/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package sun.security.rsa; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.security.interfaces.*; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import sun.security.jca.JCAUtil; /** * Core of the RSA implementation. Has code to perform public and private key * RSA operations (with and without CRT for private key ops). Private CRT ops * also support blinding to twart timing attacks. * * The code in this class only does the core RSA operation. Padding and * unpadding must be done externally. * * Note: RSA keys should be at least 512 bits long * * @since 1.5 * @author Andreas Sterbenz */ public final class RSACore { // globally enable/disable use of blinding private final static boolean ENABLE_BLINDING = true; // cache for blinding parameters. Map // use a weak hashmap so that cached values are automatically cleared // when the modulus is GC'ed private final static Map blindingCache = new WeakHashMap<>(); private RSACore() { // empty } /** * Return the number of bytes required to store the magnitude byte[] of * this BigInteger. Do not count a 0x00 byte toByteArray() would * prefix for 2's complement form. */ public static int getByteLength(BigInteger b) { int n = b.bitLength(); return (n + 7) >> 3; } /** * Return the number of bytes required to store the modulus of this * RSA key. */ public static int getByteLength(RSAKey key) { return getByteLength(key.getModulus()); } // temporary, used by RSACipher and RSAPadding. Move this somewhere else public static byte[] convert(byte[] b, int ofs, int len) { if ((ofs == 0) && (len == b.length)) { return b; } else { byte[] t = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(b, ofs, t, 0, len); return t; } } /** * Perform an RSA public key operation. */ public static byte[] rsa(byte[] msg, RSAPublicKey key) throws BadPaddingException { return crypt(msg, key.getModulus(), key.getPublicExponent()); } /** * Perform an RSA private key operation. Uses CRT if the key is a * CRT key with additional verification check after the signature * is computed. */ @Deprecated public static byte[] rsa(byte[] msg, RSAPrivateKey key) throws BadPaddingException { return rsa(msg, key, true); } /** * Perform an RSA private key operation. Uses CRT if the key is a * CRT key. Set 'verify' to true if this function is used for * generating a signature. */ public static byte[] rsa(byte[] msg, RSAPrivateKey key, boolean verify) throws BadPaddingException { if (key instanceof RSAPrivateCrtKey) { return crtCrypt(msg, (RSAPrivateCrtKey)key, verify); } else { return priCrypt(msg, key.getModulus(), key.getPrivateExponent()); } } /** * RSA public key ops. Simple modPow(). */ private static byte[] crypt(byte[] msg, BigInteger n, BigInteger exp) throws BadPaddingException { BigInteger m = parseMsg(msg, n); BigInteger c = m.modPow(exp, n); return toByteArray(c, getByteLength(n)); } /** * RSA non-CRT private key operations. */ private static byte[] priCrypt(byte[] msg, BigInteger n, BigInteger exp) throws BadPaddingException { BigInteger c = parseMsg(msg, n); BlindingRandomPair brp = null; BigInteger m; if (ENABLE_BLINDING) { brp = getBlindingRandomPair(null, exp, n); c = c.multiply(brp.u).mod(n); m = c.modPow(exp, n); m = m.multiply(brp.v).mod(n); } else { m = c.modPow(exp, n); } return toByteArray(m, getByteLength(n)); } /** * RSA private key operations with CRT. Algorithm and variable naming * are taken from PKCS#1 v2.1, section 5.1.2. */ private static byte[] crtCrypt(byte[] msg, RSAPrivateCrtKey key, boolean verify) throws BadPaddingException { BigInteger n = key.getModulus(); BigInteger c0 = parseMsg(msg, n); BigInteger c = c0; BigInteger p = key.getPrimeP(); BigInteger q = key.getPrimeQ(); BigInteger dP = key.getPrimeExponentP(); BigInteger dQ = key.getPrimeExponentQ(); BigInteger qInv = key.getCrtCoefficient(); BigInteger e = key.getPublicExponent(); BigInteger d = key.getPrivateExponent(); BlindingRandomPair brp; if (ENABLE_BLINDING) { brp = getBlindingRandomPair(e, d, n); c = c.multiply(brp.u).mod(n); } // m1 = c ^ dP mod p BigInteger m1 = c.modPow(dP, p); // m2 = c ^ dQ mod q BigInteger m2 = c.modPow(dQ, q); // h = (m1 - m2) * qInv mod p BigInteger mtmp = m1.subtract(m2); if (mtmp.signum() < 0) { mtmp = mtmp.add(p); } BigInteger h = mtmp.multiply(qInv).mod(p); // m = m2 + q * h BigInteger m = h.multiply(q).add(m2); if (ENABLE_BLINDING) { m = m.multiply(brp.v).mod(n); } if (verify && !c0.equals(m.modPow(e, n))) { throw new BadPaddingException("RSA private key operation failed"); } return toByteArray(m, getByteLength(n)); } /** * Parse the msg into a BigInteger and check against the modulus n. */ private static BigInteger parseMsg(byte[] msg, BigInteger n) throws BadPaddingException { BigInteger m = new BigInteger(1, msg); if (m.compareTo(n) >= 0) { throw new BadPaddingException("Message is larger than modulus"); } return m; } /** * Return the encoding of this BigInteger that is exactly len bytes long. * Prefix/strip off leading 0x00 bytes if necessary. * Precondition: bi must fit into len bytes */ private static byte[] toByteArray(BigInteger bi, int len) { byte[] b = bi.toByteArray(); int n = b.length; if (n == len) { return b; } // BigInteger prefixed a 0x00 byte for 2's complement form, remove it if ((n == len + 1) && (b[0] == 0)) { byte[] t = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(b, 1, t, 0, len); return t; } // must be smaller assert (n < len); byte[] t = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(b, 0, t, (len - n), n); return t; } /** * Parameters (u,v) for RSA Blinding. This is described in the RSA * Bulletin#2 (Jan 96) and other places: * * ftp://ftp.rsa.com/pub/pdfs/bull-2.pdf * * The standard RSA Blinding decryption requires the public key exponent * (e) and modulus (n), and converts ciphertext (c) to plaintext (p). * * Before the modular exponentiation operation, the input message should * be multiplied by (u (mod n)), and afterward the result is corrected * by multiplying with (v (mod n)). The system should reject messages * equal to (0 (mod n)). That is: * * 1. Generate r between 0 and n-1, relatively prime to n. * 2. Compute x = (c*u) mod n * 3. Compute y = (x^d) mod n * 4. Compute p = (y*v) mod n * * The Java APIs allows for either standard RSAPrivateKey or * RSAPrivateCrtKey RSA keys. * * If the public exponent is available to us (e.g. RSAPrivateCrtKey), * choose a random r, then let (u, v): * * u = r ^ e mod n * v = r ^ (-1) mod n * * The proof follows: * * p = (((c * u) ^ d mod n) * v) mod n * = ((c ^ d) * (u ^ d) * v) mod n * = ((c ^ d) * (r ^ e) ^ d) * (r ^ (-1))) mod n * = ((c ^ d) * (r ^ (e * d)) * (r ^ (-1))) mod n * = ((c ^ d) * (r ^ 1) * (r ^ (-1))) mod n (see below) * = (c ^ d) mod n * * because in RSA cryptosystem, d is the multiplicative inverse of e: * * (r^(e * d)) mod n * = (r ^ 1) mod n * = r mod n * * However, if the public exponent is not available (e.g. RSAPrivateKey), * we mitigate the timing issue by using a similar random number blinding * approach using the private key: * * u = r * v = ((r ^ (-1)) ^ d) mod n * * This returns the same plaintext because: * * p = (((c * u) ^ d mod n) * v) mod n * = ((c ^ d) * (u ^ d) * v) mod n * = ((c ^ d) * (u ^ d) * ((u ^ (-1)) ^d)) mod n * = (c ^ d) mod n * * Computing inverses mod n and random number generation is slow, so * it is often not practical to generate a new random (u, v) pair for * each new exponentiation. The calculation of parameters might even be * subject to timing attacks. However, (u, v) pairs should not be * reused since they themselves might be compromised by timing attacks, * leaving the private exponent vulnerable. An efficient solution to * this problem is update u and v before each modular exponentiation * step by computing: * * u = u ^ 2 * v = v ^ 2 * * The total performance cost is small. */ private final static class BlindingRandomPair { final BigInteger u; final BigInteger v; BlindingRandomPair(BigInteger u, BigInteger v) { this.u = u; this.v = v; } } /** * Set of blinding parameters for a given RSA key. * * The RSA modulus is usually unique, so we index by modulus in * {@code blindingCache}. However, to protect against the unlikely * case of two keys sharing the same modulus, we also store the public * or the private exponent. This means we cannot cache blinding * parameters for multiple keys that share the same modulus, but * since sharing moduli is fundamentally broken and insecure, this * does not matter. */ private final static class BlindingParameters { private final static BigInteger BIG_TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2L); // RSA public exponent private final BigInteger e; // hash code of RSA private exponent private final BigInteger d; // r ^ e mod n (CRT), or r mod n (Non-CRT) private BigInteger u; // r ^ (-1) mod n (CRT) , or ((r ^ (-1)) ^ d) mod n (Non-CRT) private BigInteger v; // e: the public exponent // d: the private exponent // n: the modulus BlindingParameters(BigInteger e, BigInteger d, BigInteger n) { this.u = null; this.v = null; this.e = e; this.d = d; int len = n.bitLength(); SecureRandom random = JCAUtil.getSecureRandom(); u = new BigInteger(len, random).mod(n); // Although the possibility is very much limited that u is zero // or is not relatively prime to n, we still want to be careful // about the special value. // // Secure random generation is expensive, try to use BigInteger.ONE // this time if this new generated random number is zero or is not // relatively prime to n. Next time, new generated secure random // number will be used instead. if (u.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) { u = BigInteger.ONE; // use 1 this time } try { // The call to BigInteger.modInverse() checks that u is // relatively prime to n. Otherwise, ArithmeticException is // thrown. v = u.modInverse(n); } catch (ArithmeticException ae) { // if u is not relatively prime to n, use 1 this time u = BigInteger.ONE; v = BigInteger.ONE; } if (e != null) { u = u.modPow(e, n); // e: the public exponent // u: random ^ e // v: random ^ (-1) } else { v = v.modPow(d, n); // d: the private exponent // u: random // v: random ^ (-d) } } // return null if need to reset the parameters BlindingRandomPair getBlindingRandomPair( BigInteger e, BigInteger d, BigInteger n) { if ((this.e != null && this.e.equals(e)) || (this.d != null && this.d.equals(d))) { BlindingRandomPair brp = null; synchronized (this) { if (!u.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && !v.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) { brp = new BlindingRandomPair(u, v); if (u.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) <= 0 || v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) <= 0) { // need to reset the random pair next time u = BigInteger.ZERO; v = BigInteger.ZERO; } else { u = u.modPow(BIG_TWO, n); v = v.modPow(BIG_TWO, n); } } // Otherwise, need to reset the random pair. } return brp; } return null; } } private static BlindingRandomPair getBlindingRandomPair( BigInteger e, BigInteger d, BigInteger n) { BlindingParameters bps = null; synchronized (blindingCache) { bps = blindingCache.get(n); } if (bps == null) { bps = new BlindingParameters(e, d, n); synchronized (blindingCache) { blindingCache.putIfAbsent(n, bps); } } BlindingRandomPair brp = bps.getBlindingRandomPair(e, d, n); if (brp == null) { // need to reset the blinding parameters bps = new BlindingParameters(e, d, n); synchronized (blindingCache) { blindingCache.replace(n, bps); } brp = bps.getBlindingRandomPair(e, d, n); } return brp; } }