Begin3 Title: IRCIT, Internet Relay Chat client Version: 0.3.1 Entered-date: 20SEP98 Description: IRCIT (IRC for the Information Terrorists) is a non-trivial, full-featured, text-mode, macro-extensible modern IRC client. It features sophisticated, high quality GUI system and scripting language, syntax of which is 99% C-like. The basic IRC protocol is mosltly implemented plus many implementation-specific details. There is also built-in party-line, accessible via telnet with some basic commands. IRCIT allows you to access any text-based server and at the same time benefit from the editting capabilities and history support. IRCIT can be detached from your terminal and run in the background with the ability to resume your session later. Plus many other interesting details. Keywords: IRC, IRCIT, chat, party-line, DCC, fpl Author: (Ayman Akt) Maintained-by: (Ayman Akt) Primary-site: Alternate-site: 400 kb ircit-0.3.1.tgz 800 kb ircit-0.3.1-static.tgz Platforms: Unix (Linux), GNUC, ncurses Copying-policy: Open (with some minor restrictions on modifications) End