/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.awt.image; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.awt.image.RasterFormatException; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Point; /** * This class is useful for describing 1, 2, or 4 bit image data * elements. This raster has one band whose pixels are packed * together into individual bytes in a single byte array. This type * of raster can be used with an IndexColorModel. This raster uses a * MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. * */ public class BytePackedRaster extends SunWritableRaster { /** The data bit offset for each pixel. */ int dataBitOffset; /** Scanline stride of the image data contained in this Raster. */ int scanlineStride; /** * The bit stride of a pixel, equal to the total number of bits * required to store a pixel. */ int pixelBitStride; /** The bit mask for extracting the pixel. */ int bitMask; /** The image data array. */ byte[] data; /** 8 minus the pixel bit stride. */ int shiftOffset; int type; /** A cached copy of minX + width for use in bounds checks. */ private int maxX; /** A cached copy of minY + height for use in bounds checks. */ private int maxY; static private native void initIDs(); static { /* ensure that the necessary native libraries are loaded */ NativeLibLoader.loadLibraries(); initIDs(); } /** * Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel. * The Raster's upper left corner is origin and it is the same * size as the SampleModel. A DataBuffer large enough to describe the * Raster is automatically created. SampleModel must be of type * MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. * @param sampleModel The SampleModel that specifies the layout. * @param origin The Point that specified the origin. */ public BytePackedRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, Point origin) { this(sampleModel, sampleModel.createDataBuffer(), new Rectangle(origin.x, origin.y, sampleModel.getWidth(), sampleModel.getHeight()), origin, null); } /** * Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel * and DataBuffer. The Raster's upper left corner is origin and * it is the same size as the SampleModel. The DataBuffer is not * initialized and must be a DataBufferByte compatible with SampleModel. * SampleModel must be of type MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. * @param sampleModel The SampleModel that specifies the layout. * @param dataBuffer The DataBufferShort that contains the image data. * @param origin The Point that specifies the origin. */ public BytePackedRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBuffer dataBuffer, Point origin) { this(sampleModel, dataBuffer, new Rectangle(origin.x, origin.y, sampleModel.getWidth(), sampleModel.getHeight()), origin, null); } /** * Constructs a BytePackedRaster with the given SampleModel, * DataBuffer, and parent. DataBuffer must be a DataBufferByte and * SampleModel must be of type MultiPixelPackedSampleModel. * When translated into the base Raster's * coordinate system, aRegion must be contained by the base Raster. * Origin is the coordinate in the new Raster's coordinate system of * the origin of the base Raster. (The base Raster is the Raster's * ancestor which has no parent.) * * Note that this constructor should generally be called by other * constructors or create methods, it should not be used directly. * @param sampleModel The SampleModel that specifies the layout. * @param dataBuffer The DataBufferShort that contains the image data. * @param aRegion The Rectangle that specifies the image area. * @param origin The Point that specifies the origin. * @param parent The parent (if any) of this raster. * * @exception RasterFormatException if the parameters do not conform * to requirements of this Raster type. */ public BytePackedRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBuffer dataBuffer, Rectangle aRegion, Point origin, BytePackedRaster parent){ super(sampleModel,dataBuffer,aRegion,origin, parent); this.maxX = minX + width; this.maxY = minY + height; if (!(dataBuffer instanceof DataBufferByte)) { throw new RasterFormatException("BytePackedRasters must have" + "byte DataBuffers"); } DataBufferByte dbb = (DataBufferByte)dataBuffer; this.data = stealData(dbb, 0); if (dbb.getNumBanks() != 1) { throw new RasterFormatException("DataBuffer for BytePackedRasters"+ " must only have 1 bank."); } int dbOffset = dbb.getOffset(); if (sampleModel instanceof MultiPixelPackedSampleModel) { MultiPixelPackedSampleModel mppsm = (MultiPixelPackedSampleModel)sampleModel; this.type = IntegerComponentRaster.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY_SAMPLES; pixelBitStride = mppsm.getPixelBitStride(); if (pixelBitStride != 1 && pixelBitStride != 2 && pixelBitStride != 4) { throw new RasterFormatException ("BytePackedRasters must have a bit depth of 1, 2, or 4"); } scanlineStride = mppsm.getScanlineStride(); dataBitOffset = mppsm.getDataBitOffset() + dbOffset*8; int xOffset = aRegion.x - origin.x; int yOffset = aRegion.y - origin.y; dataBitOffset += xOffset*pixelBitStride + yOffset*scanlineStride*8; bitMask = (1 << pixelBitStride) -1; shiftOffset = 8 - pixelBitStride; } else { throw new RasterFormatException("BytePackedRasters must have"+ "MultiPixelPackedSampleModel"); } verify(false); } /** * Returns the data bit offset for the Raster. The data * bit offset is the bit index into the data array element * corresponding to the first sample of the first scanline. */ public int getDataBitOffset() { return dataBitOffset; } /** * Returns the scanline stride -- the number of data array elements between * a given sample and the sample in the same column * of the next row. */ public int getScanlineStride() { return scanlineStride; } /** * Returns pixel bit stride -- the number of bits between two * samples on the same scanline. */ public int getPixelBitStride() { return pixelBitStride; } /** * Returns a reference to the entire data array. */ public byte[] getDataStorage() { return data; } /** * Returns the data element at the specified * location. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinate is out of bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of transferType. * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location. * @param outData An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length getNumDataElements(). * If null an array of appropriate type and size will be * allocated. * @return An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() with the request pixel data. */ public Object getDataElements(int x, int y, Object obj) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x >= this.maxX) || (y >= this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } byte outData[]; if (obj == null) { outData = new byte[numDataElements]; } else { outData = (byte[])obj; } int bitnum = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixelBitStride; // Fix 4184283 int element = data[(y-minY) * scanlineStride + (bitnum >> 3)] & 0xff; int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); outData[0] = (byte)((element >> shift) & bitMask); return outData; } /** * Returns the pixel data for the specified rectangle of pixels in a * primitive array of type TransferType. * For image data supported by the Java 2D API, this * will be one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or * DataBuffer.TYPE_INT. Data may be returned in a packed format, * thus increasing efficiency for data transfers. * * An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown * if the coordinates are not in bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of TransferType. * @see java.awt.image.SampleModel#getDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer) * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param outData An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements(). * If null, an array of appropriate type and size will be * allocated. * @return An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() with the requested pixel data. */ public Object getDataElements(int x, int y, int w, int h, Object outData) { return getByteData(x, y, w, h, (byte[])outData); } /** * Returns an array of data elements from the specified rectangular * region. * * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of transferType. *
     *       byte[] bandData = (byte[])raster.getPixelData(x, y, w, h, null);
     *       int pixel;
     *       // To find a data element at location (x2, y2)
     *       pixel = bandData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))];
* @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param width Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param height Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param outData An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements(). * If null an array of appropriate type and size will be * allocated. * @return An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() with the request pixel data. */ public Object getPixelData(int x, int y, int w, int h, Object obj) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } byte outData[]; if (obj == null) { outData = new byte[numDataElements*w*h]; } else { outData = (byte[])obj; } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixbits; int index = (y-minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte data[] = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift)); bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } return outData; } /** * Returns a byte array containing the specified data elements * from the data array. The band index will be ignored. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. *
     *       byte[] byteData = getByteData(x, y, band, w, h, null);
     *       // To find a data element at location (x2, y2)
     *       byte element = byteData[(y2-y)*w + (x2-x)];
* @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param width Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param height Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param band The band to return, is ignored. * @param outData If non-null, data elements * at the specified locations are returned in this array. * @return Byte array with data elements. */ public byte[] getByteData(int x, int y, int w, int h, int band, byte[] outData) { return getByteData(x, y, w, h, outData); } /** * Returns a byte array containing the specified data elements * from the data array. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. *
     *       byte[] byteData = raster.getByteData(x, y, w, h, null);
     *       byte pixel;
     *       // To find a data element at location (x2, y2)
     *       pixel = byteData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))];
* @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param width Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param height Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param outData If non-null, data elements * at the specified locations are returned in this array. * @return Byte array with data elements. */ public byte[] getByteData(int x, int y, int w, int h, byte[] outData) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } if (outData == null) { outData = new byte[w * h]; } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixbits; int index = (y-minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte data[] = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; int element; // Process initial portion of scanline int i = 0; while ((i < w) && ((bitnum & 7) != 0)) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift)); bitnum += pixbits; i++; } // Process central portion of scanline 8 pixels at a time int inIndex = index + (bitnum >> 3); switch (pixbits) { case 1: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 7) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 6) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 5) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 3) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 2) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 1) & 1); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 1); bitnum += 8; } break; case 2: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 6) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 2) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 3); element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 6) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 2) & 3); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 3); bitnum += 16; } break; case 4: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 0xf); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 0xf); element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 0xf); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 0xf); element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 0xf); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 0xf); element = data[inIndex++]; outData[outindex++] = (byte)((element >> 4) & 0xf); outData[outindex++] = (byte)(element & 0xf); bitnum += 32; } break; } // Process final portion of scanline for (; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); outData[outindex++] = (byte) (bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift)); bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } return outData; } /** * Stores the data elements at the specified location. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinate is out of bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of transferType. * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location. * @param inData An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length getNumDataElements() * containing the pixel data to place at x,y. */ public void setDataElements(int x, int y, Object obj) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x >= this.maxX) || (y >= this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } byte inData[] = (byte[])obj; int bitnum = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixelBitStride; int index = (y-minY) * scanlineStride + (bitnum >> 3); int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); byte element = data[index]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (inData[0] & bitMask) << shift; data[index] = element; markDirty(); } /** * Stores the Raster data at the specified location. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location. * @param inRaster Raster of data to place at x,y location. */ public void setDataElements(int x, int y, Raster inRaster) { // Check if we can use fast code if (!(inRaster instanceof BytePackedRaster) || ((BytePackedRaster)inRaster).pixelBitStride != pixelBitStride) { super.setDataElements(x, y, inRaster); return; } int srcOffX = inRaster.getMinX(); int srcOffY = inRaster.getMinY(); int dstOffX = srcOffX + x; int dstOffY = srcOffY + y; int width = inRaster.getWidth(); int height = inRaster.getHeight(); if ((dstOffX < this.minX) || (dstOffY < this.minY) || (dstOffX + width > this.maxX) || (dstOffY + height > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } setDataElements(dstOffX, dstOffY, srcOffX, srcOffY, width, height, (BytePackedRaster)inRaster); } /** * Stores the Raster data at the specified location. * @param dstX The absolute X coordinate of the destination pixel * that will receive a copy of the upper-left pixel of the * inRaster * @param dstY The absolute Y coordinate of the destination pixel * that will receive a copy of the upper-left pixel of the * inRaster * @param srcX The absolute X coordinate of the upper-left source * pixel that will be copied into this Raster * @param srcY The absolute Y coordinate of the upper-left source * pixel that will be copied into this Raster * @param width The number of pixels to store horizontally * @param height The number of pixels to store vertically * @param inRaster BytePackedRaster of data to place at x,y location. */ private void setDataElements(int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int width, int height, BytePackedRaster inRaster) { // Assume bounds checking has been performed previously if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } byte[] inData = inRaster.data; byte[] outData = this.data; int inscan = inRaster.scanlineStride; int outscan = this.scanlineStride; int inbit = inRaster.dataBitOffset + 8 * (srcY - inRaster.minY) * inscan + (srcX - inRaster.minX) * inRaster.pixelBitStride; int outbit = (this.dataBitOffset + 8 * (dstY - minY) * outscan + (dstX - minX) * this.pixelBitStride); int copybits = width * pixelBitStride; // Check whether the same bit alignment is present in both // Rasters; if so, we can copy whole bytes using // System.arraycopy. If not, we must do a "funnel shift" // where adjacent bytes contribute to each destination byte. if ((inbit & 7) == (outbit & 7)) { // copy is bit aligned int bitpos = outbit & 7; if (bitpos != 0) { int bits = 8 - bitpos; // Copy partial bytes on left int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int mask = 0xff >> bitpos; if (copybits < bits) { // Fix bug 4399076: previously had '8 - copybits' instead // of 'bits - copybits'. // // Prior to the this expression, 'mask' has its rightmost // 'bits' bits set to '1'. We want it to have a total // of 'copybits' bits set, therefore we want to introduce // 'bits - copybits' zeroes on the right. mask &= 0xff << (bits - copybits); bits = copybits; } for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int element = outData[outbyte]; element &= ~mask; element |= (inData[inbyte] & mask); outData[outbyte] = (byte) element; inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } inbit += bits; outbit += bits; copybits -= bits; } if (copybits >= 8) { // Copy whole bytes int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int copybytes = copybits >> 3; if (copybytes == inscan && inscan == outscan) { System.arraycopy(inData, inbyte, outData, outbyte, inscan * height); } else { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { System.arraycopy(inData, inbyte, outData, outbyte, copybytes); inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } } int bits = copybytes*8; inbit += bits; outbit += bits; copybits -= bits; } if (copybits > 0) { // Copy partial bytes on right int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int mask = (0xff00 >> copybits) & 0xff; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int element = outData[outbyte]; element &= ~mask; element |= (inData[inbyte] & mask); outData[outbyte] = (byte) element; inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } } } else { // Unaligned case, see RFE #4284166 // Note that the code in that RFE is not correct // Insert bits into the first byte of the output // if either the starting bit position is not zero or // we are writing fewer than 8 bits in total int bitpos = outbit & 7; if (bitpos != 0 || copybits < 8) { int bits = 8 - bitpos; int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int lshift = inbit & 7; int rshift = 8 - lshift; int mask = 0xff >> bitpos; if (copybits < bits) { // Fix mask if we're only writing a partial byte mask &= 0xff << (bits - copybits); bits = copybits; } int lastByte = inData.length - 1; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { // Read two bytes from the source if possible // Don't worry about going over a scanline boundary // since any extra bits won't get used anyway byte inData0 = inData[inbyte]; byte inData1 = (byte)0; if (inbyte < lastByte) { inData1 = inData[inbyte + 1]; } // Insert the new bits into the output int element = outData[outbyte]; element &= ~mask; element |= (((inData0 << lshift) | ((inData1 & 0xff) >> rshift)) >> bitpos) & mask; outData[outbyte] = (byte)element; inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } inbit += bits; outbit += bits; copybits -= bits; } // Now we have outbit & 7 == 0 so we can write // complete bytes for a while // Make sure we have work to do in the central loop // to avoid reading past the end of the scanline if (copybits >= 8) { int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int copybytes = copybits >> 3; int lshift = inbit & 7; int rshift = 8 - lshift; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int ibyte = inbyte + j*inscan; int obyte = outbyte + j*outscan; int inData0 = inData[ibyte]; // Combine adjacent bytes while 8 or more bits left for (int i = 0; i < copybytes; i++) { int inData1 = inData[ibyte + 1]; int val = (inData0 << lshift) | ((inData1 & 0xff) >> rshift); outData[obyte] = (byte)val; inData0 = inData1; ++ibyte; ++obyte; } } int bits = copybytes*8; inbit += bits; outbit += bits; copybits -= bits; } // Finish last byte if (copybits > 0) { int inbyte = inbit >> 3; int outbyte = outbit >> 3; int mask = (0xff00 >> copybits) & 0xff; int lshift = inbit & 7; int rshift = 8 - lshift; int lastByte = inData.length - 1; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { byte inData0 = inData[inbyte]; byte inData1 = (byte)0; if (inbyte < lastByte) { inData1 = inData[inbyte + 1]; } // Insert the new bits into the output int element = outData[outbyte]; element &= ~mask; element |= ((inData0 << lshift) | ((inData1 & 0xff) >> rshift)) & mask; outData[outbyte] = (byte)element; inbyte += inscan; outbyte += outscan; } } } markDirty(); } /** * Copies pixels from Raster srcRaster to this WritableRaster. * For each (x, y) address in srcRaster, the corresponding pixel * is copied to address (x+dx, y+dy) in this WritableRaster, * unless (x+dx, y+dy) falls outside the bounds of this raster. * srcRaster must have the same number of bands as this WritableRaster. * The copy is a simple copy of source samples to the corresponding * destination samples. For details, see * {@link WritableRaster#setRect(Raster)}. * * @param dx The X translation factor from src space to dst space * of the copy. * @param dy The Y translation factor from src space to dst space * of the copy. * @param srcRaster The Raster from which to copy pixels. */ public void setRect(int dx, int dy, Raster srcRaster) { // Check if we can use fast code if (!(srcRaster instanceof BytePackedRaster) || ((BytePackedRaster)srcRaster).pixelBitStride != pixelBitStride) { super.setRect(dx, dy, srcRaster); return; } int width = srcRaster.getWidth(); int height = srcRaster.getHeight(); int srcOffX = srcRaster.getMinX(); int srcOffY = srcRaster.getMinY(); int dstOffX = dx+srcOffX; int dstOffY = dy+srcOffY; // Clip to this raster if (dstOffX < this.minX) { int skipX = this.minX - dstOffX; width -= skipX; srcOffX += skipX; dstOffX = this.minX; } if (dstOffY < this.minY) { int skipY = this.minY - dstOffY; height -= skipY; srcOffY += skipY; dstOffY = this.minY; } if (dstOffX+width > this.maxX) { width = this.maxX - dstOffX; } if (dstOffY+height > this.maxY) { height = this.maxY - dstOffY; } setDataElements(dstOffX, dstOffY, srcOffX, srcOffY, width, height, (BytePackedRaster)srcRaster); } /** * Stores an array of data elements into the specified rectangular * region. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the input object is non null * and references anything other than an array of transferType. * The data elements in the * data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element * at location (x2, y2) would be found at: *
     *      inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))]
* @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param inData An object reference to an array of type defined by * getTransferType() and length w*h*getNumDataElements() * containing the pixel data to place between x,y and * x+h, y+h. */ public void setDataElements(int x, int y, int w, int h, Object obj) { putByteData(x, y, w, h, (byte[])obj); } /** * Stores a byte array of data elements into the specified rectangular * region. The band index will be ignored. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * The data elements in the * data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element * at location (x2, y2) would be found at: *
     *      inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))]
* @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param band The band to set, is ignored. * @param inData The data elements to be stored. */ public void putByteData(int x, int y, int w, int h, int band, byte[] inData) { putByteData(x, y, w, h, inData); } /** * Stores a byte array of data elements into the specified rectangular * region. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception will be thrown at runtime * if the pixel coordinates are out of bounds. * The data elements in the * data array are assumed to be packed. That is, a data element * at location (x2, y2) would be found at: *
     *      inData[((y2-y)*w + (x2-x))]
* @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param inData The data elements to be stored. */ public void putByteData(int x, int y, int w, int h, byte[] inData) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } if (w == 0 || h == 0) { return; } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x - minX) * pixbits; int index = (y - minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte data[] = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; int element; // Process initial portion of scanline int i = 0; while ((i < w) && ((bitnum & 7) != 0)) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); element = data[index + (bitnum >> 3)]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (inData[outindex++] & bitMask) << shift; data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] = (byte)element; bitnum += pixbits; i++; } // Process central portion of scanline 8 pixels at a time int inIndex = index + (bitnum >> 3); switch (pixbits) { case 1: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 7; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 6; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 5; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 3; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 2; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1) << 1; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 1); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 8; } break; case 2: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 6; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 2; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 6; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3) << 2; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 3); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 16; } break; case 4: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (inData[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (inData[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (inData[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (inData[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (inData[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 32; } break; } // Process final portion of scanline for (; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); element = data[index + (bitnum >> 3)]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (inData[outindex++] & bitMask) << shift; data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] = (byte)element; bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } markDirty(); } /** * Returns an int array containing all samples for a rectangle of pixels, * one sample per array element. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown * if the coordinates are not in bounds. * @param x, y the coordinates of the upper-left pixel location * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle * @param iArray An optionally pre-allocated int array * @return the samples for the specified rectangle of pixels. */ public int[] getPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, int iArray[]) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } if (iArray == null) { iArray = new int[w * h]; } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x-minX) * pixbits; int index = (y-minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte data[] = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; int element; // Process initial portion of scanline int i = 0; while ((i < w) && ((bitnum & 7) != 0)) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); iArray[outindex++] = bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift); bitnum += pixbits; i++; } // Process central portion of scanline 8 pixels at a time int inIndex = index + (bitnum >> 3); switch (pixbits) { case 1: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 7) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 6) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 5) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 3) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 2) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 1) & 1; iArray[outindex++] = element & 1; bitnum += 8; } break; case 2: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 6) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 2) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = element & 3; element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 6) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 2) & 3; iArray[outindex++] = element & 3; bitnum += 16; } break; case 4: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 0xf; iArray[outindex++] = element & 0xf; element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 0xf; iArray[outindex++] = element & 0xf; element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 0xf; iArray[outindex++] = element & 0xf; element = data[inIndex++]; iArray[outindex++] = (element >> 4) & 0xf; iArray[outindex++] = element & 0xf; bitnum += 32; } break; } // Process final portion of scanline for (; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); iArray[outindex++] = bitMask & (data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] >> shift); bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } return iArray; } /** * Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing * one sample per array element. * An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are * not in bounds. * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location. * @param w Width of the pixel rectangle. * @param h Height of the pixel rectangle. * @param iArray The input int pixel array. */ public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, int iArray[]) { if ((x < this.minX) || (y < this.minY) || (x + w > this.maxX) || (y + h > this.maxY)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ("Coordinate out of bounds!"); } int pixbits = pixelBitStride; int scanbit = dataBitOffset + (x - minX) * pixbits; int index = (y - minY) * scanlineStride; int outindex = 0; byte data[] = this.data; for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int bitnum = scanbit; int element; // Process initial portion of scanline int i = 0; while ((i < w) && ((bitnum & 7) != 0)) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); element = data[index + (bitnum >> 3)]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (iArray[outindex++] & bitMask) << shift; data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] = (byte)element; bitnum += pixbits; i++; } // Process central portion of scanline 8 pixels at a time int inIndex = index + (bitnum >> 3); switch (pixbits) { case 1: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 7; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 6; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 5; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 3; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 2; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1) << 1; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 1); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 8; } break; case 2: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 6; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 2; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 6; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3) << 2; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 3); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 16; } break; case 4: for (; i < w - 7; i += 8) { element = (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; element = (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf) << 4; element |= (iArray[outindex++] & 0xf); data[inIndex++] = (byte)element; bitnum += 32; } break; } // Process final portion of scanline for (; i < w; i++) { int shift = shiftOffset - (bitnum & 7); element = data[index + (bitnum >> 3)]; element &= ~(bitMask << shift); element |= (iArray[outindex++] & bitMask) << shift; data[index + (bitnum >> 3)] = (byte)element; bitnum += pixbits; } index += scanlineStride; } markDirty(); } /** * Creates a subraster given a region of the raster. The x and y * coordinates specify the horizontal and vertical offsets * from the upper-left corner of this raster to the upper-left corner * of the subraster. Note that the subraster will reference the same * DataBuffer as the parent raster, but using different offsets. The * bandList is ignored. * @param x X offset. * @param y Y offset. * @param width Width (in pixels) of the subraster. * @param height Height (in pixels) of the subraster. * @param x0 Translated X origin of the subraster. * @param y0 Translated Y origin of the subraster. * @param bandList Array of band indices. * @exception RasterFormatException * if the specified bounding box is outside of the parent raster. */ public Raster createChild(int x, int y, int width, int height, int x0, int y0, int[] bandList) { WritableRaster newRaster = createWritableChild(x, y, width, height, x0, y0, bandList); return (Raster) newRaster; } /** * Creates a Writable subRaster given a region of the Raster. The x and y * coordinates specify the horizontal and vertical offsets * from the upper-left corner of this Raster to the upper-left corner * of the subRaster. The bandList is ignored. * A translation to the subRaster may also be specified. * Note that the subRaster will reference the same * DataBuffer as the parent Raster, but using different offsets. * @param x X offset. * @param y Y offset. * @param width Width (in pixels) of the subraster. * @param height Height (in pixels) of the subraster. * @param x0 Translated X origin of the subraster. * @param y0 Translated Y origin of the subraster. * @param bandList Array of band indices. * @exception RasterFormatException * if the specified bounding box is outside of the parent Raster. */ public WritableRaster createWritableChild(int x, int y, int width, int height, int x0, int y0, int[] bandList) { if (x < this.minX) { throw new RasterFormatException("x lies outside the raster"); } if (y < this.minY) { throw new RasterFormatException("y lies outside the raster"); } if ((x+width < x) || (x+width > this.minX + this.width)) { throw new RasterFormatException("(x + width) is outside of Raster"); } if ((y+height < y) || (y+height > this.minY + this.height)) { throw new RasterFormatException("(y + height) is outside of Raster"); } SampleModel sm; if (bandList != null) { sm = sampleModel.createSubsetSampleModel(bandList); } else { sm = sampleModel; } int deltaX = x0 - x; int deltaY = y0 - y; return new BytePackedRaster(sm, dataBuffer, new Rectangle(x0, y0, width, height), new Point(sampleModelTranslateX+deltaX, sampleModelTranslateY+deltaY), this); } /** * Creates a raster with the same layout but using a different * width and height, and with new zeroed data arrays. */ public WritableRaster createCompatibleWritableRaster(int w, int h) { if (w <= 0 || h <=0) { throw new RasterFormatException("negative "+ ((w <= 0) ? "width" : "height")); } SampleModel sm = sampleModel.createCompatibleSampleModel(w,h); return new BytePackedRaster(sm, new Point(0,0)); } /** * Creates a raster with the same layout and the same * width and height, and with new zeroed data arrays. */ public WritableRaster createCompatibleWritableRaster () { return createCompatibleWritableRaster(width,height); } /** * Verify that the layout parameters are consistent with * the data. If strictCheck * is false, this method will check for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds conditions. * If strictCheck is true, this method will check for additional error * conditions such as line wraparound (width of a line greater than * the scanline stride). * @return String Error string, if the layout is incompatible with * the data. Otherwise returns null. */ private void verify (boolean strictCheck) { // Make sure data for Raster is in a legal range if (dataBitOffset < 0) { throw new RasterFormatException("Data offsets must be >= 0"); } /* Need to re-verify the dimensions since a sample model may be * specified to the constructor */ if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 || height > (Integer.MAX_VALUE / width)) { throw new RasterFormatException("Invalid raster dimension"); } /* * pixelBitstride was verified in constructor, so just make * sure that it is safe to multiply it by width. */ if ((width - 1) > Integer.MAX_VALUE / pixelBitStride) { throw new RasterFormatException("Invalid raster dimension"); } if ((long)minX - sampleModelTranslateX < 0 || (long)minY - sampleModelTranslateY < 0) { throw new RasterFormatException("Incorrect origin/translate: (" + minX + ", " + minY + ") / (" + sampleModelTranslateX + ", " + sampleModelTranslateY + ")"); } if (scanlineStride < 0 || scanlineStride > (Integer.MAX_VALUE / height)) { throw new RasterFormatException("Invalid scanline stride"); } if (height > 1 || minY - sampleModelTranslateY > 0) { // buffer should contain at least one scanline if (scanlineStride > data.length) { throw new RasterFormatException("Incorrect scanline stride: " + scanlineStride); } } long lastbit = (long) dataBitOffset + (long) (height - 1) * (long) scanlineStride * 8 + (long) (width - 1) * (long) pixelBitStride + (long) pixelBitStride - 1; if (lastbit < 0 || lastbit / 8 >= data.length) { throw new RasterFormatException("raster dimensions overflow " + "array bounds"); } if (strictCheck) { if (height > 1) { lastbit = width * pixelBitStride - 1; if (lastbit / 8 >= scanlineStride) { throw new RasterFormatException("data for adjacent" + " scanlines overlaps"); } } } } public String toString() { return new String ("BytePackedRaster: width = "+width+" height = "+height +" #channels "+numBands +" xOff = "+sampleModelTranslateX +" yOff = "+sampleModelTranslateY); } }