Begin3 Title: itifg - device driver for some ITI framegrabber boards Version: 0.7.1 Entered-date: 12/18/00 Description: The driver supports Imaging Technology Inc. IC-PCI card (rev.2) with the AM-VS (variable scan), AM-DIG (digital), AM-CLR(color), AM-STD/RGB - AM-STD/COMP (new color) acquisition module. Also supported are the new cost effective PCVision (analog) and PCDig (digital) boards. A full-motion video test program and some utility programs (software trigger, exposure time, input-/ output-ports, configuration download) are included. A library to read original camera configuration files and to convert FPGA-download files is available. For the PCDig all available FPGA-files shipped within the archive. Keywords: framegrabber Author: Matthias Stein Maintained-by: Dirk Bergmann Primary-site: /pub/ITI-FG 1.3MB itifg-0.7.1.tar.gz Secondary-site: /pub/Linux/kernel/misc-cards 1.3MB itifg-0.7.1.tar.gz Platform: linux 2.0.38/2.2.17/(2.4.0) Intel-PC (PCI Local Bus) Copying-policy: GPL 2.0 End