use strict; use warnings; my $VERSION; $VERSION = '1.04'; # This script converts HTK ( annotation format (.lab) # file to Praat ( annotation format (.TextGrid) # file. # See the POD documentation at the end of this file # or run `perl --man' # for more information. use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; my %opt = ( help => 0, man => 0, l1 => 'Level 1', l2 => 'Level 2', l3 => 'Level 3', exclude1 => 0, exclude2 => 0, exclude3 => 0, script => undef, ext => 'TextGrid', verbose => 0, version => 0, ); GetOptions(\%opt, 'help|?', 'man', 'l1=s', 'l2=s', 'l3=s', 'exclude1|e1', 'exclude2|e2', 'exclude3|e3', 'script|S=s', 'ext|x=s', 'verbose|v', 'version', ) or pod2usage(1); my %param = ( maxNumLevels => 5, # max number of transcription levels including # two required time bounds levels ); pod2usage(1) if $opt{help}; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $opt{man}; print "$VERSION\n" and exit(0) if $opt{version}; if (@ARGV == 0 && !$opt{script}) { pod2usage(1); exit(0); } my $labFileName = ''; my $tgFileName = ''; if (@ARGV > 0) { $labFileName = $ARGV[0]; if (@ARGV > 1) { $tgFileName = $ARGV[1]; if (@ARGV > 2) { warn "WARNING: Too many arguments is given to the script.\n"; } } else { $tgFileName = ChangeFileExt($labFileName, $opt{ext}); } print "\nConverting $labFileName -> $tgFileName\n"; lab2tg($labFileName, $tgFileName); print "Done.\n"; } if ($opt{script}) { my $scriptFileName = $opt{script}; if (-e $scriptFileName) { print "\nProcessing $scriptFileName. Please wait...\n"; my $scriptFile; if (!open($scriptFile, "<$scriptFileName")) { my $msg = "ERROR: Can't open file $scriptFileName for reading: $!.\n"; die $msg; } my $lineNo = 0; my $numFiles = 0; while (<$scriptFile>) { chomp; $lineNo++; if ($_ !~ /^\s*$/) { # if current line is not empty, then ... my @fields = (); @fields = ($_ =~ /^\s*("[^"]+"|\S+)\s*("[^"]+"|\S+)?s*$/); my $labFileName = ''; my $tgFileName = ''; if ($fields[0]) { $labFileName = $fields[0]; $labFileName =~ s/"//g; if ($fields[1]) { $tgFileName = $fields[1]; $tgFileName =~ s/"//g; } else { $tgFileName = ChangeFileExt($labFileName, $opt{ext}); } } else { my $msg = "Bad format of file $scriptFileName at line $lineNo.\n"; die $msg; } $numFiles++; if ($opt{verbose}) { print "$numFiles: Converting $labFileName -> $tgFileName\n"; } lab2tg($labFileName, $tgFileName); } } close($scriptFile); print "Done. $numFiles files processed.\n"; } else { my $msg = "ERROR: Can't find file $scriptFileName.\n"; die $msg; } } sub lab2tg { my $labFileName = shift; my $tgFileName = shift; my @htrans; my $numLevels = 0; my $labFile; if (!open($labFile, "<$labFileName")) { my $msg = "ERROR: Cannot open file $labFileName for reading: $!.\n"; die $msg; } my $lineNo = 0; while ( <$labFile> ) { $lineNo++; chomp; if ($_ !~ /^\s*$/) { if ($_ =~ /\d+\s+\d+\s+.+/) { my @parts = split /\s+/; push @htrans, [ @parts ]; if (@parts > $numLevels) { $numLevels = @parts; } } else { my $msg = "ERROR: Bad syntax of file $labFileName at line $lineNo.\n"; die $msg; } } } close($labFile); if ($numLevels > $param{maxNumLevels}) { my $msg = "ERROR: Number of transcription levels in file $labFileName "; $msg .= "exceeds maximum allowed number of transcription levels, which "; $msg .= "is equal to ".($param{maxNumLevels}-2).".\n"; die $msg; } my $tiersSize = $numLevels - 2; my $tiersSizeDecrease = 0; for my $i ( 0 .. $numLevels-3 ) { my $e = "exclude".($i+1); if ($opt{$e}) { $tiersSizeDecrease++; } } if ($tiersSize <= $tiersSizeDecrease) { my $msg = "WARNING: All transcription levels are excluded in "; $msg .= "file $labFileName. Processing of $labFileName aborted.\n"; warn $msg; return; } my $numRows = $#htrans + 1; my $globalxmin = $htrans[0][0]; my $globalxmax = $htrans[$numRows-1][1]; my @xmin; my @xmax; my @text; my $currentLevel = 2; while ($currentLevel < $numLevels) { my $i = 0; my $k = 0; while ($i < $numRows) { # search the begin of a phonetic unit while ($i < $numRows && !exists($htrans[$i][$currentLevel])) { $i++; } if (exists($htrans[$i][$currentLevel])) { # if it is found, # remember it and search the end of this phonetic unit $xmin[$currentLevel-2][$k] = $htrans[$i][0]; $text[$currentLevel-2][$k] = $htrans[$i][$currentLevel]; my $l = $i + 1; while ($l < $numRows && !exists($htrans[$l][$currentLevel])) { $l++; } $xmax[$currentLevel-2][$k] = $htrans[$l-1][1]; $k++; # increase number of intervals of xmin, xmax } $i++; } $currentLevel++; } my $tgFile; if (!open($tgFile, ">$tgFileName")) { my $msg = "ERROR: Can't create file $tgFileName: $!.\n"; die $msg; } $globalxmin *= 1e-07; $globalxmax *= 1e-07; print $tgFile qq(File type = "ooTextFile"\n); print $tgFile qq(Object class = "TextGrid"\n\n); print $tgFile qq(xmin = $globalxmin\n); print $tgFile qq(xmax = $globalxmax\n); print $tgFile qq(tiers? \n); my $tiersSize2 = $tiersSize - $tiersSizeDecrease; print $tgFile qq(size = $tiersSize2\n); print $tgFile qq(item []:\n); my $itemIndex = 0; for my $i ( 0 .. $tiersSize-1 ) { my $e = "exclude".($i+1); if ($opt{$e}) { next; } $itemIndex++; print $tgFile qq( item [$itemIndex]:\n); print $tgFile qq( class = "IntervalTier"\n); my $l = "l$itemIndex"; print $tgFile qq( name = "$opt{$l}"\n); print $tgFile qq( xmin = $globalxmin\n); print $tgFile qq( xmax = $globalxmax\n); my $intervalsSize = $#{$xmin[$i]} + 1; print $tgFile qq( intervals: size = $intervalsSize\n); for my $j ( 0 .. $#{$xmin[$i]} ) { my $intervalsIndex = $j + 1; print $tgFile qq( intervals [$intervalsIndex]:\n); $xmin[$i][$j] *= 1e-07; $xmax[$i][$j] *= 1e-07; print $tgFile qq( xmin = $xmin[$i][$j]\n); print $tgFile qq( xmax = $xmax[$i][$j]\n); print $tgFile qq( text = "$text[$i][$j]"\n); } } close($tgFile); } sub ChangeFileExt { my $fileName = shift; my $ext = shift; if ($fileName =~ s/\.[-\w\ ]*$/\.$ext/) { } else { $fileName = $fileName.'.'.$ext; } return $fileName; } __END__ =head1 NAME - convert HTK ( annotation format (.lab) file to Praat ( annotation format (.TextGrid) file. =head1 SYNOPSIS =over =item B [I] I [I] =item B [I] I<--script f> [I] [I] =back =head1 DESCRIPTION Converts HTK ( annotation format (.lab) file I to Praat ( annotation format (.TextGrid) file I. If I (output) file name is not provided, I (source) file name will be used but with different extension (C<.TextGrid> by default). Script file I can be used for batch conversion of multiple files. In this case, a list of each source file and (optional) its corresponding output file should be provided in the script file. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--l1> I Set label I for the 1st level of transcriptions. The default is C. =item B<--l2> I Set label I for the 2nd level of transcriptions. The default is C. =item B<--l3> I Set label I for the 3rd level of transcriptions. The default is C. =item B<-e1>, B<--exclude1> Exclude the 1st level of transcriptions. The default is off. =item B<-e2>, B<--exclude2> Exclude the 2nd level of transcriptions. The default is off. =item B<-e3>, B<--exclude3> Exclude the 3rd level of transcriptions. The default is off. =item B<-S> I, B<--script> I Set script file to I. The script file I can be used for batch conversion of multiple files. In this case, a list of each source file and (optional) its corresponding output file should be provided in the script file. The default is none. =item B<-x> I, B<--ext> I Set default TextGrid output file extension to I. The default is C<.TextGrid>. =item B<-v>, B<--verbose> Verbose output to the screen. The default is off. =item B<-?>, B<--help> Prints the B and B sections. =item B<--man> Prints the manual. =item B<--version> Prints the current version number of and exits. =back =head1 HISTORY v1.04 (20090701): Fixed SCRIPT CATEGORIES section of POD documentation. v1.03 (20090629): Minor bug fixes. Minor updates of documentation. v1.02 (20080922): Minor updates of POD documentation. v1.01 (20080917): Minor updates of POD documentation. v1.00 (20080916): First public release. =head1 AUTHOR Mark Filipovic > =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2009 Mark Filipovic. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =begin CPAN =head1 README This script converts HTK ( annotation format (.lab) file to Praat ( annotation format (.TextGrid) file. =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires C, C, C, and C modules. =head1 OSNAMES any =head1 SCRIPT CATEGORIES Speech/Annotation Speech/Labelling =end CPAN =cut