Axe.version: aXe 5.0 *axeLibDir: /usr/lib/X11 *allowShellResize: True /**/*AxeEditor.translations:#override\n\ :interp-focus() *box.Command.highlightThickness:1 *showGrip: False *fileName.justify: left *buttons*AxeCommand.borderWidth:0 *buttons.columnSpacing: 2 *buttons.AxeMenuButton.borderWidth:0 *buttons*highlightThickness: 20 *moveMenu.label: Move * Activate pulldown menu of move operations *moveMenu.menuName: mMove *searchMenu.label: Search * Activate pulldown menu of search operations *searchMenu.menuName: mSearch *insertMenu.label: Insert * Activate pulldown menu of insert operations *insertMenu.menuName: mInsert *deleteMenu.label: Delete * Activate pulldown menu of delete operations *deleteMenu.menuName: mDelete *helpMenu.label: Help * Activate pulldown menu of help operations *helpMenu.menuName: mHelp *miscMenu.label: Misc * Activate pulldown menu of miscellaneous operations *miscMenu.menuName: mMisc *fontMenu.label: Font * Activate pulldown menu of font names *fontMenu.menuName: mFont *windowMenu.label: Window * Activate pulldown menu of window operations *windowMenu.menuName: mWindow *bufferMenu.label: Buffer * Activate pulldown menu of buffer operations *bufferMenu.menuName: mBuffer *showMenu.label: Show * Activate pulldown menu showing names of files being edited *showMenu.menuName: mShow *mShow.AxeSmeBSB.justify: left *mShow.AxeSmeBSB.leftMargin:16 *mShow.AxeSmeBSB.rightMargin:16 *mShow* Raise window/buffer corresponding to highlighted entry *fileMenu.label: File * Activate pulldown menu of file operations *fileMenu.menuName: mFile *quitMenu.label: Quit * Activate pulldown menu of quit operations *quitMenu.menuName: mQuit *axeLogo.internalWidth: 0 *buttons.axeLogo.translations:#override\n: unhighlight() update-info() *axeLogo.menuName: mLogo *mLogo.translations: #replacee \n : MenuPopdown() *AxeSimpleMenu.translations:#override \n\ : update-info(Reset) \n\ : highlight() update-info() *AxeSmeBSB.vertSpace: 20 *AxeSmeBSB.justify: center *mbeg.label: Beginning * Move insertion point to beginning of line [ Ctrl-a ] *mend.label: End * Move insertion point to end of line [ Ctrl-e ] *mup.label: Up * Move insertion point up one page [ Meta-v ] *mdown.label: Down * Move insertion point down one page [ Ctrl-v ] *mtop.label: Top * Move insertion point to top of file [ Meta-< ] *mbot.label: Bottom * Move insertion point to bottom of file [ Meta-> ] *mSearch.AxeSmeBSB.leftMargin:16 *mSearch.AxeSmeBSB.rightMargin:16 *sbtext.label: Text * Pop up dialogue box for backward text search [ Ctrl-r ] *sftext.label: Text * Pop up dialogue box for forward text search [ Ctrl-s ] *sline.label: Line * Pop up numeric pad for entering the number of a line to go to *scaret.label: Caret * Scroll text so that insertion point is in view *sbsel.label: Selection * Search backward for the current selection *sfsel.label: Selection * Search forward for the current selection *ifile.label: File * Pop up file selector *isel.label: Selection * Insert current selection *ipaste.label: Paste * Insert text deleted using Cut [ Ctrl-y ] *ictrl.label: Control codes * Pop up table of control codes for making selection *dword.label: Word * Delete current word, or next if between words [ Meta-f Meta-b Meta-d ] *dline.label: Line * Delete current line [ Ctrl-a Ctrl-k ] *dsel.label: Selection * Delete selected (highlighted) text *dcut.label: Cut * Delete selected text for later pasting [ Ctrl-w ] *hgnrl.label: General * Pop up general help window *hbind.label: Bindings * Pop up window showing default key/button bindings *hcust.label: Customise * Pop up window explaining how to customise aXe *hpop.label: Popups * Pop up window explaining aXe's popups *hextn.label: Extension * Pop up window explaining aXe's extension language *hchng.label: Changes * Pop up window describing the changes since the last release *mMisc.AxeSmeBSB.leftMargin:16 *mMisc.AxeSmeBSB.rightMargin:16 *mundo.label: Undo * Undo the last operation that changed the buffer *mwhere.label: Where? * Display the current line number and position within line *mform.label: Format * Format the current paragraph [ Meta-q ] *mcentre.label: Centre * Redraw text window with current line centred vertically [ Ctrl-l ] *mhcentr.label: Centre * Centre current line horizontally *mpref.label: Preferences * Pop up dialogue for temporarily setting user preferences *mFont.AxeSmeBSB.justify: left *mFont.AxeSmeBSB.leftMargin:16 *fndflt.label: Default *wnew.label: New * Create a new empty editing window *wfull.label: New & Load * Create a new editing window and load a file into its buffer *wclose.label: Close * Destroy this window, with check for unsaved changes *wclall.label: Close All * Destroy all windows, with check for unsaved changes *wicon.label: Iconify All * Iconify all windows *wdeicon.label: Deiconify All * Deiconify all windows *bempty.label: New * Create a new empty buffer in this window *bfull.label: New & Load * Create a new buffer in this window and load a file into it *bclear.label: Clear * Clear text in this buffer making it ready for reuse *bclose.label: Close * Destroy this buffer, with check for unsaved changes *fsvex.label: Save and Close * Save changes in all buffers, closing where the save is successful *fsvall.label: Save All * Save changes in all buffers and continue editing *fsave.label: Save * Save changes in this buffer and continue editing *fsvas.label: Save As * Save this buffer under new name then continue editing that file *fload.label: Load * Edit a different file in this buffer *frvrt.label: Reload * Reload file associated with this buffer, with check for unsaved changes *qquit.label: Close All * Destroy all windows, with check for unsaved changes *qsvex.label: Save and Close All * Save changes in all buffers and close all windows if successful *qsvclw.label: Save and Close Window * Save changes in all buffers in this window and close it if successful *qsvclb.label: Save and Close Buffer * Save changes in this buffer and close it if successful *XpTable*mbeg.label: Begin *XpTable*mend.label: End *XpTable*mup.label: Up *XpTable*mdown.label: Down *XpTable*mtop.label: Top *XpTable*mbot.label: Botm *XpTable*sbtext.label: <-Text *XpTable*sftext.label: Text-> *XpTable*sline.label: Line *XpTable*scaret.label: Caret *XpTable*sbsel.label: <-Sel'n *XpTable*sfsel.label: Sel'n-> *XpTable*ifile.label: File *XpTable*isel.label: Sel'n *XpTable*ipaste.label: Paste *XpTable*ictrl.label: Ctrls *XpTable*dword.label: Word *XpTable*dline.label: Line *XpTable*dsel.label: Sel'n *XpTable*dcut.label: Cut *XpTable*hgnrl.label: Gen'l *XpTable*hbind.label: Bind *XpTable*hcust.label: Custom *XpTable*hpop.label: Popups *XpTable.hextn.label: Extend *XpTable*hchng.label: Chngs *XpTable*mwhere.label: Where? *XpTable*msize.label: Size? *XpTable*mform.label: Format *XpTable*mcentre.label: Cent(V) *XpTable*mhcentr.label: Cent(H) *XpTable*mpref.label: Prefs *XpTable*wnew.label: New *XpTable*wfull.label: New+ *XpTable*wclose.label: Close *XpTable*wclall.label: Quit *XpTable*wicon.label: Iconify *XpTable*wdeicon.label: Deic'fy *XpTable*bempty.label: New *XpTable*bfull.label: New+ *XpTable*bclear.label: Clear *XpTable*bclose.label: Close *XpTable*fsvex.label: Exit *XpTable*fsvall.label: Sv All *XpTable*fsave.label: Save *XpTable*fsvas.label: Sv As *XpTable*fload.label: Load *XpTable*frvrt.label: Reload *XpTable*qquit.label: Quit *XpTable*qsvex.label: Close *XpTable*qsvclw.label: Clos(W) *XpTable*qsvclb.label: Clos(B) *ed.baseTranslations:#override\n\ !:): match-parens() \n\ !:]: match-parens() \n\ !:}: match-parens() \n\ : extend-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) where() \n\ : where() \n\ : extend-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) where() *ed.scrollVertical: always *ed.wrap: line *miniBuffer*editType: Edit *miniBuffer*pieceSize: 32 *miniBuffer.displayCaret:False *miniMenu.internalWidth:2 *miniMenu.bitmap: menu10 * Activate menu of minibuffer operations *miniMenu.menuName: mMini *miniMenu.translations: #override \n\ : highlight() update-info() \n\ : reset() *miniMenu: print:lpr spell nroff mail | \ exec:mini-commit abort:mini-abort | \ print:lpr\n spell:spell\n nroff:nroff\n * Ready minibuffer with command to print buffer/selection * Ready minibuffer with command to spell check buffer/selection * Ready minibuffer with command to apply nroff to buffer/selection * Ready minibuffer with command to mail buffer/selection * Re-execute the command in the minibuffer * Remove minibuffer accelerators * Print the buffer/selection * Check spelling of buffer/selection * Run buffer/selection through nroff *FileNominator*path.leftBitmap:menu12 *FileNominator*Filter.label:filter *FileNominator*Filter.leftBitmap:menu12 *FileNominator*PathList:$HOME *Preference.marginWidth: 5 *Preference.marginHeight: 5 *Preference.rowSpacing: 5 *Preference.columnSpacing: 5 *Preference*Label.borderWidth: 0 *Preference.Box.orientation: horizontal *Preference.Box.borderWidth: 0 *Preference.Box.vSpace: 2 *Preference*Toggle.translations: #override \n\ ,: set() notify() *Preference*autoFill.label: Auto Fill *Preference*autoFill.translations:#override \n\ ,: toggle() notify() *Preference.lscroll.label: Scrollbar: *Preference.lwrap.label: Wrap Mode: *Preference.ledmode.label: Edit Mode: *Preference.ltabs.label: Tab Every: *Preference.lfnom.label: Nominator: *Preference.lapply.label: \ Apply To: *Confirmer*Label.borderWidth: 0 *Confirmer*Box.orientation: horizontal *Confirmer*Box.borderWidth: 0 *Confirmer*Box.vSpace: 2 *Confirmer*confirm.accelerators: Ctrla: set() notify() reset() *Confirmer*alternative.accelerators:Ctrlb: set() notify() reset() *Confirmer*cancel.label: cancel (^C) *Confirmer*cancel.accelerators: Ctrlc: set() notify() reset() *NumericPad*Toggle.translations:#override\n,: set() notify() *NumericPad*text.width: 1 *ControlCodeSelector*list.columnSpacing:15 *ControlCodeSelector*list.defaultColumns:3 *ControlCodeSelector.base:8 *fileServer.title: aXe *fileServer.iconName: aXe *fileServer*select.label: Edit *fileServer*path.label: Path *fileServer*cancel.label: Quit *server.title: aXe *server.iconName: aXe *server.Height: 125 *table.layout: waiter 0 0 2; show 0 1 2 hH; poleaxe 0 2 hH; help 1 2 hH; *table.rowSpacing: 5 *table.columnSpacing: 5 *table.marginWidth: 5 *table.marginHeight: 5 *waiter.label: Edit *waiter.width: 80 *show.label: Show *show.leftBitmap: menu12 *show.menuName: mShow *poleaxe.label: Quit *help.label: Help