NAME Blatte::HTML - tools for generating HTML with Blatte SYNOPSIS use Blatte; use Blatte::Builtins; use Blatte::HTML; $perl = &Blatte::Parse(...string of Blatte code...); $val = eval $perl; &Blatte::HTML::render($val, \&emit); sub emit { print shift; } DESCRIPTION This module defines Blatte functions corresponding to HTML tags, making it possible to write Blatte that looks like this: Here is a {\a href= link} and can be translated to this: Here is a link The beauty is that you can use Blatte functions to encapsulate repeated constructs. For instance, this definition: {\define {\mypagestyle \=name \&content} {\html {\head {\title \name}} {\body {\h1 \name} \content}}} allows you to write {\mypagestyle \name={A page I wrote} This is my page.} which saves you from having to write:
) are also supplied automatically wherever a blank line appears in the text. For instance, this: Here is some text. Here is some more. becomes this: Here is some text.
Here is some more. This module tries hard to keep HTML element nesting correct. For instance, this: Paragraph 1. Paragraph 2 {\b with some bold text continuing to paragraph 3}. becomes this: Paragraph 1.
Paragraph 2 with some bold text
continuing to paragraph 3.
Entity-encoding is automatic too. So this:
Five & dime
becomes this:
Five & dime
Given a Blatte::HTML::Element object, renders a string
representing that element's HTML start tag.
(Blatte::HTML::Element is the type of object returned by the
Blatte functions representing HTML tags.)
Renders OBJECT as HTML, converting it to a series of strings
that are passed one at a time to repeated calls to CALLBACK.
OBJECT can be a string, a Blatte::HTML::Element object, or a
Blatte list (Perl ARRAY ref) containing any combination of
strings, Blatte::HTML::Elements, and Blatte lists.
This module defines a Blatte function for every HTML element
defined in the HTML 4.01 specification
a abbr acronym address applet area b base basefont bdo big
blockquote body br button caption center cite code col colgroup dd
del dfn dir div dl dt em fieldset font form frame frameset h1 h2
h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr html i iframe img input ins isindex kbd label
legend li link map menu meta noframes noscript object ol optgroup
option p param pre q s samp script select small span strike strong
style sub sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead title tr tt u
ul var
Tag names are case-sensitive.
HTML attributes are specified using Blatte named parameters,
like so:
{\td \colspan=2 ...}
Boolean attributes, such as the `ismap' in
are specified using the special Blatte values \html_bool_yes and
\html_bool_no. For instance, this:
{\img \src=... \ismap=\html_bool_yes}
yields this:
while this:
{\img \src=... \ismap=\html_bool_no}
yields this:
Bob Glickstein