IMS Open Corpus Workbench: CWB/Perl Web GUI support Version 3.4.0 compatible with CWB version 3.4.x This package contains various support libraries for Web interfaces to the CWB, most importantly a simple shared cache for CQP query results. It is the successor of the WebCqp package available for CWB version 2.2. CWB::Web has been made available in order to offer full CWB/Perl support for the official release of CWB version 3.0, and maintain compatibility with existing Web interfaces (some minor adjustments may required). A more substantial reimplementation is planned for the near future, which may result in drastic changes especially to the CQP::Web::Search module. Future release of CWB::Web may also have additional dependencies, including DBD::SQLite and possibly a working C compiler. PREREQUISITES The IMS Corpus Workbench and the basic CWB/Perl interfaces must be installed on your computer. In particular, the following modules are required HTML::Entities CWB::CQP (version 3.0 or newer) CWB::CL (version 3.0 or newer) QUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE If you have never installed a Perl module before: don't despair. All you have to do is to execute the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install You will probably have to login as root for the last step (or you can type "sudo make install" and enter your root password). If you want to install the CWB/Perl modules in a non-standard location, say in "~/perl/lib/perl5/..." and "~/perl/man/...", type the following instead of "perl Makefile.PL": perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/perl INSTALLMAN1DIR=~/perl/man/man1 Note that you will then have to include the appropriate subdirectories of "~/perl/lib/perl5/" in your Perl search path in order to use the CWB modules. PACKAGE OVERVIEW The CWB::Web package contains the following Perl modules: CWB::Web::Cache a transparent shared cache for CQP query results CWB::Web::Query convenient front-end to CQP queries, with pre-formatted kwic lines CWB::Web::Search search-engine-like queries on CWB corpora NB: The CWB::Web::Query and CWB::Web::Search modules do not make use of the CQP query cache, so they are much less efficient than a custom implementation. See the manual pages (e.g. "perldoc CWB::Web::Cache") of these modules for further, but still incomplete information. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999-2020 by Stefan Evert [http::/] This software is provided AS IS and the author makes no warranty as to its use and performance. You may use the software, redistribute and modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.