READMETEXTR*ch@s۴OThis is, an easy-to-use object-oriented Perl5 library for accessing the serial ports on the Macintosh. INSTALLATION To install this library, make an alias of the file and put it into the :site_perl:Mac folder in your MacPerl folder. You can also put the Serial v1.x folder in the site_perl folder for convenience but it is not required. Run the test program (master.t) located in the t folder to verify proper operation. TESTED PLATFORMS This library works 68k and PowerPC Macintosh systems. DOCUMENTATION Documentation including detailed descriptions, known bugs, todo items, copyright, and author information can be found in the library itself using Shuck. Version information can be found in the file named 'changes'. A collection of examples demonstrating various features and techniques can be found (not surprisingly) in the examples folder. hhFpREADMETEXTR*chy|TEXTR*ch\3333333333333333333333333333333333333333:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333:3333333333333333333333333333333333333H ProFont{p12_z.h, N, NִR*ch HH@R),, P `,-^&'dProFont  Helvetica ConfidentialHhhFI&FMPSRBBSTLI