Begin3 Title: monitor Version: 1.0 Entered-date: 17APR99 Description: The monitor script will monitor a command and record any changes the command makes to the system, you can then use the record to remove those changes. Examples: Monitor a make install command. monitor make install monitor Monitor a tar xzvf command. monitor name tar xzvf package.tar.gz monitor name If you don't put a name after monitor, the name of the current directory is used. A record will be put in /var/log/packages/name. You can then remove it like this. # removepkg name The monitor script is taken from parts of the script, which is part of the instmon v1.4 package. The removepkg script is taken from the slackware hdsetup.tgz package, if you already have a /sbin/removepkg script, you don't need the one included with monitor. Keywords: Monitor make install package Author: (Kent Robotti) Maintained-by: Primary-site: Alternate-site: Platforms: Linux Copying-policy: GPL End