Begin3 Title: rot13 Cypher Utility Version: 1.3 Entered-date: April 10, 1997 Description: This is a small, simple, command-line utility which encyphers and decyphers text with the rot13 method. It accepts input from files and stdin (default). Output can be directed to stdout or a default or user-scecified file. This means that the new version can be piped to or from or both. The source file (if any) can be automatically deleted at end-of-run by the program. Other features include onscreen help, a man page, and optional end-of-run statistics. The checksum-based encryption option has been removed along with the clock- tick statistic. Keywords: rot13, unix, linux, encode, decode, encrypt, decrypt, cipher, decipher, text Author: (Shawn Boyette) Maintained-by: (Shawn Boyette) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/utils/text 18 kb rot13-file.tar.gz 2 kb rot13-file.lsm Original-site: (Follow the links...) 18 kb rot13-file.tar.gz Platform: Binary - Linux (486 & up) Source - Should work on any ANSI C compiler. Copying-policy: GNU End