Furthermore, every Java Print Service instance must fulfill these * requirements for processing plain text print data: *


* The client must itself perform all plain text print data formatting not * addressed by the above requirements. *


Design Rationale


* Class DocFlavor in package javax.print.data is similar to class * {@link java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor DataFlavor}. Class * DataFlavor * is not used in the Java Print Service (JPS) API * for three reasons which are all rooted in allowing the JPS API to be * shared by other print services APIs which may need to run on Java profiles * which do not include all of the Java Platform, Standard Edition. *

  1. * The JPS API is designed to be used in Java profiles which do not support * AWT. *


  2. * The implementation of class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor * does not guarantee that equivalent data flavors will have the same * serialized representation. DocFlavor does, and can be used in services * which need this. *


  3. * The implementation of class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor * includes a human presentable name as part of the serialized representation. * This is not appropriate as part of a service matching constraint. *

* Class DocFlavor's serialized representation uses the following * canonical form of a MIME type string. Thus, two doc flavors with MIME types * that are not identical but that are equivalent (that have the same * canonical form) may be considered equal. *


* Class DocFlavor's serialized representation also contains the * fully-qualified class name of the representation class * (a String object), rather than the representation class itself * (a Class object). This allows a client to examine the doc flavors a * Java Print Service instance supports without having * to load the representation classes, which may be problematic for * limited-resource clients. *

* * @author Alan Kaminsky */ public class DocFlavor implements Serializable, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4512080796965449721L; /** * A String representing the host operating system encoding. * This will follow the conventions documented in * * RFC 2278: IANA Charset Registration Procedures * except where historical names are returned for compatibility with * previous versions of the Java platform. * The value returned from method is valid only for the VM which * returns it, for use in a DocFlavor. * This is the charset for all the "HOST" pre-defined DocFlavors in * the executing VM. */ public static final String hostEncoding; static { hostEncoding = (String)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged( new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("file.encoding")); } /** * MIME type. */ private transient MimeType myMimeType; /** * Representation class name. * @serial */ private String myClassName; /** * String value for this doc flavor. Computed when needed and cached. */ private transient String myStringValue = null; /** * Constructs a new doc flavor object from the given MIME type and * representation class name. The given MIME type is converted into * canonical form and stored internally. * * @param mimeType MIME media type string. * @param className Fully-qualified representation class name. * * @exception NullPointerException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType is null or * className is null. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType does not * obey the syntax for a MIME media type string. */ public DocFlavor(String mimeType, String className) { if (className == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } myMimeType = new MimeType (mimeType); myClassName = className; } /** * Returns this doc flavor object's MIME type string based on the * canonical form. Each parameter value is enclosed in quotes. * @return the mime type */ public String getMimeType() { return myMimeType.getMimeType(); } /** * Returns this doc flavor object's media type (from the MIME type). * @return the media type */ public String getMediaType() { return myMimeType.getMediaType(); } /** * Returns this doc flavor object's media subtype (from the MIME type). * @return the media sub-type */ public String getMediaSubtype() { return myMimeType.getMediaSubtype(); } /** * Returns a String representing a MIME * parameter. * Mime types may include parameters which are usually optional. * The charset for text types is a commonly useful example. * This convenience method will return the value of the specified * parameter if one was specified in the mime type for this flavor. *

* @param paramName the name of the paramater. This name is internally * converted to the canonical lower case format before performing * the match. * @return String representing a mime parameter, or * null if that parameter is not in the mime type string. * @exception NullPointerException if paramName is null. */ public String getParameter(String paramName) { return (String)myMimeType.getParameterMap().get(paramName.toLowerCase()); } /** * Returns the name of this doc flavor object's representation class. * @return the name of the representation class. */ public String getRepresentationClassName() { return myClassName; } /** * Converts this DocFlavor to a string. * * @return MIME type string based on the canonical form. Each parameter * value is enclosed in quotes. * A "class=" parameter is appended to the * MIME type string to indicate the representation class name. */ public String toString() { return getStringValue(); } /** * Returns a hash code for this doc flavor object. */ public int hashCode() { return getStringValue().hashCode(); } /** * Determines if this doc flavor object is equal to the given object. * The two are equal if the given object is not null, is an instance * of DocFlavor, has a MIME type equivalent to this doc * flavor object's MIME type (that is, the MIME types have the same media * type, media subtype, and parameters), and has the same representation * class name as this doc flavor object. Thus, if two doc flavor objects' * MIME types are the same except for comments, they are considered equal. * However, two doc flavor objects with MIME types of "text/plain" and * "text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" are not considered equal, even though * they represent the same media type (because the default character * set for plain text is US-ASCII). * * @param obj Object to test. * * @return True if this doc flavor object equals obj, false * otherwise. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj != null && obj instanceof DocFlavor && getStringValue().equals (((DocFlavor) obj).getStringValue()); } /** * Returns this doc flavor object's string value. */ private String getStringValue() { if (myStringValue == null) { myStringValue = myMimeType + "; class=\"" + myClassName + "\""; } return myStringValue; } /** * Write the instance to a stream (ie serialize the object). */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.defaultWriteObject(); s.writeObject(myMimeType.getMimeType()); } /** * Reconstitute an instance from a stream (that is, deserialize it). * * @serialData * The serialised form of a DocFlavor is the String naming the * representation class followed by the String representing the canonical * form of the mime type. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { s.defaultReadObject(); myMimeType = new MimeType((String)s.readObject()); } /** * Class DocFlavor.BYTE_ARRAY provides predefined static constant * DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a byte array * (byte[]) as the print data representation class. *

* * @author Alan Kaminsky */ public static class BYTE_ARRAY extends DocFlavor { private static final long serialVersionUID = -9065578006593857475L; /** * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print * data representation class name of "[B" (byte array). * * @param mimeType MIME media type string. * * @exception NullPointerException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType is null. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType does not * obey the syntax for a MIME media type string. */ public BYTE_ARRAY (String mimeType) { super (mimeType, "[B"); } /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain", * encoded in the host platform encoding. * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding} * Print data representation class name = * "[B" (byte array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_HOST = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset="+hostEncoding); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-8", * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8 = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-8"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16", * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16 = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16be" * (big-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16BE = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-16be"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16le" * (little-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16LE = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-16le"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=us-ascii", * print data representation class name = * "[B" (byte array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN_US_ASCII = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html", * encoded in the host platform encoding. * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding} * Print data representation class name = * "[B" (byte array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_HOST = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset="+hostEncoding); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-8", * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_UTF_8 = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-8"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16", * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_UTF_16 = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16be" * (big-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_UTF_16BE = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-16be"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16le" * (little-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_UTF_16LE = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-16le"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=us-ascii", * print data representation class name = * "[B" (byte array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY TEXT_HTML_US_ASCII = new BYTE_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=us-ascii"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/pdf", print * data representation class name = "[B" (byte array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY PDF = new BYTE_ARRAY ("application/pdf"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/postscript", * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY POSTSCRIPT = new BYTE_ARRAY ("application/postscript"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/vnd.hp-PCL", * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY PCL = new BYTE_ARRAY ("application/vnd.hp-PCL"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/gif", print data * representation class name = "[B" (byte array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY GIF = new BYTE_ARRAY ("image/gif"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/jpeg", print data * representation class name = "[B" (byte array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY JPEG = new BYTE_ARRAY ("image/jpeg"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/png", print data * representation class name = "[B" (byte array). */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY PNG = new BYTE_ARRAY ("image/png"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "application/octet-stream", * print data representation class name = "[B" (byte * array). The client must determine that data described * using this DocFlavor is valid for the printer. */ public static final BYTE_ARRAY AUTOSENSE = new BYTE_ARRAY ("application/octet-stream"); } /** * Class DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM provides predefined static constant * DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a byte stream ({@link * java.io.InputStream java.io.InputStream}) as the print * data representation class. *

* * @author Alan Kaminsky */ public static class INPUT_STREAM extends DocFlavor { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7045842700749194127L; /** * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print * data representation class name of * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). * * @param mimeType MIME media type string. * * @exception NullPointerException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType is null. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType does not * obey the syntax for a MIME media type string. */ public INPUT_STREAM (String mimeType) { super (mimeType, "java.io.InputStream"); } /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain", * encoded in the host platform encoding. * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding} * Print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_HOST = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset="+hostEncoding); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-8", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8 = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=utf-8"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16 = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16be" * (big-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16BE = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=utf-16be"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16le" * (little-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16LE = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=utf-16le"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=us-ascii", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_PLAIN_US_ASCII = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html", * encoded in the host platform encoding. * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding} * Print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_HOST = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset="+hostEncoding); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-8", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_UTF_8 = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=utf-8"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_UTF_16 = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16be" * (big-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_UTF_16BE = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=utf-16be"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16le" * (little-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_UTF_16LE = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=utf-16le"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=us-ascii", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM TEXT_HTML_US_ASCII = new INPUT_STREAM ("text/html; charset=us-ascii"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/pdf", print * data representation class name = "java.io.InputStream" * (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM PDF = new INPUT_STREAM ("application/pdf"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/postscript", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM POSTSCRIPT = new INPUT_STREAM ("application/postscript"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/vnd.hp-PCL", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM PCL = new INPUT_STREAM ("application/vnd.hp-PCL"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/gif", print data * representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM GIF = new INPUT_STREAM ("image/gif"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/jpeg", print data * representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM JPEG = new INPUT_STREAM ("image/jpeg"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/png", print data * representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). */ public static final INPUT_STREAM PNG = new INPUT_STREAM ("image/png"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "application/octet-stream", * print data representation class name = * "java.io.InputStream" (byte stream). * The client must determine that data described * using this DocFlavor is valid for the printer. */ public static final INPUT_STREAM AUTOSENSE = new INPUT_STREAM ("application/octet-stream"); } /** * Class DocFlavor.URL provides predefined static constant DocFlavor * objects. * For example doc flavors using a Uniform Resource Locator ({@link * java.net.URL java.net.URL}) as the print data * representation class. *

* * @author Alan Kaminsky */ public static class URL extends DocFlavor { /** * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print * data representation class name of "java.net.URL". * * @param mimeType MIME media type string. * * @exception NullPointerException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType is null. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType does not * obey the syntax for a MIME media type string. */ public URL (String mimeType) { super (mimeType, "java.net.URL"); } /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain", * encoded in the host platform encoding. * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding} * Print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_HOST = new URL ("text/plain; charset="+hostEncoding); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-8", * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8 = new URL ("text/plain; charset=utf-8"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16", * print data representation class name = * java.net.URL"" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16 = new URL ("text/plain; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16be" * (big-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16BE = new URL ("text/plain; charset=utf-16be"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=utf-16le" * (little-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_16LE = new URL ("text/plain; charset=utf-16le"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/plain; charset=us-ascii", * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_PLAIN_US_ASCII = new URL ("text/plain; charset=us-ascii"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html", * encoded in the host platform encoding. * See {@link DocFlavor#hostEncoding hostEncoding} * Print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_HTML_HOST = new URL ("text/html; charset="+hostEncoding); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-8", * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_8 = new URL ("text/html; charset=utf-8"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16", * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16 = new URL ("text/html; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16be" * (big-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16BE = new URL ("text/html; charset=utf-16be"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=utf-16le" * (little-endian byte ordering), * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_HTML_UTF_16LE = new URL ("text/html; charset=utf-16le"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "text/html; charset=us-ascii", * print data representation class name = * "java.net.URL" (byte stream). */ public static final URL TEXT_HTML_US_ASCII = new URL ("text/html; charset=us-ascii"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/pdf", print * data representation class name = "java.net.URL". */ public static final URL PDF = new URL ("application/pdf"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/postscript", * print data representation class name = "java.net.URL". */ public static final URL POSTSCRIPT = new URL ("application/postscript"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "application/vnd.hp-PCL", * print data representation class name = "java.net.URL". */ public static final URL PCL = new URL ("application/vnd.hp-PCL"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/gif", print data * representation class name = "java.net.URL". */ public static final URL GIF = new URL ("image/gif"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/jpeg", print data * representation class name = "java.net.URL". */ public static final URL JPEG = new URL ("image/jpeg"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "image/png", print data * representation class name = "java.net.URL". */ public static final URL PNG = new URL ("image/png"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = * "application/octet-stream", * print data representation class name = "java.net.URL". * The client must determine that data described * using this DocFlavor is valid for the printer. */ public static final URL AUTOSENSE = new URL ("application/octet-stream"); } /** * Class DocFlavor.CHAR_ARRAY provides predefined static constant * DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors using a character array * (char[]) as the print data representation class. As such, * the character set is Unicode. *

* * @author Alan Kaminsky */ public static class CHAR_ARRAY extends DocFlavor { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8720590903724405128L; /** * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print * data representation class name of * "[C" (character array). * * @param mimeType MIME media type string. If it is a text media * type, it is assumed to contain a * "charset=utf-16" parameter. * * @exception NullPointerException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType is null. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType does not * obey the syntax for a MIME media type string. */ public CHAR_ARRAY (String mimeType) { super (mimeType, "[C"); } /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; * charset=utf-16", print data representation class name = * "[C" (character array). */ public static final CHAR_ARRAY TEXT_PLAIN = new CHAR_ARRAY ("text/plain; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; * charset=utf-16", print data representation class name = * "[C" (character array). */ public static final CHAR_ARRAY TEXT_HTML = new CHAR_ARRAY ("text/html; charset=utf-16"); } /** * Class DocFlavor.STRING provides predefined static constant DocFlavor * objects for example doc flavors using a string ({@link java.lang.String * java.lang.String}) as the print data representation class. * As such, the character set is Unicode. *

* * @author Alan Kaminsky */ public static class STRING extends DocFlavor { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4414407504887034035L; /** * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print * data representation class name of "java.lang.String". * * @param mimeType MIME media type string. If it is a text media * type, it is assumed to contain a * "charset=utf-16" parameter. * * @exception NullPointerException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType is null. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType does not * obey the syntax for a MIME media type string. */ public STRING (String mimeType) { super (mimeType, "java.lang.String"); } /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; * charset=utf-16", print data representation class name = * "java.lang.String". */ public static final STRING TEXT_PLAIN = new STRING ("text/plain; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; * charset=utf-16", print data representation class name = * "java.lang.String". */ public static final STRING TEXT_HTML = new STRING ("text/html; charset=utf-16"); } /** * Class DocFlavor.READER provides predefined static constant DocFlavor * objects for example doc flavors using a character stream ({@link * java.io.Reader java.io.Reader}) as the print data * representation class. As such, the character set is Unicode. *

* * @author Alan Kaminsky */ public static class READER extends DocFlavor { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7100295812579351567L; /** * Constructs a new doc flavor with the given MIME type and a print * data representation class name of\ * "java.io.Reader" (character stream). * * @param mimeType MIME media type string. If it is a text media * type, it is assumed to contain a * "charset=utf-16" parameter. * * @exception NullPointerException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType is null. * @exception IllegalArgumentException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if mimeType does not * obey the syntax for a MIME media type string. */ public READER (String mimeType) { super (mimeType, "java.io.Reader"); } /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/plain; * charset=utf-16", print data representation class name = * "java.io.Reader" (character stream). */ public static final READER TEXT_PLAIN = new READER ("text/plain; charset=utf-16"); /** * Doc flavor with MIME type = "text/html; * charset=utf-16", print data representation class name = * "java.io.Reader" (character stream). */ public static final READER TEXT_HTML = new READER ("text/html; charset=utf-16"); } /** * Class DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED provides predefined static constant * DocFlavor objects for example doc flavors for service formatted print * data. *

* * @author Alan Kaminsky */ public static class SERVICE_FORMATTED extends DocFlavor { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6181337766266637256L; /** * Constructs a new doc flavor with a MIME type of * "application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref" indicating * service formatted print data and the given print data * representation class name. * * @param className Fully-qualified representation class name. * * @exception NullPointerException * (unchecked exception) Thrown if className is * null. */ public SERVICE_FORMATTED (String className) { super ("application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref", className); } /** * Service formatted print data doc flavor with print data * representation class name = * "java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage" * (renderable image object). */ public static final SERVICE_FORMATTED RENDERABLE_IMAGE = new SERVICE_FORMATTED("java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage"); /** * Service formatted print data doc flavor with print data * representation class name = "java.awt.print.Printable" * (printable object). */ public static final SERVICE_FORMATTED PRINTABLE = new SERVICE_FORMATTED ("java.awt.print.Printable"); /** * Service formatted print data doc flavor with print data * representation class name = "java.awt.print.Pageable" * (pageable object). */ public static final SERVICE_FORMATTED PAGEABLE = new SERVICE_FORMATTED ("java.awt.print.Pageable"); } }