Copyright 1998, Washington University School of Medicine, Institute for Biomedical Computing. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This perl library uses perl5 objects to make it easy to retrieve information about a particular Sybase ,MS SQL, or Oracle databases's schema. The database connection is cached in the schema object. Objects and their fields properties and index information are retrieved when the schema object is created. Table relationship information is retrieved for all tables when the first relationship information is requested. Schema information available includes: Objects: tables, views, and procedures Objects' fields (or parameters) Objects' fields' properties: type, length, precision, scale, identity column, nullable Tables' indexes and primary keys Parent => child relations between tables including primary key/foreign key equivalences. Views' and Procedures' definitions (Comments). A view's underlying tables. INSTALLATION: If you wish to change the location of the schema cache directory from the default value of '/usr/local/schema_cache', edit If you wish to add new lower layers or change the search/preference order for the middlelayes, edit To install this package, just change to the directory in which this file is found and type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install and to create the schema cache directory: make schema_cache