/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.tools.doclint; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.lang.model.element.Name; import static com.sun.tools.doclint.HtmlTag.Attr.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.StringUtils; /** * Enum representing HTML tags. * * The intent of this class is to embody the semantics of W3C HTML 4.01 * to the extent supported/used by javadoc. * In time, we may wish to transition javadoc and doclint to using HTML 5. * * This is derivative of com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlTag. * Eventually, these two should be merged back together, and possibly made * public. * * @see HTML 4.01 Specification * @see HTML 5 Specification * @author Bhavesh Patel * @author Jonathan Gibbons (revised) */ public enum HtmlTag { A(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, attrs(AttrKind.OK, HREF, TARGET, NAME)), B(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), BIG(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT)), BLOCKQUOTE(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK, Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE)), BODY(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.REQUIRED), BR(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.NONE, attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, CLEAR)), CAPTION(BlockType.TABLE_ITEM, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE, Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT)), CENTER(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK, Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE)), CITE(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), CODE(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), DD(BlockType.LIST_ITEM, EndKind.OPTIONAL, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK, Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE, Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT)), DFN(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), DIV(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK, Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE)), DL(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT), attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, COMPACT)) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { return (t == DT) || (t == DD); } }, DT(BlockType.LIST_ITEM, EndKind.OPTIONAL, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE, Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT)), EM(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.NO_NEST)), FONT(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, // tag itself is deprecated EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT), attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, SIZE, COLOR, FACE)), FRAME(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.NONE), FRAMESET(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.REQUIRED), H1(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED), H2(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED), H3(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED), H4(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED), H5(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED), H6(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED), HEAD(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.REQUIRED), HR(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.NONE, attrs(AttrKind.OK, WIDTH)), // OK in 4.01; not allowed in 5 HTML(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.REQUIRED), I(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), IMG(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.NONE, attrs(AttrKind.OK, SRC, ALT, HEIGHT, WIDTH), attrs(AttrKind.OBSOLETE, NAME), attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, ALIGN, HSPACE, VSPACE, BORDER)), LI(BlockType.LIST_ITEM, EndKind.OPTIONAL, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK, Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE), attrs(AttrKind.OK, VALUE)), LINK(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.NONE), MENU(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { return (t == LI); } }, META(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.NONE), NOFRAMES(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.REQUIRED), NOSCRIPT(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED), OL(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT), attrs(AttrKind.OK, START, TYPE)) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { return (t == LI); } }, P(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.OPTIONAL, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT), attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, ALIGN)), PRE(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT)) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { switch (t) { case IMG: case BIG: case SMALL: case SUB: case SUP: return false; default: return (t.blockType == BlockType.INLINE); } } }, SCRIPT(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.REQUIRED, attrs(AttrKind.OK, SRC)), SMALL(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT)), SPAN(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT)), STRONG(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT)), SUB(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), SUP(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), TABLE(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT), attrs(AttrKind.OK, SUMMARY, Attr.FRAME, RULES, BORDER, CELLPADDING, CELLSPACING, WIDTH), // width OK in 4.01; not allowed in 5 attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, ALIGN, BGCOLOR)) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { switch (t) { case CAPTION: case THEAD: case TBODY: case TFOOT: case TR: // HTML 3.2 return true; default: return false; } } }, TBODY(BlockType.TABLE_ITEM, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT), attrs(AttrKind.OK, ALIGN, CHAR, CHAROFF, VALIGN)) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { return (t == TR); } }, TD(BlockType.TABLE_ITEM, EndKind.OPTIONAL, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK, Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE), attrs(AttrKind.OK, COLSPAN, ROWSPAN, HEADERS, SCOPE, ABBR, AXIS, ALIGN, CHAR, CHAROFF, VALIGN), attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, WIDTH, BGCOLOR, HEIGHT, NOWRAP)), TFOOT(BlockType.TABLE_ITEM, EndKind.REQUIRED, attrs(AttrKind.OK, ALIGN, CHAR, CHAROFF, VALIGN)) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { return (t == TR); } }, TH(BlockType.TABLE_ITEM, EndKind.OPTIONAL, EnumSet.of(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK, Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE), attrs(AttrKind.OK, COLSPAN, ROWSPAN, HEADERS, SCOPE, ABBR, AXIS, ALIGN, CHAR, CHAROFF, VALIGN), attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, WIDTH, BGCOLOR, HEIGHT, NOWRAP)), THEAD(BlockType.TABLE_ITEM, EndKind.REQUIRED, attrs(AttrKind.OK, ALIGN, CHAR, CHAROFF, VALIGN)) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { return (t == TR); } }, TITLE(BlockType.OTHER, EndKind.REQUIRED), TR(BlockType.TABLE_ITEM, EndKind.OPTIONAL, attrs(AttrKind.OK, ALIGN, CHAR, CHAROFF, VALIGN), attrs(AttrKind.USE_CSS, BGCOLOR)) { @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { return (t == TH) || (t == TD); } }, TT(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), U(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT, Flag.NO_NEST)), UL(BlockType.BLOCK, EndKind.REQUIRED, EnumSet.of(Flag.EXPECT_CONTENT), attrs(AttrKind.OK, COMPACT, TYPE)) { // OK in 4.01; not allowed in 5 @Override public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { return (t == LI); } }, VAR(BlockType.INLINE, EndKind.REQUIRED); /** * Enum representing the type of HTML element. */ public static enum BlockType { BLOCK, INLINE, LIST_ITEM, TABLE_ITEM, OTHER; } /** * Enum representing HTML end tag requirement. */ public static enum EndKind { NONE, OPTIONAL, REQUIRED; } public static enum Flag { ACCEPTS_BLOCK, ACCEPTS_INLINE, EXPECT_CONTENT, NO_NEST } public static enum Attr { ABBR, ALIGN, ALT, AXIS, BGCOLOR, BORDER, CELLSPACING, CELLPADDING, CHAR, CHAROFF, CLEAR, CLASS, COLOR, COLSPAN, COMPACT, FACE, FRAME, HEADERS, HEIGHT, HREF, HSPACE, ID, NAME, NOWRAP, REVERSED, ROWSPAN, RULES, SCOPE, SIZE, SPACE, SRC, START, STYLE, SUMMARY, TARGET, TYPE, VALIGN, VALUE, VSPACE, WIDTH; public String getText() { return StringUtils.toLowerCase(name()); } static final Map index = new HashMap(); static { for (Attr t: values()) { index.put(t.getText(), t); } } } public static enum AttrKind { INVALID, OBSOLETE, USE_CSS, OK } // This class exists to avoid warnings from using parameterized vararg type // Map in signature of HtmlTag constructor. private static class AttrMap extends EnumMap { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; AttrMap() { super(Attr.class); } } public final BlockType blockType; public final EndKind endKind; public final Set flags; private final Map attrs; HtmlTag(BlockType blockType, EndKind endKind, AttrMap... attrMaps) { this(blockType, endKind, Collections.emptySet(), attrMaps); } HtmlTag(BlockType blockType, EndKind endKind, Set flags, AttrMap... attrMaps) { this.blockType = blockType; this.endKind = endKind; this.flags = flags; this.attrs = new EnumMap(Attr.class); for (Map m: attrMaps) this.attrs.putAll(m); attrs.put(Attr.CLASS, AttrKind.OK); attrs.put(Attr.ID, AttrKind.OK); attrs.put(Attr.STYLE, AttrKind.OK); } public boolean accepts(HtmlTag t) { if (flags.contains(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK) && flags.contains(Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE)) { return (t.blockType == BlockType.BLOCK) || (t.blockType == BlockType.INLINE); } else if (flags.contains(Flag.ACCEPTS_BLOCK)) { return (t.blockType == BlockType.BLOCK); } else if (flags.contains(Flag.ACCEPTS_INLINE)) { return (t.blockType == BlockType.INLINE); } else switch (blockType) { case BLOCK: case INLINE: return (t.blockType == BlockType.INLINE); case OTHER: // OTHER tags are invalid in doc comments, and will be // reported separately, so silently accept/ignore any content return true; default: // any combination which could otherwise arrive here // ought to have been handled in an overriding method throw new AssertionError(this + ":" + t); } } public boolean acceptsText() { // generally, anywhere we can put text we can also put inline tag // so check if a typical inline tag is allowed return accepts(B); } public String getText() { return StringUtils.toLowerCase(name()); } public Attr getAttr(Name attrName) { return Attr.index.get(StringUtils.toLowerCase(attrName.toString())); } public AttrKind getAttrKind(Name attrName) { AttrKind k = attrs.get(getAttr(attrName)); // null-safe return (k == null) ? AttrKind.INVALID : k; } private static AttrMap attrs(AttrKind k, Attr... attrs) { AttrMap map = new AttrMap(); for (Attr a: attrs) map.put(a, k); return map; } private static final Map index = new HashMap(); static { for (HtmlTag t: values()) { index.put(t.getText(), t); } } static HtmlTag get(Name tagName) { return index.get(StringUtils.toLowerCase(tagName.toString())); } }