NAME Astro::MoonPhase::Simple - Calculate the phase of the Moon on a given time without too much blah blah VERSION Version 0.02 SYNOPSIS This package provides a single subroutine to calculate the phase of the moon on a given time. The results are returned as a hash. The heavy lifting is done by Astro::MoonPhase. All this package does is to wrap the functionality of Astro::MoonPhase adding some parameter checking. use Astro::MoonPhase::Simple; my $res = calculate_moon_phase({ 'date' => '1974-07-15', 'timezone' => 'Asia/Nicosia', }); print "moon is ".$res->{'MoonPhase%'}."% full\n"; print "moon is illuminated by ".$res->{'MoonIllum%'}."%\n"; print $res->{'asString'}; # alternatively provide location coordinates # (instead of timezone) to deduce the timezone my $res = calculate_moon_phase({ 'date' => '1974-07-15', 'time' => '04:00', 'location' => {lat=>49.180000, lon=>-0.370000} }); # alternatively provide a nameplace instead of a timezone # to deduce the timezone my $res = calculate_moon_phase({ 'date' => '1974-07-15', 'time' => '04:00', 'location' => 'Nicosia', }); ... EXPORT * calculate_moon_phase() SUBROUTINES calculate_moon_phase This is the main and only subroutine which is exported by default. It expects a HASH reference as its input parameter containing date, in the form "YYYY-MM-DD", and optionally time, in the form "hh:mm:ss". The timezone the date is pertaining to can be specified using key "timezone", in the form of a TZ identifier, e.g. "Africa/Abidjan". Alternatively, specify the location, as a HASHref of {lon, lat}, the moon is observed from and this will deduce the timezone, albeit not always as accurately as with specifying a "timezone" explicitly. Astro::MoonPhase calculates the moon phase given an epoch. Which is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 on a UTC timezone. This epoch is corrected to a localepoch by adding to it the specific timezone offset. For example, if you specified the timezone to be "China/Beijing" and the local time (at the specified timezone) to be 23:00. It means UTC time is 15:00. The epoch will be calculated on UTC time. However, we add 23:00-15:00=8:00 hours to that epoch to make it "localepoch" and this is what we pass on to Astro::MoonPhase to calculate the moon phase. On failure it returns undef. On success it returns a HASHref with keys: * MoonPhase : the moon phase (terminator phase angle) as a number between 0 and 1. New Moon (dark) being 0 and Full Moon (bright) being 1. * MoonPhase% : the above as a percentage. * MoonIllum : the illuminated fraction of the moon's disc as a number between 0 and 1. New Moon (dark) being 0 and Full Moon (bright) being 1. * MoonIllum% : the above as a percentage. * MoonAge : the fractional number of days since the Moon's birth (new moon), at specified date. * MoonDist : the distance of the Moon from the centre of the Earth (kilometers). * MoonAng : the angular diameter subtended by the Moon as seen by an observer at the centre of the Earth * SunDist : Moon's distance from the Sun (kilometers). * SunAng : the angular size of Sun (degrees). * phases : a HASHref containing the date and time for the various Moon phases (at specified date). It contains keys New Moon, First quarter, Full moon, Last quarter, Next New Moon * asString : a string representation of the above. SCRIPT The script is provided for doing the calculations via the command line. Example usage: --date 1974-07-14 --timezone 'Asia/Nicosia' SEE ALSO This package summarises the post and discussion this post over at There are some more goodies in that post e.g. PerlMonk Aldebaran provides code for tracking the planets and at different altitudes. I can't iterate enough that this module wraps the functionality of Astro::MoonPhase. Astro::MoonPhase does all the heavy lifting. AUTHOR Andreas Hadjiprocopis, DEDICATIONS Marathon Almaz BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-astro-moonphase-simple at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Astro::MoonPhase::Simple You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors of Astro::MoonPhase take all the credit. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Andreas Hadjiprocopis. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)