/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #define USE_ERROR #define USE_TRACE /* define this for the silencing/servicing code. Requires USE_TRACE */ //#define USE_DEBUG_SILENCING #ifndef WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN #define WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN #endif #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #include #include /* include DirectSound headers */ #include /* include Java Sound specific headers as C code */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "DirectAudio.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef USE_DEBUG_SILENCING #define DEBUG_SILENCING0(p) TRACE0(p) #define DEBUG_SILENCING1(p1,p2) TRACE1(p1,p2) #define DEBUG_SILENCING2(p1,p2,p3) TRACE2(p1,p2,p3) #else #define DEBUG_SILENCING0(p) #define DEBUG_SILENCING1(p1,p2) #define DEBUG_SILENCING2(p1,p2,p3) #endif #if USE_DAUDIO == TRUE /* half a minute to wait before device list is re-read */ #define WAIT_BETWEEN_CACHE_REFRESH_MILLIS 30000 /* maximum number of supported devices, playback+capture */ #define MAX_DS_DEVICES 60 typedef struct { INT32 mixerIndex; BOOL isSource; /* either LPDIRECTSOUND or LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE */ void* dev; /* how many instances use the dev */ INT32 refCount; GUID guid; } DS_AudioDeviceCache; static DS_AudioDeviceCache g_audioDeviceCache[MAX_DS_DEVICES]; static INT32 g_cacheCount = 0; static UINT64 g_lastCacheRefreshTime = 0; static INT32 g_mixerCount = 0; BOOL DS_lockCache() { /* dummy implementation for now, Java does locking */ return TRUE; } void DS_unlockCache() { /* dummy implementation for now */ } static GUID CLSID_DAUDIO_Zero = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; BOOL isEqualGUID(LPGUID lpGuid1, LPGUID lpGuid2) { if (lpGuid1 == NULL || lpGuid2 == NULL) { if (lpGuid1 == lpGuid2) { return TRUE; } if (lpGuid1 == NULL) { lpGuid1 = (LPGUID) (&CLSID_DAUDIO_Zero); } else { lpGuid2 = (LPGUID) (&CLSID_DAUDIO_Zero); } } return memcmp(lpGuid1, lpGuid2, sizeof(GUID)) == 0; } INT32 findCacheItemByGUID(LPGUID lpGuid, BOOL isSource) { int i; for (i = 0; i < g_cacheCount; i++) { if (isSource == g_audioDeviceCache[i].isSource && isEqualGUID(lpGuid, &(g_audioDeviceCache[i].guid))) { return i; } } return -1; } INT32 findCacheItemByMixerIndex(INT32 mixerIndex) { int i; for (i = 0; i < g_cacheCount; i++) { if (g_audioDeviceCache[i].mixerIndex == mixerIndex) { return i; } } return -1; } typedef struct { INT32 currMixerIndex; BOOL isSource; } DS_RefreshCacheStruct; BOOL CALLBACK DS_RefreshCacheEnum(LPGUID lpGuid, LPCSTR lpstrDescription, LPCSTR lpstrModule, DS_RefreshCacheStruct* rs) { INT32 cacheIndex = findCacheItemByGUID(lpGuid, rs->isSource); /*TRACE3("Enumerating %d: %s (%s)\n", cacheIndex, lpstrDescription, lpstrModule);*/ if (cacheIndex == -1) { /* add this device */ if (g_cacheCount < MAX_DS_DEVICES-1) { g_audioDeviceCache[g_cacheCount].mixerIndex = rs->currMixerIndex; g_audioDeviceCache[g_cacheCount].isSource = rs->isSource; g_audioDeviceCache[g_cacheCount].dev = NULL; g_audioDeviceCache[g_cacheCount].refCount = 0; if (lpGuid == NULL) { memset(&(g_audioDeviceCache[g_cacheCount].guid), 0, sizeof(GUID)); } else { memcpy(&(g_audioDeviceCache[g_cacheCount].guid), lpGuid, sizeof(GUID)); } g_cacheCount++; rs->currMixerIndex++; } else { /* failure case: more than MAX_DS_DEVICES available... */ } } else { /* device already exists in cache... update mixer number */ g_audioDeviceCache[cacheIndex].mixerIndex = rs->currMixerIndex; rs->currMixerIndex++; } /* continue enumeration */ return TRUE; } ///// implemented functions of DirectAudio.h INT32 DAUDIO_GetDirectAudioDeviceCount() { DS_RefreshCacheStruct rs; INT32 oldCount; INT32 cacheIndex; if (!DS_lockCache()) { return 0; } if (g_lastCacheRefreshTime == 0 || (UINT64) timeGetTime() > (UINT64) (g_lastCacheRefreshTime + WAIT_BETWEEN_CACHE_REFRESH_MILLIS)) { /* first, initialize any old cache items */ for (cacheIndex = 0; cacheIndex < g_cacheCount; cacheIndex++) { g_audioDeviceCache[cacheIndex].mixerIndex = -1; } /* enumerate all devices and either add them to the device cache, * or refresh the mixer number */ rs.currMixerIndex = 0; rs.isSource = TRUE; DirectSoundEnumerate((LPDSENUMCALLBACK) DS_RefreshCacheEnum, &rs); /* if we only got the Primary Sound Driver (GUID=NULL), * then there aren't any playback devices installed */ if (rs.currMixerIndex == 1) { cacheIndex = findCacheItemByGUID(NULL, TRUE); if (cacheIndex == 0) { rs.currMixerIndex = 0; g_audioDeviceCache[0].mixerIndex = -1; TRACE0("Removing stale Primary Sound Driver from list.\n"); } } oldCount = rs.currMixerIndex; rs.isSource = FALSE; DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate((LPDSENUMCALLBACK) DS_RefreshCacheEnum, &rs); /* if we only got the Primary Sound Capture Driver (GUID=NULL), * then there aren't any capture devices installed */ if ((rs.currMixerIndex - oldCount) == 1) { cacheIndex = findCacheItemByGUID(NULL, FALSE); if (cacheIndex != -1) { rs.currMixerIndex = oldCount; g_audioDeviceCache[cacheIndex].mixerIndex = -1; TRACE0("Removing stale Primary Sound Capture Driver from list.\n"); } } g_mixerCount = rs.currMixerIndex; g_lastCacheRefreshTime = (UINT64) timeGetTime(); } DS_unlockCache(); /*TRACE1("DirectSound: %d installed devices\n", g_mixerCount);*/ return g_mixerCount; } BOOL CALLBACK DS_GetDescEnum(LPGUID lpGuid, LPCSTR lpstrDescription, LPCSTR lpstrModule, DirectAudioDeviceDescription* desc) { INT32 cacheIndex = findCacheItemByGUID(lpGuid, g_audioDeviceCache[desc->deviceID].isSource); if (cacheIndex == desc->deviceID) { strncpy(desc->name, lpstrDescription, DAUDIO_STRING_LENGTH); //strncpy(desc->description, lpstrModule, DAUDIO_STRING_LENGTH); desc->maxSimulLines = -1; /* do not continue enumeration */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } INT32 DAUDIO_GetDirectAudioDeviceDescription(INT32 mixerIndex, DirectAudioDeviceDescription* desc) { if (!DS_lockCache()) { return FALSE; } /* set the deviceID field to the cache index */ desc->deviceID = findCacheItemByMixerIndex(mixerIndex); if (desc->deviceID < 0) { DS_unlockCache(); return FALSE; } desc->maxSimulLines = 0; if (g_audioDeviceCache[desc->deviceID].isSource) { DirectSoundEnumerate((LPDSENUMCALLBACK) DS_GetDescEnum, desc); strncpy(desc->description, "DirectSound Playback", DAUDIO_STRING_LENGTH); } else { DirectSoundCaptureEnumerate((LPDSENUMCALLBACK) DS_GetDescEnum, desc); strncpy(desc->description, "DirectSound Capture", DAUDIO_STRING_LENGTH); } /*desc->vendor; desc->version;*/ DS_unlockCache(); return (desc->maxSimulLines == -1)?TRUE:FALSE; } /* multi-channel info: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/hwdev/tech/audio/multichaud.mspx */ //static UINT32 sampleRateArray[] = { 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000, 56000, 88000, 96000, 172000, 192000 }; static INT32 sampleRateArray[] = { -1 }; static INT32 channelsArray[] = { 1, 2}; static INT32 bitsArray[] = { 8, 16}; #define SAMPLERATE_COUNT sizeof(sampleRateArray)/sizeof(INT32) #define CHANNELS_COUNT sizeof(channelsArray)/sizeof(INT32) #define BITS_COUNT sizeof(bitsArray)/sizeof(INT32) void DAUDIO_GetFormats(INT32 mixerIndex, INT32 deviceID, int isSource, void* creator) { int rateIndex, channelIndex, bitIndex; /* no need to lock, since deviceID identifies the device sufficiently */ /* sanity */ if (deviceID >= g_cacheCount) { return; } if ((g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].isSource && !isSource) || (!g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].isSource && isSource)) { /* only support Playback or Capture */ return; } for (rateIndex = 0; rateIndex < SAMPLERATE_COUNT; rateIndex++) { for (channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < CHANNELS_COUNT; channelIndex++) { for (bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < BITS_COUNT; bitIndex++) { DAUDIO_AddAudioFormat(creator, bitsArray[bitIndex], ((bitsArray[bitIndex] + 7) / 8) * channelsArray[channelIndex], channelsArray[channelIndex], (float) sampleRateArray[rateIndex], DAUDIO_PCM, (bitsArray[bitIndex]==8)?FALSE:TRUE, /* signed */ (bitsArray[bitIndex]==8)?FALSE: #ifndef _LITTLE_ENDIAN TRUE /* big endian */ #else FALSE /* little endian */ #endif ); } } } } typedef struct { int deviceID; /* for convenience */ BOOL isSource; /* the secondary buffer (Playback) */ LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER playBuffer; /* the secondary buffer (Capture) */ LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER captureBuffer; /* size of the directsound buffer, usually 2 seconds */ int dsBufferSizeInBytes; /* size of the read/write-ahead, as specified by Java */ int bufferSizeInBytes; int bitsPerSample; int frameSize; // storage size in Bytes UINT64 framePos; /* where to write into the buffer. * -1 if at current position (Playback) * For Capture, this is the read position */ int writePos; /* if start() had been called */ BOOL started; /* how many bytes there is silence from current write position */ int silencedBytes; BOOL underrun; } DS_Info; LPSTR TranslateDSError(HRESULT hr) { switch(hr) { case DSERR_ALLOCATED: return "DSERR_ALLOCATED"; case DSERR_CONTROLUNAVAIL: return "DSERR_CONTROLUNAVAIL"; case DSERR_INVALIDPARAM: return "DSERR_INVALIDPARAM"; case DSERR_INVALIDCALL: return "DSERR_INVALIDCALL"; case DSERR_GENERIC: return "DSERR_GENERIC"; case DSERR_PRIOLEVELNEEDED: return "DSERR_PRIOLEVELNEEDED"; case DSERR_OUTOFMEMORY: return "DSERR_OUTOFMEMORY"; case DSERR_BADFORMAT: return "DSERR_BADFORMAT"; case DSERR_UNSUPPORTED: return "DSERR_UNSUPPORTED"; case DSERR_NODRIVER: return "DSERR_NODRIVER"; case DSERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED: return "DSERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED"; case DSERR_NOAGGREGATION: return "DSERR_NOAGGREGATION"; case DSERR_BUFFERLOST: return "DSERR_BUFFERLOST"; case DSERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO: return "DSERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO"; case DSERR_UNINITIALIZED: return "DSERR_UNINITIALIZED"; default: return "Unknown HRESULT"; } } /* ** data/routines for starting DS buffers by separate thread ** (joint into DS_StartBufferHelper class) ** see cr6372428: playback fails after exiting from thread that has started it ** due IDirectSoundBuffer8::Play() description: ** http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/directx9_c ** /directx/htm/idirectsoundbuffer8play.asp ** (remark section): If the application is multithreaded, the thread that plays ** the buffer must continue to exist as long as the buffer is playing. ** Buffers created on WDM drivers stop playing when the thread is terminated. ** IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8::Start() has the same remark: ** http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/directx9_c ** /directx/htm/idirectsoundcapturebuffer8start.asp */ class DS_StartBufferHelper { public: /* starts DirectSound buffer (playback or capture) */ static HRESULT StartBuffer(DS_Info* info); /* checks for initialization success */ static inline BOOL isInitialized() { return data.threadHandle != NULL; } protected: DS_StartBufferHelper() {} // no need to create an instance /* data class */ class Data { public: Data(); ~Data(); // public data to access from parent class CRITICAL_SECTION crit_sect; volatile HANDLE threadHandle; volatile HANDLE startEvent; volatile HANDLE startedEvent; volatile DS_Info* line2Start; volatile HRESULT startResult; } static data; /* StartThread function */ static DWORD WINAPI __stdcall ThreadProc(void *param); }; /* StartBufferHelper class implementation */ DS_StartBufferHelper::Data DS_StartBufferHelper::data; DS_StartBufferHelper::Data::Data() { threadHandle = NULL; ::InitializeCriticalSection(&crit_sect); startEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); startedEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (startEvent != NULL && startedEvent != NULL) threadHandle = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, ThreadProc, NULL, 0, NULL); } DS_StartBufferHelper::Data::~Data() { ::EnterCriticalSection(&crit_sect); if (threadHandle != NULL) { // terminate thread line2Start = NULL; ::SetEvent(startEvent); ::CloseHandle(threadHandle); threadHandle = NULL; } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&crit_sect); // won't delete startEvent/startedEvent/crit_sect // - Windows will do during process shutdown } DWORD WINAPI __stdcall DS_StartBufferHelper::ThreadProc(void *param) { ::CoInitialize(NULL); while (1) { // wait for something to do ::WaitForSingleObject(data.startEvent, INFINITE); if (data.line2Start == NULL) { // (data.line2Start == NULL) is a signal to terminate thread break; } if (data.line2Start->isSource) { data.startResult = data.line2Start->playBuffer->Play(0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING); } else { data.startResult = data.line2Start->captureBuffer->Start(DSCBSTART_LOOPING); } ::SetEvent(data.startedEvent); } ::CoUninitialize(); return 0; } HRESULT DS_StartBufferHelper::StartBuffer(DS_Info* info) { HRESULT hr; ::EnterCriticalSection(&data.crit_sect); if (!isInitialized()) { ::LeaveCriticalSection(&data.crit_sect); return E_FAIL; } data.line2Start = info; ::SetEvent(data.startEvent); ::WaitForSingleObject(data.startedEvent, INFINITE); hr = data.startResult; ::LeaveCriticalSection(&data.crit_sect); return hr; } /* helper routines for DS buffer positions */ /* returns distance from pos1 to pos2 */ inline int DS_getDistance(DS_Info* info, int pos1, int pos2) { int distance = pos2 - pos1; while (distance < 0) distance += info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; return distance; } /* adds 2 positions */ inline int DS_addPos(DS_Info* info, int pos1, int pos2) { int result = pos1 + pos2; while (result >= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes) result -= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; return result; } BOOL DS_addDeviceRef(INT32 deviceID) { HWND ownerWindow; HRESULT res = DS_OK; LPDIRECTSOUND devPlay; LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE devCapture; LPGUID lpGuid = NULL; if (g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].dev == NULL) { /* Create DirectSound */ TRACE1("Creating DirectSound object for device %d\n", deviceID); lpGuid = &(g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].guid); if (isEqualGUID(lpGuid, NULL)) { lpGuid = NULL; } if (g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].isSource) { res = DirectSoundCreate(lpGuid, &devPlay, NULL); g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].dev = (void*) devPlay; } else { res = DirectSoundCaptureCreate(lpGuid, &devCapture, NULL); g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].dev = (void*) devCapture; } g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].refCount = 0; if (FAILED(res)) { ERROR1("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: Failed to create DirectSound: %s", TranslateDSError(res)); g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].dev = NULL; return FALSE; } if (g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].isSource) { ownerWindow = GetForegroundWindow(); if (ownerWindow == NULL) { ownerWindow = GetDesktopWindow(); } TRACE0("DAUDIO_Open: Setting cooperative level\n"); res = devPlay->SetCooperativeLevel(ownerWindow, DSSCL_NORMAL); if (FAILED(res)) { ERROR1("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: Failed to set cooperative level: %s", TranslateDSError(res)); return FALSE; } } } g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].refCount++; return TRUE; } #define DEV_PLAY(devID) ((LPDIRECTSOUND) g_audioDeviceCache[devID].dev) #define DEV_CAPTURE(devID) ((LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE) g_audioDeviceCache[devID].dev) void DS_removeDeviceRef(INT32 deviceID) { if (g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].refCount) { g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].refCount--; } if (g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].refCount == 0) { if (g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].dev != NULL) { if (g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].isSource) { DEV_PLAY(deviceID)->Release(); } else { DEV_CAPTURE(deviceID)->Release(); } g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].dev = NULL; } } } #ifndef _WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE_ #define _WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE_ typedef struct { WAVEFORMATEX Format; union { WORD wValidBitsPerSample; /* bits of precision */ WORD wSamplesPerBlock; /* valid if wBitsPerSample==0 */ WORD wReserved; /* If neither applies, set to zero. */ } Samples; DWORD dwChannelMask; /* which channels are */ /* present in stream */ GUID SubFormat; } WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE, *PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; #endif // !_WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE_ #if !defined(WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) #define WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE 0xFFFE #endif // !defined(WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) #if !defined(DEFINE_WAVEFORMATEX_GUID) #define DEFINE_WAVEFORMATEX_GUID(x) (USHORT)(x), 0x0000, 0x0010, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71 #endif #ifndef STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM #define STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM\ DEFINE_WAVEFORMATEX_GUID(WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) #endif void createWaveFormat(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE* format, int sampleRate, int channels, int bits, int significantBits) { GUID subtypePCM = {STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM}; format->Format.nSamplesPerSec = (DWORD)sampleRate; format->Format.nChannels = (WORD) channels; /* do not support useless padding, like 24-bit samples stored in 32-bit containers */ format->Format.wBitsPerSample = (WORD) ((bits + 7) & 0xFFF8); if (channels <= 2 && bits <= 16) { format->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; format->Format.cbSize = 0; } else { format->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; format->Format.cbSize = 22; format->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = bits; /* no way to specify speaker locations */ format->dwChannelMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; format->SubFormat = subtypePCM; } format->Format.nBlockAlign = (WORD)((format->Format.wBitsPerSample * format->Format.nChannels) / 8); format->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = format->Format.nSamplesPerSec * format->Format.nBlockAlign; } /* fill buffer with silence */ void DS_clearBuffer(DS_Info* info, BOOL fromWritePos) { UBYTE* pb1=NULL, *pb2=NULL; DWORD cb1=0, cb2=0; DWORD flags = 0; int start, count; TRACE1("> DS_clearBuffer for device %d\n", info->deviceID); if (info->isSource) { if (fromWritePos) { DWORD playCursor, writeCursor; int end; if (FAILED(info->playBuffer->GetCurrentPosition(&playCursor, &writeCursor))) { ERROR0(" DS_clearBuffer: ERROR: Failed to get current position."); TRACE0("< DS_clearbuffer\n"); return; } DEBUG_SILENCING2(" DS_clearBuffer: DS playPos=%d myWritePos=%d", (int) playCursor, (int) info->writePos); if (info->writePos >= 0) { start = info->writePos + info->silencedBytes; } else { start = writeCursor + info->silencedBytes; //flags |= DSBLOCK_FROMWRITECURSOR; } while (start >= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes) { start -= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; } // fix for bug 6251460 (REGRESSION: short sounds do not play) // for unknown reason with hardware DS buffer playCursor sometimes // jumps back for little interval (mostly 2-8 bytes) (writeCursor moves forward as usual) // The issue happens right after start playing and for short sounds only (less then DS buffer, // when whole sound written into the buffer and remaining space filled by silence) // the case doesn't produce any audible aftifacts so just catch it to prevent filling // whole buffer by silence. if (((int)playCursor <= start && start < (int)writeCursor) || (writeCursor < playCursor // buffer bound is between playCursor & writeCursor && (start < (int)writeCursor || (int)playCursor <= start))) { return; } count = info->dsBufferSizeInBytes - info->silencedBytes; // why / 4? //if (count > info->dsBufferSizeInBytes / 4) { // count = info->dsBufferSizeInBytes / 4; //} end = start + count; if ((int) playCursor < start) { playCursor += (DWORD) info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; } if (start <= (int) playCursor && end > (int) playCursor) { /* at maximum, silence until play cursor */ count = (int) playCursor - start; #ifdef USE_TRACE if ((int) playCursor >= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes) playCursor -= (DWORD) info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; TRACE3("\n DS_clearBuffer: Start Writing from %d, " "would overwrite playCursor=%d, so reduce count to %d\n", start, playCursor, count); #endif } DEBUG_SILENCING2(" clearing buffer from %d, count=%d. ", (int)start, (int) count); if (count <= 0) { DEBUG_SILENCING0("\n"); TRACE1("< DS_clearBuffer: no need to clear, silencedBytes=%d\n", info->silencedBytes); return; } } else { start = 0; count = info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; flags |= DSBLOCK_ENTIREBUFFER; } if (FAILED(info->playBuffer->Lock(start, count, (LPVOID*) &pb1, &cb1, (LPVOID*) &pb2, &cb2, flags))) { ERROR0("\n DS_clearBuffer: ERROR: Failed to lock sound buffer.\n"); TRACE0("< DS_clearbuffer\n"); return; } } else { if (FAILED(info->captureBuffer->Lock(0, info->dsBufferSizeInBytes, (LPVOID*) &pb1, &cb1, (LPVOID*) &pb2, &cb2, DSCBLOCK_ENTIREBUFFER))) { ERROR0(" DS_clearBuffer: ERROR: Failed to lock sound buffer.\n"); TRACE0("< DS_clearbuffer\n"); return; } } if (pb1!=NULL) { memset(pb1, (info->bitsPerSample == 8)?128:0, cb1); } if (pb2!=NULL) { memset(pb2, (info->bitsPerSample == 8)?128:0, cb2); } if (info->isSource) { info->playBuffer->Unlock( pb1, cb1, pb2, cb2 ); if (!fromWritePos) { /* doesn't matter where to start writing next time */ info->writePos = -1; info->silencedBytes = info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; } else { info->silencedBytes += (cb1+cb2); if (info->silencedBytes > info->dsBufferSizeInBytes) { ERROR1(" DS_clearbuffer: ERROR: silencedBytes=%d exceeds buffer size!\n", info->silencedBytes); info->silencedBytes = info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; } } DEBUG_SILENCING2(" silencedBytes=%d, my writePos=%d\n", (int)info->silencedBytes, (int)info->writePos); } else { info->captureBuffer->Unlock( pb1, cb1, pb2, cb2 ); } TRACE0("< DS_clearbuffer\n"); } /* returns pointer to buffer */ void* DS_createSoundBuffer(DS_Info* info, float sampleRate, int sampleSizeInBits, int channels, int bufferSizeInBytes) { DSBUFFERDESC dsbdesc; DSCBUFFERDESC dscbdesc; HRESULT res; WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE format; void* buffer; TRACE1("Creating secondary buffer for device %d\n", info->deviceID); createWaveFormat(&format, (int) sampleRate, channels, info->frameSize / channels * 8, sampleSizeInBits); /* 2 second secondary buffer */ info->dsBufferSizeInBytes = 2 * ((int) sampleRate) * info->frameSize; if (bufferSizeInBytes > info->dsBufferSizeInBytes / 2) { bufferSizeInBytes = info->dsBufferSizeInBytes / 2; } bufferSizeInBytes = (bufferSizeInBytes / info->frameSize) * info->frameSize; info->bufferSizeInBytes = bufferSizeInBytes; if (info->isSource) { memset(&dsbdesc, 0, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC)); dsbdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbdesc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2 | DSBCAPS_GLOBALFOCUS; dsbdesc.dwBufferBytes = info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; dsbdesc.lpwfxFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX*) &format; res = DEV_PLAY(info->deviceID)->CreateSoundBuffer (&dsbdesc, (LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER*) &buffer, NULL); } else { memset(&dscbdesc, 0, sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC)); dscbdesc.dwSize = sizeof(DSCBUFFERDESC); dscbdesc.dwFlags = 0; dscbdesc.dwBufferBytes = info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; dscbdesc.lpwfxFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX*) &format; res = DEV_CAPTURE(info->deviceID)->CreateCaptureBuffer (&dscbdesc, (LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER*) &buffer, NULL); } if (FAILED(res)) { ERROR1("DS_createSoundBuffer: ERROR: Failed to create sound buffer: %s", TranslateDSError(res)); return NULL; } return buffer; } void DS_destroySoundBuffer(DS_Info* info) { if (info->playBuffer != NULL) { info->playBuffer->Release(); info->playBuffer = NULL; } if (info->captureBuffer != NULL) { info->captureBuffer->Release(); info->captureBuffer = NULL; } } void* DAUDIO_Open(INT32 mixerIndex, INT32 deviceID, int isSource, int encoding, float sampleRate, int sampleSizeInBits, int frameSize, int channels, int isSigned, int isBigEndian, int bufferSizeInBytes) { DS_Info* info; void* buffer; TRACE0("> DAUDIO_Open\n"); /* some sanity checks */ if (deviceID >= g_cacheCount) { ERROR1("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: cannot open the device with deviceID=%d!\n", deviceID); return NULL; } if ((g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].isSource && !isSource) || (!g_audioDeviceCache[deviceID].isSource && isSource)) { /* only support Playback or Capture */ ERROR0("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: Cache is corrupt: cannot open the device in specified isSource mode!\n"); return NULL; } if (encoding != DAUDIO_PCM) { ERROR1("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: cannot open the device with encoding=%d!\n", encoding); return NULL; } if (channels <= 0) { ERROR1("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: Invalid number of channels=%d!\n", channels); return NULL; } if (sampleSizeInBits > 8 && #ifdef _LITTLE_ENDIAN isBigEndian #else !isBigEndian #endif ) { ERROR1("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: wrong endianness: isBigEndian==%d!\n", isBigEndian); return NULL; } if (sampleSizeInBits == 8 && isSigned) { ERROR0("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: wrong signed'ness: with 8 bits, data must be unsigned!\n"); return NULL; } if (!DS_StartBufferHelper::isInitialized()) { ERROR0("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: StartBufferHelper initialization was failed!\n"); return NULL; } info = (DS_Info*) malloc(sizeof(DS_Info)); if (!info) { ERROR0("DAUDIO_Open: ERROR: Out of memory\n"); return NULL; } memset(info, 0, sizeof(DS_Info)); info->deviceID = deviceID; info->isSource = isSource; info->bitsPerSample = sampleSizeInBits; info->frameSize = frameSize; info->framePos = 0; info->started = FALSE; info->underrun = FALSE; if (!DS_addDeviceRef(deviceID)) { DS_removeDeviceRef(deviceID); free(info); return NULL; } buffer = DS_createSoundBuffer(info, sampleRate, sampleSizeInBits, channels, bufferSizeInBytes); if (!buffer) { DS_removeDeviceRef(deviceID); free(info); return NULL; } if (info->isSource) { info->playBuffer = (LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER) buffer; } else { info->captureBuffer = (LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER) buffer; } DS_clearBuffer(info, FALSE /* entire buffer */); /* use writepos of device */ if (info->isSource) { info->writePos = -1; } else { info->writePos = 0; } TRACE0("< DAUDIO_Open: Opened device successfully.\n"); return (void*) info; } int DAUDIO_Start(void* id, int isSource) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; HRESULT res = DS_OK; DWORD status; TRACE0("> DAUDIO_Start\n"); if (info->isSource) { res = info->playBuffer->GetStatus(&status); if (res == DS_OK) { if (status & DSBSTATUS_LOOPING) { ERROR0("DAUDIO_Start: ERROR: Already started!"); return TRUE; } /* only start buffer if already something written to it */ if (info->writePos >= 0) { res = DS_StartBufferHelper::StartBuffer(info); if (res == DSERR_BUFFERLOST) { res = info->playBuffer->Restore(); if (res == DS_OK) { DS_clearBuffer(info, FALSE /* entire buffer */); /* write() will trigger actual device start */ } } else { /* make sure that we will have silence after the currently valid audio data */ DS_clearBuffer(info, TRUE /* from write position */); } } } } else { if (info->captureBuffer->GetStatus(&status) == DS_OK) { if (status & DSCBSTATUS_LOOPING) { ERROR0("DAUDIO_Start: ERROR: Already started!"); return TRUE; } } res = DS_StartBufferHelper::StartBuffer(info); } if (FAILED(res)) { ERROR1("DAUDIO_Start: ERROR: Failed to start: %s", TranslateDSError(res)); return FALSE; } info->started = TRUE; return TRUE; } int DAUDIO_Stop(void* id, int isSource) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; TRACE0("> DAUDIO_Stop\n"); info->started = FALSE; if (info->isSource) { info->playBuffer->Stop(); } else { info->captureBuffer->Stop(); } TRACE0("< DAUDIO_Stop\n"); return TRUE; } void DAUDIO_Close(void* id, int isSource) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; TRACE0("DAUDIO_Close\n"); if (info != NULL) { DS_destroySoundBuffer(info); DS_removeDeviceRef(info->deviceID); free(info); } } /* Check buffer for underrun * This method is only meaningful for Output devices (write devices). */ void DS_CheckUnderrun(DS_Info* info, DWORD playCursor, DWORD writeCursor) { TRACE5("DS_CheckUnderrun: playCursor=%d, writeCursor=%d, " "info->writePos=%d silencedBytes=%d dsBufferSizeInBytes=%d\n", (int) playCursor, (int) writeCursor, (int) info->writePos, (int) info->silencedBytes, (int) info->dsBufferSizeInBytes); if (info->underrun || info->writePos < 0) return; int writeAhead = DS_getDistance(info, writeCursor, info->writePos); if (writeAhead > info->bufferSizeInBytes) { // this may occur after Stop(), when writeCursor decreases (real valid data size > bufferSizeInBytes) // But the case can occur only when we have more then info->bufferSizeInBytes valid bytes // (and less then (info->dsBufferSizeInBytes - info->bufferSizeInBytes) silenced bytes) // If we already have a lot of silencedBytes after valid data (written by // DAUDIO_StillDraining() or DAUDIO_Service()) then it's underrun if (info->silencedBytes >= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes - info->bufferSizeInBytes) { // underrun! ERROR0("DS_CheckUnderrun: ERROR: underrun detected!\n"); info->underrun = TRUE; } } } /* For source (playback) line: * (a) if (fromPlayCursor == FALSE), returns number of bytes available * for writing: bufferSize - (info->writePos - writeCursor); * (b) if (fromPlayCursor == TRUE), playCursor is used instead writeCursor * and returned value can be used for play position calculation (see also * note about bufferSize) * For destination (capture) line: * (c) if (fromPlayCursor == FALSE), returns number of bytes available * for reading from the buffer: readCursor - info->writePos; * (d) if (fromPlayCursor == TRUE), captureCursor is used instead readCursor * and returned value can be used for capture position calculation (see * note about bufferSize) * bufferSize parameter are filled by "actual" buffer size: * if (fromPlayCursor == FALSE), bufferSize = info->bufferSizeInBytes * otherwise it increase by number of bytes currently processed by DirectSound * (writeCursor - playCursor) or (captureCursor - readCursor) */ int DS_GetAvailable(DS_Info* info, DWORD* playCursor, DWORD* writeCursor, int* bufferSize, BOOL fromPlayCursor) { int available; int newReadPos; TRACE2("DS_GetAvailable: fromPlayCursor=%d, deviceID=%d\n", fromPlayCursor, info->deviceID); if (!info->playBuffer && !info->captureBuffer) { ERROR0("DS_GetAvailable: ERROR: buffer not yet created"); return 0; } if (info->isSource) { if (FAILED(info->playBuffer->GetCurrentPosition(playCursor, writeCursor))) { ERROR0("DS_GetAvailable: ERROR: Failed to get current position.\n"); return 0; } int processing = DS_getDistance(info, (int)*playCursor, (int)*writeCursor); // workaround: sometimes DirectSound report writeCursor is less (for several bytes) then playCursor if (processing > info->dsBufferSizeInBytes / 2) { *writeCursor = *playCursor; processing = 0; } TRACE3(" playCursor=%d, writeCursor=%d, info->writePos=%d\n", *playCursor, *writeCursor, info->writePos); *bufferSize = info->bufferSizeInBytes; if (fromPlayCursor) { *bufferSize += processing; } DS_CheckUnderrun(info, *playCursor, *writeCursor); if (info->writePos == -1 || (info->underrun && !fromPlayCursor)) { /* always full buffer if at beginning */ available = *bufferSize; } else { int currWriteAhead = DS_getDistance(info, fromPlayCursor ? (int)*playCursor : (int)*writeCursor, info->writePos); if (currWriteAhead > *bufferSize) { if (info->underrun) { // playCursor surpassed writePos - no valid data, whole buffer available available = *bufferSize; } else { // the case may occur after stop(), when writeCursor jumps back to playCursor // so "actual" buffer size has grown *bufferSize = currWriteAhead; available = 0; } } else { available = *bufferSize - currWriteAhead; } } } else { if (FAILED(info->captureBuffer->GetCurrentPosition(playCursor, writeCursor))) { ERROR0("DS_GetAvailable: ERROR: Failed to get current position.\n"); return 0; } *bufferSize = info->bufferSizeInBytes; if (fromPlayCursor) { *bufferSize += DS_getDistance(info, (int)*playCursor, (int)*writeCursor); } TRACE4(" captureCursor=%d, readCursor=%d, info->readPos=%d refBufferSize=%d\n", *playCursor, *writeCursor, info->writePos, *bufferSize); if (info->writePos == -1) { /* always empty buffer if at beginning */ info->writePos = (int) (*writeCursor); } if (fromPlayCursor) { available = ((int) (*playCursor) - info->writePos); } else { available = ((int) (*writeCursor) - info->writePos); } if (available < 0) { available += info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; } if (!fromPlayCursor && available > info->bufferSizeInBytes) { /* overflow */ ERROR2("DS_GetAvailable: ERROR: overflow detected: " "DirectSoundBufferSize=%d, bufferSize=%d, ", info->dsBufferSizeInBytes, info->bufferSizeInBytes); ERROR3("captureCursor=%d, readCursor=%d, info->readPos=%d\n", *playCursor, *writeCursor, info->writePos); /* advance read position, to allow exactly one buffer worth of data */ newReadPos = (int) (*writeCursor) - info->bufferSizeInBytes; if (newReadPos < 0) { newReadPos += info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; } info->writePos = newReadPos; available = info->bufferSizeInBytes; } } available = (available / info->frameSize) * info->frameSize; TRACE1("DS_available: Returning %d available bytes\n", (int) available); return available; } // returns -1 on error, otherwise bytes written int DAUDIO_Write(void* id, char* data, int byteSize) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; int available; int thisWritePos; DWORD playCursor, writeCursor; HRESULT res; void* buffer1, *buffer2; DWORD buffer1len, buffer2len; BOOL needRestart = FALSE; int bufferLostTrials = 2; int bufferSize; TRACE1("> DAUDIO_Write %d bytes\n", byteSize); while (--bufferLostTrials > 0) { available = DS_GetAvailable(info, &playCursor, &writeCursor, &bufferSize, FALSE /* fromPlayCursor */); if (byteSize > available) byteSize = available; if (byteSize == 0) break; thisWritePos = info->writePos; if (thisWritePos == -1 || info->underrun) { // play from current write cursor after flush, etc. needRestart = TRUE; thisWritePos = writeCursor; info->underrun = FALSE; } DEBUG_SILENCING2("DAUDIO_Write: writing from %d, count=%d\n", (int) thisWritePos, (int) byteSize); res = info->playBuffer->Lock(thisWritePos, byteSize, (LPVOID *) &buffer1, &buffer1len, (LPVOID *) &buffer2, &buffer2len, 0); if (res != DS_OK) { /* some DS failure */ if (res == DSERR_BUFFERLOST) { ERROR0("DAUDIO_write: ERROR: Restoring lost Buffer."); if (info->playBuffer->Restore() == DS_OK) { DS_clearBuffer(info, FALSE /* entire buffer */); info->writePos = -1; /* try again */ continue; } } /* can't recover from error */ byteSize = 0; break; } /* buffer could be locked successfully */ /* first fill first buffer */ if (buffer1) { memcpy(buffer1, data, buffer1len); data = (char*) (((UINT_PTR) data) + buffer1len); } else buffer1len = 0; if (buffer2) { memcpy(buffer2, data, buffer2len); } else buffer2len = 0; byteSize = buffer1len + buffer2len; /* update next write pos */ thisWritePos += byteSize; while (thisWritePos >= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes) { thisWritePos -= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes; } /* commit data to directsound */ info->playBuffer->Unlock(buffer1, buffer1len, buffer2, buffer2len); info->writePos = thisWritePos; /* update position * must be AFTER updating writePos, * so that getSvailable doesn't return too little, * so that getFramePos doesn't jump */ info->framePos += (byteSize / info->frameSize); /* decrease silenced bytes */ if (info->silencedBytes > byteSize) { info->silencedBytes -= byteSize; } else { info->silencedBytes = 0; } break; } /* while */ /* start the device, if necessary */ if (info->started && needRestart && (info->writePos >= 0)) { DS_StartBufferHelper::StartBuffer(info); } TRACE1("< DAUDIO_Write: returning %d bytes.\n", byteSize); return byteSize; } // returns -1 on error int DAUDIO_Read(void* id, char* data, int byteSize) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; int available; int thisReadPos; DWORD captureCursor, readCursor; HRESULT res; void* buffer1, *buffer2; DWORD buffer1len, buffer2len; int bufferSize; TRACE1("> DAUDIO_Read %d bytes\n", byteSize); available = DS_GetAvailable(info, &captureCursor, &readCursor, &bufferSize, FALSE /* fromCaptureCursor? */); if (byteSize > available) byteSize = available; if (byteSize > 0) { thisReadPos = info->writePos; if (thisReadPos == -1) { /* from beginning */ thisReadPos = 0; } res = info->captureBuffer->Lock(thisReadPos, byteSize, (LPVOID *) &buffer1, &buffer1len, (LPVOID *) &buffer2, &buffer2len, 0); if (res != DS_OK) { /* can't recover from error */ byteSize = 0; } else { /* buffer could be locked successfully */ /* first fill first buffer */ if (buffer1) { memcpy(data, buffer1, buffer1len); data = (char*) (((UINT_PTR) data) + buffer1len); } else buffer1len = 0; if (buffer2) { memcpy(data, buffer2, buffer2len); } else buffer2len = 0; byteSize = buffer1len + buffer2len; /* update next read pos */ thisReadPos = DS_addPos(info, thisReadPos, byteSize); /* commit data to directsound */ info->captureBuffer->Unlock(buffer1, buffer1len, buffer2, buffer2len); /* update position * must be BEFORE updating readPos, * so that getAvailable doesn't return too much, * so that getFramePos doesn't jump */ info->framePos += (byteSize / info->frameSize); info->writePos = thisReadPos; } } TRACE1("< DAUDIO_Read: returning %d bytes.\n", byteSize); return byteSize; } int DAUDIO_GetBufferSize(void* id, int isSource) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; return info->bufferSizeInBytes; } int DAUDIO_StillDraining(void* id, int isSource) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; BOOL draining = FALSE; int available, bufferSize; DWORD playCursor, writeCursor; DS_clearBuffer(info, TRUE /* from write position */); available = DS_GetAvailable(info, &playCursor, &writeCursor, &bufferSize, TRUE /* fromPlayCursor */); draining = (available < bufferSize); TRACE3("DAUDIO_StillDraining: available=%d silencedBytes=%d Still draining: %s\n", available, info->silencedBytes, draining?"TRUE":"FALSE"); return draining; } int DAUDIO_Flush(void* id, int isSource) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; TRACE0("DAUDIO_Flush\n"); if (info->isSource) { info->playBuffer->Stop(); DS_clearBuffer(info, FALSE /* entire buffer */); } else { DWORD captureCursor, readCursor; /* set the read pointer to the current read position */ if (FAILED(info->captureBuffer->GetCurrentPosition(&captureCursor, &readCursor))) { ERROR0("DAUDIO_Flush: ERROR: Failed to get current position."); return FALSE; } DS_clearBuffer(info, FALSE /* entire buffer */); /* SHOULD set to *captureCursor*, * but that would be detected as overflow * in a subsequent GetAvailable() call. */ info->writePos = (int) readCursor; } return TRUE; } int DAUDIO_GetAvailable(void* id, int isSource) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; DWORD playCursor, writeCursor; int ret, bufferSize; ret = DS_GetAvailable(info, &playCursor, &writeCursor, &bufferSize, /*fromPlayCursor?*/ FALSE); TRACE1("DAUDIO_GetAvailable returns %d bytes\n", ret); return ret; } INT64 estimatePositionFromAvail(DS_Info* info, INT64 javaBytePos, int bufferSize, int availInBytes) { // estimate the current position with the buffer size and // the available bytes to read or write in the buffer. // not an elegant solution - bytePos will stop on xruns, // and in race conditions it may jump backwards // Advantage is that it is indeed based on the samples that go through // the system (rather than time-based methods) if (info->isSource) { // javaBytePos is the position that is reached when the current // buffer is played completely return (INT64) (javaBytePos - bufferSize + availInBytes); } else { // javaBytePos is the position that was when the current buffer was empty return (INT64) (javaBytePos + availInBytes); } } INT64 DAUDIO_GetBytePosition(void* id, int isSource, INT64 javaBytePos) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; int available, bufferSize; DWORD playCursor, writeCursor; INT64 result = javaBytePos; available = DS_GetAvailable(info, &playCursor, &writeCursor, &bufferSize, /*fromPlayCursor?*/ TRUE); result = estimatePositionFromAvail(info, javaBytePos, bufferSize, available); return result; } void DAUDIO_SetBytePosition(void* id, int isSource, INT64 javaBytePos) { /* save to ignore, since GetBytePosition * takes the javaBytePos param into account */ } int DAUDIO_RequiresServicing(void* id, int isSource) { // need servicing on for SourceDataLines return isSource?TRUE:FALSE; } void DAUDIO_Service(void* id, int isSource) { DS_Info* info = (DS_Info*) id; if (isSource) { if (info->silencedBytes < info->dsBufferSizeInBytes) { // clear buffer TRACE0("DAUDIO_Service\n"); DS_clearBuffer(info, TRUE /* from write position */); } if (info->writePos >= 0 && info->started && !info->underrun && info->silencedBytes >= info->dsBufferSizeInBytes) { // if we're currently playing, and the entire buffer is silenced... // then we are underrunning! info->underrun = TRUE; ERROR0("DAUDIO_Service: ERROR: DirectSound: underrun detected!\n"); } } } #endif // USE_DAUDIO