NAME XML::RPC -- Pure Perl implementation for an XML-RPC client and server. SYNOPSIS make a call to a XML-RPC server: my $xmlrpc = XML::RPC->new(''); my $result = $xmlrpc->call( 'examples.getStateStruct', { state1 => 12, state2 => 28 } ); create a XML-RPC service: use XML::RPC; use CGI; my $q = new CGI; my $xmlrpc = XML::RPC->new(); my $xml = $q->param('POSTDATA'); print $q->header( -type => 'text/xml', charset => 'UTF-8' ); print $xmlrpc->receive( $xml, \&handler ); sub handler { my ( $methodname, @params ) = @_; return { you_called => $methodname, with_params => \@params }; } DESCRIPTION XML::RPC module provides simple Pure Perl methods for XML-RPC communication. It's goals are simplicity and flexibility. XML::RPC uses XML::TreePP for parsing. CONSTRUCTOR AND OPTIONS $xmlrpc = XML::RPC->new(); This constructor method returns a new XML::RPC object. Usable for XML-RPC servers. $xmlrpc = XML::RPC->new( '', %options ); Its first argument is the full URL for your server. The second argument is for options passing to XML::TreePP, for example: output_encoding => 'ISO-8859-1' (default is UTF-8). METHODS $xmlrpc->call( 'method_name', @arguments ); This method calls the provides XML-RPC server's method_name with @arguments. It will return the server method's response. $xmlrpc->receive( $xml, \&handler ); This parses an incoming XML-RPC methodCall and call the \&handler subref with parameters: $methodName and @parameters. ERROR HANDLING To provide an error response you can simply die() in the \&handler function. Also you can set the $XML::RPC::faultCode variable to a value just before dieing. PROXY SUPPORT Default XML::RPC will try to use LWP::Useragent for requests, you can set the environment variable: CGI_HTTP_PROXY to set a proxy. LIMITATIONS XML::RPC will not create "bool", "dateTime.iso8601" or "base64" types. They will be parsed as "int" or "string". AUTHOR Niek Albers, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2007 Niek Albers. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.